Shanghai Huangpu District: By 2030, public institutions should be installed as much as possible on the roof of the PV installation

On July 17, the Huangpu District Development and Reform Commission and other 12 departments jointly released the Huangpu District Carbon Peak Key Project Implementation Program, which states that by 2025, the cumulative new installed capacity of photovoltaic about 10,000 kilowatts, the virtual power plant adjustable capacity of 80 megawatts. Promote the development of renewable energy. Promote the application of distributed roof photovoltaic, photovoltaic curtain wall and other photovoltaic building integration according to local conditions, and promote the construction of distributed photovoltaic projects in streets such as Taipuqiao and Hansongyuan Road, schools such as Shanghai Datong Junior High School and Guangming Junior High School, district groups such as New World Group, public organizations such as Nanshi Water Plant, and commercial buildings such as Bo Hui Plaza. The proportion of area installed with PV on the roofs of new party and government organizations, schools and other buildings is not less than 50%, and the proportion of area installed with PV on the roofs of new public buildings of other types is not less than 30%.By 2030, the PV on the roofs of public institutions will be realized as much as possible, and the renewable energy heating technologies such as air-source heat pumps, water-source heat pumps, and ground-source heat pumps will be vigorously promoted, and the construction of renewable energy projects will be advanced in shopping malls, hotels, and hospitals, banks and other places to build renewable energy projects.

The original document is below:

Notice on the Issuance of Huangpu District Carbon Peak Key Project Implementation Plan

Huang DRC Office [2024] No. 13

Huangpu District Carbon Peak Carbon Neutral Work Leading Group member units, all relevant units:

The "Huangpu District Carbon Peak Key Projects Implementation Program" is issued to you, please follow the implementation seriously.

Notice is hereby given.

Annex: Huangpu District Carbon Peak Key Project Implementation Plan

Huangpu District Development and Reform Commission

Huangpu District Business Committee

Huangpu District Construction and Management Committee

Huangpu District Investment Promotion Office

Huangpu District Culture and Tourism Bureau

Huangpu District Education Bureau

Huangpu District State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission

Huangpu District Housing Security and Housing Management Bureau

Huangpu District Planning and Natural Resources Bureau

Huangpu District Administration of Organ Affairs

Huangpu District Greening and Cityscape Management Bureau

Huangpu District Urban Management and Administration Law Enforcement Bureau

July 15, 2024

Huangpu District Carbon Peak Key Project Implementation Program

In order to deeply implement the CPC Central Committee, the State Council carbon peak carbon neutral and major strategic decisions and deployments and the city's carbon peak overall requirements, strong and orderly and effective promotion of the work of the Huangpu District carbon peak, the implementation of the implementation of various areas of carbon peak key projects, according to the "Communist Party of China Huangpu District Committee, the People's Government of Huangpu District on the complete and accurate and comprehensive implementation of the new concept of development to do a good job in the implementation of the work of the carbon peak carbon neutral", "the Huangpu District Carbon Peak Implementation Program", this program is formulated.

I. General requirements

(i) Guiding philosophy

Guided by Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, based on the new development stage, complete, accurate and comprehensive implementation of the new development concept, serving to build a new development pattern, adhering to the systematic concept, and integrating carbon peak carbon neutral into the overall development of Huangpu District. With the main line of serving major national strategies, focusing on key areas of development path research and judgment, the implementation of a number of key projects in the areas of public building energy saving, renewable energy tapping, intelligent capacity enhancement, green transportation system construction, green space building, recycling economy development, and the creation of pilot demonstrations, etc., and improve the policy mechanism of green and low-carbon development, to ensure that energy saving and carbon reduction work to achieve practical results, and to help realize the peak carbon and carbon neutral! The goal is to help realize the goal of carbon neutrality.

(ii) Basic principles

Scientific planning and coordination. Implement the overall strategic plan of the State and the city to achieve carbon peaks and carbon neutrality, clarify the development goals and implementation paths, and incorporate the concept of green and low-carbon into the entire process of planning and construction of various projects in various fields and in various aspects.

Focus on key areas and systematic planning. Fully tap the energy-saving and carbon reduction potential of key projects in the region, focus on key areas, strengthen building energy efficiency and green development, and strive to build a refined management system.

Combine the near and far, and implement in phases. Promote the implementation of key projects in phases and steps, clarify the objectives and key contents of work at different stages, and promote the realization of the goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality in a steady and orderly manner.

Scientific advancement, safety and prudence. Scientifically formulate the development objectives and implementation path of key carbon peak projects, prudently study inputs and outputs, strengthen supervision and post-evaluation, and promote carbon peak actions in a gradual and orderly manner.

