The first national standard in the field of water, wind, light and storage renewable energy integration was launched!

On August 23, 2024, the review meeting of the working outline of the national standard "Technical Standard for Integration of Water, Wind, Photovoltaic and Storage Renewable Energy" was held in Beijing. Leaders from the Department of Standards and Quotas of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MOHURD), the Department of Energy Conservation and Science and Technology Equipment of the National Energy Administration (NEA), the Department of New Energy and Renewable Energy of the NEA, and the Institute of Standards and Quotas of the MOHURD were present at the meeting, and leaders from the China Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Research (CIWHR), China International Engineering Consulting Corporation (CIEC), Guoneng Dadu River Basin Hydroelectric Development Co. Ltd., Yalong River Basin Hydropower Development Co., Ltd. and CECC Beijing, East China, Guiyang and Kunming Survey and Design Research Institute Co. The meeting was presided over by Yang Baiyin, Deputy Chief Engineer of the General Hydropower Institute, and Wang Hao, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, was the head of the evaluation expert group.

Wang Fuqiang, vice president of the General Administration of Hydropower, briefly introduced the standardization work of the General Administration of Hydropower, and thanked the Ministry of Housing and Construction Standards and Quotas Division and the National Energy Administration Science and Technology Division, New Energy Division of the General Administration of Hydropower, the trust and recognition of renewable energy standardization for a long time, and he pointed out that the General Administration of Hydropower has carried out a large number of water, wind, light and storage of renewable energy integration planning and research work, which has laid a solid foundation for the preparation of this national standard. The formulation of this standard can effectively promote the standardization and systematization of scientific and technological innovation achievements, support and lead the water, wind, light, storage and renewable energy integration project planning and development and operation and regulation.

Academician Wang Hao pointed out that in the context of vigorously developing clean energy, water, wind, light and storage of large base development is still a lack of standardized experience to follow, do a good job in this area of the first national standard preparation, in line with the current national strategic requirements, but also for the next step in the integration of the construction and operation of the project to provide a technical grip. In the standard preparation, need to give full consideration to the water wind and light of the hydraulic connection, electric power connection, as well as the impact of meteorological conditions, make full use of the regulation performance of hydropower, multi-fold ratio to drive the wind power, photovoltaic and other intermittent renewable energy, pay attention to incremental pumping and storage of the regulating role of the traditional reservoir of the storage of the transformation of the energy, with a good intelligent platform to coordinate the integrated development of the water wind, light and storage.

The meeting listened to the report of the preparation group on the work outline, after the experts discussed the meeting that, in order to adapt to the new situation of building a new type of power system, new requirements, standardize the principles, methods, content and technical requirements of the planning, design, construction and operation of the integrated development project of water, wind, light and storage of renewable energy, the preparation of the "water, wind, light and storage of renewable energy integration technical standards" is necessary; the work outline put forward by the basis for the preparation of the technical route, The basis of preparation, technical line, working idea and framework structure proposed in the outline are basically appropriate and have guiding significance for the smooth preparation of this specification.

The national standard "water, wind, light, storage and renewable energy integration technical standards" by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development on April 28, 2024 officially approved the project (building standard letter [2024] No. 41), the editor-in-chief of the department for the National Energy Administration, drafting/undertaking unit for the General Institute of Hydropower and Water Conservancy Planning and Design and so on. In accordance with the overall arrangement of engineering construction specification standard preparation and related work plan, this standard is scheduled to be completed by June 2026. The successful passing of the review of this work outline marks the official start of the development of the first national standard in the field of water, wind, light and storage renewable energy integration. The next step, the preparation team will be in the Ministry of Housing and Construction, the National Energy Board and other relevant departments under the guidance of the Party Central Committee, the State Council's decision-making and policy guidance, due diligence, on time and quality work, to ensure that the standard fully embodies the integration of water, wind, light and storage of renewable energy project construction characteristics, comprehensive guidance integration project planning, design, construction, operation and other life cycle.

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