Photovoltaic sand control is listed as one of the ten key technologies of the Three North Project of the State Forestry and Grassland Administration.

On Nov. 24, the National Forest and Grassland Service released "War on the Three North ProjectKey technology research and development" unveiled the list of marshal projects, a total of 10 types of projects were selected, includingPhotovoltaic Sand ControlResearch on models and supporting technologies is among them.

According to the document, the project funding is RMB 30 million, and the declaring team is encouraged to raise its own funds to support it. The project funds are allocated on an annual basis, with 30% of the total project funds allocated in the first year; the project carries out a mid-term evaluation, and if the project fails to pass the evaluation, it will be eliminated and no further funds will be paid, and if it passes the evaluation, it will be allocated again with 30% of the total project funds; the remaining funds will be allocated in one lump sum after the project has passed the acceptance test, and will no longer be allocated to the project that fails to pass the acceptance test.

Current situation: The implementation of photovoltaic sand control project takes into account the two major tasks of clean energy development and ecological engineering construction, as well as the two major functions of land greening and carbon sequestration, and has great potential for realizing the national "double carbon" goal. Current sand areaphotovoltaic cellThe construction lacks targeted technology and mode, the ecological construction of photovoltaic parks is seriously constrained by water resources, and a variety of forms of technology systems, such as forest + light, grass + light complementary for different sandy areas, have not yet been formed.

Research content: collect, sort out and analyze and evaluate the photovoltaic sand control technologies, research and develop the efficient use of water resources in sandy photovoltaic parks, research and develop the selection and configuration of plants inside and outside the photovoltaic parks and underneath the photovoltaic panels, research and integrate the main modes of photovoltaic sand control, the selection of plant species and their configuration technologies, and assess the impact of photovoltaic projects on ecological functions.

Appraisal Indicators:

1. Research and develop efficient utilization techniques of water resources in photovoltaic parks, and propose integrated utilization techniques of natural precipitation in photovoltaic power generation systems.

2. Develop one set of key technologies for sand control by photovoltaic in sandy areas, and put forward plant species selection and configuration modes inside and outside the photovoltaic park and under the photovoltaic panels, which will reach the leading level in China. Establish more than 2 demonstration zones in the Kubuqi Desert and Ulanbuh Desert in conjunction with the key project of the Sixth Phase of the Three-North Project on photovoltaic sand control, with a total area of not less than 1,500 acres.

See below for details:

Announcement of the State Forestry and Grassland Administration on the Release of the "Three-North Project Key Technology Research and Development" List of Unveiled Marshal Programs

In order to implement the general secretary Xi Jinping in strengthening the comprehensive prevention and control of desertification and promote the "Three-North" and other key ecological projects construction forum on the important speech, focusing on the urgent need for scientific and technological research on key issues, to support all-out efforts to fight the war of the Three-North Project, I decided to organize the implementation of the war of the Three-North Project key technology research and development of the unveiling of the marshal project, and is now Announcement is as follows:

I. Project organization declaration

(a) Domestic research institutions, enterprises and public institutions can set up research teams, and encourage the formation of industry-university-research-use joint teams. Reporting team set up a project leader and 11 subject leaders, the project leader should have a high degree of recognition in the industry, with strong innovation, good scientific integrity, generally undertake national or provincial key R & D projects or issues, no age, education and title requirements, the project leader's unit should be the project lead unit. In principle, the total number of participating units of each subject declaration team shall not exceed 5.

(b) Project leaders according to the Three-North Project battle key technology research and development list of unveiled marshal project list (see Annex 1), the integration of the advantages of the scientific research team to fill out the project application (see Annex 2), explaining the main content of the project, technical routes and the basis of the research, etc., by the project lead unit review and submit to the State Forestry and Grassland Administration of the Department of Science and Technology.

(c) The Science and Technology Department of the State Forestry and Grassland Administration, in conjunction with the relevant departments and bureaus, will organize relevant experts to evaluate the declared projects, and based on the results of the experts' evaluation, the unveiling team will be determined in accordance with certain procedures, and a mission statement will be signed with it.

