National Development and Reform Commission: support enterprises to build a reverse logistics system for recycling waste products Promote the efficient utilization of decommissioned wind power, photovoltaic, etc.

On September 23, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) held a special press conference to introduce the overall progress and effectiveness of the policy of large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade-in.

At the meeting, Zhao Chenxin, member of the party group and deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that the next step, the National Development and Reform Commission will work with the relevant parties to do a good job in the recovery and recycling of this big article, accelerate the construction of the waste recycling system covering various fields and links, and continue to smooth the resource recycling chain, and promote the realization of the "old easier, more convenient to replace the new! ". First, accelerate the development of the logistics system and new model of "replacement + recycling", and further improve the recycling network of used products and equipment. The second is to strengthen the extension of producer responsibility, support enterprises to build a reverse logistics system for recycling used products, and promote the efficient utilization of retired wind power photovoltaic and power batteries. At the same time, it supports the formation of China Resource Recycling Group and promotes the establishment of a national and functional resource recycling platform. Third, optimize the registration management of second-hand car transactions, improve the relevant resource import standards and policies, and build a larger international recovery and recycling system. At the same time, the recovery and recycling of all aspects of the need to form a synergy, we call on the majority of consumers and enterprises to actively participate in the recovery of waste materials, renewable resources, such as the use of all aspects of the specific work and action, and jointly practicing green production and lifestyle.

The transcript is below:

KIM Hyun-dong.

Ladies and gentlemen of the press:

Good morning, everyone! I am Jin Xiandong, Director of the Policy Research Office of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the Commission's spokesperson. Welcome to today's special press conference.

The CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to the work of the "two new types". In March this year, the State Council issued the Action Program for Promoting Large-scale Equipment Renewal and Consumer Goods Trade-in, which made a comprehensive deployment of this work; in July, with the consent of the State Council, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance jointly issued the Several Measures on Strengthening Support for Large-scale Equipment Renewal and Consumer Goods Trade-in, proposing a series of policy initiatives to strengthen support for the work of the "two new" organizations. A series of policy initiatives have been put forward to support the work of the "two new types". In order to facilitate the understanding of the implementation of the policy, detailed measures, follow-up arrangements, today we are very pleased to invite:

Mr. Zhao Chenxin, Member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission;

Mr. Zhao Changsheng, Deputy Director General, Department of Economic Construction, Ministry of Finance;

Mr. Peng Lifeng, Director, Credit Market Department, People's Bank of China;

Attend this briefing to introduce the work of the "two new" and answer questions of concern.

Next, I would like to invite Mr. Zhao Chenxin, Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), to introduce the overall progress and effectiveness of the work of the "two new types".


Dear friends of the media:

Hello, everyone! I am very pleased to attend today's press conference with two colleagues; two months ago, we introduced to you a number of measures to strengthen support for the "two new enterprises". Today, we are convening another press conference to introduce to you the progress and effectiveness of the efforts made by various departments and localities to strengthen support for the "two new types" during this period of time.

The progress of work over the past two months can be summarized in three comprehensive ways.

First, supporting rules have been comprehensively introduced. At the national level, after the issuance of a number of measures to strengthen support for the "two new", a notice on the declaration of equipment renewal projects, as well as the implementation of the rules for the renewal of equipment in eight areas, such as industrial equipment, energy-using equipment, environmental infrastructure, operating ships, operating trucks, new energy buses, agricultural machinery, and old elevators, and the implementation of the rules for the replacement of automobiles, home appliances, and electric bicycles, The implementation rules for consumer goods trade-in in four areas, such as automobiles, home appliances, electric bicycles, home furnishings and kitchen and bathroom, have all been issued and implemented. At the local level, 31 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government, as well as five planned municipalities and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, have issued implementation programs to strengthen support for the "two new", and at the same time issued various types of local supporting implementation rules, more than 140. It can be said that the policy system of utilizing ultra-long-term special government bond funds to strengthen support for the "two new types" has been completed, laying a solid foundation for this year's and future work.

