National Energy Administration: Improve the distribution network on the distributed new energy acceptance, deployment capacity

On August 13, the National Energy Board on the issuance of the "distribution grid high-quality development action implementation program (2024-2027)" notice, the notice pointed out that the construction of a number of projects to meet the new main access. Combined with the resource conditions, development layout and commissioning schedule of distributed new energy, targeted strengthening of distribution grid construction, improve the distribution grid's ability to accept, configure and regulate distributed new energy. Key work includes innovation and exploration of a number of distributed smart grid projects. Toward the end of the large power grid, new energy-rich villages, a high proportion of new energy power supply parks, etc., to explore the construction of a number of distributed smart grid projects.

Organization of the preparation of the distribution network development implementation plan to do a good job in connection with the distribution network planning. Distribution network development and implementation of the program is currently promoting the acceleration of the shortcomings of the power supply, to better meet the needs of the development of new subjects of major special work, 2026, 2027 project synchronization into the "Tenth Five-Year" distribution network planning. Program implementation at the same time, localities should be in accordance with the power development planning cycle, do a good job in the "Tenth Five-Year Plan" and beyond.

Improve the mechanism for coordinating the development of distribution grids and distributed new energy sources. Combined with the latest situation to study and standardize the distribution grid can carry distributed photovoltaic scale calculation method. On the basis of the existing pilot provinces, the competent provincial (autonomous regions and municipalities) energy authorities systematically organize and carry out analysis of the impact of new energy connection to the grid, assess the carrying capacity of distribution grids, establish a regular release and early warning mechanism for the open-access capacity of distribution grids, and publish quarterly information to the community about the different areas of the grid that can be carried at the county (municipal) level, to guide the scientific layout of distributed new energy sources, their orderly development, nearby access, and local consumption, and analyze and Propose programs, initiatives and timeframe requirements to further enhance the carrying capacity. At the same time, the "program" pointed out, focusing on promoting "four a batch" standard research and revision focus on promoting "four a batch" standard research and revision. Accelerate the preparation and revision of a number of new subjects to access the distribution network standards. Standardize the technical requirements for new subjects to connect to the grid, and promote the integrated development of distribution grids and new subjects. And launch a batch of distributed smart grid standards in due course. Adapt to the development needs of distributed smart grids, and strengthen the formulation and revision of technical standards for planning and construction, scheduling and control, information security and other aspects.

The original text follows:

Circular of the National Energy Administration on the Issuance of the Implementation Plan for Action on High-Quality Development of Distribution Grids (2024-2027)

(National Energy Development Power [2024] No. 59)

Energy bureaus of provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government), development and reform commissions of relevant provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Beijing Municipal Commission of Urban Management, all dispatched organizations, State Grid Corporation Limited, China Southern Power Grid Corporation Limited, and relevant power enterprises:

In order to implement the "National Development and Reform Commission National Energy Board National Data Bureau on the issuance of" accelerate the construction of a new type of power system action program (2024-2027) "Notice" (Development and Reform Energy 〔2024〕 No. 1128)," the National Development and Reform Commission National Energy Board on the new situation of high-quality development of the distribution network of the guiding opinions "〔2024〕 No. 187) relevant requirements, in-depth promotion of high-quality development of distribution network key tasks on the ground to achieve results, the National Energy Board formulated the "high quality development action implementation plan (2024-2027). No. 187), in-depth promotion of high-quality development of distribution grids key tasks on the ground to see results, the National Energy Board has formulated the "high-quality development of distribution grids action implementation program (2024-2027)". Now issued to you, please seriously organize and implement.

National Energy Administration (NEA)

August 2, 2024

Implementation Program of Action for High-Quality Development of Distribution Networks


In order to implement the National Development and Reform Commission National Energy Administration (NEA) National Data Bureau on the issuance of "accelerate the construction of a new type of power system action program (2024-2027) 〉 notice" (Development and Reform Energy 〔2024〕 1128, hereinafter referred to as the "action program"), the National Development and Reform Commission National Energy Board on the new situation of high-quality development of the distribution network of the guiding opinions" (Development and Reform Energy 〔2024〕 187) relevant requirements. (hereinafter referred to as the "Guiding Opinions"), to further promote the key tasks of high-quality development of distribution networks, and to formulate this implementation program.