(d) The project implements two important nodes of management, namely, mid-term appraisal and evaluation and acceptance. The mid-term assessment and evaluation and acceptance of the project will be carried out by way of satisfaction scoring by the operational departments and bureaus and third-party expert evaluation (if either of the operational departments or bureaus or the expert evaluation deems it unqualified, it will be determined to be unqualified).

(e) Important scientific and technological achievements of the project can be directly incorporated into the National Forestry and Grassland Scientific and Technological Achievement Bank, and the State Forestry and Grassland Bureau will organize relevant units and localities to promote the application of the scientific and technological achievements.

II. Implementation period and project funding

(i) The overall time frame for project research and development is two years, with one year for research and development on basic survey topics.

(ii) The project funding is RMB 30 million, and the declaring team is encouraged to raise its own funds to support it. The project funds will be allocated on an annual basis, with 30% of the total project funds allocated in the first year; the project will carry out a mid-term evaluation, and if the project fails to pass the evaluation, it will be eliminated and no further funds will be paid, and if it passes the evaluation, it will be allocated again with 30% of the total project funds; the remaining funds will be allocated in one lump sum after the project has passed the acceptance test, and will no longer be allocated to the project if it fails to pass the acceptance test.

III. Project reporting requirements

(a) After reviewing and approving the project declaration materials by the declaring unit, print and bind them into a booklet (printed on A4 paper in ten copies), stamp the official seal of the unit as required, and send it to the Science and Technology Department of the State Forestry and Grassland Administration, and at the same time, send the electronic version of the application form to the designated email address.

(ii) The deadline for acceptance of declarations is December 24, 2023

(iii) Contact person and contact information

Contact: Wang Chang, Department of Science and Technology, State Forestry and Grassland Administration, China

Tel: 010-84238847 18811780076

E-mail: [email protected]

Mailing address: Department of Science and Technology, State Forestry and Grassland Administration, No. 18 Hepingli East Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing, 100714, China.

Attachment: 1. The list of key technology research and development of the Three-North Project offensive to unveil the list of marshal projects

2. National Forestry and Grassland Service Unveiling and Marshaling Project Application (template)

Three North Project battle key technology research and development unveiled the list of marshal project list

The list is divided into scientific and technological research topics and basic investigation topics, including 10 scientific and technological research topics and 1 basic investigation topic.

Scientific and technological research projects

(i) Research on technology for optimal allocation of degraded protection forests

Current situation: Due to the terrain conditions, tree species, age and other reasons, there is a more common degradation of protection forests in the Three North region, and the existing protection forest construction, protection and restoration technology, configuration mode, etc. can not meet the needs of construction of protection forests of the Three North Project, and give full play to the maximum benefits of protection, and it is urgent to research and development to enhance the quality of windbreaks and sand-fixing forests, soil and water conservation forests, agricultural protection forests, and to construct the technology system and mode of construction and ecological restoration of protection forests. The technology system and mode of shelterbelt construction and ecological restoration are constructed.

Research content: analyze the decline process and causes of windbreak and sand-fixing forests in the three northern regions, research and develop high-efficiency planting and allocation modes and quality-enhancing and efficiency-enhancing technologies for windbreak and sand-fixing forests, and build a near-natural ecological restoration technological system and model for windbreak and sand-fixing forests; analyze the decline process and causes of soil and water conservation forests in the three northern regions, research and develop high-efficiency planting and allocation modes and quality-enhancing and efficiency-enhancing technologies for soil and water conservation forests, and build a near-natural ecological restoration technological system and model for soil and water conservation forests. Analyze the decline process and causes of farmland protection forests in the three northern regions, research and develop efficient planting, configuration mode and quality enhancement techniques for farmland protection forests, and create new farmland protection forest construction techniques in line with intensive land use and agricultural modernization; study the application of graphene to improve the adaptive mechanism of arborvitae, shrubs, grasses and other plants to drought, salinity, barrenness and other adversities, and research and develop graphene-based construction techniques of typical difficult terrain and native soil. Research and development of graphene-based construction technology of typical difficult terrain native antiretroviral protection forests.