II. Main objectives

By 2025, it will focus on the creation of highlight projects, establish a perfect carbon peak key project management system, and strengthen the green and low-carbon demonstration and leadership. All new buildings will meet green building standards, of which more than 70% will meet two-star and above standards, six projects will meet three-star green building standards, and the renewable energy substitution rate of new buildings will reach 10%. A number of conservation sites will be created, assembly buildings will be fully implemented, 300,000 square meters of ultra-low-energy-consumption buildings and 1.4 million square meters of energy-saving renovation of existing public buildings will be completed, and carbon codes will be applied on a pilot basis in hotels and commercial buildings. The company will pilot the application of carbon efficiency codes in hotels, commercial buildings and other buildings, and further develop Shanghai's near-zero energy consumption pilot program. Promote the replacement of existing charging piles with DC fast chargers, build 2,000 new public and special charging piles, and construct more than five municipal-level charging pile demonstration districts. Cumulatively add about 10,000 kilowatts of installed photovoltaic capacity, and the adjustable capacity of virtual power plant reaches 80 megawatts. Improve and utilize the dual-carbon service platform of Huangpu District, and construct and improve the six application scenarios of carbon universalization. The utilization rate of domestic garbage resources recycling reached more than 45%, added various types of greening area of 225,000 square meters, completed the task of construction of street garden, boulevard and greenway, and basically realized the full coverage of the 500-meter service radius of parks and green spaces.

By 2030, focusing on the construction of key projects, comprehensively promoting the realization of the goal of carbon peak, basically built the core leading area of green and low carbon development in the central city of the international metropolis and the carbon peak carbon neutral demonstration area. 2021-2030 cumulative completion of 3.5 million square meters of energy-saving renovation of existing public buildings, to create a number of innovative demonstrations of near-zero energy consumption, zero-carbon buildings, the rate of renewable energy substitution for newly built buildings reached 151 TP3T. 15%, improve demand-side response capacity, with the adjustable capacity of virtual power plants reaching 100 MW, and the percentage of the number of buildings with automatic demand response reaching 50%. The proportion of green transportation and travel in the whole district will continue to increase, and a number of charging pile demonstration districts will be constructed to a high standard. The demonstration and leading role of green and low-carbon demonstration projects in the city has been further enhanced.

III. Priority tasks

(i) Promoting building energy efficiency and renewable energy development

Promoting energy-saving renovation projects for key energy-using equipment. Promote energy-saving renovation of key energy-using equipment such as boilers, chillers, heat pumps, water pumps, circulating pumps, fan coils, elevators, lighting, etc., with an annual energy saving of no less than 5,000 tons of standard coal, and strive to reach 10,000 tons of standard coal.

Implementing adaptation projects for existing buildings. Rolling implementation of the action plan to enhance the energy efficiency (carbon efficiency) of 100 buildings, guiding the transformation of buildings from "traditional operation and maintenance" to "intelligent operation and maintenance" modes, and the implementation of HVAC, electrical and other individual or overall adaptation projects, with no fewer than two adaptations of existing buildings implemented each year.

Carrying out green and efficient refrigeration actions. In key areas such as shopping malls, hotels and hospitals, focusing on central air-conditioning, intelligent control, etc., and combining system adaptation and refined management, equipment renewal and upgrading projects will be implemented, so that the air-conditioning and refrigeration plant rooms of large-scale public buildings and their energy-efficiency levels will be upgraded to 101 TP3T by 2025, and to more than 151 TP3T by 2030.

Pilot promotion of the application of carbon efficiency codes. Completion of the "Guidelines for Evaluation of Carbon Efficiency of Public Buildings in Huangpu District" and the "Measures for Management of Carbon Efficiency of Public Buildings in Huangpu District", carrying out a new round of the "Three-Year Action Plan for Enhancing the Energy Efficiency of One Hundred Buildings (Carbon Efficiency)", and carrying out the evaluation of the level of carbon efficiency and demonstration of its application to 20 typical buildings such as offices, shopping malls and starred hotels in the Huangpu District.

Promoting green urban renewal and transformation. Accelerating the transformation of the "two old villages", incorporating energy-saving and carbon-reducing transformation requirements into the projects, and promoting the renewal of stock, functional upgrading, optimization of layout, and sound improvement of public services. By 2025, we will complete renewal projects such as Lane 211 of Baotun Road and Lane 101 of Puyu East Road, and new construction projects such as Luxiangyuan (Phase II) and Guaranteed Housing on the West Hall Road site. Strengthen green construction management and create a number of conservation-oriented construction sites.

Strengthening the energy-saving review of new buildings. Strictly implement the energy-saving review methods for fixed asset investment projects and green building management methods, and implement green building standards for all new buildings, of which new buildings above 70% are required to meet the requirements of two-star green buildings and above, and the energy efficiency levels of offices, large shopping malls and other buildings should reach the level of advanced values, and the energy efficiency levels of the main energy-using products and equipment must reach the level of mandatory energy-efficiency standard level 1, and the new energy-using The energy efficiency level of major energy-using products and equipment must reach the level of Grade 1 of the mandatory energy-efficiency standard, and the new energy-using equipment should be equipped with meters in accordance with the relevant standards and connected to the district's online monitoring system.

