Liu Jizhen, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering: Enhancing the friendliness of new energy system and accelerating the construction of new power system

Enhance the friendliness of new energy system and accelerate the construction of new power system

Liu Jizhen, Academician, Chinese Academy of Engineering

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on building a new type of power system, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), the National Energy Administration (NEA), and the National Data Agency (NDA) have issued the Action Program for Accelerating the Construction of a New Type of Power System (2024-2027) (hereinafter referred to as the "Action Program"). With the rapid development of wind power and photovoltaic, new energy will become China's first major power source by the end of this year. However, as the new energy penetration rate continues to increase, the current power system "double high" (high proportion of renewable energy, high proportion of power electronic equipment) characteristics of the new energy is obvious, the new energy frequency regulation, voltage regulation and other active support capabilities are still insufficient, there is an urgent need to integrate the development and security, to carry out new energy system friendly performance improvement action, to promote new energy effectively! It is urgent to coordinate development and security, carry out actions to improve the friendly performance of new energy systems, promote new energy to effectively assume the responsibility of system security and regulation, and help the construction of new power systems.

I. Creating a number of system-friendly new energy power stations

With the increasing penetration rate of new energy, the current power system has obvious characteristics of "double high" (high proportion of renewable energy, high proportion of power electronic equipment), resulting in insufficient active support capacity of the power supply, reduced system inertia, increased difficulty in regulation and control, transient stabilization of the voltage destabilization, increased uncertainty in the power balance guarantee and source and load, and wide-frequency oscillations. systemic problems.

In terms of enhancing the system-friendliness of new energy, the Action Program puts forward two aspects of work requirements. First, a number of system-friendly new energy power stations should be constructed to enhance the ability to guarantee power supply, and new energy should be gradually realized as a reliable alternative in power supply and stable support. The second is to strengthen the upgrading of power stations, and has been configured with a new type of energy storage, but not effectively utilized new energy power stations to upgrade the characteristics of the network type, to improve the new energy power station inertia response, a frequency regulation, active voltage regulation, damping capacity and other key indicators of the system, to enhance the new energy system friendly performance.

In improving the new energy distribution and storage power station regulating capacity, the Action Plan puts forward two aspects of work, one is to integrate the source storage resources, optimize the configuration and operation strategy of the energy storage system, give full play to the regulating capacity of the distribution and storage power station, and maximize the new energy distribution and storage regulating capacity and operational efficiency. The second is to improve the market rules, and actively promote the participation of various types of regulating resources in the electricity market, and improve the market-oriented operation level and economic efficiency of the energy storage system.

The Action Program promotes the enhancement of the friendly performance of new energy systems, which is an inevitable choice to accelerate the construction of a new type of power system to meet the needs of energy transformation. It helps to promote the development and construction of large new energy bases, regulating and supporting power sources and transmission channels, and guarantees the continuity and stability of transmitted power; it is also conducive to alleviating the problem of guaranteeing the supply of power during the peak hours of the system's power shortage, improving the level of reliable new energy output, and giving better play to the role of new energy in ensuring and increasing the supply of energy.

II. Promoting the implementation of a number of arithmetic and power synergy projects

At present, big model technology triggers explosive growth in artificial intelligence arithmetic demand, and data centers accelerate the evolution of intelligent arithmetic, putting forward higher requirements for safe and stable power supply. At the same time, the deepening green energy revolution and power market reform have put forward more intelligent requirements for energy management, smart grid, intelligent scheduling, power trading and other fields, and also need more arithmetic power to support them, and the integration of "smart computing + new energy" has become an inevitable requirement for the construction of a new type of power system.

In the arithmetic power synergistic planning and operation, the "Action Plan" from three aspects of the work requirements: First, the integration of data center development needs and new energy resource endowment, scientific integration of source and load storage resources, to carry out the arithmetic, power infrastructure synergistic planning and layout. The second is to integrate regulation resources, enhance the level of coordinated operation of arithmetic and power, improve the proportion of green power in data centers, and reduce the demand for grid security capacity. Third, explore the green power stable supply mode of photothermal power generation and wind power and photovoltaic power generation joint operation.

In terms of resource utilization and aggregated trading, the Action Plan specifies work requirements from two aspects: first, exploring the "green power aggregation supply" mode of new energy near power supply, aggregated trading and local consumption. The second is to strengthen the recycling of waste heat resources in data centers to meet the heat demand of the surrounding areas.

The Action Plan proposes to coordinate the demand of data centers and power grid resources, and to plan and layout arithmetic and power synergy projects in advance, which provides an important reference for the green and low-carbon development of data centers. As the focus of national energy conservation and carbon reduction control, data centers are an important link in the implementation of the "dual-carbon" goal and the requirement of dual-control of energy consumption. The synergistic development of arithmetic and electricity requires strengthening the analysis of the time and space distribution characteristics of data centers and the pattern of change in the structure of electricity consumption, examining and judging the participation of data centers in the integration of source, network, load and storage, and new energy direct power supply, and guiding the data centers to improve the proportion of green electricity through the electricity market.

Third, accelerate the construction of a number of smart microgrid projects

Under the leadership of carbon peak, carbon neutral goals, distributed new energy leapfrog development, the cost of electrochemical energy storage is gradually declining, the power market mechanism is constantly improving, with the construction of smart microgrids have a favorable opportunity to promote distributed new energy access and consumption, enhance the level of universal service of electric power, and innovate the business model is of great significance.

In the smart microgrid application scenarios, the "Action Program" from two aspects of the work requirements: First, at the end of the grid and the large grid does not cover the construction of smart microgrids, for the plateau, islands, remote areas, powerless areas and other scenarios, through the play of the local energy resource endowment, to meet the load demand in close proximity. The second is to build smart microgrids in areas with good conditions for new energy resources, facing scenarios such as new energy-rich villages, high proportion of new energy parks and counties, and improving the access and consumption capacity of distributed new energy.

In the smart microgrid construction mode, the "Action Program" from two aspects of the work requirements: First, for the construction and application of smart microgrids in remote areas, focusing on the use of wind-solar storage complementary mode, to enhance the level and reliability of the local power supply. The second is for the construction of new energy-rich areas of the application of smart microgrids, focusing on the use of source network storage mode, to enhance the self-peak, self-balancing capacity and the proportion of new energy self-generated self-consumption, to support the development of new forms of new modes of business.

The Action Program proposes to combine application scenarios and build smart microgrid projects according to local conditions, which provides an important reference for the development of smart microgrid. Smart microgrid is an advanced technological means to realize the integration of source, grid, load and storage, and is an important grid form to support the construction of a new type of power system. The development and construction of smart microgrids need to integrate the two factors of maintaining supply and promoting security and reducing carbon and increasing green, enhance the reliability of power supply in remote areas, and promote the friendly interaction between smart microgrids and large power grids.

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