I. General requirements

Guided by Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, comprehensively implement the spirit of the 20th Party Congress, completely, accurately and comprehensively carry out the new development concept, accelerate the construction of a new development pattern, and strive to promote the high-quality development of distribution grids. Closely focusing on the construction requirements of the new power system, accelerate a number of distribution grid construction and transformation tasks, make up for the short board of the distribution grid's safe and reliable power supply and ability to cope with extreme disasters, enhance the level of distribution grid intelligence, and meet the requirements for large-scale development of distributed new energy sources and electric vehicle charging facilities, etc.; strengthen the planning and coordination of distribution grids, strengthen the whole process of management, and comprehensively enhance the ability of the distribution grid to provide services and guarantee; formulate and revise a number of standards for distribution network planning and design, construction and operation, and equipment access to continuously improve the operational efficiency of distribution networks; and establish an evaluation system for distribution network development indicators to scientifically assess the development of distribution networks. After three years of efforts, the construction of a new distribution system that is safe, efficient, clean and low-carbon, flexible and intelligent has achieved remarkable results, providing effective support for economic and social development.

II. Organization and preparation of the implementation programme for the development of the distribution network

Provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) energy authorities should implement the Action Program, the Guiding Opinions and the requirements of this implementation plan, adhere to local conditions and problem-oriented, prepare the implementation plan for the development of the distribution network in the region, specify the work plan and funding arrangements, and promote the implementation of the program in an orderly manner.

(i) Time schedule. Provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) energy authorities are responsible for the preparation of the implementation program for the development of the distribution grid in the region (template see annex), specifying the work objectives, tasks and initiatives, project arrangements, financial guarantees, etc., to be submitted to the National Energy Board by the end of October 2024, and the progress of the previous year's implementation at the beginning of each year. The NEA will establish an evaluation system for distribution grid development indicators, dynamically assess the implementation situation around the country, and guide the construction and renovation of distribution grids.

(ii) Work priorities. Around the power supply capacity, disaster resistance and carrying capacity enhancement, combined with the actual situation, focus on promoting the "four a batch" construction and transformation tasks. First, accelerate the promotion of a number of weak power supply areas distribution network upgrading projects. Increase the old neighborhoods, urban villages distribution network investment, focus on improving the power supply security level of non-grid direct power supply district, combined with municipal renovation work to synchronize the implementation of the distribution network renovation project. System mapping single direction, single channel, single line county power grid, accelerate the completion of the power supply reliability improvement transformation. Second, targeted implementation of a number of disaster prevention and resilience enhancement projects. Detailed investigation of disaster-prone, frequent areas and micro-terrain, micro-meteorological and other key areas of power facilities, differentiated to improve local planning and design and disaster prevention standards. Third, the construction of a number of projects to meet the access of new subjects. Combined with the resource conditions, development layout and commissioning schedule of distributed new energy, targeted strengthening of the distribution network construction, improve the distribution network's ability to accept, configure and regulate distributed new energy. To meet the electricity demand of electric vehicle charging infrastructure, and to help build a charging infrastructure layout of city face, highway line, and countryside point. Fourthly, a number of distributed smart grid projects will be explored innovatively. For the end of the large power grid, new energy-rich villages, a high proportion of new energy power supply parks, etc., to explore the construction of a number of distributed smart grid projects.

(c) Do a good job of convergence with the distribution network planning. Distribution network development and implementation of the program is currently promoting the acceleration of the shortcomings of the power supply, to better meet the needs of the development of new subjects of major special work, 2026, 2027 project synchronization into the "Tenth Five-Year" distribution network planning. Program implementation at the same time, localities should be in accordance with the power development planning cycle, do a good job in the "Tenth Five-Year Plan" and beyond.

