Anhui Bozhou Carbon Peak Pilot Program: Creating a Leading Region for Renewable Energy Production in the Yangtze River Delta

Recently, the People's Government of Bozhou City, Anhui Province, issued the "National Carbon Peak Pilot (Bozhou) Implementation Program", "Program" will be "Yangtze River Delta Renewable Energy Production Leadership Zone" as one of the positioning of the Bozhou pilot, put forward to give play to the endowment of renewable energy resources, and strive to promote the wind, light, geothermal energy, biomass and other clean energy of high quality and large-scale development. Scale development of wind, light, geothermal energy, biomass energy and other clean energy quality, accelerate the scale of application of energy storage, continue to optimize the structure of energy supply, enhance the level of grid consumption of renewable energy, to create the Yangtze River Delta Renewable Energy Production Leadership Zone.

The Program specifies the pilot objectives: by 2025, a new type of power system will be initially constructed, the energy structure and industrial structure will be more optimized, the energy utilization efficiency of key industries will reach the benchmark level, new progress will be made in the research and development and popularization of green and low-carbon technologies, green production and living styles will be generally implemented, the pilot project of carbon peak will be gradually implemented, and the work of carbon peak will be promoted in an orderly manner. By 2030, significant progress will be made in industrial structural adjustment, a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system will be basically established, the policy mechanism for green and low-carbon development will be basically sound, the low-carbon development model in key areas will be basically formed, and a number of peak carbon pilot projects will be explored and formed, such as the Bozhou Program, Bozhou Experience and Bozhou Pilot Project. Bozhou experience" and "Bozhou model" will be explored and promoted nationwide, and the city's goal of reaching the peak carbon level will be successfully realized.

Promote the development of PV multi-scenario integration.Adhere to centralized and distributed, make full use of the land used for agricultural facilities, and actively carry out the construction of complementary photovoltaic power stations, such as agricultural and light complementary and pastoral light complementary. Promote the development of rooftop photovoltaic in a steady and orderly manner, encourage the use of industrial and commercial plants, carports and public buildings and other rooftop resources, promote the construction of distributed photovoltaic power generation facilities, and explore the distributed power generation projects in the park to share the common construction. Support the promotion and application of cadmium telluride photovoltaic products, and explore the pilot construction of cadmium telluride photovoltaic projects using vegetable greenhouses. Promote photovoltaic building integration in public buildings such as government offices, hospitals and schools. Actively develop new scenarios of PV applications, and encourage the promotion of "PV+" eco-tourism, PV characteristic towns and other new modes. Explore the development of "PV+" transportation, "PV+" industry, "PV+" big data center and other new modes of application.

Full text follows:

Bozhou Municipal People's Government on the issuance of

Notice on the Implementation Plan of the National Carbon Peak Pilot Program (Bozhou)

Bo Zheng Shi [2024] No. 52

People's governments of all counties and districts, the management committee of Bozhou High-tech Zone, the management committee of Bo Wuhu Modern Industrial Park, all departments of the municipal government, and all institutions directly under the government:

The National Carbon Peak Pilot (Bozhou) Implementation Program has been studied and agreed by the municipal government, and is hereby issued to you, please implement it carefully in accordance with the actual situation.

July 9, 2024

National Carbon Peak Pilot Program (Bozhou) Implementation Plan

In order to conscientiously implement the CPC Central Committee, the State Council and the provincial party committee, the provincial government on carbon peak carbon neutral and major strategic deployment, in-depth implementation of the "State Council on the issuance of the notice of the carbon peak action program by 2030" (Guo Fa [2021] 23) and "Anhui Provincial People's Government on the issuance of the notice of the implementation of the program of the carbon peak of Anhui Province" (Anhui government [2022] 83) requirements, to speed up the promotion of the city's carbon peak pilot City construction work, the preparation of this program.

I. Guiding principles

Focusing on the optimization and adjustment of energy structure and economic structure, accelerating the construction of a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system, promoting the accelerated breakthrough of new-type industrialization and urbanization, and striving to promote the green and low-carbon transformation of the development mode, production mode and life style, and making a demonstration for the green and low-carbon transformation of the same kind of cities in the country.

II. Pilot positioning

National Multi-energy Complementary Integration Innovation Pilot Zone. Relying on the advantages of diversified energy sources and using the energy Internet as a carrier, the zone will expand the development mode and application scenarios of multi-energy complementarity, promote the in-depth integration of source, network, load and storage, optimize the synergistic supply of coal, oil, gas, electricity, heat and cold, and the comprehensive and graded utilization of energy, plan for the demonstration and pilot project of hydrogen energy, and promote breakthroughs in the construction of new types of electric power systems, so that it can accumulate pioneering experience for the national innovation and integration of multi-energy complementarity.

The Yangtze River Delta Renewable Energy Production Leadership Zone. Give full play to the endowment of renewable energy resources, focus on promoting the high-quality and large-scale development of wind, light, geothermal energy, biomass energy and other clean energy sources, accelerate the large-scale application of energy storage, continue to optimize the structure of the energy supply, enhance the level of consumption of renewable energy by the grid, and create a leading renewable energy production zone in the Yangtze River Delta.

Pioneer zone for green and low-carbon development of agriculture and rural areas in the Central Plains. Based on the traditional advantages of agriculture, and oriented towards green development, it will build an advanced zone for green and low-carbon development in agriculture and rural areas, create a green and low-carbon agricultural industry chain, continuously realize the intensification of resource and energy utilization, the resourceization of waste, and the ecologization of the industrial model, and explore the modernization path of agriculture and rural areas that is compatible with the carrying capacity of the resources and the environment, and coordinated with the ecology of production and life, so as to create a new template for green and low-carbon development for the revitalization of the countryside.

Green low-carbon industrial development demonstration zone. Grasp the multiple overlapping opportunities of national strategies, give full play to the advantages of new energy and electricity, build a green low-carbon development demonstration area, create a modern Chinese medicine, green food manufacturing 100 billion industry chain and high-end equipment manufacturing, green and fine chemicals, clean and efficient coal power, new materials, new energy and energy-saving environmental protection, textile and apparel and other characteristics of 10 billion industry chain, to promote the accelerated breakthrough of the new type of industrialization, and to make a greater contribution to the province's development. The company will make a greater contribution to the development of the province.

Coal clean and efficient utilization model area. Relying on coal resource endowment, play a good role of coal "ballast" and coal power basic regulating supportive role, accelerate the integrated development of pithead coal power, continue to enhance the level of high-value, clean and efficient utilization of coal, construction of a new coal power recycling industry demonstration base in north Anhui Province, and build Bozhou into a model area of clean and efficient utilization of coal, support the province's energy The ability to maintain supply is constantly improving.

III. Objectives of the pilot

With the "Six-One Strategy" as the overall leader and the "334" project as the gripping hand, the in-depth implementation of the carbon peak pilot "588" actions (i.e., "5 major pilots Positioning, 8 major tasks, 8 key projects"), in order to accelerate the promotion of energy green low-carbon transformation, the development of new industrialization, urban and rural construction of green low-carbon development, green development of agriculture and rural areas, green and low-carbon technological innovation development, focusing on the city's carbon peak pilot work. By 2025, a new type of power system will be initially constructed, the energy structure and industrial structure will be more optimized, the energy utilization efficiency of key industries will reach the benchmark level, new progress will be made in the research and development and popularization and application of green and low-carbon technologies, green production and living styles will be universally implemented, the pilot project of carbon peak will be gradually implemented, and the work of carbon peak will be promoted in an orderly manner. By 2030, significant progress will be made in industrial structural adjustment, a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system will be basically established, the policy mechanism for green and low-carbon development will be basically sound, the low-carbon development model in key areas will be basically formed, and a number of peak carbon pilot projects will be explored and formed, such as the Bozhou Program, Bozhou Experience and Bozhou Pilot Project. Bozhou experience" and "Bozhou model" will be explored and promoted nationwide, and the city's goal of reaching the peak carbon level will be successfully realized.

IV. Main tasks

(i) Vigorously developing non-fossil energy sources and building a new type of power system.

Continuously increase investment in power infrastructure, actively develop wind power and geothermal resources, and promote the large-scale development of photovoltaic power generation. By 2025, the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption will increase to about 28%, and the proportion of non-fossil energy power installed capacity will reach about 61%. By 2030, the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption will strive to reach 31%, and the proportion of installed non-fossil energy power will increase to about 68%.

1. Promote the integrated development of photovoltaic multi-scenario. Adhere to centralized and distributed, make full use of the land used for agricultural facilities, and actively carry out the construction of complementary photovoltaic power stations, such as agricultural light complementary and pastoral light complementary. Promote the development of rooftop PV in a steady and orderly manner, encourage the use of rooftop resources such as industrial and commercial plants, carports and public buildings, promote the construction of distributed PV power generation facilities, and explore the construction and sharing of distributed power generation projects in the park. Support the promotion and application of cadmium telluride photovoltaic products, and explore the pilot construction of cadmium telluride photovoltaic projects using vegetable greenhouses. Promote photovoltaic building integration in public buildings such as government offices, hospitals and schools. Actively develop new scenarios of PV applications, and encourage the promotion of "PV+" eco-tourism, PV characteristic towns and other new modes. Explore the development of "PV+" transportation, "PV+" industry, "PV+" big data center and other new modes of application.

2. Promote the coordinated development of wind power. Combined with territorial spatial planning, optimize the layout of wind power construction, and actively promote the use of wind power in the vicinity and on the spot. Strengthen the investigation and evaluation of the city's wind energy resources, and promote the development and construction of centralized wind power projects according to local conditions on the basis of the implementation of good environmental protection, soil and water conservation and vegetation restoration.