Second, the national bond funds have been fully disbursed. In the area of equipment renewal, the Commission, in conjunction with relevant departments, has optimized the support method and simplified the approval process in accordance with the principle of "local audit and national review", and has screened out more than 4,600 eligible equipment renewal projects, and 150 billion yuan of treasury funds in the area of equipment renewal have been allocated to the projects in two batches in accordance with the relevant regulations and procedures. With regard to consumer goods trade-in, the Commission, in conjunction with the Ministry of Finance, has rationalized the scale of funding support by integrating factors such as the resident population, GDP, and the number of automobiles and home appliances owned in each region, and the 150 billion yuan of treasury funds in the field of consumer goods trade-in have all been disbursed to the localities from the beginning of August.

Thirdly, support policies have been fully launched. Up to now, the 10 additional measures to support large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade-in have all been launched by various departments, and a series of detailed implementation initiatives have also been introduced in various regions. For example, Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and other 20 regions have introduced individual consumer automobile replacement and renewal policies. Another example is that 31 regions, such as Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Hubei, have implemented new subsidies for home appliance replacement, and e-commerce platforms such as Jingdong, Tmall and are fully involved in home appliance replacement.

Under the joint efforts of all parties, the "two new" work has gradually achieved obvious results and is still emerging, which can be summarized in "five powerful".

First, a strong impetus to investment growth. Equipment renewal policy continues to promote the effective mobilization of business entities to update production, energy, elevators and other types of equipment enthusiasm. The first eight months, equipment and equipment purchase investment growth of 16.8%, the growth rate than all fixed asset investment (excluding farmers) 13.4 percentage points higher than the contribution rate of all investment growth reached 64.2%, 3.5 percentage points higher than the first seven months, indicating that after the implementation of the policy of adding force, the pull effect in August is more obvious.

Secondly, the potential for consumption has been vigorously released. The old-for-new policy has landed one after another around the country, driving the sales of key consumer goods up significantly. For example, data from the China Automobile Dealers Association shows that the national passenger car retail sales volume in August was 1.905 million units, a sharp increase of 10.8% from a year earlier; among them, the very bright new energy vehicle retail sales volume was 1.027 million units, a sharp increase of 17% from a year earlier. Another example is that data from the National Bureau of Statistics shows that the retail sales volume of household electrical appliances and audio-visual equipments has turned from a decline to a rise, and the sales in August increased by 3.4% year-on-year. year-on-year growth of 3.4%. From the platform and store situation, the recent rapid growth in consumption of home appliances in exchange for new appliances, August 26 to September 21, Jingdong platform refrigerators, washing machines, TVs, air conditioners, computers and other home appliances sales year-on-year growth of 128.8%, 86.3%, 130.6%, 240.5%, respectively, 52.2%, the growth rate of these five types of electrical appliances increased at least 52.2%, the growth rate is very obvious; September 1 to 21, Suning Ebay doubled the traffic of the national operating stores, computers, air conditioning sales were achieved nearly 300% and 100% of rapid growth. The data of these two enterprises can reflect very intuitively the significant effect of the "two new" policy.

Thirdly, industrial development has been strongly promoted. The "two new" efforts have continued to stimulate demand potential, and the effects of related policies are being transmitted to the supply sector, promoting faster production growth in equipment manufacturing, automobiles, home appliances and other industries. Transportation, communications and other key areas of equipment renewal, for example, in August, ships and related devices, urban rail transit equipment, communications equipment and other manufacturing industry value added year-on-year growth of 23%, 17.1%, 10.3%; household washing machines, smart TVs, household refrigerators and other product output have also achieved faster growth. At the same time, we should also see that many companies are optimistic about the prospects for the development of the "two new" areas, increased equipment manufacturing, consumer goods production and other areas of investment. The first eight months, equipment manufacturing, consumer goods manufacturing, raw materials manufacturing investment grew 10%, 14.9%, 9%.

Fourthly, the well-being of people's livelihoods has been strongly enhanced. Solving the urgent problems and improving the living environment of the people is an important starting point for the work of the two new organizations. In this regard, we have carried out a great deal of work in conjunction with relevant localities and departments. For example, we have focused on the shortcomings and weaknesses of construction and municipal services, and have promoted the renewal of old elevators and environmental infrastructure in various places. In the first eight months, closely related to the municipal construction of electricity, heat, gas and water production and supply industry investment growth of 23.5%. Another example, focusing on improving the quality of public services in the fields of education, medical care, culture and tourism, in-depth promotion of social sector equipment renewal, smart culture and tourism and other transformation and upgrading of the comprehensive progress. We note that the recent CCTV in-depth interviews and reports on the renewal of hospital ultrasound machines and CT machines, as well as the National Library ushered in new upgrades to its facilities, etc., there are many typical cases, which vividly demonstrate the implementation of the "two new" policies.

