The Fifth China - Central and Eastern European Countries (Cangzhou) Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Cooperation Forum held in Cangzhou City

On November 13, 2023, the 5th China - Central and Eastern European Countries (Cangzhou) Small and Medium Enterprises Cooperation Forum was opened in Cangzhou City, Hebei Province. Vice Minister of Industry and Information Technology Xu Xiaolan attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Sinisa Mari, Polish Governor of Mazowieckie voivodship Adam Struzik attended and delivered speeches by video, and Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to China Sinisa Beljan and Ambassador of Georgia to China Archi Karadija attended on site.

Xu Xiaolan said that micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) are the largest group of enterprises in China and Central and Eastern European countries, and are an important force in promoting innovation, employment and improving people's livelihood. China is willing to work with Central and Eastern European countries to carry out all-round, high-quality, multi-level exchanges and cooperation among MSMEs, to boost the development of all parties through cooperation, and to jointly promote China-Central and Eastern European countries' cooperation to walk more steadily, more practically and farther. Deepen the cooperation mechanism, give full play to the role of Cangzhou Cooperation Zone as a carrier, promote the deep docking between the two sides' MSMEs in terms of products, technologies, brands, talents, markets, etc., and promote the deepening of the cooperation mechanism between China and CEE countries. Optimize the cooperation environment, strengthen policy exchanges, actively provide professional services for the international development of MSMEs, increase support for foreign-funded enterprises, continuously optimize the business environment, promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, and create a stable and predictable development environment for MSMEs on both sides. It will enhance innovation capacity and specialization, strengthen the exchange and sharing of experiences between the two sides, guide the gathering of quality resources to MSMEs, support MSMEs to focus on their main business and cultivate their business, promote innovation in concepts, technologies, organization and management and modes of MSMEs, and accelerate digital and green transformation, so as to push forward the high-quality development of MSMEs of the two sides.

With the theme of "Expanding Opening-up Cooperation, Hand in Hand with Development and Win-Win", the Forum is jointly organized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the People's Government of Hebei Province in the China - Central and Eastern European Countries (Cangzhou) SMEs Cooperation Zone, with opening ceremony, keynote forum, SMEs Innovation Achievement Exhibition, cross-border matching and docking meeting, and other activities. Activities. Relevant departments and bureaus of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) and its subordinate units, government officials of Central and Eastern European countries, ambassadors in China, representatives of friendly cities, local governments, domestic and foreign business associations, universities, scientific research institutes, enterprises and other representatives participated in the forum.

Source: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology website

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