3. Promote the transformation and upgrading of biomass energy. Adhere to local conditions, scientific layout, efficient utilization and green circulation, promote the utilization of biomass energy in multiple ways, and promote the steady development of the biomass industry. Improve the garbage collection and transportation system, increase the calorific value of garbage fuel, and actively promote the incineration of domestic garbage for power generation. Develop agricultural and forestry biomass power generation in an orderly manner, encourage biomass power generation enterprises to accelerate technological upgrading, and increase the proportion of straw fuel utilization. Accelerate the transformation and upgrading of existing biomass power generation to cogeneration. Relying on the resource utilization of agricultural and forestry waste and livestock and poultry manure, expand the scale of biomass natural gas and biogas utilization, actively develop biomass natural gas, and construct biogas power generation demonstration projects.

4. Accelerating the application of new energy storage. Coordinate new energy development and safe and stable supply of electricity, promote the construction of power-side energy storage projects, optimize the integration of local power-side and load-side resources, fully tap the regulating capacity of power supply, energy storage and load, promote the construction of source-network-load-storage integration projects, and enhance the level of renewable energy consumption. Promote the rationalization of grid-side energy storage layout, in accordance with the principle of "stable, safe and reliable", vigorously build shared energy storage power stations, and strive to achieve full coverage of energy storage power stations and infrastructure construction counties and districts in 2024, and by 2025, the city's various types of energy storage power station scale of 400,000 kilowatts. Support the diversified development of user-side energy storage, and explore new scenarios for the integrated development of energy storage around distributed new energy, microgrids, 5G base stations, charging facilities, industrial parks and other end users. Encourage the aggregation of the use of uninterruptible power supply, electric vehicles, user-side energy storage and other decentralized energy storage facilities, and explore smart energy, virtual power plants and other business models to fully deploy user-side energy storage. Utilizing the advantages of long regulation period and large storage capacity of hydrogen energy, gradually carry out the demonstration application of hydrogen energy in the scenarios of regional power grid peaking and renewable energy consumption, carry out the multi-energy complementary demonstration project related to hydrogen energy, and explore the new mode of integrated application of "wind and solar power generation + hydrogen energy storage".

5. Accelerating the construction of a new type of power system. Accelerating the construction of a new type of power system, with new energy as the mainstay, and promoting the optimal allocation of clean power resources on a wide scale. It will build a smart grid, promote the digitalization and intelligent upgrading of the grid infrastructure, realize the interoperability of information in all aspects of production, transmission and consumption, and improve the overall energy efficiency and safety and security level of the power system. Combining resource endowment and photovoltaic and wind power resources, develop wind and solar storage integration projects by optimizing the scale of supporting electrochemical energy storage, giving full play to the flexible regulation role of the power supply side and configuring the peak and frequency adjustment role of energy storage. Improve the main frame structure of the power grid, promote the transformation of the 500kV power grid into a grid-type and hub-type grid, promote the cross-regional circulation of new energy power, and improve the level of grid security and stability and the ability to consume new energy power. By 2030, the demand response capacity will reach more than 5% of the maximum electricity load.

6. Promote the construction of intelligent energy. Actively applying advanced information technology, boosting the integration of energy production, supply, storage and marketing with the Internet, supporting the creation of an open and shared energy Internet ecosystem, and building a number of comprehensive energy demonstration projects with the Internet of energy, smart energy use and multi-energy complementation as the direction of development. Actively use artificial intelligence and big data technology to strengthen the research and development, innovation and application of smart grid, smart pipe network, smart transportation and smart energy storage. Promote the cooperative deployment and storage of electric energy, new energy, oil and gas, improve the efficiency of energy conversion, energy transmission and energy storage, and enhance the stability, flexibility and economy of energy supply. Expand smart energy application scenarios around coal mine intelligence, smart grid, smart oil and gas, and comprehensive energy.

Column 1 Energy infrastructure projects

Focusing on the development positioning of the National Pilot Zone for Multi-energy Complementary Integration and Innovation and the Yangtze River Delta Renewable Energy Production Leader Zone, we have focused on guaranteeing the power supply of regional power grids and improving the carrying capacity of new energy sources, strengthening the infrastructure construction of power grids, constructing energy infrastructure projects for photovoltaic power, wind power, energy storage, geothermal energy, and multi-energy complementary energy, and promoting the power system to adapt to the development of a higher proportion of renewable energy sources, so as to continuously strengthen the economic and social quality. Green new kinetic energy for high-quality economic and social development.

Backbone network framework project: accelerate the 500kV Qiao Cheng transmission and substation project, plan to promote the 1000kV Fubo UHV AC project, 500kV substation main transformer expansion project.

Transmission and substation station projects: accelerate the 220kV Zhenyuan, Zhuji, Easy, Wuzhai and other transmission and substation projects, 110kV Gujing, Chengbei, Xiangsui, Bijie and other transmission and substation projects, 35kV Nudian, Siqing, Inter River, Longyang and other transmission and substation projects.

Photovoltaic power generation projects: accelerating the Lixin County Circular Economy Industrial Park source network storage integration ecological zero-carbon project, Qiao Cheng District photovoltaic power generation project, Eddy County new energy industry project, Mengcheng County county distributed photovoltaic project.

Wind power projects: support enterprises to accelerate the Bozhou Qiaodong II wind farm project, Eddy County wind farm project, Mengcheng County Chucun wind farm project, Mengcheng County Banqiaoji II wind farm project, Lixin Jiwang wind farm project.

Energy storage power station projects: Supporting enterprises to accelerate the Bozhou City Qiao Cheng District distributed energy storage power station project, the 300 MW/600 MWh energy storage project in Eddy County, the 100 MW/200 MWh energy storage project in Eddy County, and the 113 MW/226 MWh shared storage power station project in Lixin, Bozhou, Anhui Province.

Multi-energy complementary projects: support enterprises to accelerate the multi-energy complementary base construction project in Eddy County, Mengcheng County wind and light storage integration project, planning to promote two counties (districts) source network, lotus and storage integration project, and create two green power parks.

Line delivery project: support enterprises to accelerate the Bozhou Qiaodong II wind farm delivery project, Eddy County multi-energy complementary base line delivery project.

(ii) Promoting the clean and efficient use of fossil energy sources and enhancing the ability to maintain energy supply.

Coordinate the layout of energy facilities, accelerate the construction of energy infrastructure for coal, oil and natural gas, promote the diversification of energy varieties and supply channels, enhance the level of energy emergency peaking and user-side emergency response capabilities, and comprehensively enhance the ability to ensure energy supply.

1. Strengthen coal production and supply. Coordinate the city's coal resources, reasonably control the total amount of coal production, and enhance the ability of stable coal supply, market regulation and emergency protection. Support the commissioning and operation of coal mines using advanced technology, the application of intelligent mining, intelligent equipment, intelligent management, the construction of coal mine data centers, and improve the level of coal mining intelligence. Implement the strategy of deep processing of coal, enhance the level of development and utilization of coal-based co-associated mineral resources, promote the comprehensive utilization of coal by-products, and continue to increase the washing rate of raw coal and the development of refined coal products, so as to realize the depth and quality of coal. By 2025, a 10-million-ton coal mining base will be built, and the city's coal production capacity will be stabilized at about 13 million tons per year. By 2030, the level of coal mining intelligence will be further improved.

2. Compacting the cornerstone of energy security. Play a good coal "ballast" and coal power basic regulating role, to create a provincial energy supply base. Focusing on the integration of coal and electricity at the pit, supporting the simultaneous layout and construction of large-scale modern coal mines and advanced, efficient and environmentally friendly coal power units, and accelerating the construction of the second phase of the Lixin Banji Power Plant. Coordinate the development of coal power and power supply

All, the orderly development of large-capacity, high-parameter, low-consumption, low-emission coal power units.

3. Promoting the clean and efficient utilization of coal. Accelerate the reduction and replacement of coal consumption, coordinate the development of coal power and security of supply, steadily improve the depth of the peak-regulating capacity of coal power units, accelerate the transformation of coal power into a basic security and system regulating power source, and take into account the demand for self-consumption within the city and for export. Scientific integration of cogeneration and heat supply, steam demand, the implementation of the board set of power plant coal-fired power unit energy-saving carbon reduction transformation, flexibility transformation, heating transformation "three changes linkage". Promote the demonstration of ammonia doping of coal-fired units. In the key areas of air pollution prevention and control, promote the key coal-using industries to reduce coal and limit coal, continue to promote the replacement of loose coal, and orderly promote the clearance of loose coal according to the requirements. By 2025, the average coal consumption of coal power supply in the city will be reduced to about 295 grams of standard coal/degree. By 2030, the power supply coal consumption of the city's coal power units will be further reduced.

4. Promote the efficient utilization of oil and gas. Strengthen the security of oil supply, promote the construction of oil transportation pipelines, and support the construction of oil reserve projects. Promote oil consumption to remain within a reasonable range and enhance the efficiency of fuel oil utilization. Accelerate the construction of natural gas infrastructure, promote the construction of long-distance natural gas pipelines, improve the layout of natural gas pipeline network, and enhance the city's natural gas reserve and peaking capacity. Adhere to the synchronization of "increasing gas and reducing coal", guide the consumption of natural gas in an orderly manner, give priority to new natural gas to protect the needs of residents, optimize the use of structure, and vigorously promote the integration of natural gas and a variety of energy development. Explore and promote the integrated construction of "oil, gas, electricity, hydrogen and service" comprehensive energy port demonstration. By 2025, the supply and consumption of natural gas in the city will exceed 380 million cubic meters, and a gas storage capacity of no less than the city's average daily consumption for three days will be formed. By 2030, the supply and consumption of natural gas will be further increased.

Column 2 Fossil Energy Clean and Efficient Utilization Project

Focusing on the development positioning of coal clean and efficient use of model area, accelerate the integration of pithead coal power and coal mining intelligent project construction, give full play to the role of coal "ballast" and coal power basic regulating, and further enhance the level of clean and efficient use of coal, promote the clean and low-carbon transformation of the coal power industry, and provide energy security for the revitalization of northern Anhui Province.

