Ministry of Natural Resources: Supporting the use of deserts, Gobi and deserts to build large-scale scenery bases

August 20, the Ministry of Natural Resources issued on the protection and sustainable use of natural resources to solidly promote the implementation of the construction of beautiful China, the document pointed out that actively and steadily promote the carbon peak carbon neutral. Based on the coal-based national conditions, do a good job of coal supply services, and promote the exploration and development of oil and gas resources. Support the use of deserts, Gobi, deserts and other construction of large-scale wind power photovoltaic bases, promote offshore wind power projects to the deep-water far shore layout, promote the large-scale use of ocean energy, and promote the construction of a new energy system. It will implement actions to consolidate and enhance the carbon sink capacity of ecosystems and organize pilot projects.

The original text follows:

Opinions of the Ministry of Natural Resources on the Protection and Sustainable Utilization of Natural Resources to Solidly Promote the Construction of a Beautiful China

Natural Resources Development [2024] No. 150 Provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government and municipalities with separate plans in charge of natural resources, the Bureau of Natural Resources of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Oceanography, the Department of Marine Economic Development of Zhejiang Province, the Bureau of Oceanography and Fisheries of Fujian Province, the Ocean Bureau of Shandong Province, the Bureau of Oceanography of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the Ocean Bureau of Hainan Province, the Bureau of Oceanography and Fisheries of Dalian Municipality, the Bureau of Oceanography and Fisheries of Qingdao City, the Bureau of Oceanography and Fisheries of Ningbo City, the State Forestry and Grassland Administration, the China Geological Survey and other direct units of the Ministry. Dalian Municipal Ocean Development Bureau, Qingdao Municipal Ocean Development Bureau, Xiamen Municipal Ocean Development Bureau, Ningbo Municipal Ocean Economy Development Bureau, State Forestry and Grassland Bureau, China Geological Survey and other units directly under the ministry, the dispatched organizations, and the departments and bureaus of the ministry:

The construction of a beautiful China is an important goal in the comprehensive construction of a modernized socialist country and an important element in realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Natural resources are the basis for survival, development, people's livelihood and ecology, and the protection and sustainable use of natural resources is an inherent requirement for building a beautiful China. In order to deeply implement the Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of a Beautiful China, and vigorously implement the major deployment of the construction of a beautiful China, we have studied and formulated the implementation of the Opinions.

I. General requirements

Adhering to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, deeply implementing the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and the 2nd and 3rd Plenary Sessions of the 20th CPC Central Committee, comprehensively implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, conscientiously implementing the deployment of the National Conference on Ecological Environmental Protection, firmly establishing and practicing the concept that green water and green mountains are golden mountains, adhering to the policy of giving priority to conservation, protection, and natural restoration, focusing on the construction of a beautiful China. Focusing on the building of a beautiful China, it has been oriented around strictly guarding the bottom line of resource security, optimizing the spatial pattern of the national territory, promoting green and low-carbon development, and safeguarding the rights and interests of resources and assets, strictly controlling the three control lines of arable land and permanent basic farmland, the red line of ecological protection, and the development boundary of towns and cities, constructing a new pattern of development and protection of the national territory space, raising the level of intensive use of resources, constructing a firm ecological security barrier, enhancing the capacity of guaranteeing energy and resources, and perfecting the ecological civilization system. system of ecological civilization, and promote the formation of spatial patterns, industrial structures, production methods and lifestyles that conserve resources and protect the environment, so as to make new and greater contributions to the modernization of harmonious coexistence between human beings and nature.

II. Optimizing the pattern of territorial spatial development and protection

(i) Improving the national land spatial planning system. It is fully implementing the National Outline for Territorial Spatial Planning (2021-2035), and promoting the construction of a new pattern of territorial spatial development and protection with obvious main functions, complementary advantages and high-quality development. It has strengthened the guiding and restraining role of overall national land spatial planning in respect of special planning, and has coordinated and comprehensively balanced the spatial utilization needs of various fields and aspects. Accelerating the preparation and implementation of special land space plans for regional basins such as Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, the Yangtze River Delta, the Yellow River Basin and the central region, promoting the implementation of major regional strategies and regional coordinated development strategies, and promoting high-quality development. Promoting the preparation of detailed national land spatial planning by region and classification, and conducing to the implementation of the strategic objectives, bottom-line control, functional layout, spatial structure, resource utilization and other requirements of the previous master plan. It has established a system of regular medical check-ups and assessments of territorial spatial planning, built a national network for monitoring the implementation of territorial spatial planning, and promoted the optimization of planning and management processes, policy innovations and institutional reforms by means of "digitization" and "networking".