Appraisal Indicators:

1. Clarify the mechanism of windbreak and sand-fixing forest decline, put forward one set of windbreak and sand-fixing forest configuration optimization model, and establish more than three demonstration areas in combination with the ecological comprehensive management project in the northern foothills of the Yinshan Mountains (Hetao Plain) and the ecological comprehensive management project in western Jilin, with a total area of not less than 20,000 acres, with a significant increase in the windbreak and sand-fixing benefits and a decrease in soil wind erosion modulus of 40%-50%.

2. Clarify the mechanism of the decline of farmland protection forests, put forward one set of optimization model for the configuration of efficient farmland protection forests, and establish more than three demonstration areas for the construction and renovation of farmland protection forests in conjunction with the comprehensive management projects of the southern edge of the horqin sandy land and the eastern foothills of the Helan Mountains, configure efficient farmland protection forest belts with a total area of not less than 3,000 acres, and enhance the protection efficiency of 201 TP3T on the basis of the existing one.

3. Clarify the mechanism of soil and water conservation forest decline, put forward one set of optimized model for optimal allocation of efficient soil and water conservation forest, establish more than three demonstration areas in combination with the project of rehabilitation of degraded ecosystems and comprehensive soil and water erosion management in northern Shaanxi, with a total area of not less than 3,000 mu, and improve the protection efficiency on the existing basis 20%.

4. clarify the mechanism of graphene to enhance the adaptability of plant adversity, establish 3 sets of graphene efficient application technology system based on different difficult terrain, and set up more than 3 demonstration zones under the difficult terrain conditions in the Northern Sand Belt Protection and Restoration Major Project Area in combination with the Inner Mongolia Horqin Sand Comprehensive Management Project with a total area of not less than 1500 mu, and the comprehensive coverage of the vegetation is increased by more than 30%.

(ii) Research on optimization models and supporting technologies for the restoration of degraded grasslands

Current situation: The natural environment of the Three North Region is harsh, arid and windy, with drastic climate fluctuations, combined with the interference of human activities (grazing, reclamation, woodcutting and mineral development, etc.), and the grassland has been seriously degraded in the past half century. The implementation of major ecological projects since the beginning of this century has curbed the trend of grassland degradation to a certain extent, but the degraded grassland in the Three North Region accounts for more than 70% of the total grassland area, and the natural recovery is slow. At present, a systematic, highly efficient and generalizable model for restoration of degraded grasslands in the Three North Region has not yet been formed, and scientific and technological research is urgently needed.

Research content: research and development of degraded grassland ecological restoration technology with multi-grass species configuration, sandy salinized grassland comprehensive management technology, taking horqin and hunshandak sands, yellow river "a few bends" area, hexi corridor and xinjiang desert oasis area and other areas as the main application scenarios, developing different types of degraded grassland ecological restoration and comprehensive management model.

Appraisal Indicators:

1. Research and develop 1 set of multi-grass species configuration and degraded grassland restoration technology, establish more than 3 demonstration areas in Xing'anmeng, Yulin and Datong, with a total area of not less than 5,000 acres, and increase the dominance of the established species by more than 10%, increase the comprehensive vegetation cover by more than 10%, and increase the primary productivity by more than 20%.

2. Research and develop one set each of sandy and salinized grassland restoration technologies, and establish more than three demonstration areas in Wuwei City, Alxa League and Tongliao City, with a total area of not less than 20,000 acres, with the comprehensive coverage of vegetation increasing by more than 101 TP3T and primary productivity by more than 101 TP3T.

3. Research and develop one set of comprehensive restoration and management model for degraded grassland in Horqin and Hunsandak sandy areas, the Yellow River "several bends" area, the Hexi Corridor and the desert oasis area of Xinjiang, and generally reach the domestic leading level.