Coal and power projects: accelerate the construction of the second phase of the Lixin Banji Power Plant.

Coal Mining Intelligence Project: accelerate the coal preparation plant intelligence upgrade project.

(c) Promoting energy conservation and carbon reduction in agriculture and rural areas to realize green development in agriculture and rural areas.

Accelerating the construction of a supply base for the production and processing of green agricultural products in the Yangtze River Delta, optimizing the structure of energy use in rural areas, strengthening the comprehensive utilization of agricultural waste, continuously upgrading the rural habitat, and promoting the green development of agriculture and rural areas.

1. Building a green agricultural production and processing supply base in the Yangtze River Delta. We will carry out the demonstration of "one county, one industry", build production bases for high-quality grain and oil, high-quality livestock and poultry, green vegetables and fruits, local medicinal herbs, edible and medicinal mushrooms, etc., create industrial parks for processing green food, soybeans, and pre-prepared vegetables, and set up platforms for market circulation, cold-chain logistics, rural e-commerce, and the production and marketing of agricultural products. By 2025, a total of 30 green agricultural products production and processing supply bases in the Yangtze River Delta will be built, and 4 new brands of "Wanmei Agricultural Products" will be added. By 2030, the scale of the Yangtze River Delta green agricultural products production, processing and supply base will continue to expand. Promote the "five batch" project of agricultural product processing industry, support Mengcheng County and Lixin County to create a strong county in agricultural product processing, and actively cultivate a strong garden and enterprises in agricultural product processing.

2. Strengthening the development and utilization of clean energy in rural areas. The implementation of rural clean energy construction actions and the promotion of the development and utilization of clean energy in multiple ways. Promote the development of photovoltaic and wind power in rural areas, promote the diversified use of rural biomass energy sources, and accelerate the construction of a renewable energy-based rural clean energy utilization system. It is implementing projects to consolidate and upgrade rural power grids, and developing electric heating and clean heating from biomass energy sources in rural areas according to local conditions.

3. Scientific use of agricultural inputs. Rational use of agricultural inputs, the implementation of fertilizer reduction actions, according to the growth needs of crops and reasonable fertilization, the application of harmless treatment of organic fertilizers and with the use of a reasonable proportion of inorganic fertilizers, and actively promote the slow (controlled) release fertilizer, water-soluble fertilizers, bio-fertilizers, traditional fertilizers, such as new and efficient fertilizers and fertilizers and fertilizer with the seed, fertilization, water and fertilizer integration, straw return to the field of fertilizer technology, steadily increasing the level of fertilizer application. With the implementation of the central financial arable land quality protection and enhancement, green planting and raising recycling agriculture pilot projects as a hand, to promote organic fertilizers to replace chemical fertilizers. By 2025, the coverage rate of soil testing and formula fertilization technology for major crops will be stabilized at above 90%. Actively publicize and promote bio-pesticides, high-efficiency, low-toxicity and low-residue pesticides, etc., and improve the level of monitoring and early warning of major pest and disease outbreaks and the safe use of medicines, and maintain a negative growth in pesticide use compared with the base period (the average of pesticide use in 2012-2014). By 2025, the city will strive to reach a coverage rate of 60% for green prevention and control of major crops and pests, and a coverage rate of 50% for specialized unification and control of major grain crops such as wheat and corn.

4. Strengthen the resource utilization of agricultural waste. The implementation of livestock and poultry farming manure resource utilization upgrading project, under the premise of voluntary farmers, and steadily promote the application of livestock and poultry farming liquid manure fertilization mode, relying on livestock and poultry waste resource utilization projects throughout the county to promote the project, the green planting and raising recycling of agricultural pilot projects, in accordance with the "a policy" fermentation to return to the field, fertilization to return to the field, planting and raising combination, agriculture and animal husbandry. Cycle. By 2025, the city's livestock and poultry waste resource utilization rate will be stabilized at more than 90%. Carry out the pilot project of rational use of agricultural film and recycling of discarded agricultural film, and actively publicize the all-biodegradable agricultural film, traditional ground film and other ground film. Establish and improve the monitoring network of residual film pollution in farmland, and accelerate the construction of the recycling system for discarded agricultural film, pesticide packaging and other agricultural waste. By 2025, the city's agricultural film and pesticide packaging recycling rate will stabilize at more than 85% and 80%, respectively.Around the whole industrial chain such as straw collection and storage and comprehensive utilization, introduce and cultivate leading enterprises to expand the channels of straw utilization for energy, fertilizer, fodder, substrate, and raw material, and popularize the microbial fermentation technology of straw and the model of cultivation of edible (medicinal) mushrooms. By 2025, the city's comprehensive utilization rate of crop straw will reach 95%. By 2030, the city's comprehensive utilization rate of crop straw will reach more than 95%.

5. Continuously improving the rural living environment. In accordance with local conditions, we are exploring ways of classifying household garbage with the characteristics of rural areas in northern Anhui Province, and are carrying out pilot projects to classify and reduce the amount of household garbage at the source in rural areas. We are actively and steadily pushing forward the rural "toilet revolution", reasonably determining the overall target for rural household toilet renovation, and encouraging the design and construction of sanitary toilets and fecal waste treatment facilities and equipment for new farm buildings. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the transformation of rural household toilets will be completed in about 120,000 households. Continuously strengthen the management of black smelly water bodies in rural areas, and promote the management of rural domestic sewage in a gradual manner, by 2025, the city's rural domestic sewage management rate stabilized at more than 30%, and the administrative villages that have completed the task of domestic sewage management basically eliminated black smelly water bodies.

Column 3 Agricultural and Rural Green and Low Carbon Projects

Focusing on the positioning of agriculture and rural areas as an advanced zone for green and low-carbon development, it has strengthened the development and utilization of clean energy in rural areas, strengthened the comprehensive management of the rural environment, continued to improve the rural habitat, and created a green and low-carbon agricultural industry chain.

Agricultural modernization projects: on the premise of farmers' voluntariness, to help farmers continue to promote high-standard farmland construction projects, and to speed up the construction of a number of deep-processing projects for agricultural products.

Agricultural network upgrading projects: no less than 300 million yuan of agricultural network consolidation and upgrading projects are planned and arranged each year.

Bio-gas project: around the comprehensive utilization of straw, livestock and poultry waste, etc., in the county planning and construction of bio-gas projects.

Comprehensive Rural Environmental Management Project: Accelerate the promotion of the Qiaocheng District Area-wide Comprehensive Land Improvement Project, Bozhou City Rural Black Smelly Water Management National Pilot Project (Qiaocheng District and Lixin County) Project, Mengcheng County Rural Land Improvement Project, Mengcheng County County Water System Comprehensive Management Project, Lixin County Rural Water Supply Guarantee Project under the 14th Five-Year Plan, Lixin County Dry Water Rehabilitation Project. Lixin County Drought Rehabilitation Project.

(d) Promoting the quality and expansion of the manufacturing industry and accelerating new industrialization.

Adhere to the strategy of industrial strength, vigorously develop strategic emerging industries, promote the green and low-carbon upgrading of traditional industries, build a modern industrial green manufacturing system, promote the city's manufacturing industry to enhance the quality of the expansion of efficiency, and accelerate the advancement of new industrialization.

1. Enlarge and strengthen the advantageous leading industries. Actively participate in the value chain division of labor in the Yangtze River Delta, in accordance with the development path of "leading enterprises - industrial chain - industrial clusters - industrial ecology", focusing on the pillar industries of modern traditional Chinese medicine, agricultural products processing, liquor, etc., to create the "four pillars and eight pillars" to support industrial development. The "four pillars and eight pillars" to support industrial development. Around the transformation and upgrading of industry, promote the complementary chain to extend the chain and strengthen the chain, to create modern Chinese medicine, green food manufacturing two hundred billion industrial clusters. Closely around the modern traditional Chinese medicine industry cluster development base construction, the formation of Qiao Cheng District, Bozhou High-tech Zone as the core, Bo Wu Modern Industrial Park, Eddy County, Mengcheng County, Lixin County, the synergistic development of modern traditional Chinese medicine industry layout. Baijiu industry to form the Qiao Cheng District, Bozhou High-tech Zone as the main, Eddy County synergistic development of the industrial layout. Qiao Cheng District, relying on the "Hui wine town", planning and construction of liquor industrial park, to create a set of brewing, scientific research, sales, culture and tourism as one of the characteristics of industrial clusters; Bozhou High-tech Zone to increase the production of song-making, brewing, storage, packaging and other production links of technological innovation and transformation of results, to strengthen the high-end brand of liquor. Deep processing of agricultural products to form a synergistic development of the industrial layout of the counties. Eddy County focuses on the development of food processing, grain and oil processing and livestock and poultry products processing and other areas; Mengcheng County focuses on the development of fruit and vegetable planting and processing and livestock and poultry products processing and other areas; Lixin County focuses on the development of meat products processing and other areas.