Promoting the development of renewable energy. Promote the application of distributed roof photovoltaic, photovoltaic curtain wall and other photovoltaic building integration according to local conditions, and promote the construction of distributed photovoltaic projects in streets such as Taipuqiao and Hansongyuan Road, schools such as Shanghai Datong Junior High School and Guangming Junior High School, district groups such as New World Group, public organizations such as Nanshi Water Plant, and commercial buildings such as Bohui Plaza. The proportion of area installed with PV on the roofs of new party and government organizations, schools and other buildings is not less than 50%, and the proportion of area installed with PV on the roofs of new public buildings of other types is not less than 30%.By 2030, the PV on the roofs of public institutions will be realized as much as possible, and the renewable energy heating technologies such as air-source heat pumps, water-source heat pumps, and ground-source heat pumps will be vigorously promoted, and the construction of renewable energy projects will be advanced in shopping malls, hotels, and hospitals, banks and other places to build renewable energy projects.

(ii) Strengthening energy-saving and carbon-reducing smart capabilities

Construction of intelligent energy-saving projects. Make full use of new technologies such as cloud computing, Internet of Things, mobile Internet, artificial intelligence, blockchain, etc., and actively promote the construction of digital twin operation and maintenance projects such as Lanson House and Shanghai Book City.

Promote intelligent construction in urban areas. Apply intelligent technologies such as BIM (Building Information Modeling), promote intelligent construction projects, realize refined management, and enhance the level of green and intelligent management.

Establishment of a carbon emission intelligent supervision platform. Construction of the Huangpu carbon emission intelligent supervision platform, realizing the functions of building carbon emission monitoring and management, energy and environment intelligent services, and renewable energy monitoring.

Use digitalization to empower green finance. Encourage financial institutions to use digitization to empower green financial products and promote a number of major green financial projects. Deepen the Huangpu District Carbon Inclusion Platform, promote access to emission reduction scenarios such as virtual power plants, photovoltaic, charging piles, etc., and continue to expand low-carbon equity scenarios.

(iii) Sound green transportation system

Build a green transportation system. Optimize the supporting facilities of the rail transit stations in the area, and further improve the multi-level and multi-type urban comprehensive transportation system with public transportation as the main body and various modes of transportation combined.

Implementing slow-moving transportation enhancement projects. Focusing on system network optimization, road landscape design, and construction of supporting facilities to improve the slow-moving traffic environment and increase the proportion of slow-moving trips for the public.

Construction of charging (switching) facilities in public areas. Fully implement the requirements for new and existing parking lots to be equipped with electric vehicle charging facilities or reserved for construction and installation, and promote electric vehicle charging facility construction projects such as district authority buildings. Strengthen the construction of non-motorized vehicle charging facilities in new and existing residential areas, and promote non-motorized vehicle charging facility projects in Nanjing East Road Street and Wuliqiao Street. Promote the construction of electric vehicle charging pile demonstration districts in Laoximen and other streets.

Promote low-carbon transformation of transportation. Accelerate the transformation and upgrading of means of transportation to electrification, decarbonization and intelligence, accelerate the replacement of vehicles with clean energy, and realize 100% new energy for new or renewed vehicles in the fields of sightseeing buses, sanitation vehicles with suitable models, and official vehicles in the region, and accelerate the replacement of the stock. Accelerate the construction and transformation of terminal shore power facilities, realize the full coverage of terminal shore power, and promote the priority use of shore power for berthing ships with conditions.

(iv) Expanding green space in urban areas

Developing green space. Promote the pocket park construction project and complete the construction of pocket parks such as the Guangyin Garden and the Merchant Marine Hall Garden. Promote the construction of boulevards, accelerate the construction of greenways along Suzhou Creek in the middle section and Dongjiadu area, and add greenways up to 3 kilometers.

Increasing the construction of three-dimensional green networks. In areas with intensive public activities, promote the greening of roofs, platforms and other spaces, and push forward renovation projects such as the rooftop garden of the Bund Street Community Cultural Center and the Civil Defense Court Healing Garden. Promote the construction of three-dimensional greening in areas such as the pillars and entrances of elevated bridges, comprehensive buildings, creative parks, schools, hospitals, construction sites under construction and tourist attractions.

(v) Strengthening the circular economy

Strengthening plastic pollution control. It has continued to improve the working mechanism for plastic pollution control, actively promoted the pilot work of separate recycling of plastic recyclables, promoted the reduction of the use of disposable plastic products, and carried out the cleanup and remediation of plastic garbage in key areas. To carry out publicity work on plastic pollution control in the marketplace, and to implement the requirements for banning the use of disposable plastic shopping bags in the marketplace.