(iii) Research on tree, shrub and grass allocation patterns in the three northern regions

Current situation: There is a lack of systematic research on the configuration pattern of trees, shrubs and grasses (composition, structure and spatial pattern of forest and grass plant communities) in the Three North Region, and the coupling relationship between the ecological elements such as climate, geomorphology, soil, water resources and other ecological factors' differentiation patterns and plant community succession patterns, water carrying capacity of vegetation and ecosystem stability has been affected, which has affected the effectiveness of forest and grass ecological construction.

Research content: Focusing on the dominant functional needs of regional ecological construction, selecting suitable plant species and their combinations based on theories of species ecological niche and plant community succession; researching the response mechanism between the functional traits of typical trees, shrubs and grasses and habitats, the relationship between the supply and demand of vegetation water and its dynamic characteristics, and researching and developing the proportion of trees, shrubs and grasses and their configuration forms under different land environments.

Appraisal Indicators:

1. Develop one set of tree-shrub-grass configuration model for Horqin and Hunsandak regions, and establish two demonstration areas in Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia, with a total area of not less than 2,000 mu.

2. Research and development for the Yellow River "a few bends" region of the tree, irrigation and grass configuration model 1 set, in Gansu Huanxian, Ningxia Yanchi construction of two demonstration areas, a total area of not less than 2,000 acres.

3. Develop one set of arbor-irrigation-grass configuration model for the Hexi Corridor and Taklama region, and set up two demonstration areas in Ganzhou District of Gansu and Bazhou of Xinjiang, with a total area of not less than 2,000 mu.

(iv) Research and development of key technologies for the protection and restoration of degraded wetlands represented by the Chahan Nur

Current situation: Chakhan Nur wetland is a typical representative of degraded wetlands in the Three North Region, which has been degraded into a seasonal lake, forming only a small area of water surface in the rainy season, turning the exposed lake bed into a saline wasteland, reducing wetland biodiversity, decreasing habitat quality and degrading ecosystem functions. Existing technologies for restoring degraded wetlands in arid and semi-arid areas are fragmented, and the restoration effect is unstable, making it difficult to be used for habitat restoration in degraded wetlands with extreme water scarcity.

Research content: Taking the typical degraded wetlands in Chakhannaoer as the research object, study the degradation process and mechanism of wetlands in arid and semi-arid areas in terms of hydrological conditions, soil salinity and changes in key biological communities. Based on the theory of near-natural restoration, research and development of vegetation restoration technology, soil improvement technology and hydrological restoration technology for degraded wetlands in arid and semi-arid areas will be carried out to form a near-natural restoration technology system for degraded wetland habitats.

Appraisal Indicators:

1. Develop one set of key technology system for near-natural restoration of degraded wetland habitats in arid and semi-arid zones, reaching a leading level in China.

2. Establish a demonstration area for near-natural restoration of degraded wetland habitats in the Tsakhannao River Basin, with a total area of not less than 1,000 acres, to significantly control the degradation of wetlands and to form a replicable and popularized model.

3. Preparation of a technical operational guide for the near-natural restoration of degraded wetland habitats in Tsagaan Nur.

(v) Research on prevention and control techniques for key pests and diseases in protection forests

Current situation: As the age of planted forests in the Three North Region increases, the natural ability to resist biological disasters decreases, some major pests proliferate, and climate change and other influences, diseases, insect pests and rodents in protection forests occur more and more frequently, especially the damage caused by stem-boring pests, rotting disease (ulcer) and rodent pests, which poses a serious threat to the construction of the Three North Project and consolidation of the results of sand control and sand prevention. There is an urgent need to research and develop accurate monitoring and early warning technologies, put forward scientific prevention and control strategies and prevention and control thresholds, and develop effective ecological regulation strategies and technologies.