2. Vigorously develop green and low-carbon industries. Give full play to the advantages of latecomers, focus on green energy advantages into green industrial advantages, accelerate the cultivation and development of a new generation of information technology, high-end equipment manufacturing, new energy vehicles, new energy and other strategic emerging industries, planning to build a zero-carbon industrial park. New generation information technology industry. Actively cultivate new integrated circuits, new displays, artificial intelligence upstream and downstream equipment, materials, parts and components production and manufacturing, provide supporting capacity for new integrated circuits, display devices, intelligent voice, intelligent terminal industry clusters, improve the industrial chain, optimize the industrial ecology, and efficiently build electronic information manufacturing industry clusters. Focusing on digital industrialization and industrial digitization, develop cloud computing and big data services, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, 5G communications and other emerging technology industries. Relying on cloud computing data center and cloud computing industrial park, promote the implementation of big data and cloud service layout, and build additional county-level big data industrial parks in Lixin, Huiyang and Mengcheng. Construct Bozhou municipal distributed storage data center and big data infrastructure platform. High-end equipment manufacturing industry. Relying on the advantages of new energy resources, cultivate and expand the new energy equipment manufacturing industry, focusing on the development of solar cells and components, inverters, energy storage systems and wind turbine towers and other industries, promoting photovoltaic, wind power, new energy storage, biomass and other industries to enhance the quality of efficiency, and to further make up for the "power generation strong, weak manufacturing" short board. Centering on the development of Bozhou's modern Chinese medicine industry, focusing on the development direction of medical devices such as "pharmaceutical-diagnostic-monitoring-therapeutic-nursing", focusing on the development of Chinese medicine pharmaceutical equipment, medical diagnostic equipment, monitoring equipment, therapeutic equipment and devices. Focusing on the development direction of medical devices such as pharmaceutical equipment for Chinese medicine, medical diagnostic equipment, guardianship equipment, therapeutic equipment and devices, rehabilitation equipment and devices, and ward care equipment and devices, the company will focus on the development of advanced medical equipment and devices. Actively cultivate high-end agricultural machinery and equipment manufacturing, vigorously develop the main grain crops combine harvester, intelligent high-powered tractors and joint land machinery, precision plant protection machinery, economic crops, vegetables, fruits and forests production of key technology and equipment, straw collection and comprehensive utilization of equipment. Accelerate the mechanization of traditional Chinese medicine harvesting, research and development in line with the individual needs of traditional Chinese medicine characteristics of agricultural machinery. New energy automobile industry. Grasp the province's efforts to develop new energy automobile strategic opportunities, and make every effort to build new energy automobile industry cluster Bozhou linkage area in Anhui Province. Relying on vehicle manufacturing and other key projects, focusing on the development of passenger cars, trucks, special vehicles and other vehicle products. Support enterprises to speed up cooperation with domestic and foreign new energy vehicle manufacturers, accelerate the new energy vehicle technology research and development and industrialization. Relying on the automobile and parts characteristics of industrial clusters (bases), to further supplement the chain to extend the chain and strengthen the chain, cultivate the introduction of body accessories, automotive electronics, wheel hubs, automotive interiors and other ancillary enterprises, the formation of a complete industrial support system. Actively planning the development of automatic transmissions, engine electronic control systems, automotive electronic control systems and other key automotive core components, and gradually extend to high-end components and modular components. Planned layout of future industries. Actively cultivate the development of artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, blockchain, future communication technology, life and health and other emerging future industries, to create a new engine for future economic growth.

3. Planning and layout of hydrogen energy industry. Give full play to the advantages of renewable energy, increase the hydrogen energy industry "double recruitment and attraction" efforts, relying on the vortex chemical park, the layout of the construction of hydrogen industrial park, renewable energy electrolysis hydrogen technology as the core, gathering a number of electrolysis hydrogen equipment, hydrogen storage equipment, hydrogen refueling station equipment, fuel cell systems and key components, fuel cell vehicles, Equipment testing and other key enterprises in the industry chain as the main business, and strive to build a whole industry chain covering hydrogen production, storage and transportation, refueling, application and other aspects. Promote the construction of wind power and photovoltaic power generation integrated with green hydrogen production and application demonstration projects, and create the province's characteristic hydrogen energy industrial park and hydrogen energy comprehensive demonstration and application park. Explore the layout of fuel cell cogeneration system by means of multi-energy complementation and intelligent micro-grid, and promote the demonstration of hydrogen-centered comprehensive utilization of energy in parks, mines, ports and other areas. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, plan renewable energy hydrogen production demonstration projects, and launch wind and light storage and hydrogen research integration demonstration projects. Explore the establishment of a mechanism for the transfer and transformation of technical achievements in the hydrogen energy industry, support the construction of hydrogen energy industry incubators, funds and innovation service platforms, actively lay out the construction of hydrogen energy technology and product testing platforms and public service platforms, and promote the transformation and application of technologies in the whole industrial chain, such as hydrogen production, storage, transportation, hydrogen refueling, and hydrogen use.

4. Accelerate the construction of a green manufacturing system. Support leading enterprises in Chinese medicine, liquor and other industries to play a leading role in key areas such as supply chain integration and low-carbon management innovation, and strengthen low-carbon and energy-efficiency constraints. Supported by green supply chain management standards and the extended producer responsibility system, the green and low-carbon concepts are carried through the whole process of product design, raw material procurement, production, transportation, storage, use, recycling and disposal, and green supply chain management enterprises are created. Encourage leading enterprises to join hands with upstream, downstream and inter-industry enterprises to carry out collaborative carbon reduction actions, and lead the promotion of green and low-carbon development of the whole chain of supply chain. Build a number of green factories in key industries of the city's manufacturing industry, explore replicable and popularized green development models, and promote green manufacturing technology innovation and integrated application. Implementing dynamic management of green factories, encouraging green factories to benchmark against international advanced energy efficiency levels, further upgrading and reforming, participating in the selection of energy-efficiency "frontrunners", and exploring the creation of lighthouse factories, "super energy-efficiency" factories, and "zero-carbon" factories. Zero-carbon" factories. By 2030, about 200 municipal green factories will be cultivated.

5. Promote the deep integration of industrialization and informatization. Cultivate multi-level industrial Internet platforms and promote the deep integration of the industrial Internet with the real economy. Accelerate the promotion of "Bo enterprise to the cloud". By 2025, more than 50 informatization-related enterprises will be introduced and cultivated, 10 provincial information consumption innovation products will be declared, 5 information consumption experience centers will be established, 200 enterprises will be deeply docked with cloud platforms, and 500 industrial enterprises above scale will be initially in the cloud. By 2030, all enterprises with the conditions will realize docking with the cloud platform. Focusing on key industries such as modern Chinese medicine, liquor, automobile, electronic information, etc., we will jointly build 1-2 industrial Internet platforms of advanced level. Actively promote intelligent manufacturing, promote the construction of intelligent production lines, intelligent workshops, intelligent factories, "unmanned factories" and networked collaborative manufacturing pilots in the fields of modern traditional Chinese medicine, liquor, agricultural and sideline product processing, equipment manufacturing, etc., and promote the transformation of production methods to flexible, intelligent and refined. By 2025, there will be 18 new smart factories and digital workshops. By 2030, the intelligent manufacturing system is generally formed. Carry out 5G demonstration application pilot for liquor manufacturing, and by 2025, realize the in-depth application of 5G technology in the liquor industry, and promote the networked, personalized and intelligent development of the liquor industry.

6. Explore the establishment of green power industrial demonstration parks. Guided by the green and low-carbon transformation of industrial parks, with the goal of improving the utilization of new energy consumption, selecting industrial parks with perfect infrastructure and large new loads, adhering to the principle of "increasing green, using green and expanding green", coordinating the distribution of wind and light resources and electricity consumption loads, and exploring the construction of green power industry demonstration parks through the integration of source, network, load, and storage, as well as the mode of multi-energy complementation. The construction of green power industry demonstration parks will be explored through source-grid-load-storage integration and multi-energy complementary mode. Under the premise of conforming to the layout of power planning and safe operation conditions of power grid, encourage renewable energy power projects to realize power supply to industrial parks or enterprises in the vicinity through innovative power transmission and operation methods, explore green power sharing in the parks through new energy participation in the market, increase the proportion of green power in the parks, reduce the cost of electricity for enterprises in the parks, and continuously improve the local consumption capacity of new energy, forming a benign environment in which the development of new energy and high quality development of the manufacturing industry can be mutually promoted. The new energy and high quality development of manufacturing industry will form a virtuous cycle of mutual promotion.

Column 4 Manufacturing industry quality expansion and efficiency projects

Focus on the development of green low-carbon industrial demonstration zone positioning, give full play to the resource endowment and other advantages, the construction of modern Chinese medicine, liquor, new energy and energy-saving environmental protection, new energy vehicles and parts and other projects, to create modern Chinese medicine, green food manufacturing two hundred billion industry chain and six ten billion characteristics of the industry chain, and strive to promote the accelerated breakthrough of new industrialization.

Modern traditional Chinese medicine industry: around the modern traditional Chinese medicine industry cluster development base construction, to build the Qiao Cheng District, Bozhou High-tech Zone as the core, the synergistic development of the counties and districts of the modern traditional Chinese medicine industry layout, to support enterprises to accelerate the promotion of traditional Chinese medicine extraction, proprietary Chinese medicines, high-end chemical pharmaceutical preparations production projects, proprietary Chinese medicines and health products R & D and production projects, pharmaceuticals and medical equipment projects.

Baijiu industry: to build the Qiao Cheng District, Bozhou High-tech Zone, Eddy County synergistic development of the Baijiu industry layout, to accelerate the brewing production of intelligent transformation projects, planning to promote the Baijiu industry to enhance the quality and efficiency of action.

Green food industry: accelerate the health food, special food, health flower tea production project, plant extracts, special food, solid beverage production project, freeze-dried food production project in Mengcheng County.

New energy industry: focusing on advanced photovoltaic and new energy storage, wind power, charging and switching equipment manufacturing, accelerate the QiaoCheng District energy storage system manufacturing project, QiaoCheng District cylindrical lithium battery production line construction project, 2GW new high-efficiency cadmium telluride thin-film solar battery project.

New energy vehicles and parts industry: seize the province's efforts to develop new energy vehicles strategic opportunities, focusing on new energy vehicles export zero-carbon demand, planning and construction of zero-carbon industrial parks, and actively promote the Bo-wu Modern Industrial Park new energy automobile parts industry projects, Bozhou automobile parts and intelligent equipment manufacturing research and development projects, Bo-wu Modern Industrial Park new energy vehicles project, Lixin County Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Park project, Lixin County New Energy Power Battery Recycling Industrial Park Project.

