Qinghai: Supporting the construction of distributed smart grids in parks

October 11, Qinghai Energy Bureau announced "on the proposal to support the green power supply work in Qinghai zero carbon industrial park" - Qinghai Energy Bureau on the second session of the 13th CPPCC provincial CPPCC meeting No. 2024182 proposal reply letter.

Mr. SANG Wenjun.

Your proposal on supporting the supply of green electricity in Qinghai Zero Carbon Industrial Park has been received and is hereby replied as follows.

I. On agreeing to set up trading varieties of abandoned wind and light power beyond the current normal power generation hours in Qinghai Province, and exclusively supplying to the Qinghai Zero-Carbon Industrial Park at a low price to reduce the electricity price of the Park.

In recent years, our province to accelerate the improvement of the power market system, sound adaptation to a high proportion of new energy power market mechanism, power auxiliary services market is becoming more and more perfect, the initial establishment of the power demand side response mechanism, the virtual power plant, load aggregator and other emerging forms of business to speed up the development of the new energy consumption has been effectively promoted. The next step, I will work with the relevant departments to further improve the power trading mechanism, rich trading varieties, in accordance with the requirements of the construction of a unified national market, do a good job of power market supervision, play the role of the market to enhance the level of new energy consumption, reduce the park power supply prices.

Second, on agreeing to the park source network load storage project through a reasonable allocation of energy storage and grid facilities, optimize the scheduling and operation mode, to achieve new energy power local self-consumption, generate power in accordance with the treatment of self-provisioning power plant, the formation of the green power exclusively for the trading policy, reduce or waive the over-the-grid fee, and further reduce the park electricity prices.

In order to orderly promote the implementation of electric power source network load storage integration project, enhance the level of clean energy utilization and power system operation efficiency, our province 2022 November issued the "Qinghai Province electric power source network load storage integration project management methods (for trial implementation)", clear integration project access grid requirements, supporting the new energy scale as well as the scale of the energy storage configuration, etc.. In order to support the large-scale investment, radiation driven, industrial landing real industrial load, to ensure that the support is good, support quasi, combined with the current source of the network load storage project declaration of the problems that exist in the project, I am studying to further standardize the project declaration process, from the process level to strengthen the guidance, highlighting the power to help the development of the local industry, and to help the high-quality development of the clean energy industry in Qinghai.

Third, on agreeing that the electricity generated by the park's source-grid-load-storage project can replace the thermal power and purchased power portion of the transaction, further reducing the park's electricity price and meeting the supply requirements of 100% green electricity in the zero-carbon park.

The Bureau will continue to coordinate with power grid enterprises and trading institutions, and for new energy projects that are not directly connected to the power grid, study the relevant mechanisms for realizing self-generation and self-consumption, so as to reduce the amount of power shared by thermal power and purchased power, further reduce the price of electricity, and enhance the proportion of green power use.

IV. On agreeing to the park's building its own distribution grid with a clear physical demarcation point from the larger grid.In-park constructiondistributed photovoltaic (e.g. solar cell)The power station generates green power from self-consumption and reduces the price of electricity in the park.

The Bureau supports the park to build a distributed smart grid that meets the requirements of large-scale development and local consumption of distributed new energy based on the access mode and consumption characteristics of distributed new energy.Realize compatibility and coexistence with large power grids and integrated development. Promote the construction of microgrids, clarify the physical boundaries, reasonably proportion the capacity of source, load and storage, and strengthen the ability of independent peak regulation and self-balancing.(b) Coordinating the large power grids to create convenient conditions for distributed smart grids and microgrids to connect to the public grid.Simplify the process of connecting to the network, and both parties should clarify the interface in terms of assets and management, as well as the rights and obligations in terms of scheduling and control, interactive operation, and regulating the use of resources.

Thank you for your concern about the energy work in our province, I will work with the relevant departments to actively promote the relevant work.

Qinghai Energy Bureau

August 14, 2024

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