(ii) Deepening the implementation of the main functional area strategy and system. It has prepared a national plan for optimizing the implementation of the main functional areas, promoted the comprehensive layout of the main functions, and guided the shaping of new dynamics and new advantages in regional development. It will improve the system of principal functional zones, perfect the spatial development strategy and spatial synergy policy for the implementation of the principal functional zone strategy, give full play to the comparative advantages of various regions, strengthen the guarantee mechanism for the optimization and development of territorial space, and promote the integration of various regions into and services for the construction of a new development pattern. It will also actively participate in the construction of advanced zones for a beautiful China.

(c) Strictly implementing and controlling the "three zones and three lines". On the basis of territorial spatial planning, the three control lines, namely, arable land and permanent basic farmland, the red line of ecological protection, and the urban development boundary, have been taken as the insurmountable red lines for adjusting the economic structure, planning industrial development, and promoting urbanization. Resolutely guarding the 1.8 billion mu red line of arable land, implementing special protection for permanent basic farmland, and ensuring that arable land that can be utilized in a long-term and stable manner will not be reduced any further. It will implement a management system for the red line of ecological protection, improve the rules for differentiated control of zones, carry out monitoring of the red line of ecological protection and assessment of the effectiveness of its protection, standardize the control of limited anthropogenic activities that do not damage ecological functions, strictly control the occupation of construction projects, and strengthen the enforcement of illegal and unlawful encroachment, so as to firmly guard the natural ecological security boundary. Improve the control of urban development boundaries, and promote the green development of urban space in a connotative and intensive manner. It will maintain the seriousness of the results of the delineation of the "three zones and three lines", strictly control the use of land space, and implement the requirements for the convergence of the ecological and environmental zoning control program and land space planning.

(d) Contributing to the construction of beautiful cities. It will improve the urban planning system and guide the coordinated development and intensive and compact layout of large, medium-sized and small cities and towns. Improve the overall planning of urban land space and its detailed planning, implement the requirements for the delineation and control of urban water protection lines, green space system lines, infrastructure construction control lines and historical and cultural protection lines, promote the synergistic allocation of industrial space, residential land and public service facilities, plan the spatial layout of basic public service facilities in a coordinated manner, and utilize urban design and other means to enhance the quality of the urban living environment, and help build beautiful cities oriented towards green and low-carbon, environmentally beautiful, ecologically livable, safe and healthy, intelligent and efficient cities, environment, ecological livability, safety and health, intelligence and efficiency-oriented construction of beautiful cities. Strengthening the management of territorial spatial planning for mega-mega cities, curbing "big-cake" expansion, promoting a change in the development mode of cities, and facilitating a more rational spatial structure for production, living and ecology, as well as a more rational functional layout. It will implement guidelines on national land spatial planning and land-use policies, and actively serve the transformation of urban villages, the construction of "flat and urgent" public infrastructure, and the construction of guaranteed housing, among other things.

(v) Promoting the construction of beautiful villages. Learning and applying the experience of Zhejiang's "Ten Million Projects", the county coordinates and classifies village planning in an orderly manner, improves the quality and effectiveness of village planning, optimizes the spatial layout of public service facilities and industrial development in the countryside, and promotes the integrated development of urban and rural areas. Explore the advantages of rural regional resources and assets, carry out rural spatial design according to local conditions, improve the rural living environment, protect historical and cultural villages and traditional village patterns, and shape the characteristics of the beautiful countryside. On the premise that the total amount of arable land will not be reduced and the layout of permanent basic farmland will be basically stabilized, the comprehensive improvement of land in the entire region will be promoted in a steady and orderly manner, with the county as the coordinating unit and townships as the basic implementation unit, integrating and revitalizing scattered and idle land in the countryside, and guaranteeing land for infrastructure and industrial development in the countryside.

(vi) Protecting and passing on cultural and natural values. The overall protection and systematic adaptive use of cultural and natural heritage, the improvement of policies and working mechanisms for the spatial protection of historical and cultural heritage, the improvement of land-use policies for regions with outstanding cultural and natural values, the highlighting of the characteristics and charms of territorial space, and the exploration of the multiple values of cultural and natural heritage have all enriched the cultural connotations of the construction of a beautiful China.

