National Bureau of Statistics: new energy industry chain in July, good momentum of solar energy industry super-white glass production growth of 23.1%

August 15, the National Bureau of Statistics Industrial Division statistician Sun Xiao interpretation of industrial enterprise profit data, said that in July, the new energy industry chain increased well, the upstream raw materials and equipment products polycrystalline silicon, solar energy industry ultra-white glass, wind turbine production increased by 27.31 TP3T, 23.11 TP3T, 39.61 TP3T, respectively.

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Overall stable industrial production and accelerated cultivation of new kinetic energy

--Sun Xiao, Statistician of the Industrial Department of the National Bureau of Statistics, explains the industrial production data in July

In July, the country's industrial production above scale remained stable overall, most industries, regions and products to achieve growth, equipment manufacturing industry, high-tech manufacturing industry to support the obvious, the industrial structure continues to optimize, the new kinetic energy continues to cultivate and grow, the growth rate of industrial exports accelerated, the high-quality development of the industrial economy is steadily advancing.

I. Overall stable operation of industrial production

Industrial production grew steadily. in July, the national above-scale industrial added value increased by 5.1% year-on-year, the growth rate fell slightly by 0.2 percentage points compared with June; excluding seasonal factors, the above-scale industrial added value increased by 0.35% year-on-year. among the three major categories, the manufacturing industry increased by 5.3% year-on-year, the growth rate is higher than that of all above-scale industry by 0.2 percentage points; Mining industry increased by 4.6%, the growth rate accelerated by 0.2 percentage points compared with June; electricity, heat, gas and water production and supply industry increased by 4.0%.

More than 80% of the industry and region, nearly 60% of the products to achieve growth. in July, 41 major categories of industry, 33 industries increased value added year-on-year growth, growth surface of 80.5%; 31 regions, 25 regions increased value added year-on-year growth, growth surface of 80.6%; in the statistics of the 619 kinds of major industrial products, 367 kinds of product output increased year-on-year growth, growth surface of 59.3%.

Second, equipment manufacturing, high-tech manufacturing faster growth

Equipment manufacturing industry growth rate continues to be higher than all industries above designated size, "ballast" role continues to highlight. in July, the value added of equipment manufacturing industry above designated size increased by 7.3% year-on-year, accelerated by 0.4 percentage points compared with June, the growth rate is higher than that of all industries above designated size by 2.2 percentage points, for 12 consecutive months higher than that of all industries above designated size. Above-scale industry. Equipment manufacturing industry to all above-scale industrial production growth contribution rate of 47.9%, the cumulative value added accounted for the proportion of all above-scale industry since the beginning of the year continued to rise to 33.4%, has been 17 consecutive months to remain in the 30% or more, "ballast" role continues to highlight. The main equipment industry, the electronics industry growth of 14.3%, the growth rate in June accelerated by 3.0 percentage points, this year's consecutive double-digit growth in July on all above-scale industrial growth contributed 25.9%, ranking first in the various industrial sectors.

Manufacturing high-end, intelligent, green process continues to advance. July, above-scale high-tech manufacturing value added year-on-year growth of 10.0%, the growth rate in June accelerated by 1.2 percentage points, higher than all industries above designated size by 4.9 percentage points, this year the growth rate has continued to be higher than that of all industries above designated size, to lead the manufacturing industry, high-end, intelligent, green process. High-end, aviation and spacecraft and equipment manufacturing, electronics and communications equipment manufacturing, computer and office equipment manufacturing and other high-end equipment industry value-added year-on-year growth of double-digit growth, the growth rate of 18.1%, 13.1%, 11.0%, accelerated by 8.8, 2.1, 6.8 percentage points over June. In terms of intellectualization, the output of digital products such as civil drones, virtual reality equipment, service robots, integrated circuits, industrial robots and other digital products increased by double-digit year-on-year, with a growth rate of 84.7%, 55.7%, 41.6%, 26.9%, and 19.7%, respectively.In terms of greening, the new energy vehicle industry chain maintained rapid growth, with the new energy The output of automobiles increased by 27.8% year-on-year, and the output of supporting products charging piles and lithium-ion power batteries for automobiles increased by 34.9% and 2.4% respectively; the new energy industry chain is increasing well, and the output of upstream raw materials and equipment products such as polycrystalline silicon, ultra-white glass for the solar energy industry, and wind turbine generator sets increased by 27.3%, 23.1%, respectively, 39.6%.

III. Accelerated growth of industrial exports

In July, the national industrial enterprises above designated size export delivery value year-on-year growth of 6.4%, the growth rate accelerated in June by 2.6 percentage points; the cumulative growth rate since the beginning of the month since the beginning of the year, January-July growth of 3.6%, accelerated in the first half of the year by 0.3 percentage points. The main export industries, the electronics industry export delivery value year-on-year from decline to increase, is the main support for industrial export delivery value growth accelerated in July; automotive industry export delivery value for eight consecutive months to maintain double-digit growth; general equipment, special equipment, chemical industry export delivery value growth accelerated to achieve double-digit growth.

On the whole, stable growth policies continue to increase the support for industrial economic growth, industrial production in July to maintain steady growth. However, we should also see that the market demand is insufficient, the external environment is complex, the enterprise profit level is low and other difficulties still exist. In the next stage, we should further implement the Party Central Committee and the State Council decision-making and deployment, increase efforts to enhance effective demand, cultivate and strengthen new quality of productive forces, and promote a high level of opening up to the outside world, and promote the industrial economy to realize the quality of the effective enhancement of the volume of reasonable growth.

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