NEA Notice on Special Supervision on Construction Safety and Project Quality of Electric Power Construction in FY2024

A few days ago, the National Energy Board issued a notice on the special supervision of construction safety and engineering quality of electric power construction in 2024.

In recent years, the number of national electric power construction projects, large-scale, widely distributed, miscellaneous, safety risks remain high for a long time, and currently there has been a rebound of accidents back to the first signs of production safety situation is more serious. In order to further study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on production safety, seriously implement the State Council Safety Committee's production safety 15 hard measures and three-year action to tackle the root causes of the unified deployment, strengthen the supervision and management of electric power construction project safety, and promote electric power production safety situation is stable and good, the National Energy Board decided to organize and carry out the construction of electric power construction safety and quality of engineering special supervision work nationwide, is now The relevant requirements are notified as follows.

  I. Overall objectives

  By carrying out special supervision, all relevant units of the electric power industry to further strengthen the concept of safety development, and further enhance the sense of responsibility of the "always at ease", and further strengthen the supervision and management of electric power construction project safety, control a number of safety risks, eliminate a number of hidden accidents, plug a number of management loopholes, and enhance the essential safety level of electric power construction project. Safety level of electric power construction projects, to prevent and curb the occurrence of various types of accidents, and to guard the bottom line of non-occurrence of serious accidents.

  II. Specialized regulatory time

  From the date of issuance of this circular until December 2024.

  III. Priority tasks

  All participating units of the national electric power construction project should strictly implement the main responsibility of production safety, and the construction unit should implement the primary responsibility, deeply learn the lessons from the power industry accidents in recent years, and deeply investigate and rectify all kinds of safety risks and hidden dangers and management loopholes and short boards in the stages of investigation and design, construction, installation and commissioning, completion and acceptance, and supervision of the project, focusing on the "2024 Annual Electric Power Construction Safety and Engineering Quality Special Supervision Inspection Matters List" (see Annex 1), which specifies 30 inspection items and 145 inspection contents to carry out investigation and rectification. It focuses on the 30 inspection items and 145 inspection contents specified in the "2024 Electric Power Construction Safety and Engineering Quality Special Supervision and Inspection Matters List" (see Attachment 1) to carry out investigation and remediation, and to effectively guarantee construction safety and engineering quality.

  IV. Organization of progress

  (i) Centralized self-examination and self-correction phase (March-April)

  Each electric power enterprise should establish and strictly implement the electric power construction safety and engineering quality regular inspection and checking work mechanism, to establish a list of the problems found, and immediately rectify the problems; the problem is complex and can not be immediately rectified, we should promptly develop a rectification plan, clear rectification goals, decomposition of responsibility to the post to the person, and actively promote rectification, to ensure that the problem closed-loop management. 2024 3- April, the power enterprises should combine the spring safety production inspection, after the Spring Festival to start resumption of work safety assessment and inspection and other work arrangements, focus on a construction safety and project quality self-inspection and self-correction action, and before the end of April, the self-inspection and self-correction problem list and rectification situation reported to the local provincial power management departments and sending agencies.

  (ii) Focused inspection and supervision phase (March-November)

  Provincial electric power management departments, the dispatching agencies should track and analyze the safety situation of electric power construction projects under their jurisdiction, and together with the relevant professional support organizations, select the electric power construction projects and related enterprises that do not have a proper attitude towards work safety, do not have a solid advancement of special supervision, and do not have in-place remediation of risks and hidden dangers to carry out supervision, which should be carried out for the projects that have been involved in accidents in 2023 and those that have been involved in accidents in 2024 to achieve full coverage of the projects. The projects that had accidents in 2023 are still under construction and those that will have accidents in 2024 will be fully covered by the supervision. The Department of Electric Power Safety Supervision of the National Energy Administration, together with the Reliability and Quality Supervision Center, relevant professional support organizations and industry associations, will carry out supervision of places and enterprises with heavy power construction tasks, prominent major risks and hidden dangers, and frequent accidents.

  (iii) Summarizing and consolidating the upgrading phase (November-December)

  The provincial power management departments, the dispatching agencies, the enterprise members of the National Electric Power Safety Committee should work, rectify, consolidate and improve, and timely sort out and analyze the effectiveness of the various stages of work of the special supervision.In November-December, a comprehensive summary of the special supervision work carried out by the jurisdiction and the enterprise should be formed into a summary report.Before December 5, the above units should submit the summary report together with the list of problems found (including electronic format in Annex 2) to the Division of Electric Power Safety Supervision of National Energy Administration. Summary report together with the list of problems found (including electronic version, format see Annex 2) to the National Energy Board Electric Power Safety Supervision Department. The National Energy Administration will prepare the overall situation of special supervision in a timely manner.

  V. Safeguards

  (a) rapid deployment, solid advancement. The power companies should be a deep understanding of the current electric power construction project safety production of severe and complex situation, attaches great importance to the special regulatory work, rapid mobilization and deployment, meticulous organization and arrangements, and solidly promote the work of all stages of in-depth implementation, must achieve results. Provincial electric power management departments and the dispatching agencies should use the electric power safety committee, electric power special committee and other platform channels, timely delivery of this notice to all electric power enterprises within the jurisdiction, and put forward clear requirements. Provincial electric power management departments and dispatching agencies are encouraged to jointly deploy work, jointly supervise and inspect, jointly carry out law enforcement, and jointly report information materials.

  (b) Strengthen inspection, serious accountability. Each electric power enterprises to strengthen the power construction projects belonging to the inspection, timely detection and stop the "three violations" behavior, and strict assessment, serious accountability. Local electric power management departments at all levels and the dispatching agencies should strengthen the coordination and cooperation, using the "four not two straight", open and secret, cross-checking and other ways to carry out supervision, comprehensive use of warnings, interviews, exposure and notification, administrative penalties, to the national credit system to push information to the judiciary to transfer clues to the problem and other supervisory or law enforcement measures, and seriously deal with Electric power construction construction safety and engineering quality violations.

  (c) Regular notification, strengthening deterrence. National Energy Board will be in accordance with the "more notification, more supervision letters, more unannounced visits" work requirements, the establishment of electric power construction safety and engineering quality of typical problems quarterly notification system, give full play to the role of public opinion supervision, to maintain electric power safety supervision of violations of the law a strong deterrent. Provincial electric power management departments, the dispatching agencies, the power construction project quality supervision agency (hereinafter referred to as the power quality supervision agency) should be in the last month of the last quarter of the 25th, will be found in the quarter of the power construction construction safety and engineering quality of typical problems, major problems, as well as supervision, law enforcement, etc. (including the electronic version of the format of the Annex 3) to the National Energy Board of Electric Power Safety Supervision Division. The National Energy Board will timely statistical analysis, select typical, representative, incipient problems to be notified; at the same time, it will also be based on the provincial power management departments, the dispatch agencies, the power quality supervision agencies to report the number of typical problems and supervision and enforcement of the quality of the situation in the special supervision of the overall situation of the notification of the "zero supervision, zero problem, zero law enforcement "The unit will be notified.

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