III. Promoting the conservation and intensive utilization of natural resources

(vii) Strictly managing the total amount of resources. Optimizing the allocation of new construction land-use plan indicators, improving the precision of land factor allocation and utilization efficiency, and giving priority to guaranteeing reasonable land use for leading industries and major projects, so as to give advantageous regions more room for development. Establish a mechanism for coordinating the allocation of new urban construction land indicators with the increase in the resident population. Improve the development and protection system of marine resources, strictly protect the natural shoreline, strictly control new reclamation, explore the establishment of a balanced system of shoreline occupation and restoration, and ensure that the rate of natural shoreline retention on the mainland is not less than 35%. Adhere to the principle of "projects following the planning, elements following the projects", optimize the approval process of land and sea use for major projects, and support the construction of major projects. major project construction.

(viii) Scientific allocation of various types of resources. A unified system for assessing the price of natural resources and monitoring price dynamics has been constructed, giving play to the guiding role of the governmental public price of natural resources. It will improve a unified trading platform for natural resource assets. Promote the reform of market entry of rural collective operating construction land in an orderly manner, build a unified construction land market for urban and rural areas, and improve the relevant supporting systems. Promote the change of the supply of industrial land to leasing and granting, and promote the supply of industrial land in the form of "standard land". It will improve and innovate the way mining rights are competitively offered for sale, keep the transaction price at a reasonable range, and guide funds to be utilized more for exploration and development. It has formulated a directory of natural resources to support the high-quality development of industries, and clarified the requirements for limiting or prohibiting the use of land, mines, forests, grasses, wetlands and the sea by different industries.

(ix) Intensive and efficient utilization of resources. It has pushed forward the creation of model counties (cities) for the conservation and intensive use of natural resources, and has encouraged localities to explore widely and deeply the modes of innovation in the conservation and intensive use of natural resources, technological innovation, institutional innovation and management innovation. It has implemented the evaluation of land use saving and intensification, and promoted the special management of land use in various industrial parks. It has formulated policies on the development and utilization of urban underground space, and encouraged the comprehensive development and utilization of aboveground and underground space. It will implement the survey and evaluation of the level of exploitation and utilization of mineral resources, and improve the standards for mining recovery rate, ore dressing recovery rate and comprehensive utilization rate. Comprehensively promote the construction of green mines, establish a supervision mechanism, and implement the dynamic management of the green mine list. Improve the standard system of saving and intensive use of sea for project purposes, explore the promotion of three-dimensional layering of rights in sea areas, and encourage comprehensive development and utilization.

(j) Revitalizing the use of stock resources. Comprehensive measures will be implemented, classified and disposed of, and the mechanism for disposing of idle land will be improved. Push forward the pilot redevelopment of low-utility land, improve relevant planning and land-use policies, revitalize the stock of land and low-utility land, and promote urban and rural development from incremental dependence to stock tapping. Optimizing the use of urban industrial and commercial land, accelerating the development of the secondary market for construction land, and promoting the mixed development and utilization of land and the reasonable conversion of its use. Carrying out surveys on the available resources of tailing ponds for some types of strategic minerals, and promoting the comprehensive utilization of tailing resources. Promoting the revitalization and utilization of reclaimed land areas.

IV. Building a broader pattern of protection and governance from the mountaintops to the oceans

(k) Comprehensively promoting the construction of a system of nature reserves. It will promote the integration and optimization of various types of protected areas, accelerate the establishment of a nature reserve system with national parks as the mainstay, nature reserves as the foundation, and various types of nature parks as supplements, so as to systematically protect important natural ecosystems, natural relics, natural landscapes and biodiversity. The spatial layout program of national parks will be implemented, and the creation and establishment of national parks will be promoted in a steady and orderly manner.