III. Sound management of the entire distribution network

(d) Improving the mechanism for coordinating the development of distribution grids and distributed new energy sources. Study and standardize the carrying capacity of distribution grids in the light of the latest situation.distributed photovoltaic (e.g. solar cell)Scale calculation method. On the basis of the existing six pilot provinces, the energy authorities of each province (autonomous regions and municipalities) systematically organize theNew Energy Grid ConnectionImpact analysis, assessment of the carrying capacity of distribution grids, establishment of a mechanism for regular release and early warning of the openable capacity of distribution grids, quarterly publication of information on the carrying capacity of different areas of the grid at the county (municipal) level to the society, guidance of distributed new energy resources to be scientifically laid out, developed in an orderly manner, accessed nearby, and consumed locally, as well as analysis and proposal of programs, initiatives and timeframes required to further enhance the carrying capacity.

(e) Establishing and improving the coordinated development mechanism for distribution grids and electric vehicle charging facilities. Key provinces with large-scale development of electric vehicles shall organize and carry out studies on the capacity of distribution grids to access charging facilities, guide charging facilities to reasonably and orderly access to the medium- and low-voltage distribution networks, and make targeted proposals to expand the access capacity of programs, initiatives and timeframe requirements. Encourage the development of virtual power plants and smart microgrids, and carry out innovative practices in the areas of scheduling relationships, division of powers and responsibilities.

(f) Strengthening the management of distribution network construction. The National Energy Administration has organized an assessment of the implementation of the regulations on quota and cost calculation for distribution network projects, analyzed the implementation of the quota, and proposed improvement measures. Adapt to the new development situation, accelerate the improvement of the quota and costing management system of distribution network project, further enhance the timeliness and accuracy, and reasonably determine and effectively control the project cost. Each region should strengthen the cost management of distribution network projects, urge relevant units to do a good job of prior and during the control, improve modular design, standardized selection, standardized construction, and improve the efficiency and safety and quality of distribution network project construction.

IV. Developing and revising a number of distribution network standards

(vii) Comprehensively sort out technical standards for power distribution grids. The National Energy Administration will organize a comprehensive sorting of the existing technical standards for power distribution grids, form a list of standards for power distribution grids in accordance with the classification of "promoting revision, speeding up the development and in-depth study", and refine the division of responsibilities, work requirements and progress arrangements, so as to promote the construction of a systematic and complete, scientific and standardized standard system for power distribution grids.

(viii) Focusing on promoting "four batches" of standards research and revision. The first is to promote the revision of a batch of power supply guarantee standards. In conjunction with the standardization and revision work, it will reasonably raise the standard requirements for facilities in core areas and important users. The second is to deepen the study of a number of disaster prevention and resilience standards. Deepen the research on the mechanism of natural disasters, summarize and analyze the damage and causes of previous disasters, systematically assess the adaptability of existing technical standards, and accelerate the formulation and revision of standards for disaster prevention and resilience planning and design of power distribution networks. Third, accelerate the formulation and revision of a number of standards for access to distribution grids by new subjects. It will standardize the technical requirements for new subjects to connect to the grid, and promote the integrated development of distribution grids and new subjects. Fourth, a number of distributed smart grid standards will be launched in due course. Adapting to the development needs of distributed smart grids, it will strengthen the formulation and revision of technical standards for planning and construction, scheduling and control, and information security.

V. Assessment of distribution network development

(ix) Establishing an evaluation system for distribution network development indicators. Focusing on the general goal of creating a new type of distribution system that is safe, efficient, clean and low-carbon, flexible and intelligent, and in accordance with the principles of objectivity, systematicity, science and feasibility, it will carry out the design of specific indexes for the planning and construction, operation and maintenance management, power quality, and investment benefits, and explore the establishment of a system of evaluation of indicators for the development of distribution networks, so as to scientifically evaluate the effectiveness of the development of distribution networks.

(x) Scientific assessment of the development of distribution networks around the world. 2025-2027, the National Energy Board to use the distribution network development indicators evaluation system year by year on the provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and relevant key cities to carry out the distribution network development assessment, improve the assessment mechanism, strengthen the guidance and coordination, and supervise the implementation of the relevant requirements around the world to make up for shortcomings in indicators, and promote the high-quality development of the distribution network.

