Xi Jinping: The way out of the energy challenge is to vigorously develop new energy sources

According to Xinhua News Agency, on the afternoon of February 29, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on thenew energyTechnology and China's energy security for the twelfth collective study. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, emphasized during the study that energy security has a bearing on the overall situation of economic and social development. The active development of clean energy and the promotion of green and low-carbon economic and social transformation have become the general consensus of the international community to deal with global climate change. We should follow the trend, take advantage of the momentum, and promote the high-quality development of China's new energy with greater efforts to provide safe and reliable energy security for the construction of Chinese-style modernization, and make greater contributions to building a clean and beautiful world.

Prof. Liu Jizhen, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and director of the National Key Laboratory of New Energy Power System, gave an explanation on this issue and put forward suggestions for work. Comrades of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee listened attentively to the explanation and had a discussion.

Xi delivered an important speech after listening to the explanation and discussion. He pointed out that since the 18th CPC National Congress, China's new energy system has accelerated the construction of energy security foundation has been strengthened, providing strong support for economic and social development. At the same time, we should also see that China's energy development is still facing a series of challenges such as huge pressure on demand, supply constraints, green and low-carbon transformation task is arduous. To cope with these challenges, the way out is to vigorously develop new energy.

Xi Jinping emphasized that China's wind power,photovoltaic (e.g. cell)China is rich in new energy resources and has great potential for the development of new energy. After sustained research and accumulation, many of China's new energy technologies and equipment manufacturing level has been the world's leading, built the world's largest clean power supply system, new energy vehicles, lithium batteries and photovoltaic products have also formed a strong competitiveness in the international market, the development of new energy has been a good basis for our country to become the world's energy development and transformation and response to climate change is an important promoter.

Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to integrate new energy development and national energy security, adhere to the planning first, strengthen the top-level design, improve the overall balance, pay attention to deal with new energy and traditional energy, the overall situation and local, government and market, energy development and conservation and utilization of the relationship between the new energy and promote the development of new energy of high quality.

Xi Jinping emphasized that we should aim at the frontiers of world energy science and technology, focus on key energy areas and major needs, reasonably select technology routes, give full play to the advantages of the new state-raising system, strengthen the joint research of key core technologies, and strengthen the transformation and application of scientific research results, so as to cultivate energy technology and its related industries into a new growth point that will drive the upgrading of China's industries, and to promote the development of the new quality of productive forces.

Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to adapt to the needs of energy transformation, further build a new energy infrastructure network, promote the intelligent transformation of power grid infrastructure and the construction of smart microgrids, and improve the grid's ability to accept, configure and regulate clean energy. Accelerate the construction of charging infrastructure network system to support the rapid development of new energy vehicles.

Xi Jinping emphasized the need to deepen international cooperation in new energy science and technology innovation. We should orderly promote cooperation in the new energy industry chain and build a new win-win model for green and low-carbon energy transformation. Deeply participate in international energy governance changes, and promote the establishment of a fair and just, balanced and inclusive global energy governance system.

Xi concluded by emphasizing that to realize scientific and technological self-reliance, it is necessary to grasp the general direction of today's scientific and technological development, but also to adhere to the principle of "I am the main focus", highlight the problem-oriented and demand-oriented, and enhance the effectiveness of scientific and technological innovation investment.

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