Energy-saving and environmental protection industry: support enterprises to accelerate the first phase of the green new environmental protection material industrial park project and the intelligent assembly steel structure base project in Eddy County.

A new generation of information technology industry: seize the Yangtze River Delta integration of major strategic opportunities, play the role of Bo Wu Modern Industrial Park Electronic Information Industry Park and other platforms, increase a new generation of information technology "double recruitment and attraction" efforts to support enterprises to accelerate the Bo Wu Park annual output of 10 million sets of mobile terminal equipment project, Bo Wu Park touch optical glass Cover, module, assembly lamination production line project, Bowu Park annual output of LCD panels, LCD display, LCD display project, Anhui intelligent manufacturing electronic products production base project, Mengcheng County Digital Economy Industry Incubation Center project.

(e) Promoting the gradual shift from dual control of energy consumption to dual control of carbon emissions, and enhancing the efficiency of energy utilization.

Adhere to the priority of saving, explore and study the supporting system related to dual control of carbon emissions, and promote the heavy

Energy-saving and carbon-reducing transformation of point industries, improving the comprehensive utilization efficiency of energy in parks, upgrading the energy efficiency level of public institutions, and building an energy-saving society.

1. Strengthening the interface between the dual control of carbon emissions and energy consumption. It will continue to optimize the management of binding energy intensity targets, strengthen the management of "two-high" projects, establish project lists at different levels, implement classification management and dynamic adjustment, and resolutely curb the blind development of "two-high" projects. Implementing the system of "binding management of carbon emission intensity + flexible management of total carbon emission", exploring and researching various supporting policies for dual control of carbon emission, and promoting the transformation of dual control of energy consumption to dual control of carbon emission. It will steadily implement the evaluation and assessment of the responsibility for dual-control carbon emission targets, and scientifically set the frequency of evaluation and assessment. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, explore the development of statistical accounting of carbon emission indicators in counties, districts and sub-areas, and take the total amount of carbon emissions as an internal accounting indicator, implement the "trial evaluation and test", promote the synergistic management and evaluation of the binding targets of energy consumption and carbon emission intensity, and reserve reasonable flexibility in the implementation process. Reasonable flexibility is reserved in the implementation process. During the "Tenth Five-Year Plan" period, in accordance with the unified arrangement and deployment of the state and the province, the evaluation and assessment of the responsibility for the dual-control targets of carbon emissions will be fully implemented.

2. Promoting energy-saving and carbon-reducing transformation in key industries. Strictly implementing energy-efficiency constraints, benchmarking energy-efficiency levels in key areas of high-energy-consuming industries and benchmark levels, scientifically and orderly promoting energy-saving and carbon-reducing reforms in high-energy-consuming industries such as electric power, building materials, etc., formulating reform targets by industry, organizing and implementing key initiatives, and enhancing the efficiency of the use of energy and resources. Continuously improve the energy efficiency of energy-using equipment and systems, and promote highly efficient energy-saving technologies. Promote the energy efficiency of new infrastructure, and promote energy conservation and consumption reduction in data centers. Vigorously implement self-generation and self-consumptiondistributed photovoltaic (e.g. solar cell)Construction of power generation substitution projects, with more than 50 implemented each year from 2023 to 2025. In-depth energy-saving diagnosis of key energy-using units, encourage the implementation of contract energy management, and continuously improve energy utilization efficiency. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, energy consumption per unit of added value of industry above the city's scale dropped by 151 TP3T, and water consumption per unit of added value of industry dropped by 191 TP3T. During the "15th Five-Year Plan" period, energy consumption per unit of added value and water consumption per unit of industry above the city's scale continued to drop. During the Tenth Five-Year Plan period, energy consumption and water consumption per unit of added value of industries above large scale in the city continued to decline.

3. Improve the comprehensive utilization efficiency of energy in the park. Strengthening the centralized heat supply pipeline network in provincial development zones, continuously expanding the coverage of centralized heat supply, and striving to realize the interconnection of centralized heat supply points and heat supply pipeline networks in downtown areas. Promote the overall optimization of the energy system in industrial parks, and construct energy integration and comprehensive utilization projects such as "source network, load and storage + traditional industry" and "waste heat and pressure energy resource recovery and comprehensive utilization" according to local conditions, so as to promote the synergistic supply of multi-energy and the integrated and graded utilization of energy.

4. Continuously improve the energy efficiency of public organizations. Carry out special actions to save energy and electricity in public institutions, accelerate the energy-saving transformation of facilities and equipment such as existing building envelopes, heating, cooling, lighting, etc. in public institutions, and encourage public institutions to adopt contractual energy management modes to improve the efficiency of energy utilization, so that, by 2025, the city's public institutions will have implemented more than 20 contractual energy management projects. Promote the full implementation of contract energy management and management and maintenance integration of street lighting in the downtown area, without derogating from the legitimate rights and interests of administrative licenses, to strengthen the control of advertising signs, neon lights, light boxes and lamps and lanterns and other types of lighting. Public institutions demonstrate the use of new energy vehicles. Comprehensively carry out actions to create economizing organs, and implement energy consumption quota management.

5. Accelerating the construction of a green and low-carbon collaborative management platform. Strengthen the development and application of information technology in the fields of energy consumption and carbon emissions, prepare for the construction of an online monitoring system for the energy consumption of key energy-using units, explore the construction of an intelligent energy-carbon emissions-pollutants collaborative monitoring and management digital platform, and integrate the functions of online monitoring of energy consumption of energy-using units, carbon emissions management, pollutant emissions monitoring and greenhouse gas monitoring. It realizes the unified collection, mutual supplementation and cross-checking of energy consumption monitoring, pollutant and greenhouse gas emission data, and provides data support and management tools for monitoring, verification and law enforcement of energy consumption, pollutants and carbon emissions. Encourage enterprises to establish digital carbon management platforms based on energy control systems, and collaborate to promote the collection, analysis and management of energy consumption data and carbon emission data.

(vi) Promoting the green and low-carbon transformation of urban and rural construction and building green and low-carbon homes.

Adhering to urban and rural integration, upgrading the level of building energy efficiency, promoting the green and low-carbon transformation of existing buildings, optimizing the structure of building energy use, and accelerating the green and low-carbon development of urban and rural construction.

1. Comprehensively improve urban quality. We will implement the action of upgrading the level of the city, strengthen digital empowerment and data drive, enhance the construction of the "city brain", give full play to the role of the wisdom hub and carrier, deepen the integration of technology, business integration and data integration, promote the scientific decision-making of the government, the precision of social governance, and the high efficiency of public services, and build the inter-provincial adjoining regional central city. Implement green city action, in accordance with the requirements of "300 meters to see the green, 500 meters to see the garden", accelerate to make up for the short boards in urban ecological environment, landscaping, green life, green facilities, etc., and solidly push forward the greening of the national territory to create a national garden city. The implementation of resilient city action, accelerate to make up for the short board of municipal infrastructure, security facilities, etc., with perfect facilities, effective risk control, promote the central city drainage and flood prevention infrastructure construction and waterlogging point management, enhance the urban security of the central city, and promote the construction of inter-provincial adjoining regional resilient city.

2. Enhancing the level of energy efficiency in new buildings. To improve the energy-efficiency standards for new buildings, to incorporate the implementation of green building standards for the construction of civil buildings into the project construction management process, and to implement energy-efficiency standards for the design and construction of all new civil buildings in cities and towns. Strictly control the construction of public buildings with high energy consumption, and encourage large-scale public buildings, institutional office buildings and government-invested public welfare buildings to be designed and constructed according to two-star and above green building standards. By 2025, green building standards will be fully implemented in new buildings in cities and towns, the completed area of green buildings will account for no less than 100% of new civil buildings, and the proportion of star-grade green buildings will be 30% or more. By 2030, the proportion of star-level green buildings will be 40% or more. Encourage the implementation of energy-saving design standards for new farm houses, and encourage the construction of star-grade green farm houses and zero-carbon farm houses. Vigorously develop steel structure and assembled structure buildings, promote government-invested projects to take the lead in adopting green building materials, and increase the proportion of green building materials applied in new buildings in cities and towns. Accelerate the construction of provincial-level pilot cities for the industrial internet platform for the construction industry, and build and promote the application of the assembly and decoration industrial internet platform. By 2025, each county and district will strive to reach more than 40% of the newly constructed building area in that year. By 2030, the assembled construction area in each county and district will strive to reach more than 50% of the newly constructed construction area in that year.

3. Promoting the green and low-carbon transformation of existing buildings. Strengthen the appraisal and assessment of energy-saving transformation, and encourage residential buildings with transformation value and conditions to be transformed as much as possible. Focusing on large-scale public buildings and institutional office buildings, encouraging the adoption of contractual energy management modes to implement green transformation of existing buildings. The implementation of residential building envelope insulation, public lighting system renovation and other appropriate technical measures to encourage the implementation of green transformation of existing residential buildings in conditions. Accelerate the energy-saving transformation of agricultural buildings and encourage the application of renewable energy. Promote energy-saving and carbon-reducing transformation of old heating and water supply networks and other municipal infrastructure, and improve the operational efficiency of infrastructure. Continuously promote the energy efficiency of public buildings, and gradually realize the full coverage of green and low-carbon public buildings.

