Industry Dynamics

Xi Jinping: The way out of the energy challenge is to vigorously develop new energy sources

Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), emphasized during the study session that energy security has a bearing on the overall situation of economic and social development. The active development of clean energy and the promotion of a green and low-carbon economic and social transformation have become a general consensus of the international community to address global climate change.


Two ministries and commissions: Encourage new energy enterprises to flexibly allocate new energy storage through self-built, co-built and leasing!

On February 27, the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Board jointly issued the "Guidance on Strengthening the Capacity Building of Grid Peaking, Energy Storage and Intelligent Dispatch", which for the first time juxtaposes energy storage with grid peaking and intelligent dispatching as a key support for promoting the development of new energy in large-scale and high proportion, and as an important element in building a new type of power system.


The Fifth China - Central and Eastern European Countries (Cangzhou) Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Cooperation Forum held in Cangzhou City

The 5th China-CEE (Cangzhou) SMEs Cooperation Forum opened in Cangzhou City, Hebei Province. Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Sinisa Mari, Polish Governor of Mazowieckie voivodship Adam Struzik attended and delivered speeches by video, and Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to China Sinisa Beljan and Ambassador of Georgia to China Archi Karadija attended on site.


Minister of Industry and Information Technology Jin Zhuanglong meets with European Commission Internal Market Commissioner Breton

Minister of Industry and Information Technology Jin Zhuanglong met with European Commission Internal Market Commissioner Bretton and his delegation in Beijing to have in-depth exchanges on topics such as the joint maintenance of industrial chain supply chain security and stability between China and the EU, the strengthening of cross-border communication and coordination of data in the industrial field, the consolidation of cooperation in the automobile industry, ICT standards and other fields, and the enhancement of the construction of mechanisms in the field of industry and information technology.

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