(xii) Carrying out major actions to build "beautiful nature". We will study and apply Xi Jinping's "Xiamen Practice" of ecological civilization, and promote ecological protection and restoration over a long period of time. We will improve the integrated protection and systematic management mechanism of mountains, water, forests, fields, lakes, grasses and sands, and strengthen and brighten the brand of "China's Landscape Project". It will implement major projects for the protection and restoration of important ecosystems, and accelerate the construction of national ecological security barrier systems such as the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Ecological Barrier Zone, the Yellow River Key Ecological Zone, the Yangtze River Key Ecological Zone, and the Northeast Forest Belt, the Northern Sand Control Belt, the Southern Hilly Mountain Belt, and the Coastal Belt. It will increase the ecological restoration and management of abandoned mines left over from history, and strengthen the supervision of ecological restoration of production mines. It will adhere to land and sea integration and river and sea linkage, promote the ecological protection and restoration of near-shore waters, and carry out in-depth protection and restoration of mangrove forests and other important ecosystems. It will strengthen the comprehensive prevention and control of desertification, and push forward the construction of key ecological projects such as the "Three Norths".

(xiii) Scientific and standardized implementation of ecological protection and restoration. It will implement a national natural ecological resources monitoring and evaluation early-warning project, and carry out surveys of ecosystem baseline conditions, change monitoring, and risk early-warning. Based on China's land-based ecological zoning and offshore ecological zoning, it will formulate technical guidelines for ecological restoration, improve the system of technical standards for the whole chain of ecological problem diagnosis, implementation of governance, monitoring and supervision, effectiveness evaluation and adaptive management, promote the application of nature-based solutions, prevent the over-engineering of ecological restoration, and resolutely curb the problem of formalism in ecological restoration. Coordinate the planning and layout of greening space, adapt to local conditions, adapt to local conditions, carry out large-scale national greening in a scientific manner, and give full play to the role of the forest as a "carbon bank".

(xiv) Improving the ecological protection and restoration system and mechanism. Improve the ecological protection and restoration planning system. Build a diversified ecological protection and restoration investment mechanism, and encourage and support social capital to participate in ecological protection and restoration. Improve the land replacement policy for ecological protection and restoration to promote the optimization of the layout of arable land, forest land and garden land. Improve the supervision system of the whole process of ecological protection and restoration, carry out the assessment of the effectiveness of ecological protection and restoration, and establish and implement a national ecological protection and restoration bulletin system.

(xv) Improving mechanisms for realizing the value of ecological products. It will promote the rest and recuperation of natural ecosystems, add value to natural capital, and enhance the ability of natural ecosystems to provide ecological products. Strengthen the protection of property rights of natural resource assets, and clarify the rights and responsibilities of ecological products based on the unified registration of natural resources. Explore the integrated storage and combined supply of natural resource assets, and visualize and realize the value of ecological products. Establish a big food concept, vigorously develop woody food and oil, and develop forest economy according to local conditions. Explore the establishment of eco-industry demonstration zones, coordinate the utilization of resources and ecological protection, and promote eco-industrialization and industrial eco-industrialization. Promote the improvement of the ecological protection compensation system.

V. Strengthening the security of energy resources

(p) Strengthening the dynamic balance of the total amount of arable land. Reform and improve the system for balancing the occupation and replenishment of arable land, incorporate the occupation of various types of arable land into unified management, improve the mechanism for accepting the quality of replenished arable land, and ensure that balanced standards are met. Explore the mechanism for the State to concentrate on reclaiming arable land and direct it to specific projects and areas to realize the balance of appropriation and replenishment. Adhere to the water to determine the land, under the premise of strict protection of the ecological environment, the rational development and utilization of saline land and other arable land reserve resources. Encourage the use of non-cultivated land for the development of high-efficiency facility agriculture, and reduce the occupation of cultivated land. It has established and improved "long-tooth" hard measures to protect arable land, strengthened whole-chain supervision, enhanced arable land protection, investigation and monitoring, planning and control, approval and supervision, protection and restoration, land use and law enforcement, strengthened national natural resources inspection, and resolutely curbed the illegal and irregular occupation of arable land. In conjunction with relevant departments, it has rigorously carried out assessments of provincial party committees and governments on their responsibility for implementing arable land protection and food security, and has held them seriously accountable for breaking through the red line of arable land protection and other major issues, and has pursued responsibility for the rest of their lives.

(xvii) Promoting energy and important mineral resources to increase reserves and production. It has vigorously promoted a new round of strategic actions to find mineral breakthroughs, increased the investment of mining rights, and promoted the exploration and development of energy and important mineral resources. Vigorously promote green exploration, strengthen the research and development and installation of green exploration equipment, and minimize the disturbance of the ecological environment caused by exploration activities. Together with relevant departments, we will accelerate the approval and review of key mining projects, and promote the commissioning of new production capacity of newly built and expanded mines. It will build a mineral resources market monitoring system, strengthen the analysis and judgment of the dynamics of the global resource situation, and promote the improvement of the system for the coordination and articulation of the exploration, production, supply, storage and marketing of strategic mineral resources.