4. Strengthening the application of renewable energy buildings. The development and utilization of geothermal energy, biomass energy, solar energy and other clean and low-carbon energy sources to realize centralized heating and cooling, and the integrated development of green buildings and renewable energy sources according to local conditions. Encourage the construction of photovoltaic power generation, energy storage, direct current power distribution, flexible power in one of the "light storage, direct and soft" demonstration building. Actively promote the development of shallow geothermal energy resources, the construction of heating (cooling) integrated energy stations, and promote ground source, air source, surface water source and sewage source heat pumps and other technologies applied to building heating and cooling. Explore the franchise mode to promote the development and utilization of geothermal energy, and take the lead in promoting government-invested public buildings to implement geothermal resource utilization demonstration projects. Encourage conditional buildings to carry out industrial waste heat heating applications. By 2025, the proportion of solar photovoltaic applications in new industrial plants and public buildings will reach more than 50%, and the replacement rate of renewable energy in new buildings in cities and towns will reach 8%. By 2030, the replacement rate of renewable energy in new buildings in cities and towns will strive to reach 13%.

Column 5 Urban and Rural Construction Green Low Carbon Project

Focusing on energy conservation and carbon reduction in the field of urban and rural construction, the construction of renewable energy heating, transformation of old districts, water ecological restoration and other projects, continuing to carry out green and low-carbon renovation of existing buildings, vigorously pursuing the application of renewable energy buildings, carrying out green and low-carbon requirements throughout the entire process of urban and rural construction and in all aspects of it, and constantly upgrading the level of energy efficiency of buildings, and promoting the acceleration of breakthroughs in the new type of urbanization.

Shallow geothermal energy development and utilization projects: exploring the franchise mode to promote the development and utilization of geothermal energy. Taking the lead in promoting the implementation of demonstration projects for the utilization of geothermal resources in government-invested public buildings, encouraging the use of geothermal energy for heating and cooling, and accelerating the promotion of projects such as the utilization of geothermal energy in public buildings.

Urban quality improvement projects: accelerate the Bozhou intelligent zero-carbon "light storage direct soft" parking lot project, Mengcheng County, old districts and the surrounding stock of resources to comprehensively upgrade and transform the project.

Water ecological restoration project: accelerate the Lixin County ditch river comprehensive treatment project, Bozhou City flood control project, planning to promote the city's waters ecological restoration and governance projects.

(vii) Building a modern comprehensive transportation system and enhancing green and low-carbon levels.

Accelerating the construction of green transport infrastructure, optimizing the transport structure, vigorously developing clean energy means of transport, and promoting the green and low-carbon development of transport throughout the process.

1. Continuously optimize the transport structure. We will promote a reasonable division of labor and effective connection between different modes of transportation, and reduce the empty-load rate and unreasonable passenger and freight turnover. Accelerate the transformation and upgrading of railroad lines (yards), actively promote the relocation of the Bozhou Railway Yard, and strive for the inclusion of the Bozhou-Mengzhou Railway in the national planning. Integrate the city's railroad line resources, planning to promote a number of key ports and terminals, logistics parks, industrial and mining enterprises connected to the railroad line project, and gradually improve the end of the network of railroad freight transport to improve the coverage of the railroad freight transport network. Increase support for water transportation infrastructure construction, accelerate the Eddy River Dasi gate to the Huaikou section of the remediation project, Bozhou Port Lixin Port Area a project progress. Promote port integration and enhancement, accelerate the construction of the Eddy River Eddy Yang locks project, planning to promote the second phase of the Eddy River Waterway Improvement Project, the Eddy River Dasi locks restoration locks project and other key water transportation infrastructure projects, and gradually build Bozhou water transportation network interconnectivity pattern. Promote multimodal transportation speed, support enterprises to accelerate the promotion of multimodal logistics park in Huiyang, Mengcheng Port District Shuangjian operation area of the port logistics park, Bozhou Port multimodal logistics park construction. Support the use of the city's existing railroad yards, logistics yards transformed and upgraded into urban distribution centers. By 2025, carbon emissions per unit of transportation turnover of operating vehicles will decrease by about 4% compared with 2020. By 2030, carbon emissions per unit of transportation turnover of operating vehicles will decrease by about 9.5% compared with 2020.

2. Accelerate the construction of green transportation infrastructure. Carry out green upgrading and transformation of transportation infrastructure. Vigorously develop green highways, and construct newly designed highways and ordinary national and provincial trunk highways in accordance with green highway standards. Guide new ports with conditions to be built in accordance with green port requirements. Improve the supporting facilities for new energy vehicles, orderly promote the construction of charging piles, supporting power grids, filling (gas) stations and other infrastructure, support the construction of hydrogen refueling stations on a pilot basis, and enhance the level of urban public transportation infrastructure. By 2025, the total number of charging piles in the city will reach about 22,700, with 23 public transport charging stations, 7 social public charging stations, 1 public charging station for cabs in the downtown area, and full coverage of fast charging stations in highway service areas. By 2030, the total number of charging piles in the city will reach more than 62,500, with 32 bus charging stations, 17 social public charging stations and 2 public charging stations for cabs in the downtown area.

3. Significantly improving transportation efficiency. In-depth action on clean diesel vehicles (machines) will be carried out, the second stage of emission standards for ships and the fourth stage of emission standards for non-road mobile diesel machinery will be fully implemented, and vehicles with emission standards of National III and below will be basically phased out. Strengthening source control of pollution emissions from operating trucks, and continuing to fight a good battle against pollution from diesel trucks. Implementing stricter quality standards for automobile gasoline, strengthening sampling and testing of automobile oil quality, and resolutely combating substandard oil products. Provide better infrastructure and convenient conditions for the "public-to-rail" and "public-to-water" transportation of bulk goods and medium- and long-distance goods. Accelerating the transformation of port terminals' shore power and ship power receiving facilities, and continuously improving the utilization rate of shore power for ships calling at ports. Focusing on vehicles used in the public sector, accelerate the application of new energy vehicles. By 2025, the new or updated buses, cabs, official vehicles, urban logistics and distribution vehicles, light sanitation vehicles, etc. will strive to use new energy vehicles in 100%, and the proportion of freight transported by railroads and waterways will be increased by 0.5 and 1 percentage point, respectively. By 2030, the green and low-carbon level of transportation tools will be further enhanced.

4. Actively advocate green travel. Encourage the public to use green travel modes, and further increase the proportion of green and low-carbon travel modes such as public transportation and slow walking. Implement the strategy of giving priority to the development of public transport, optimize the allocation of capacity and the environment for interchange, and realize the "seamless connection" of various modes of interchange. Improve the conditions for green and slow traveling. By 2025, the proportion of green travel will reach 70%, and by 2030, the proportion of green travel will reach more than 75%.

Column 6 Low-carbon Transformation Project for Transportation

Focusing on the low-carbon transformation of transportation, accelerating the construction of a comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network, vigorously developing multimodal transportation, providing better infrastructure and convenient conditions for the "public-to-rail" and "public-to-water" transfer of bulk cargo and medium- and long-distance cargo transportation, and constructing a green transportation infrastructure It is also promoting energy-saving and low-carbon means of transportation, guiding low-carbon travel and promoting the green development of transportation.

Transportation efficiency projects: accelerate the Bozhou High-tech Zone, north of Yadu Avenue, east of the railroad, south of the Eddy River area development projects, Bozhou Airport and other projects.

Multimodal Logistics Park Project: accelerate the Bozhou Port Multimodal Comprehensive Logistics Park Project, Bozhou Express Logistics Park Construction Project, Eddy River Mengcheng Port Construction Project Phase I Project, Mengcheng County Cold Chain Logistics Project, Lixin County Intelligent Logistics Park Project.

(viii) Implementing a circular economy to help save energy and reduce carbon emissions and enhance resource utilization efficiency.

It will implement a comprehensive conservation strategy, vigorously develop a circular economy, implement the circularization of parks, promote the economical, intensive and efficient use of resources, implement cleaner production, and enhance the capacity for coordinated management of pollution reduction and carbon reduction.

1. Continuously promote the recycling transformation of development zones. "One policy for each park" continues to promote the recycling transformation of development zones above the provincial level, accelerates the implementation of source reduction, environmentally friendly, resource recycling, and end-of-pipe production methods, and supports enterprises to realize cyclic production, cyclic development of parks, and cyclic combination of industries. To build a closed industrial chain of coal and electricity, building materials, textile, food processing and machinery and equipment, and to build the Coal and Electricity Circulation Industrial Park into a high-level provincial-level industrial park and an important coal deep-processing and new industrial base in the northern Anhui region.

2. Enhance the comprehensive utilization rate of industrial waste. Continuously promote the construction of national bulk solid waste comprehensive utilization bases in Eddy County and Lixin County, and explore the establishment of an industrial development model for the comprehensive utilization of industrial solid waste based on regional characteristics in the concentrated solid waste-generating area, the main coal-producing area and the basic raw material industry agglomeration area. Further broaden the comprehensive utilization channels of solid wastes such as medicine dregs, wine dregs, sludge, coal gangue, fly ash, slag, desulfurization gypsum, grass ash, etc., and expand the scale of utilization in the fields of ecological restoration, green mining, green building materials and transportation engineering. It will implement construction waste reduction at source, promote the resource utilization of construction waste, promote the in-situ recycling of waste pavement materials, and carry out the construction of model cities for the resource utilization of construction waste. By 2025, the comprehensive utilization rate of bulk solid waste will reach 90%. by 2030, the comprehensive utilization rate of bulk solid waste will reach more than 95%.

3. Building a recycling system for waste materials. Improve the recycling network of waste materials, promote the "two-network integration" of waste materials recycling outlets and domestic waste classification outlets, establish a recycling system for key consumer products such as home appliances, automobiles and electronics, improve the convenience of recycling, and promote the construction of hazardous waste collection and storage centers. Promote the standardization, scale and clean utilization of renewable resources. Relying on Lixin County Circular Economy Industrial Park, accelerate the planning of new energy power battery recycling industrial park, cultivate power battery recycling industry cluster. Support enterprises to actively explore low-cost photovoltaic module recycling technology industrialization application. Strengthen the promotion and application of renewable resource products and remanufactured products. By 2025, the recycling rate of renewable resources will reach 70%, and by 2030, the recycling rate of renewable resources will reach more than 75%.

