Shanghai launches first round of offshore PV project bidding in 2024

On August 26, the Shanghai Municipal Development and Reform Commission studied and formulated the "Shanghai" wind and light with the field "offshore photovoltaic development and construction program". Program construction goals, 2024 to start the first round of offshore photovoltaic project competition configuration, the scale of not less than 1 million kilowatts. The first round of competition configuration project as a guaranteed grid-connected projects, into the city of renewable energy annual development and construction program, by the city power company to ensure that the grid consumption, and encourage investment in the main body of the required configuration of energy storage. 2025, to carry out the rest of the offshore photovoltaic project competition configuration and development and construction. The main body of investment supporting the construction of new energy storage devices, out of no less than 20% of the installed capacity of marine photovoltaic (rated charge and discharge duration of not less than 2 hours). New energy storage can be realized through self-built, co-built or capacity leasing mode, and offshore photovoltaic synchronization built and grid.

The program mentioned that the creation of wind and light with the field of offshore photovoltaic clusters. According to the principle of intensive use of sea, safe, reliable and ecologically friendly, fully consider the operation and maintenance needs of the original offshore wind farms. Coordinate and do a good job with the overall planning of land space, coastal zones and marine spatial planning convergence, do not occupy the ecological protection of the red line, the natural shoreline, the protection zone of military facilities, shipping routes and anchorages, undeveloped and unutilized intertidal sea areas, as well as relevant laws and regulations clearly prohibited in other areas. Focusing on the city around the East China Sea Bridge, Lingang, Jinshan, Fengxian, etc. has been built, the construction of offshore wind power sites within the scope of the sea, the "wind and light in the same field" mode of offshore photovoltaic planning and layout, the development and construction of million kilowatts of offshore photovoltaic project clusters.

For the original text, see below:

Circular on the Issuance of the Shanghai "Wind and Solar" Offshore Photovoltaic Development and Construction Program

All relevant units:

In order to guide and promote the high-quality development of offshore photovoltaic in our city, Shanghai Municipal Development and Reform Commission (SDRC) has formulated the "Shanghai Municipal "Wind and Light" Offshore Photovoltaic Development and Construction Program". It is hereby issued to you, please follow the implementation.

Annex: Shanghai Municipality "wind and light with field" offshore photovoltaic development and construction program

Shanghai Municipal Development and Reform Commission

August 22, 2024

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Shanghai's offshore photovoltaic development and construction program of "wind and light in the same field".

The development of offshore photovoltaic is to implement the national energy development strategy, expand the development space, accelerate the construction of a new energy system, and promote the development of green and low-carbon industry is an important hand. In order to guide and promote the high-quality development of offshore photovoltaic in our city, according to the "14th Five-Year" Renewable Energy Development Plan (NDRC Energy 〔2021〕 No. 1445), Shanghai Energy Development "14th Five-Year" Plan (HUFUFU 〔2022〕 No. 4), Shanghai Renewable Energy Project Competitive Allocation Management Measures (HUFRC Specification) ), "Shanghai Renewable Energy Project Competition Configuration Management Measures" (Shanghai Development and Reform Norms [2024] No. 2) and other documents, combined with the actual situation in Shanghai, the development of this program.

I. General requirements

Guided by Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, the company will deeply implement the new energy security strategy of "four revolutions and one cooperation", promote the pilot demonstration development and large-scale development of offshore photovoltaic, create offshore photovoltaic project clusters, and accelerate the construction of a new type of energy system. Adhere to integrated planning and orderly implementation, do a good job of convergence with the overall planning of land space and coastal zone planning, and meet the requirements for the use of sea area, ecological protection and navigation safety. Adhere to the intensive saving, ecological priority, realize the sea photovoltaic send out of the road from the intensive sharing, reduce the occupation of sea area and shoreline resources, do a good job of ecological protection and environmental monitoring and repair. Adhere to innovation-driven, cost reduction and efficiency enhancement, strengthen technology and development mode innovation, realize cost reduction and efficiency enhancement through key technology breakthroughs, and accelerate the formation of new productivity of offshore PV. Adhere to market-led, safe and reliable, improve resource allocation, guide high-quality subjects to actively participate in development and construction, and comprehensively strengthen the whole chain management of offshore PV construction, operation and maintenance.

II. Construction objectives

In 2024, the first round of offshore photovoltaic project competition configuration, the scale is not less than 1 million kilowatts. The first round of competitive allocation projects as the city's guaranteed grid-connected projects, included in the city's annual development and construction of renewable energy programs, guaranteed by the municipal electric power company grid consumption, encouraging investment in the main body of the required configuration of energy storage.

In 2025, carry out the rest of the offshore PV project competition allocation and development and construction. The main body of the investment supporting the construction of new energy storage devices, the output is not less than the installed capacity of the sea PV 20% (rated charge and discharge duration of not less than 2 hours). New energy storage can be realized through self-built, joint construction or capacity leasing mode, and offshore photovoltaic synchronous completion and grid connection.

After the project participates in market-based trading, it will be implemented in accordance with the requirements of the relevant power market rules.

III. Priority tasks

1. Create offshore photovoltaic clusters with wind and light fields. According to the principles of intensive use of sea, safety, reliability and ecological friendliness, the operation and maintenance needs of the original offshore wind farms will be fully considered. Coordinate and do a good job with the overall planning of land space, coastal zones and marine spatial planning, do not occupy the ecological protection of the red line, the natural shoreline, the protection zone of military facilities, shipping routes and anchorages, undeveloped and unutilized intertidal sea areas, as well as relevant laws and regulations expressly prohibited in other areas. Focusing on the city around the East China Sea Bridge, Lingang, Jinshan, Fengxian, etc. has been built, the construction of offshore wind power sites within the scope of the sea, the "wind and light in the same field" mode of offshore photovoltaic planning and layout, the development and construction of million kilowatts of offshore photovoltaic project clusters.