Fifthly, it has strongly supported green transformation. The important goal of the "two new" work is to reduce production costs and improve the quality of life by using more energy-saving and low-carbon products, and to help promote a comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development. Driven by the "two new" policy, the new energy automobile industry is gaining momentum, in August, the production of new energy vehicles and charging piles increased year-on-year by 30.5% and 97% respectively, and the penetration rate of new energy vehicles reached 53.9%, exceeding 50% for two consecutive months. Rapid growth, according to preliminary statistics, from August 26 to September 8, the national 1 energy-efficient refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, televisions, gas water heaters online sales increased by 54.6%, 140.2%, 31.8%, 396.2%, 78.41% year-on-year, the rate of growth is significantly faster than the overall level of the same type of home appliances. At the same time, the recovery and recycling action, standards enhancement action has also made positive progress, the first eight months, the country's new intelligent community waste materials recycling facilities more than 5,900, the amount of end-of-life automobile recycling 4.21 million, an increase of 42.4%. key areas of the standard to speed up the development, revision, to deepen the green transformation to provide a more powerful support.

The "two new types" of work, which connects supply and demand, benefits both enterprises and the public, and is beneficial to both the immediate and the long term, and is an important initiative to promote high-quality development, which has been amply demonstrated in practice. Greening and digitization are the general trend of transformation and development, and contain huge growth potential; the "two new" work is an organic combination of greening and digitization by improving technology, energy consumption, emissions and other standards, which will help transform these potentials into real growth. The National Development and Reform Commission will thoroughly implement the decision-making and deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on the "two new" work, and will work with the relevant parties to further utilize the policies and ultra-long-term special treasury bonds and other funds in support of the "two new" work, so as to benefit more consumers and business entities, and to make the dividends of the policies more beneficial to the consumers and business entities. The policy dividends will benefit a wider range of consumers and business entities, while also providing a stronger impetus for promoting sustained and healthy economic development and accelerating the transformation of production and living styles.

That is all I have to say. Next, I would like to join my colleagues in answering questions from journalists and friends.


What specific financial support measures have been provided by the People's Bank of China (PBOC) for the financing needs faced by SMEs in equipment replacement? What is the actual implementation of these measures? What are the next steps?

PENG Lifeng.

The financing needs of enterprises in equipment renewal are mainly met by bank loans, which the People's Bank of China (PBOC) supports through the refinancing policy tool. In April this year, in accordance with the decision-making and deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, the PBoC, in conjunction with the Development and Reform Commission and other departments, created a science and technology innovation and technological transformation refinancing loan with a scale of 500 billion yuan and an interest rate of 1.75%, of which 100 billion yuan was arranged to support the "first loan" for start-up and growth-stage science and technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs); Arrangements were made for a 400 billion yuan line of special support for equipment renewal and technological transformation projects in key areas, with emphasis on prioritizing support for relevant projects declared by small and medium-sized enterprises.

Since the implementation of the policy, the relevant departments have seriously organized project selection, and have cumulatively sent 3 batches of 13,000 alternative projects to banking institutions; the People's Bank of China and other departments have guided banking institutions to set up a special working mechanism, strengthened resource safeguards, accelerated the docking and due diligence, and increased the credit support for project financing in accordance with the principle of marketization. The relevant work has made positive progress, and the equipment renewal projects have basically realized "full coverage" of financing docking and due diligence, with a cumulative contracted loan amount of 230 billion yuan, and a weighted average interest rate of 3.1%, which is 25 basis points lower than the 1-year LPR interest rate (3.35%), and has provided strong support for projects in key areas such as technological transformation and equipment renewal projects. According to our statistics, 70% of these funds are in support of SMEs.