Construction of garbage classification and recycling facilities. Comprehensively consolidate the effectiveness of domestic garbage classification and improve the construction of the entire domestic garbage classification system. Promote the micro-updating and special updating of domestic garbage classification drop-off points, and promote the construction of beneficiary and fixed-type recycling service points. Accelerate the construction of the South Bund Sanitation Building.

Upgrading recycling capacity. Improve the recycling system, promote the implementation of the subsidy policy for low-value recyclables, and guide renewable resource recycling enterprises to participate in the construction of the recycling system for low-value recyclables. Promote the pilot construction of recyclable express packaging. Actively connecting second-hand e-commerce companies, exploring new modes of recycling waste materials, setting up flagship stores integrating recycling, selling and displaying, and improving the recycling utilization rate of second-hand goods.

(vi) Building low-carbon pilot demonstrations

Build a national-level dual-carbon demonstration project. Promote the construction of a national-level demonstration project for improving the carbon efficiency of commercial buildings in Shanghai's Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street, set up a carbon emission monitoring and management platform for buildings in the business district, and realize the goal of achieving an annual carbon reduction rate of 5% or more for buildings in the business district. Implementing the national demonstration project of "Energy Efficiency Improvement of Public Buildings in Huangpu District", realizing comprehensive green and low-carbon upgrading of key infrastructures, adding 10 new green-certified buildings every year, and creating a number of domestic benchmarks for energy efficiency improvement of public buildings. It will deepen the construction of national-level demand-side management demonstration projects for commercial buildings, build demand-side demonstration projects such as Shui On Plaza and Wang Bao He Hotel, and complete the construction of a 100-megawatt virtual power plant.

Creating various low-carbon demonstration projects. Promote the creation of pilot demonstration zones such as the Near-Zero Carbon Emission Practice Area at the "First Congress Site - Xintiandi" and the Dongjiadu Green Eco-city. Promote the creation of low-carbon communities such as Shanbei - Ningbo Residential Area in Bund Street, Quxi Xincun and Nanxi Subdistrict in Hansongyuan Road Street. Vigorously promote the creation of green communities, green schools, green hotels and green shopping malls. It guides enterprises to strengthen energy-saving management and implement energy-saving and carbon-reducing renovation projects, and pushes forward the creation of Shanghai's energy-efficiency "frontrunners" such as Hong Kong Plaza and Shanghai New World Daimaru Department Store. Focusing on the first stores and flagship stores of chain enterprises, a number of high-quality ecological demonstration stores have been built to create a favorable green consumption environment. Encourage and guide enterprises with high motivation, great social influence and strong driving force to carry out green supply chain pilot projects.

IV. Safeguards

(i) Strengthening organizational leadership

The District Carbon Peak Carbon Neutral Working Leading Group has established a scheduling mechanism for key carbon peak projects, tracked the progress of project implementation in various fields, streets and key enterprises, and organized the coordination of major problems encountered in the process of project promotion. All relevant departments of the district government and all streets should strengthen the organizational leadership of the construction of key carbon peak-attainment projects, gradually promote the transformation of dual-control of energy to dual-control of carbon emissions, and coordinate the promotion of the construction of relevant pilot demonstration projects.

(ii) Strengthening the implementation of responsibilities

Organize and convene the task promotion conference of the key projects of Carbon Summit to implement and decompose the tasks of the projects. Clearly define the promotion schedule of key projects, and incorporate major projects into the annual work plan of the district's carbon neutral and energy-saving emission reduction. The District Carbon Peak Carbon Neutral Leading Group Office will supervise and inspect the completion of major projects in accordance with the project decomposition table, and report to the district government every year as a key issue.

(iii) Enhanced integration of resources

Make full use of the existing energy conservation, emission reduction, carbon reduction and other types of special policies in the region, and coordinate financial resources to ensure the financial security of key carbon projects. Promote the government and social capital cooperation model in a standardized and orderly manner, and guide social capital to participate in the construction and operation of key carbon peak projects. Encourage financial institutions to provide financing support for eligible projects.

(iv) Promoting technology matching

Strengthening green technological innovation, enhancing exchanges and cooperation with universities and research institutes, and promoting enterprises to carry out green technological innovation and adopt green technologies for upgrading and transformation. We will gather and allocate innovative resources and elements in a wider field, on a larger scale and at a higher level, promote the introduction of advanced technologies, formulate and implement green technology standards, and form a good pattern of green technology exchanges and cooperation.

(v) Promotion of domestic and international exchanges

Actively participate in the Shanghai International Expo on Carbon Neutral Technologies, Products and Achievements to accelerate the development and growth of new green and low-carbon track industries. Participate in large-scale green events such as the ESG Global Leaders Conference to drive direct investment and green development of related industries in the region.

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