National Development and Reform Commission: Selection of a number of energy and other key areas to promote the project to private capital

August 30, the National Development and Reform Commission General Office of the National Development and Reform Commission and other issued "on the establishment of the promotion of private investment funds and factors to ensure the working mechanism of the notice", the notice put forward, in accordance with the principle of selecting the best, and then select a number of transportation, energy, water conservancy and other key areas of the promotion of the project to the private capital, and to further increase the centralized promotion efforts.

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General Office of the National Development and Reform Commission and others on the establishment of a program to promote private investmentWorking Mechanism for Securing Funds and Elements

Development and Reform Office Investment [2024] No. 705

Development and Reform Commission of each province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the central government and municipalities directly under the central government and municipalities with separate plans, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, competent departments of natural resources, ecological environment departments (bureaus), and financial supervision bureaus:

In order to implement the decision-making and deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, further enhance the pertinence of the policy formulation for the promotion of private investment, continuously increase the support for private investment projects, and grasp the work of promoting private investment, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), the Ministry of Ecology (MOE), and the Directorate General of Financial Regulation (DGFR) have jointly decided to establish a working mechanism for the promotion of private investment that is based on statistical data, with key projects as the key handles, and with policies as the support. The relevant work is hereby notified as follows.

I. Strengthening statistical data analysis and identifying policy focus and integration points

The National Development and Reform Commission focuses on infrastructure, manufacturing, real estate development and other key industries and key areas of private investment, and further strengthens the analysis of statistical data on the growth rate, structure and proportion of private investment, and carries out the analysis of private investment in synchronization with the data of investment projects pooled and shared by the National Online Investment Approval and Supervision Platform, so as to find out the areas that need to be supported with more efforts by the private investment, and to find out the weaknesses and weaknesses of the short boards that exist in private investment. This will lay the foundation for more precise and practical formulation of corresponding support policies and measures.

II. Establishment of a regularized mechanism for promoting projects in key areas and increasing government investment support

Relying on the national platform for promoting projects to private capital, the National Development and Reform Commission has organized localities to continue to promote projects to the public and strictly review and control them, so as to form a rolling list of projects to be promoted to private capital. In accordance with the principle of selecting the best among the best, the NDRC will select another batch of projects in key areas such as transportation, energy, water conservancy, etc., and further increase the focus on promoting them to the private capital. Organize localities to continuously screen private investment projects that meet the policy requirements, have a large scale of investment and strong demonstration, and after evaluation and review, incorporate them into the national key private investment project database in accordance with the procedures, and form a list of national key private investment projects. When screening the national key private investment projects, priority will be given to the successfully promoted projects in the list of projects in key areas to be promoted to private capital. The National Development and Reform Commission will provide government investment support for the national key private investment projects by arranging investment within the central budget, etc., in accordance with the regulations.

Third, strengthen the protection of land, sea and other elements, and synergistically improve the quality and efficiency of the pre-project work.

The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) has forwarded the list of national key private investment projects with the need for land and sea security to the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), which will provide land and sea security support to the national key private investment projects in accordance with the Law on Land Administration, the Law on the Administration of Maritime Domain Usage and other laws and regulations, as well as national land and spatial planning. The Ministry of Natural Resources and the National Development and Reform Commission will strengthen the synergy and cooperation in the pre-project work, jointly study and analyze the problems that exist in the guarantee of land and sea use factors for private investment projects, guide private enterprises to make full use of the existing series of measures for guaranteeing the use of land and sea use factors, improve the quality and efficiency of the pre-project work of private investment projects, and use the land and sea in accordance with the law and in an economical and intensive manner.

Fourth, do a good job of guaranteeing the elements of environmental assessment, and promote the synergistic promotion of investment and construction and environmental assessment management.

The National Development and Reform Commission will push the list of national key private investment projects to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment in a timely manner, and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment will do a good job of guaranteeing the EIA of the national key private investment projects based on the Law on Environmental Impact Assessment, Regulations on Evaluation of Environmental Impacts of Planning, and other laws and regulations, and in accordance with the requirements of the hierarchical management of the EIA of the projects. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the National Development and Reform Commission will deepen communication and collaboration, combine the EIA requirements of private investment projects, continuously optimize the management of investment decisions and EIA approval services, strengthen policy interpretation and training, and guide private enterprises to synchronously start and carry out EIA work with the same level of depth in the preliminary stage of the project, so as to solidly promote the project's preliminary work.

V. Adhere to the market-oriented, guide to increase private investment project financing support

The National Development and Reform Commission will push the list of national key private investment projects to the relevant cooperative banks through the National Online Approval and Supervision Platform for Investment Projects, and simultaneously request the General Administration of Financial Supervision to push it to other banks and insurance institutions, so as to guide them to independently evaluate and independently select qualified projects for financing support in accordance with the principle of marketization and the rule of law. The National Development and Reform Commission will rely on the National Online Approval and Supervision Platform for Investment Projects to assist banks in accurately verifying the information on the legal entity, construction content, approval matters and construction progress of private investment projects, providing information support for banks' loan approvals and helping to enhance the effectiveness of loan review. The General Administration of Financial Supervision and the National Development and Reform Commission have jointly studied financing support policies to promote the development of private investment, guided financial institutions in the banking and insurance sectors to innovate financial products and services, reasonably determined the level of interest rates for loans to private enterprises, and strictly regulated the fees charged for various aspects of credit financing, so as to continue to enhance the level of facilitation of financing for private investment projects, and to promote the resolution of the problem of financing difficulties and financing costs for private enterprises.

VI. Strengthening organizational leadership and continuously enhancing the effectiveness of the work of promoting private investment

The National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Ecology, and the General Administration of Financial Supervision have jointly established a working mechanism for promoting private investment funds and factor guarantees, and have held regular working meetings to study and resolve common problems in the promotion of private investment projects, and to jointly improve the policies on the protection of investment, financing and factors for private investment projects, as well as to strengthen the policy guidance for localities, so as to effectively enhance the sense of accessibility of private enterprises to the relevant reforms and examination and approval services. The government has also strengthened its policy guidance to localities to effectively enhance private enterprises' sense of access to relevant reforms and approval services. Local development and reform, natural resources, ecological environment, financial supervision and other departments shall, in accordance with the spirit of this Circular, establish and improve the relevant working mechanisms in their respective regions, help private enterprises to effectively solve the difficult and blocking problems encountered in project promotion, such as financing and elements, and continuously promote the work of private investment in a deeper and more practical manner.

General Office of the National Development and Reform Commission

Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources

General Office of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment

General Office of the Financial Supervisory Authority

August 16, 2024

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