Government Policy

National Energy Administration to take measures to do a good job of new energy consumption work

The National Energy Board recently issued "on the new energy consumption work to protect the new energy high-quality development of the notice" (hereinafter referred to as "notice"), clearly accelerate the new energy supporting grid project construction, and actively promote the system to enhance the ability to regulate the network and the coordinated development of the network and other key tasks.


Six Sectors to Conduct a Pilot Census of Wind and Photovoltaic Power Generation Resources

Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), the National Energy Administration (NEA), the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MOE), the China Meteorological Administration (CMA), and the National Forestry and Grassland Administration (NFGA) issued a notice on the pilot work of conducting a census of wind and photovoltaic power resources.


State Council: scientific and rational determination of the scale of new energy development, the utilization rate can be reduced to 90%

The State Council on the issuance of the "2024-2025 Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Action Program" notice. The Programme states that in 2025, the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption will reach about 20%, and energy-saving and carbon-reducing transformation in key areas and industries will result in energy savings of about 50 million tons of standard coal and carbon dioxide emission reductions of about 130 million tons, so that the best efforts will be made to complete the energy-saving and carbon-reducing binding indicators of the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan".


National Energy Administration National Forestry and Grassland Administration Issues Circular on Matters Relating to the Orderly Promotion of the Development and Construction of Photovoltaic Sand Control Projects

Under the premise of protecting the ecology, combining photovoltaic development with traditional sand control and carrying out the construction of photovoltaic sand control projects are of great significance for promoting ecological governance and realizing the dual-carbon goal.

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