Research content: focusing on the three major symbolic battle areas, analyzing the occurrence of major pests in protection forests, analyzing their environmental stress relationship and disaster mechanism, constructing a major pest monitoring and early warning technology system based on multi-source big data; researching and developing sky-ground integrated disaster-breeding environment and pest disaster monitoring and forecasting technology and products, and researching and developing ecological and economic prevention and control thresholds for major hazardous species; researching and developing key prevention and control technologies, optimizing and integrating Develop key prevention and control technologies, optimize and integrate the ecological control technology system of major harmful organisms, and establish a large-scale and replicable experimental demonstration base for comprehensive prevention and control.

Picture Appraisal Indicators:

1. Reveal the disaster mechanism of 2-3 kinds of major pests in protection forests, clarify the main disaster-causing factors, and put forward corresponding ecological regulation strategies and technical paths.

2. Research and build 1 set of monitoring and early warning technology system for 2-3 major pests representative of the protection forest network and desert vegetation, with an accuracy rate of 85% or more. To establish one set of key technology system for precise monitoring and early warning of biological disasters integrated with the sky and the land, to realize early warning of major disasters at the outpost with an accuracy rate of 85%, and to build a monitoring and early warning system for pests and diseases.

3. For different rodent ecological regions and types, put forward the ecological thresholds for the prevention and control of three major pest rodent species, make clear the extent of the harm of rodents to vegetation and the impact on the population size of natural enemies under the thresholds, and optimize and integrate the corresponding ecological control technology system.

4. Research and development of key prevention and control technologies for three major pests in typical areas, optimizing and integrating one set of ecological control technology system, and establishing four integrated prevention and control pilot demonstration areas in Bazhou, Xinjiang, Jiuquan and Jiayuguan cities in Gansu Province, Alxa League in Inner Mongolia, and Qiqihar city in Heilongjiang Province, with a total area of not less than 20,000 acres, and a rate of disaster of not more than 2 per thousand.

(vi) Research on forest combustible control technology and model for building biological fire prevention forest belt

Current situation: Global climate change has intensified, and the potential fire risk of forests in the Three North Region is increasing; the distribution and load of combustibles and their dynamics of the potential fire risk in the region are still unclear, and there is a lack of scientific and effective control measures. Currently, the construction mode of biological fire prevention forest belt in the Three North Region is single, scattered and unsystematic, lacking unified planning and layout, with limited role in fire prevention and control, and there is an urgent need to research and develop the construction mode of biological fire prevention forest belt applicable to the Three North Region.

Research content: study the type, load and spatial distribution of forest combustibles in the Three North Region and make dynamic prediction, assess the forest fire risk level in different regions, and put forward the key technology of combustibles regulation and control for the regions with high fire risk level. Compare the fire prevention effectiveness of different biological fire prevention forest belt construction modes, and put forward biological fire prevention forest belt construction techniques suitable for different fire prevention and control needs in the Three North Region.

Appraisal Indicators:

1. Propose one set of forest combustible control technology in the Three North Region, form a replicable and popularized model and carry out demonstration, with a demonstration area of not less than 1,500 mu.

2. In conjunction with the construction of the Three-North Project, establish three demonstration zones for biological fire prevention forest belts in the northeast, northwest and north of China, with the length of the forest belts in the demonstration zones being no less than 10 kilometers, so as to form replicable and popularized models.

(vii) Research and Development of Machinery and Equipment for Sand Control and Prevention

Current situation: the three north region sandy land area, quicksand management is difficult, but the current level of sand control mechanization is not high, the lack of practical high-performance sand control machinery, a serious limitation of the efficiency of sand control, constraints on the efficient operation of sandy areas.

Research content: breakthroughs in the sand to lower the resistance of high-performance power chassis, sand fixing machinery sand barriers integrated layout, sand planting to increase the green precision planting, sand stubble leveler, sand economic plant harvesting and fruit harvesting and other key technologies, focusing on the research and development of portable, small, medium-sized and other systematization of the "appropriate for the place and the right machine," the grass square lattice sand barriers paving mechanical equipment, the creation of suitable for the sand dunes through the strong operating chassis. The research and development of sand fixation, planting, water and fertilizer transportation, nurturing and other special supporting equipment.