At the same time, the People's Bank has continued to promote the work of doing a good job in science and technology finance, green finance, inclusive finance and other related work, so as to create a favorable financial environment for the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises. For example, the PBoC has joined hands with the Development and Reform Commission and other departments to issue the Work Program on Doing a Good Job in Science and Technology Finance, and has strengthened financial services for science and technology-based enterprises throughout their life cycle. It has played the roles of carbon emission reduction support tools and inclusive small and micro loan support tools, and has added 100 billion yuan of agricultural and small-scale refinancing lines to incentivize and guide financial institutions to step up their efforts to support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and the green and low-carbon transformation. As of the end of August this year, loans to science and technology-based SMEs and inclusive small and micro-credit grew by 21% and 16% year-on-year respectively, significantly higher than the growth rate of loans in the same period.

As a next step, the People's Bank of China will continue to conscientiously implement the decision-making and deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, jointly with the Development and Reform Commission and other departments to further increase the guidance and supervision of banking institutions and local governments, by accelerating the progress of the processing of land, planning, environmental protection, safety and other permits for loan projects, including more private enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and projects related to agricultural subjects in the list of alternatives, and increasing the financing guarantee and risk compensation support and other measures. By speeding up the processing of land planning, environmental protection and other safety certificates for loan projects, including more private enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises and agriculture-related subjects in the list of options, increasing financing guarantees and risk compensation support, etc., the company has made good use of science and technology innovation and technological transformation refinancing loans, and vigorously supported technological transformation and equipment renewal projects in key areas; it has also perfected the policy system of the "five major articles" of finance and enriched the exclusive financial products adapted to the needs of the vast majority of small and medium-sized enterprises, so as to continuously improve the intensity, coverage and suitability of financial support for small and medium-sized enterprises.

CCTV News Center Correspondent.

September 22 is an important point in the fourth anniversary of President Xi Jinping's "two-carbon" initiative, and at the end of July this year, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued a document to accelerate the promotion of economic and social development and comprehensive green transformation. What is the significance of introducing the policy of strengthening support for the "two new" in this context? What role will the promotion of the "two new" work play in realizing the "double carbon" goal and accelerating the green transformation of the economy and society?


Thank you, CCTV reporter, for asking a very good question. After General Secretary Xi Jinping declared the goal of "dual-carbon", we, together with various regions and departments, have been insisting on taking the work of "dual-carbon" as the lead, focusing on the five major areas proposed in the Opinions, such as territorial space, industrial structure, energy, transportation and urban and rural construction, to promote a comprehensive green transformation of the economy and society. We have been focusing on the five major areas of land space, industrial structure, energy, transportation, urban and rural construction and other areas proposed in the Opinions to promote a comprehensive green economic and social transformation. As I mentioned in my opening remarks, the "two new" work insists on focusing on the macroscopic level and starting from the microscopic level, which is beneficial to both the present and the long term. At the micro level, the "two new" policies are conducive to effectively improving the production and living conditions of enterprises and the public; at the macro level, this policy will help expand domestic demand and is very conducive to promoting the realization of the "dual-carbon" goal and the overall green transformation of the economy and society. We have always closely integrated the work of the "two new types" with that of energy conservation, carbon reduction and green transformation, and have promoted the continuous upgrading of advanced production capacity and the introduction of more high-quality consumer goods into the lives of the people. This can be reflected in the following points:

First, energy saving and carbon reduction transformation as an important area of support for equipment renewal. Relevant data show that China's key areas of product and equipment annual energy consumption accounted for the total national energy consumption of about 80%, some of the products and equipment in use with high energy consumption because of the long-term lack of renewal, resulting in energy utilization efficiency is still relatively low, to promote the renewal and transformation of these equipment to accelerate the development of green transformation is of great significance. This time, to support the "two new" policies, we in industry, environmental infrastructure, transportation, logistics, education, culture and tourism, medical and other areas of equipment renewal and recovery and recycling on the basis of the ultra-long-term special national bond funds to support the scope of the energy and power, the old elevator and other areas of equipment renewal, as well as the key industry energy saving The purpose of this expansion is to promote industrial upgrading and development by expanding the scope of support for technological renewal, digital empowerment, green and low-carbon industries, and to continuously cultivate new dynamics in the industry.