(xviii) Actively and steadily promoting carbon peaking and carbon neutralization. Based on the national situation of being mainly coal-based, we will do a good job of securing the supply of coal, and promote the exploration and development of oil and gas resources. It will support the construction of large-scale wind power and photovoltaic bases using deserts, the Gobi and deserts, promote the layout of offshore wind power projects in deep water and far offshore, promote the large-scale utilization of ocean energy, and promote the construction of a new energy system. It will implement actions to consolidate and enhance the carbon sink capacity of ecosystems and organize pilot projects.

(xix) Strengthening the prevention and control of geological and marine disasters. It has improved the comprehensive prevention and control system for geological disasters, and promoted the identification of hidden geological disasters, investigation and evaluation, monitoring and early warning, comprehensive management and grass-roots disaster prevention capacity building. Strengthen the construction of a ground subsidence monitoring network. It will push forward the national global ocean stereoscopic observation network project, build an autonomous operational system for ocean forecasting and warning, and strengthen the risk assessment of sea level rise. Actively respond to ecological disasters such as red tide and green tide. It will actively adapt to climate change, strengthen the planning and management of the spatial layout of coastal cities and towns, and enhance the safety and resilience of cities and towns.

VI. Improving the system of governance of natural resources

(xx) Promoting the rule of law for nature. It has actively participated in the codification of the ecological environment code. It has accelerated the formulation and revision of the Law on Land Spatial Planning, the Mineral Resources Law, the Law on Arable Land Protection and Quality Improvement, the Real Estate Registration Law, the National Parks Law, and the regulations on the implementation of the Mineral Resources Law, the regulations on nature reserves, the regulations on scenic spots, the regulations on the implementation of the Forestry Law, etc., and has continued to push forward the construction of regulations and systems related to the State Natural Resources Inspectorate. It will solidly promote the administration of natural resources in accordance with the law, standardize natural resources law enforcement behavior, strengthen natural resources administrative reconsideration and administrative appeal, and carry out natural resources publicity and education on the rule of law. State natural resources inspectorates should strengthen their supervision of local governments' implementation of their responsibilities for the control of the "three zones and three lines", the implementation of territorial spatial planning, the protection and utilization of natural resources, and the protection of natural ecosystems.

(xxi) Improving the unified survey, evaluation and monitoring system for natural resources. It has carried out unified surveys and monitoring of natural resources, implemented annual land-use change surveys, carried out special surveys of forests, grasslands, wetlands, water resources and other natural resource monitoring, and urban spatial monitoring, and strengthened the analysis and evaluation of data and the application of results sharing. It will build an integrated information sensing system for air, space and earth networks, promote the digital transformation of surveys and monitoring, and enhance the effectiveness of survey and monitoring work. It will build an operational system for ecosystem carbon sink surveys, monitoring and assessment covering both land and oceans, and implement a national ecosystem carbon sink survey, monitoring and assessment project.

(xxii) Improving the system of property rights and management of natural resource assets. It has enriched the types of natural resource asset use rights and improved the property rights of different categories of natural resource assets. It will orderly promote the unified registration of natural resources and explore the sharing and application of registration results. It will improve the mechanism for entrusting the ownership of natural resource assets owned by the whole country, and establish a system for assessing and supervising the responsibility for ecological environmental protection, the protection and utilization of natural resources, and the preservation and appreciation of the value of assets. It has deepened the reform of the system of paid use of natural resources, expanded the scope of paid use of natural resources, explored the preparation of natural resource asset allocation programs and implementation plans, and promoted the construction of a comprehensive allocation system for the integration of multiple natural resource elements.

(xxiii) Establishing and improving the system of land use control and planning permission. Adhering to national spatial planning as the basis, a sound system of national spatial use control and planning permits has been established to cover all areas and types of land in a unified and coherent manner. It will strengthen spatial control of coastal zones, optimize the use of near-shore waters, and expand the use of deep-water and far-shore areas. It will deepen the reform of "multi-examination and multi-license" for planning and land use, and improve the "double random and open" regulatory mechanism for land use control. It will accelerate the digital transformation of land-use control, improve the system of technical standards for land-use control, the regulatory system and the monitoring and evaluation system, and strengthen the supervision of the entire process of planning implementation and space utilization.