Appraisal Indicators:

1. Research and development is applicable to the sand planting and greening precision plug planting, sowing planting, hole planting sand prevention and control of practical machinery 1 set, the efficiency is more than 10 times higher than the artificial, mechanical application and promotion of 100 units (sets). Research and development of practical portable, small, medium-sized grass square lattice sand barrier laying machinery and equipment, the efficiency of more than 10 times more than manual, machinery application and promotion of 100 units (sets).

2. Developing one kind of sand multifunctional operation chassis, with a maximum slope of 15-20° for sand operation and a passing speed of 2.5-5 km/h.

3. Research and development of sand flat stubble machine, sand economic plant harvesting equipment, 1 set each, 1 set of sand forest fruit efficient harvesting equipment, efficiency than artificial increase of more than 10 times, machinery application and promotion of 100 sets. In Xinhua Forestry, Babusha Forestry and Xitianlong Forestry to establish sand control mechanization comprehensive demonstration forestry 3, machinery and equipment and its technical application of the total area of not less than 30,000 acres.

(viii) Research, development and upgrading of water-saving technologies and irrigation equipment

Current situation: the three northern regions have arid climate, scarce water resources, low utilization rate of water resources, and the configuration and layout of existing water-saving irrigation facilities are unreasonable, and it is urgent to study the forest and grass intelligent water-saving supporting technology system integrating perfect water-saving irrigation facilities, intelligent management and scientific irrigation system.

Research content: Conduct research on the configuration and layout of suitable water-saving irrigation facilities for the major forest species and pasture types as well as different water resource types in the Three-North Region; apply modern communication and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to study the remote intelligent monitoring and management technologies of water-saving irrigation facilities for forest and grassland; adopt cloud computing and big data analysis methods to study the precise irrigation systems of different water-saving irrigation modes; integrate the above research outputs to develop an intelligent water-saving supporting technology system for the Three-North Region. integrate the above research outputs to develop the intelligent water-saving supporting technology system in the Three North Region.

Appraisal Indicators:

1. Propose 1 set of intelligent water-saving supporting technology model for forest and grass, comparing with the conventional irrigation methods such as diffuse irrigation/ furrow irrigation/ burrow irrigation, it saves more than 30% of irrigation water resources, improves the growth/yield of forest and grass by more than 15%, and saves more than 80% of labor input for irrigation management.

2. Establish three pilot demonstration areas in Xinhua Forestry, Babusha Forestry and Xitianlong Forestry, with a total demonstration area of no less than 3,000 mu, and formulate two drafts of relevant technical standards.

(ix) Research on key technologies of mycorrhizal grasses for sand control and improvement of saline and alkaline land

Current situation: At present, the Three North Project, especially the Yellow River "a few bends" attack area sand, salinization is still the main ecological problems, the Yellow River basin in the middle of the Loess Plateau, Ordos Plateau Arsenic Sandstone Distribution Area and other places in a large number of sand into the Yellow River, the irrigation area of moderate, heavy saline and alkaline land development and utilization is insufficient. Mycorrhizal fungus has the advantages of fast reconstruction of vegetation, strong ability to contain water, good effect of saline and alkaline land improvement, but mycorrhizal fungus still exists on the high requirements of water resources conditions, can overwintering mycorrhizal fungus varieties are fewer, the individual varieties of continuous over-wintering rate is not high, the heavy saline and alkaline land high-yield cultivation is difficult, etc., it is necessary to carry out the research of mycorrhizal fungus sand control and improve the key technology of saline and alkaline land.

Research content: carry out innovation of germplasm resources of mycorrhizal grass, research on key technology of mycorrhizal grass to prevent and control sand and shoreline quicksand control, construction of mycorrhizal grass belt in difficult terrain, and research on mycorrhizal grass to improve saline and alkaline land technology.