Secondly, the improvement of energy efficiency is an important incentive for the trade-in of consumer goods. China is a large country with a large stock of consumer durables, with more than 3 billion household appliances and more than 300 million automobiles. Improving the energy efficiency of these products through trade-in will help reduce China's overall energy consumption and carbon emission intensity. In terms of vehicle scrapping and renewal, we subsidize the purchase of new energy passenger cars or fuel passenger cars with a displacement of 2.0 liters or less by 20,000 yuan and 15,000 yuan, respectively. In terms of home appliance trade-in, we give 15% of the product sales price of the purchase of 8 types of home appliance products such as refrigerators with energy efficiency or water efficiency standards of grade 2 and above a trade-in subsidy, and an additional 5% of the product sales price of the purchase of products with energy efficiency or water efficiency standards of grade 1 and above a subsidy. Driven by the policy, the retail sales of new energy vehicles reached 1,027,000 units in August, a sharp increase of 17% compared with the previous year, and the penetration rate of new energy vehicles exceeded 50% for the second consecutive month.2 million low-emission standard passenger vehicles are expected to be withdrawn for the whole year.

Thirdly, advanced energy consumption and emission levels will be an important part of the standards upgrading. Another important aspect of the "two new" policy is the implementation of the standards upgrading initiative. At present, 294 national standards to be formulated and revised in the next two years have all been finalized, of which 70 have been completed and released to the public, involving energy consumption and efficiency, pollutant emissions, production safety, electric vehicles, household electrical appliances, houseware, civilian drones and other areas, and these standards have played a key role in promoting the updating of equipment and the replacement of old and new consumer goods. In short, we have achieved good results by combining the "two new" policies with improving energy efficiency, promoting technological upgrading, and helping to save energy and reduce carbon emissions. As a next step, we will continue to promote the implementation of the "two new" policies in detail, so as to more vigorously support the realization of the "double carbon" goal.

I'll answer those first, thanks!

CCTV Voice of China Reporter.

The guarantee and supervision of financial resources are crucial to the orderly promotion of the "two new types" of work. At present, all regions have launched the implementation of strengthening support for the "two new" work, can the Ministry of Finance specifically introduce what work has been carried out in terms of financial guarantee and supervision? Thank you.

Zhao Changsheng.

Thank you for your question. As you said, the financial fund guarantee and supervision is the key link to promote the "two new" work, and it is crucial to promote the "two new" work in an orderly manner. The Ministry of Finance actively implement the CPC Central Committee, the State Council decision-making and deployment, the timely issuance of ultra-long-term special bonds and equipment renewal loan interest subsidy funds, and effectively do a good job in financial security and supervision.

First, in batches, directly arrange 150 billion yuan of ultra-long-term special state bond funds to localities. The National Development and Reform Commission took the lead, synthesized the resident population of each region, GDP, automobile and home appliance ownership and other factors, to determine the scale of funding in each region, the Ministry of Finance in the first instance, according to the proportion of 60% to the local pre-allocation of 90 billion yuan of funds, and require provinces to grasp the budgetary funds disaggregated down to the relevant departments at the same level or the lower level of the financial sector, and to effectively ensure that localities to start the relevant work in a timely manner. At the same time, the Ministry of Finance closely tracked the progress of work around the real-time grasp of the progress of the use of funds, and according to the actual progress of work in localities, the remaining 60 billion yuan of funds issued in a timely manner, to effectively protect the Mid-Autumn Festival, National Day period of consumer goods to subsidize the demand for subsidies for the replacement of old and new.

Secondly, special funds for large-scale equipment renewal have been issued in a timely manner. After receiving the list of equipment renewal projects supported by the ultra-long-term special national bond funds transferred from the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance initiated the budget issuance procedure at the first time and issued the relevant funds, and required local financial departments at all levels to disburse the funds in a timely manner in accordance with the progress of the project implementation, so as to ensure the orderly implementation of the relevant projects.

Third, the first equipment renewal loan subsidized interest funds. The central government optimizes the process of applying for funds, allocates interest rate subsidy funds to the provincial finance, and the provincial finance allocates interest rate subsidy funds to the bank on a quarterly basis, and the bank directly deducts the interest when collecting interest, and the main body of the business is exempted from applying for the preferential interest rate. The Ministry of Finance has arranged for 20 billion yuan of equipment renewal loan interest subsidy funds, and has now allocated the first 8 billion yuan of interest subsidy funds, which has boosted the enthusiasm of business entities for equipment renewal and accelerated equipment renewal and technological upgrading.

