Involving photovoltaic power generation! Ten Departments Issue Implementation Guidelines for Digitalization, Greening and Synergistic Transformational Development

On August 24, the Central Internet Information Office, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Natural Resources and other ten departments jointly issued the Implementation Guidelines for the Development of Digitalization, Greening and Collaborative Transformation. The document proposes to promote the synergistic layout of arithmetic power. Coordinate the development needs of data centers and new energy resource endowment, scientific integration of source and load storage resources, to carry out collaborative layout planning for arithmetic and power infrastructure, and actively build national green data centers. Explore the "green power aggregation supply" mode of supplying new energy nearby, aggregating transactions and consuming it locally. Integrate regulation resources, improve the level of coordinated operation of computing power and electric power, increase the proportion of green power in data centers, and reduce the demand for grid protection capacity.Explore the model of stable supply of green power by combining solar thermal power generation with wind power and photovoltaic power generation.

Promote the application of new energy equipment in data centers.Promote the construction of green microgrids for data centers, support data centers to build their own rooftop distributed photovoltaic power generation supporting systems, and gradually promote the large-scale application of modular hydrogen batteries, solar thermal power generation, etc., in small-scale or edge data centers.Explore the application of diversified energy storage and backup power devices in data centers. Support data centers to use power batteries in a gradual manner to reduce peaks and fill in valleys, and avoid overlapping with the peak of electricity consumption.

Creating low carbon living communities.Encourage communities to build smart microgrids covering distributed photovoltaic, diversified energy storage, charging piles and other facilities.Promote community elevator operation monitoring, lighting sensors, underground garage humidity monitoring, heating automatic temperature regulation, photovoltaic energy regulation and other public areas of intelligent IoT sensing deployment.

In the digital photovoltaic industry.The document puts forward the development of 5G + industrial Internet applications, optimize the PV slicing production process, standardize the production process of monocrystalline silicon rods, and improve the utilization efficiency of stacked batteries. Promote power station 5G unmanned inspection, accumulation of ash sensitive perception of the Internet of Things, PV power station accurate weather forecast and other convergence technology applications, improve the PV industry intelligent power prediction, intelligent field station operation and other functions, effectively reduce the loss caused by PV power generation abandonment, and comprehensively enhance the power generation efficiency of photovoltaic power stations. Based on 5G, IoT and artificial intelligence technologies, the company will optimize the data sharing between PV power generation and energy storage, and realize that the whole chain of PV power generation, transmission, storage, distribution and use can be visualized, managed and controlled.

Full text follows:

Circular on the issuance of the Implementation Guidelines for the Development of Digitalization, Greening and Synergistic Transformation

Internet Information Office of the Party Committee of each province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the central government, municipalities with separate plans, and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Development and Reform Commission, department in charge of industry and information technology, department in charge of natural resources, ecological environment department (bureau), department (bureau) of housing and urban-rural construction, department (bureau) of transportation, department (bureau) of agriculture and rural areas (farming and animal husbandry), market supervision bureaus (departments, commissions), and data bureaus:

In order to better guide departments, localities, social organizations and enterprises to carry out collaborative digital greening transformation and development, the Central Internet Information Office, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Ecology and the Environment, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the General Administration of Market Supervision, and the National Bureau of Data organized and compiled an Implementation Guide for Collaborative Digital Greening and Transformation Development ( (hereinafter referred to as the Implementation Guide). The Implementation Guidelines are hereby issued for your reference in promoting the collaborative and transformative development of digitalization and greening.

When using this guide, each region should focus on promoting high-quality development and accelerating the development of new quality productivity, fully grasp its own positioning in regional and industrial development, base on its own resource endowment, actively create characteristic industries and functional advantages, accelerate the digitalization and greening of synergistic development, promote the transformation and upgrading of energy resources, industrial structure, and consumption structure, and promote the green development of the economy and society.

Annex: Implementation Guidelines for Digitalization, Greening and Synergistic Transformative Development

Secretariat Bureau of the Office of the Central Committee for Network Security and Informatization

General Office of the National Development and Reform Commission

General Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources

General Office of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment

General Office of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development

General Office of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications

General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

General Office of the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration

Integrated Division of the National Data Agency

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