Appraisal Indicators:

1. Screening suitable for the growth of the three northern regions, can over-wintering of excellent mycorrhizal varieties, declared more than 2 varieties of rights.

2. Research and develop 2 sets of mycorrhizal water-saving and fertilizer-saving cultivation technology to reach the domestic leading level, establish 3 mycorrhizal seedling breeding bases, and formulate 3-4 relevant technical specifications or standards.

3. Research and development of mycorrhizal fungus grass sand control, saline and alkaline land improvement and other key technologies of ecological and industrial coupling governance 2 sets, in the Yellow River several bends in the region, Xinjiang and other establishment of mycorrhizal fungus grass ecological governance demonstration area 3, with a total area of not less than 3,000 acres.

(X) Photovoltaic sand control model and supporting technology research

Current situation: The implementation of photovoltaic sand control project takes into account the two major tasks of clean energy development and ecological engineering construction, and the two major functions of land greening and carbon sequestration and sink enhancement, which has a great potential for realizing the national "double-carbon" goal. At present, the construction of PV bases in sandy areas lacks targeted technologies and modes, and the ecological construction of PV parks is seriously constrained by water resources, and a variety of forms of technical systems such as forest+light and grass+light complementary systems have not yet been formed for different sandy areas.

Research content: collect, sort out and analyze and evaluate the photovoltaic sand control technologies, research and develop the efficient use of water resources in sandy photovoltaic parks, research and develop the selection and configuration of plants inside and outside the photovoltaic parks and underneath the photovoltaic panels, research and integrate the main modes of photovoltaic sand control, the selection of plant species and their configuration technologies, and assess the impact of photovoltaic projects on ecological functions.

Appraisal Indicators:

1. Research and develop efficient utilization techniques of water resources in photovoltaic parks, and propose integrated utilization techniques of natural precipitation in photovoltaic power generation systems.

2. Develop one set of key technologies for sand control by photovoltaic in sandy areas, and put forward plant species selection and configuration modes inside and outside the photovoltaic park and under the photovoltaic panels, which will reach the leading level in China. Establish more than 2 demonstration zones in the Kubuqi Desert and Ulanbuh Desert in conjunction with the key project of the Sixth Phase of the Three-North Project on photovoltaic sand control, with a total area of not less than 1,500 acres.

Basic investigation topics

Research on ecological background survey and data analysis in the Three North Region

Current situation: The Three-North Region has a vast area, complex and diverse natural ecological conditions, and ecological background data are not systematic, comprehensive, fragmented and decentralized, lacking the coordination and management of the whole elements of mountains, water, forests, fields, lakes, grasses and sands, and there is an urgent need to strengthen the integration and synergy of the background data, coordinate the compilation, and dynamically follow up the Three-North Project, and to realize scientific and technological support and guarantee of the basic data.

Research content: Carry out surveys and data collection on ecological background (water, soil, gas, life, geological features, etc.), socio-economic and natural resources in the Three North Region, carry out normalization and compilation, establish a database on ecological background, socio-economic and natural resources in the project area, and put forward a strategy for high-quality and integrated development of the project area in a synergistic manner in the region based on ecological background conditions for ecological construction.

Appraisal Indicators:

1. Establish a GIS-based database for the Three North Region consisting of ecological background (water, soil, gas, life, geological features, etc.), socio-economic and natural resources datasets, with each dataset containing more than 20 maps or sets of data, with the data covering the whole area of the Three North Project Area, with the data quality passed by the third-party expert group, and with the database set up in the State Forestry and Grassland Science Data Center, to provide basic data support of the normalized natural background for the Three North Project. The database is set in the State Forestry and Grassland Science Data Center, providing basic data support for the normalized natural background for the Three North Project.

2. Submit one research report on the analysis of data based on ecological background conditions in the Three North Region and one research report on the strategy for high-quality integrated development of ecological construction and synergistic regions.

Source: State Forestry and Grassland Administration

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