In addition, to strengthen support for the "two new" work of large capital investment, involving a variety of areas, the need to continue to strengthen the supervision of funds to ensure the safety of funds, in this regard, we cooperate with the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments to establish a regular scheduling mechanism to closely track the progress of policy implementation, and to strengthen the main responsibility for the management of the project and funds around the world, while at the same time, the use of funds clear "negative list". At the same time, we clarify the "negative list" for the use of funds, and require that the relevant funds shall not be used to balance the budget, repay government debts, or clear delinquent accounts to enterprises, or "three guarantees" expenditures, etc., and prevent the funds from being crowded out and misappropriated through online monitoring, offline verification and other specific initiatives, so that the "real money" will be utilized for the benefit of the local government and the public. The "real money" policy has been put into practice and has seen results as early as possible.

As a next step, the Ministry of Finance, together with the relevant departments, will closely follow up on the distribution of funds and promote the implementation of relevant policies and measures to ensure that the "two new" work to achieve greater results. Thank you.

Phoenix Reporter.

A large number of outdated products and equipment have been eliminated in the process of renewal and replacement, which, if not handled properly, may lead to new problems such as environmental pollution and waste of resources. What arrangements have been made for the recycling of old home appliances, old consumer goods and old equipment? What other initiatives will be taken to promote recovery and recycling?


Your question is very good. As you have said, the continued promotion of the "two new types" of work will generate a large amount of waste materials in the coming period of time, and it is necessary to respond to this problem through recovery and recycling. We have always attached great importance to the recovery and recycling of waste materials, "two new" of the four major actions, recovery and recycling is one of the important one. The recovery and recycling chain is smooth, not only can effectively solve the problem of environmental pollution, but also help us to open the "second mine" of resources. In recent times, the National Development and Reform Commission has conscientiously fulfilled its responsibilities as the competent authority for the circular economy, and together with the relevant departments, has continued to promote recovery and recycling actions, which have achieved very good results and can be introduced to you from three aspects.

First, the recycling network for waste materials is constantly being improved. In response to problems such as the inadequacy of recycling channels, we have worked with the relevant departments to further promote the integration of waste classification outlets and waste material recycling outlets, and to improve the accuracy of the classification of recyclables. To date, about 150,000 recycling outlets and 1,800 large-scale sorting centers of various types have been built nationwide, effectively solving the problem of insufficient and imperfect recycling outlets in the past.

Second, the processing and utilization of renewable resources has been continuously strengthened. In view of the low quality of recycling of waste resources, we have carried out the construction of national "urban minerals" demonstration bases, 60 key cities for recycling of waste materials, and 100 demonstration projects for the comprehensive utilization of bulk solid wastes, so as to guide the recycling industry to further agglomerate and develop on a large scale. Up to now, the national comprehensive utilization rate of bulk solid waste has reached 59%, and the utilization of 10 kinds of major renewable resources, such as scrap iron and steel and non-ferrous metals, has been growing significantly each year, with the annual utilization of scrap iron and steel having reached 260 million tons.

Thirdly, the institutional mechanism for recycling is constantly being improved. In response to the challenges faced by enterprises in terms of tax deductions and reductions, we have continued to promote the "reverse invoicing" of resource recycling enterprises to sellers of end-of-life products, thereby reducing the operating costs of recycling enterprises. In response to the land use problems that have plagued the industry for many years, we have guided localities to incorporate waste recycling facilities into municipal and county land and spatial planning, providing land use support for recycling. In response to the problem of environmental pollution by unregulated small workshops, we have further implemented the standardized conditions for the comprehensive utilization of decommissioned power batteries, vigorously opened up clues and reporting channels, strengthened environmental supervision and law enforcement, and resolutely cracked down on "workshop-type recycling and dismantling" and other environmental violations.