(xxiv) Deepening participation in global ecological governance. Actively work on the Agreement on the Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Marine Biodiversity in Areas beyond National Jurisdiction under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Promote the construction of new cooperation platforms such as the Global Coastal Forum and the Asian Center for Nature-based Solutions. Actively implement the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, deeply participate in the United Nations Decade of Ecosystem Restoration, the Decade of Marine Science for Sustainable Development and other initiatives, support the construction of the United Nations Global Geographic Information Knowledge and Innovation Center, and actively promote global sustainable development. We will support the construction of the United Nations Center for Global Geographic Information Knowledge and Innovation, and actively promote global sustainable development. Expanding new areas of cooperation in natural resources, ecological protection, oceans and seas, surveying and mapping, geographic information, territorial spatial governance, and earth sciences. We will continue to carry out scientific expeditions to the polar regions and oceans.

VII. Strengthening organizational safeguards

(xxv) Firming up organizational and implementation responsibilities. The party group of the Ministry has strengthened its organizational leadership of the work of promoting the construction of a beautiful China in the field of natural resources, and all departments and bureaux and units should, in accordance with the division of tasks, seize the opportunity to launch major policy initiatives, reforms and engineering projects, and study and formulate specific measures with a clear time schedule. Local authorities in charge of natural resources should enhance their sense of responsibility and put forward specific arrangements for promoting the construction of a beautiful China in the light of actual practice.

(xxvi) Improving the scientific and technological support capacity for natural resources. It will strengthen the construction of the Xi Jinping Ecological Civilization Thought Research Sub-centre, and promote in-depth theoretical research, publicity and interpretation of Xi Jinping's Ecological Civilization Thought, as well as its practical application. It will strengthen the construction of natural resources think tanks and conduct in-depth research on major strategic issues related to the construction of ecological civilization in the field of natural resources. Empower the construction of a beautiful China with scientific and technological innovation, strengthen the "three-deep-led" research on deep-earth exploration, deep-sea and polar exploration, and deep-space earth observation, coordinate the layout of the "four-dimensional support" for scientific and technological research and development, scientific and technological platforms, scientific and technological talents, and scientific and technological cooperation, and push forward the protection of arable land and the protection of energy resources, territorial spatial planning, and the protection of land and natural resources. It will also promote the construction of "five-system synergy" in the fields of arable land protection and energy resources security, land space planning, ecological protection and restoration, disaster monitoring and prevention, and survey and monitoring as well as intelligent surveying and mapping technology.

(xxvii) Enhancing the capacity for digital governance of natural resources. It has accelerated the transformation and upgrading of the surveying, mapping and geographic information industry, strengthened the construction of real-life three-dimensional China, established a new generation of national surveying and mapping benchmark systems, and coordinated the construction of geographic information resources on land, in the oceans and seas, and under the ground and under the water, so as to continuously improve the degree of coverage, finesse, freshness and richness, and to provide a unified spatial and temporal base for the construction of digital China. Vigorously promote the application of real-view 3D China results, give full play to the role of surveying, mapping and geographic information in optimizing resource allocation, empowering the real economy and developing new quality productivity, and release the value of data elements. Oriented on comprehensively improving the digital governance capacity of natural resources, accelerating the construction of "one network" of natural resources, "one map" of natural resources, and the basic information platform of land space, constructing multi-dimensional digital application scenarios, and supporting the digitization of natural resources for the whole business, intelligent transformation of natural resources, and support the construction of a green and intelligent digital ecological civilization.

(xxviii) Vigorously publicizing the effectiveness of the construction of a beautiful China. It has summarized and promoted typical cases of promoting the construction of a beautiful China in various regions, and has continued to carry out activities such as selecting the "Most Beautiful Nature Guardians" and "Harmonious Islands". Expanding the series of publicity for the "China Landscape Project", and disseminating Chinese wisdom and solutions for the construction of an ecological civilization. It has also carried out extensive publicity activities on World Earth Day, World Oceans Day and National Ocean Awareness Day, National Land Day, National Ecology Day, Cultural and Natural Heritage Day, and National Surveying and Mapping Law Awareness Day, so as to create a favorable atmosphere for everyone to participate in the construction of a beautiful China and to share the fruits of a beautiful China.

Ministry of Natural Resources

August 5, 2024

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