Column 7 Circular Economy Contributing to Carbon Reduction Project

Focusing on the circular economy to help reduce carbon, give full play to the synergistic effect of pollution reduction and carbon reduction, build a number of resourceful comprehensive utilization projects, increase the recycling of waste materials, improve the efficiency of resource utilization, and build a new type of resource recycling system.

Comprehensive utilization of resources project: support enterprises to accelerate the comprehensive utilization of brewing by-products and waste resources project, Qiao Cheng District wine lees resource utilization project, Bozhou City Qiao Cheng District renewable resources recycling project, Lixin County bulk solid waste utilization base project, Lixin County, water upgrading and transformation of the use of the project.

4. Comprehensively implement cleaner production in enterprises. It will carry out cleaner production audits and evaluation and certification, further standardize the behavior of cleaner production audits, and improve the quality of cleaner production audits. Relying on voluntary cleaner production-oriented programs, industrial enterprises are guided to further implement technological transformation, and encouraged to implement green product design, material optimization management and production process control. Focusing on the implementation of cleaner production transformation in packaging and printing, industrial coating and other industries. According to the enterprise production process and the degree of impact on the environment to explore differentiated audit mode. Encourage regions to declare national cleaner production audit innovation pilots.

5. Enhance the capacity for coordinated management of pollution reduction and carbon reduction. Promote the construction of intelligent environmental protection, and comprehensively improve the level of pollution management and pollutant discharge management. Carry out ambient air monitoring of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), coordinate the promotion of atmospheric particulate matter component monitoring network, the construction of atmospheric photochemical monitoring network, and increase the synergistic emission reduction of nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and greenhouse gases. Promote synergistic control of water environment management, and vigorously promote the utilization of sewage resources. Improve the efficiency of industrial water use, promote the integrated optimization of water use systems in industrial parks, and realize tandem water use, quality separation of water use, multi-use of water, ladder use and recycling. Promote energy saving and consumption reduction in sewage treatment plants, optimize the process flow and improve treatment efficiency. Vigorously promote garbage classification, optimize the treatment and disposal of domestic garbage, strengthen the resource utilization of recyclables and food waste, and continuously promote the construction of domestic garbage incineration treatment capacity. By 2025, the urban living garbage classification system will be basically sound, the utilization rate of urban living garbage resources will reach 65%, and the rate of harmless treatment of urban living garbage will reach 1,00%. By 2030, full coverage of urban living garbage classification will be realized, and the utilization rate of urban living garbage resources will reach 70%.

Column 8 Ecological Environment Infrastructure Projects

Focusing on ecological and environmental infrastructure, the construction of sewage treatment plants, comprehensive watershed management and other projects, promoting the mending of environmental infrastructure shortcomings and weaknesses, comprehensively improving the level of environmental infrastructure construction, and promoting the continuous improvement of ecological and environmental quality.

Water environment infrastructure construction projects: accelerate the Bozhou City Sewage Treatment Plant Phase III and supporting pipeline network project, Bozhou City South Sewage Treatment Plant upgrading and supporting pipeline network project, QiaoCheng District Urban and Rural Water Supply and Sewage Integration Project, Bozhou City QiaoCheng District Eddy North Sewage Treatment Plant and Supporting Pipeline Network Phase III Project, QiaoCheng District Collective Town Built-Up Area Sewage Pipeline Network Construction Project, Eddanyang County Municipal Storm Sewage Pipeline Network Upgrade Project, Eddanyang County Urban Sewage Treatment Facilities Quality Enhancement Project, Mengcheng County Sewage Treatment Plant II Phase III Expansion and Water Reuse Supporting Pipeline Network Project.

Solid Waste Disposal Projects: Accelerate the promotion of Bozhou City Qiaocheng District Living Waste Sorting Center, Qiaocheng District Living Waste Classification Project, Eddy County Urban and Rural Living Waste Classification Collection and Transportation System Construction Project, Eddy County Ecological Rehabilitation Project of Living Waste Landfill, Mengcheng County Urban and Rural Environmental Sanitation Integration Operation and Management Base, and Mengcheng County Comprehensive Utilization of Kitchen Waste Project.

V. Science, technology and innovation

(i) Improving the institutional mechanism for green science and technology innovation.

Focusing on green and low-carbon technological innovation, we will promote the formation of a green technological innovation system that is enterprise-oriented, market-oriented, and deeply integrated with "government, industry, academia, research, application and funding", and accelerate the transformation of green and low-carbon technological innovations. Improve the implementation of green technology intellectual property protection system, and strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights in all aspects of green technology research and development, demonstration, promotion, application and industrialization. Deepen science and technology financial services, give full play to the role of science and technology achievement transformation guidance fund, equity investment fund and financing guarantee institutions, and promote the transformation of key green technology innovation achievements.

(ii) Strengthening the construction of public innovation platforms.

Deploying innovation chains around key industrial chains, planning and constructing public innovation platforms around innovation chains, and improving the support system of public innovation platforms. Aiming at the core key technology research of key industries, a number of high-level new R&D organizations or innovation platforms will be formed. Promote the construction of inspection and testing platforms, cultivate new incubation platforms, and introduce intellectual property rights, science and technology and other information service organizations. Construct and improve common technology R&D platforms, pilot bases, testing centers and other public technology service platforms. Vigorously develop intermediary institutions such as technology assessment, property rights trading and productivity promotion centers, build technology transfer service platforms and promote the transformation of innovative achievements. Improve the performance assessment mechanism of platform construction and operation. Strengthen cooperation with universities and research institutes to build industrialization bases for scientific and technological achievements.

(iii) Enhancing the innovative capacity of enterprises.

Focusing on high-end equipment manufacturing, new energy and energy-saving environmental protection, new materials and other emerging industries, it will vigorously cultivate high-tech enterprises and science and technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises, reaching 520 and 1,000 respectively by 2025. Guide high-tech enterprises to establish high-level engineering (technology) research centers, key (engineering) laboratories, enterprise technology centers and other R&D institutions. Support leading enterprises to form innovation consortiums to stimulate the innovation vitality of small and medium-sized enterprises. Encourage forward-looking, independent and innovative technology research and development, aiming at "stuck chain" and "broken chain" products and technologies, and increase R&D investment. By 2025, we will strive for the coverage rate of R&D organizations of industrial enterprises above designated size to reach 50%, 25 provincial-level technological innovation demonstration enterprises, 150 provincial-level new products, and 140 R&D platforms above the provincial level.

(d) Strengthening the recruitment of multilevel talents.

Improve the mechanism of attracting leading talents in new industries, focusing on modern Chinese medicine and other industrial areas of "high-precision" talent needs, scientifically formulate plans and catalogs for attracting talents, and introduce a number of domestic and foreign high-end technical talents with strong influence, who can lead and support the development of key industries. Actively promote the flexible mobility of talents and implement the "dual-employment" mechanism. Taking the Yangtze River Delta region as the direction of attraction, relying on leading enterprises and various types of innovation platforms, and centering on the needs of industrial development, we will create a "talent chain" with the "industrial chain" and "innovation chain", and promote the "production and creation of talents". Promote the integration of "production, creation and talent". Accelerate the introduction of high-level scientific and technological talent teams and overseas talents, deepen the deep-level talent cooperation with domestic and foreign well-known universities and research institutes, and attract more domestic and foreign talents to Bo to carry out projects and technology docking. Support enterprises to build talent training bases with universities and research institutes, and promote specialized talent training. Innovative talent mobility, talent settlement, talent housing and other support policies, strengthen the equity incentives and performance incentives for researchers, and establish a mechanism for attracting various types of talent inflow and retention.

(v) Accelerating the promotion and application of advanced and applicable technologies.

Focusing on modern Chinese medicine, liquor and other leading industries, it will increase the application of key green and low-carbon technologies in the fields of renewable energy, industrial energy conservation and carbon reduction, energy storage, hydrogen energy, carbon capture and utilization. Support the research, development and industrialization of low-cost, high-efficiency, long-life crystalline silicon solar cells, and promote the application of cadmium telluride (CdTe) and other new thin-film batteries. Support the R&D and industrialization of new high-efficiency inverters (equipment), and strengthen the technological development and application promotion of intelligent monitoring and management systems for photovoltaic power stations. Accelerate the application of long-duration, low-cost and large-capacity energy storage technologies for microgrids, renewable energy and electric vehicles. Actively promote the application of straw flue gas waste heat recovery technology, improve the conversion and utilization efficiency of coal, straw and other heat energy, and promote the comprehensive utilization of energy gradient. Explore the scientific and technological research on forward-looking, strategic and disruptive technologies, and support research on low-carbon, zero-carbon and carbon-negative technologies. Actively participate in the demonstration and application of the first (set) of major technological equipment in the field of energy. Concentrate on the key common technical needs of energy conservation and emission reduction, and organize and implement energy conservation and emission reduction projects. Promote the development of common key technologies and industrialization of major technologies and equipment for energy conservation and emission reduction in key industries.

Column 9 Science and Technology Innovation Platform Construction

Provincial key laboratories: support the construction of "modern Chinese medicine manufacturing new technology key laboratories in Anhui Province". Support "Anhui solid fermentation engineering technology research center" and other provincial engineering technology research center into a provincial key laboratory.

High-level new research and development institutions: 1-2 high-level new research and development institutions will be built around the needs of modern Chinese medicine, green food manufacturing and other industries. Support enterprises to actively participate in the construction of synthetic biology (biofermentation) Anhui Province Industrial Innovation Research Institute, modern Chinese medicine Anhui Province Industrial Innovation Research Institute.

Provincial-level science and technology business incubators and crowdsourcing spaces: Bozhou High-tech Zone and Bowu Modern Industrial Park will build three provincial-level science and technology business incubators or crowdsourcing spaces, and one provincial-level science and technology business incubator or crowdsourcing space will be constructed in each of the following counties: Eddy County, Mengcheng County, Lixin County and Qiaocheng District.