2. Promote the development of marine photovoltaic in a steady and orderly manner. Sea photovoltaic into the city's renewable energy development and construction programs, in principle, through market-based competition to determine the project investment body and development time. Strictly control the project sea area, under the premise of meeting industry design standards, the unit MW sea area shall not be higher than the national regulations of the sea area control index. Development enterprises should do a good job of offshore photovoltaic site construction conditions, construction programs and access to the analysis of consumption, strictly in accordance with the law to carry out the project's preliminary work, before the commencement of construction should do a good job of the military impact, navigation safety, environmental impact, the use of sea areas and other relevant thematic demonstration work, and in accordance with the law to obtain the approval of the corresponding competent authorities documents, and resolutely put an end to the conditions of the project does not have the approval of the project built first.

3. Optimize corridor delivery and grid consumption. Based on the access conditions of the grid around the project, through technical and economic analysis of preferred access points and access voltage level. Photovoltaic transmission routing should be well connected with the original wind power facilities, commissioned a qualified unit to prepare routing programs, to achieve savings and intensive use of the sea, centralized and unified transmission. Grid enterprises should be based on the city's relevant energy development planning, renewable energy development and construction programs, timely optimization of grid planning and construction programs and investment plan arrangements, accelerate the sea PV project supporting the construction of power transmission projects, and effectively support the scale of sea PV efficient access. Grid enterprise construction difficulties, planning and construction schedule does not match the photovoltaic power station supporting power transmission project, by the sea photovoltaic investment subject according to the relevant provisions of the state to contribute to the construction of the consensus by the grid enterprise in accordance with the law and regulations for the repurchase.

4. Strengthen ecological protection and environmental monitoring. Strictly in accordance with the policy requirements to avoid all kinds of prohibited development of sensitive areas, the layout of offshore photovoltaic shall not exceed the original offshore wind power site sea area. Combined with the original offshore wind power environmental assessment related information, fully do the ecological environment evaluation of offshore PV construction, and strengthen the protection of marine biodiversity. Strengthen ecological environmental protection and restoration work, strictly implement environmental protection measures in all aspects of the whole life cycle, such as construction, operation and maintenance, and formulate ecological environmental protection and restoration programs. Marine photovoltaic sea should implement the three-dimensional stratification of the sea area to set up the right to do a good job of tracking the marine environment after the completion of the project to monitor and assess, encourage the construction of continuous monitoring facilities and information sharing, and realize the ecological environment monitoring and environmental protection work linkage operation.

5. Promote offshore photovoltaic technology and equipment innovation. Increase investment in technological innovation, and encourage and support enterprises to strengthen their independent innovation capability. Focus on technological innovation in R&D of photovoltaic materials, improvement of battery efficiency, construction and building capacity, and information-based intelligent operation and maintenance, and promote the research and development of high-efficiency modules adapted to the marine salt spray environment, new types of brackets and foundations resistant to harsh sea conditions, intelligent inverters and box variables applicable to the marine environment, offshore photovoltaic special construction vessels, intelligent monitoring and operation and maintenance systems, and other major technological research and development of new equipment, and strive to make significant breakthroughs in key technological fields. We will strive to make major breakthroughs in key technical fields, realize cost reduction and efficiency enhancement of the project, and build demonstration projects with leading technology.

6. Collaborate to ensure the safe and standardized implementation of the project. The main body of the investment should strictly implement the main responsibility to establish a safe production system, and effectively do a good job of offshore photovoltaic safety production, comprehensively strengthen the construction and operation of all aspects of safety management. Offshore photovoltaic layout, construction and operation and maintenance need to do a good job and the original offshore wind power equipment and facilities, shall not have an impact on the original offshore wind power operation and safety, in accordance with the laws and regulations on the use of maritime areas to do a good job of the whole life cycle of the use of maritime areas of the relevant formalities standardized handling. Maritime and other relevant departments to strengthen the project construction and operation phase of the safety supervision, the marine sector to strengthen the project sea supervision. In case of major accidents and equipment failures, the investment entity shall promptly report to the dispatching organization of the National Energy Administration and the grid scheduling organization.

IV. Safeguards

1. Strengthen organizational coordination. Strengthen organizational leadership and implement work responsibilities. The Development and Reform Commission, together with the East China Sea Bureau of the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Municipal Bureau of Oceanography, the Shanghai Police Force, the Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration, the Municipal Bureau of Planning and Resources, the Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment, the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Administration, the Municipal Commission of Transportation, the Pudong New Area, the Jinshan District, the Fengxian District, and the Lingang New Area, shall establish a mechanism for the promotion of offshore photovoltaic to resolve in a timely manner difficulties and problems encountered in the course of the promotion of offshore photovoltaic, and to promote the high-quality sustainable development of offshore photovoltaic.

2. Strengthening the protection of elements. The offshore PV project will be included in Shanghai's major construction project plan, coordinate and promote the project construction, and strengthen the protection of elements such as land and sea use, environmental protection, and power grid access. All relevant departments will strengthen business guidance, optimize workflow, improve processing efficiency, create a good development environment for offshore PV, and mobilize all parties to invest in offshore PV.

3. Do a good job of monitoring and assessment. Strengthen the construction of offshore photovoltaic information monitoring system, establish offshore photovoltaic production and grid-connected operation, technical equipment and other information collection, statistical management mechanism, timely grasp of offshore photovoltaic development dynamics. Establish and improve the monitoring and assessment mechanism, regularly quantitatively assess the progress and effectiveness of offshore photovoltaic projects, adjust and optimize the implementation plan in a timely manner according to the assessment results, and ensure that offshore photovoltaic development goals are effectively implemented.

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