As a next step, the National Development and Reform Commission will work with the relevant parties to do a good job in the article of recovery and recycling, accelerate the construction of a waste recycling system covering all fields and links, continue to smooth the chain of resource recycling and utilization, and promote the realization of the "old is easier, and the new is more convenient". First, we will accelerate the development of the logistics system and new model of "replacement + recycling", and further improve the recycling network of used products and equipment. The second is to strengthen the extension of producer responsibility, support enterprises to build a reverse logistics system for recycling used products, and promote the efficient utilization of decommissioned wind power photovoltaic and power batteries. At the same time, it supports the formation of China Resource Recycling Group and promotes the establishment of a national and functional resource recycling platform. Third, optimize the registration management of second-hand car transactions, improve the relevant resource import standards and policies, and build a larger international recovery and recycling system. At the same time, the recovery and recycling of all aspects of the need to form a synergy, we call on the majority of consumers and enterprises to actively participate in the recovery of waste materials, renewable resources, such as the use of all aspects of the specific work and action, and jointly practicing green production and lifestyle.

Thank you!

Daily Beast Reporter.

May I ask the Ministry of Finance central funds issued, the local financial departments to promote the implementation of the policy to speed up the payment of funds? Thank you.

Zhao Changsheng.

Thank you for your question. Policy effectiveness is a key concern for budgetary fund management. I have just mentioned that we have established a regular scheduling mechanism, from the situation reported around the world, the financial sector around the active cooperation with the development and reform departments and industry departments in charge of the timely policy planning and financial protection, to promote the strengthening of support for the "two new" policy as soon as possible to see the effect of the implementation.

First, increase the local matching funds. Several Measures" clearly, the relevant funds in accordance with the overall 9:1 principle of the implementation of the central and local sharing. Provincial financial departments to actively arrange supporting funds to ensure that the local burden part of the implementation in place, some areas also according to the actual situation, according to local conditions to increase the proportion of local funds to support the burden, such as, Qinghai Province, in addition to the central policy, the introduction of provincial consumer goods trade-in policy, and increase the arrangements for the provincial supporting funds to support, and to strengthen the promotion of "two new" (c) Increasing the proportion of local matching funds to support the work of the "two new types".

Secondly, innovative work initiatives have been developed according to local conditions. Provincial financial departments actively cooperate with the relevant provincial departments, sub-field mapping, according to the actual measurement of funding needs, and in conjunction with the actual, focusing on enterprises and the public's warm response, high voice of the field, to increase investment, stimulate investment and consumption potential. For example, in Sichuan Province, an additional 3 billion yuan per year to support projects in the industrial sector, such as equipment upgrading, green low-carbon, safe production; Zhejiang Province, a new policy to support consumer subsidies for family aging transformation, the purchase of eligible items and materials for the elderly families to give 50% and 60% grade subsidies, the amount of subsidies of up to 20,000 yuan.

Third, multiple measures have been taken to optimize the service process. Various regions have actively issued guidebooks, subsidy guidelines, and advisory hotlines to respond to consumer concerns in a timely manner, and have made efforts to streamline the process from both the business and consumer ends to ensure that the policy is straightforward and quick to enjoy. For example, Beijing has adopted the "purchase and reduction" method for home appliances and smart homes to realize "direct access" to preferences and effectively improve the public's sense of access, and has innovated the fund redemption process to ensure the safe use of funds by adopting a "pre-funding + clearing" method for participating merchants. On the basis of ensuring the safety of the use of funds, participating merchants will take the approach of "pre-allocation + liquidation" to speed up the payment of funds, and effectively reduce the pressure on merchants to advance funds.

To date, the use of funds in various regions has continued to accelerate, and the payment of subsidies for various categories of consumer goods has been effectively guaranteed. Under the guidance of the central financial support, enterprises and consumers have been mobilized to invest and consume, and the effectiveness of the policy in various areas has gradually emerged. For example, since the implementation of the "two new" policy in Hubei Province, the demand for automobiles, home appliances and other bulk consumer goods trade-in has been strong, and the cumulative turnover of household electrical appliances stores in the province has increased by 50% compared with the same period of the previous year; the demand for automobiles trade-in in Zhejiang Province has increased significantly, and the current daily average number of applications is about 2,100, which is the first time that the "two new" policy has been implemented in Hubei Province, and it is the first time that the "two new" policy has been implemented. The average daily application volume is about 2,100 vehicles, which is nearly three times of the week before the release of the "two new" policy, and the average daily demand for subsidy fund payment exceeds 40 million yuan.

The next step, the Ministry of Finance will continue to urge localities to speed up the use of funds disbursement, strengthen the tracking of funds to maximize the scope and intensity of the release of investment and consumption potential. Thank you.

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