Support enterprises to declare provincial enterprise R&D center, provincial enterprise technology center, provincial industrial design center.

VI. Action for all

(i) Strengthening publicity and education on ecological civilization.

The study and implementation of Xi Jinping's thought on ecological civilization has been made an important part of cadre education and training, and training has been provided to party and government leading cadres, cadres from functional departments, and personnel from state-owned enterprises in a classified and hierarchical manner. The education on ecological civilization will be incorporated into the education system, and primary and secondary school students will be regularly organized to carry out various forms of science education on ecological civilization, and popularize the basic knowledge of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. It has also strengthened public education on ecological civilization, organically integrated the concept of green and low-carbon into cultural and artistic works, produced cultural and creative products and public service advertisements, and continued to carry out thematic publicity activities such as the National Energy Conservation Awareness Week, the National Low-Carbon Day, and the National Ecology Day, and has exposed negative examples at the right time, so as to enhance the awareness of green and low-carbon among the general public, and to push forward the concept of green and low-carbon into the hearts of the people.

(ii) Promoting a green and low-carbon lifestyle.

Oppose wasteful behavior in catering, and strictly limit the use of disposable tableware, plastic shopping bags and other issuances. Advocating energy conservation in society as a whole, carrying out the creation of green and low-carbon social action demonstrations, deeply promoting the creation of green life actions, selecting and publicizing a number of excellent demonstration models, and creating a new trend of green and low-carbon life. Vigorously develop green consumption, encourage e-commerce platforms to set up special zones for green and low-carbon products, and actively promote energy-saving home appliances, high-efficiency lighting, water-saving appliances and other green and low-carbon products. Explore the promotion of carbon inclusive products. Increase the proportion of green products in government procurement, and guide enterprises to implement corporate green procurement guidelines. Promote the construction of water-saving cities and strengthen leakage control of urban water supply pipe networks.

(iii) Guiding enterprises to fulfill their social responsibilities.

Guiding enterprises to take the initiative to adapt to the requirements of green and low-carbon development, strengthen their awareness of environmental responsibility, enhance energy and resource conservation, and raise the level of green innovation. Guiding enterprises in key areas to formulate and implement corporate carbon peak action programs and play a leading role in demonstration. Promote key energy-using units to sort out and account for their own carbon emissions, and formulate "one enterprise, one policy" carbon emission reduction special work programs. Relevant listed companies and bond-issuing enterprises shall, in accordance with the requirements for disclosure of environmental information in accordance with the law, regularly publicize information on corporate carbon emissions. Give full play to the role of industry associations and other social organizations, urge member enterprises to consciously fulfill their social responsibilities and strengthen the awareness of environmental responsibility.

VII. Policy innovations

(i) Explore and promote the construction of a dual-control system for carbon emissions.

Carrying out research on statistical accounting for dual control of carbon emissions. Strengthen research on carbon emission accounting methods, and explore the extension of accounting boundaries to the district and county levels on the basis of the experience and practice of municipal inventory compilation. Explore the research of carbon emission statistics and accounting methods in industrial parks, and form statistical standards for carbon accounting with clear boundaries, unified standards, accuracy and reliability. Enhance measurement and monitoring capabilities. Strengthen measurement and monitoring, enhance departmental collaboration, make full use of the online monitoring platform for energy resources measurement, strengthen the application of relevant measurement and testing technologies, establish carbon measurement standard devices, and provide measurement support for measurable, reportable and verifiable greenhouse gas emissions. Implement the project carbon emission evaluation system. Implement relevant national and provincial requirements, encourage the development of carbon emission impact evaluation, promote the realization of carbon emissions as a binding indicator for the management of environmental assessment of construction projects, and study and explore the formation of evaluation methods for the synergistic control and management of pollutants and carbon emissions in construction projects. Explore regional carbon emission budget management system. Combining industrial structure, energy structure, layout of major projects, energy saving and carbon reduction targets and other factors, study the establishment of a carbon emission budget management system, and promote the connection between carbon emission budgets and carbon dual-control targets. Encourage carbon footprint research. Encourage typical enterprises such as liquor to explore the establishment of carbon footprint accounting standards and rules covering the industrial chain, and carry out carbon footprint evaluation. Support the implementation of energy-saving and carbon reduction projects such as carbon inventory, carbon footprint verification and dual-carbon platform construction.

(ii) Improvement of comprehensive reform policies for the economical and intensive utilization of land.

Deepening the reform of mu-per-mu efficiency, according to the results of mu-per-mu efficiency evaluation, positively incentivizing development zones to improve land use efficiency, and negatively forcing the withdrawal of inefficient land. Explore the establishment of a "health checkup + land steward" management system for industrial low utility land and a "problem identification + problem solving" disposal mechanism. Innovate the revitalization mechanism, accelerate the "cage for birds", promote the composite development, explore the development space, promote the quality and efficiency, encourage the "retreat of scattered into the collection", and enhance the efficiency of industrial land use. Explore the mechanism of compensated recovery of idle land, and study and formulate measures for categorized disposal, such as compensated recovery of land use rights, so as to improve the efficiency of land resource utilization. Explore the extension of the "standard land" system to productive service industries, as well as to various types of industrial agglomerations, industrial functional zones, and specialty towns, and expand the types of land and areas to which "standard land" is applicable.

(iii) Improving new energy development policies.

Actively explore new mechanisms to adapt to the rapid development of new energy elements to ensure that new energy vehicles, advanced photovoltaic, new energy storage and other projects involving major productivity layout to actively seek to incorporate into the national and provincial planning, included in the list of key scheduling projects of the provincial task force, co-ordination of the new construction land indicators, to ensure that the key projects land, strive for the energy consumption and coal consumption of a single column, in the total emissions of major pollutants to be the total amount of indicators, the key projects to be guaranteed. Guarantee. Explore the support of agricultural light, pastoral light complementary projects do not participate in the provincial grid scale index competition with the new mechanism. Optimize and improve the new energy market-oriented consumption policy with a view to enhancing the utilization level of a high proportion of green power consumption. Fully implement the tax department to collect the relevant requirements of the renewable energy development fund, to ensure that should be collected as much as possible. Promote comprehensive energy services, contract energy management and other modes. Actively participate in the national carbon emissions trading. Actively participate in the trading of green power certificates and comprehensively strengthen the demand-side management of electricity.

(iv) Increase financial innovation.

Focusing on realizing the goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, establishing and perfecting a green project database, giving full play to the pulling and prying effects of monetary policy tools related to carbon emission reduction, and guiding financial institutions to increase their financial support for green and low-carbon projects and industries. Expand the use of agricultural carbon account results, encourage financial institutions to create financial products based on carbon accounts, and implement differentiated credit policies. Support conditional banking financial institutions to set up green finance divisions and green sub-branches, and increase credit investment in energy conservation and environmental protection, clean production, clean energy, ecological environment, and green transformation of traditional industries. Encourage banking financial institutions to carry out credit business such as energy efficiency financing, carbon emission right financing and sewage right financing. Promote green enterprises to go public in multi-level capital markets. Actively guide local corporate financial institutions to strengthen environmental information disclosure. Support enterprises to issue green bonds, green notes, carbon neutral bonds and other financing tools. Guiding insurance organizations to accelerate the development of green insurance, exploring the establishment of a mandatory liability insurance system for environmental pollution, innovating green insurance products and services, and participating in environmental risk management.

VIII. Organization and implementation

(i) Strengthening organizational leadership.

Under the leadership of the Municipal Peak Carbon Pilot City Construction Promotion Leading Group, comprehensively coordinate and promote the construction of the Peak Carbon Pilot City, set up a special working group with the deputy mayor in charge as the leader and the main person in charge of each relevant unit as the member, further strengthen the main responsibility of the municipal departments and counties and districts, one by one, and refine the work measures, division of responsibilities and timeframes of completion, so as to ensure the completion of the target tasks. Every six months, it organizes and carries out an assessment of the tasks of the pilot carbon peak construction, schedules the progress of the relevant departments in implementing the tasks of the pilot carbon peak construction on a quarterly basis, and coordinates the resolution of major problems encountered in the process of implementation.

(ii) Increased support.

Strengthen the integration of financial resources, optimize the structure of financial expenditure, municipal finance to set up carbon peak carbon neutral work special funds, included in the annual budgetary arrangements, support carbon peak carbon neutral and carbon peak pilot city construction related scenarios to build, industry cultivation, project construction, standard development, technology research, platform construction, etc., to provide strong support for the construction of carbon peak pilot city. Increase efforts to strive for special funds for clean energy development, give full play to the guiding and prying role of financial funds, and support enterprises and individuals that adopt advanced green and low-carbon technologies and products, so as to boost the development of green and low-carbon industries. Study the inclusion of eligible construction projects in the green and low-carbon fields into the scope of local government bond support.

(iii) Innovative working mechanisms.

Energy consumption and carbon emission targets have been managed, decomposed and assessed in a coordinated manner, and a systematic and comprehensive evaluation and assessment system for carbon neutralization has been gradually established. Regularly organize and carry out special energy-efficiency monitoring and energy-saving inspections, implement annual energy consumption control plans for key energy-using units, refine and decompose annual energy consumption dual-control objectives and tasks, and strengthen process control and supervision and assessment.

(iv) Strengthening publicity and promotion.

Advocating a green and low-carbon production and lifestyle, and forming a social atmosphere of energy conservation and carbon reduction in which everyone participates. Summarize, discover and promote the experience and practice of the construction of pilot cities with carbon peaks in a timely manner, strengthen cooperation with national, provincial and municipal mainstream media, and actively carry out publicity at important time nodes, so as to create a strong atmosphere of concern, support and promotion of the construction of pilot cities with carbon peaks in the whole society.

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