VI. Strengthening organizational implementation

(k) Strengthening organizational safeguards. The National Energy Board has taken the lead in setting up a leading group to promote the construction of new electric power systems and coordinate the high-quality development of distribution grids. Organizations in the industry to strengthen research, unified work norms; guidance and supervision of provincial energy departments, power grid enterprises, industry associations to promote the implementation of key tasks. Local energy authorities to establish and improve the price, housing, land and other relevant authorities, energy regulators, various types of power enterprises, new business project units, as well as important power users to collaborate and cooperate with the working mechanism, according to local conditions to promote the work of cooperation, the full implementation of the requirements of high-quality development of power distribution networks.

(xii) Strict implementation of responsibilities. Local energy authorities should do a good job of planning and implementation of the preparation of the program, optimize the project approval, strengthen the construction and transformation of the distribution network and operation management, take the initiative to docking relevant departments and grass-roots governments, coordination of sites, corridors resources, to ensure the smooth implementation of the project. Grid enterprises should implement the main responsibility, in accordance with the requirements of the implementation program, clear funding plans and project arrangements, safe and orderly project management, construction, operation and maintenance, grid connection services and other work. Dispatched organizations of the National Energy Administration will strengthen supervision in accordance with the division of responsibilities and make timely regulatory recommendations.

Annex: Template for the implementation program for distribution grid development in XX provinces (districts and cities) (2024-2027)

XX province (district, city) distribution network development implementation program template


I. Basis for development

Including the geographical location, climate characteristics, urbanization rate, economic development, industrial distribution and development trend of the region; the power supply area, power supply population and load of the distribution grid in the region and cities (counties); the asset scale of distribution equipment at each voltage level, the comprehensive line loss rate, power supply reliability rate, comprehensive voltage pass rate, average household distribution variable capacity and other major indicators; distributed power supply, electric vehicle charging piles, scale of distributed power supply, electric vehicle charging pile, energy storage and related policies; development of distributed smart grid, etc.

II. Situation and challenges

(i) Load forecasting

Analyze the characteristics of electric power load in the region and cities (counties), combine with the economic and social development of the province, give full consideration to the development needs of electric vehicle charging piles, etc., and forecast the demand for electric power load by year.

(ii) Planning for new subjects

Including the distributed new energy resource conditions, planning layout, construction scale and timing of each city (county); the scale of electric vehicle development in each city (county), as well as the planning layout, construction timing and scale of the charging infrastructure; and the planning situation of the new type of energy storage and distributed smart grid.

(iii) Situation and challenges

According to the economic and social development and goals of the region, combined with distributed new energy, electric vehicle charging infrastructure and other planning goals, analyze the situation and challenges facing the development of the distribution grid, including but not limited to economic and social development needs, grid planning and operation, disaster prevention and resilience enhancement, new main scale access, policy guarantee mechanism and other aspects.

III. General requirements and work objectives

(i) General requirements

Combining the national requirements and the actual situation of local distribution networks, focusing on the "four batch" construction and transformation tasks, the general requirements and working principles for the development of distribution networks in the region are proposed.

(ii) Objectives of work

Including, but not limited to, general objectives and sub-annual implementation targets in terms of planning and construction, reliable power supply, access to new types of subjects, project arrangements, financial security, investment efficiency, etc., to ensure that they are practicable and feasible.

IV. Accelerating the mending of the short boards of the power distribution network

(i) Strengthening of distribution grids in areas of weak supply

This includes, but is not limited to, comprehensive mapping and solving the problems of main (distribution) transformers being heavily overloaded, lines being heavily overloaded, and voltage overruns; reasonably increasing the distribution points of substations and distribution transformers in areas of weak power supply, and accelerating the formation of a typical network structure based on the chain-type and the ring-type, and other aspects of the work initiatives.

(ii) Increase the construction and renovation of distribution grids in old neighborhoods and urban villages

Including, but not limited to, increasing the old neighborhoods, urban villages distribution network investment, combined with municipal renovation work synchronization of the implementation of the distribution network renovation project; the strict implementation of urban residential electricity "one household one meter", flood prevention and flood control requirements, and orderly promotion of high-rise neighborhoods of the first level of load dual-power transformation and other aspects of the work initiatives.

(iii) Implementation of upgrading of single-channel county distribution grids

This includes but is not limited to systematically mapping single-direction, single-channel and single-line county power grids and implementing power supply reliability improvement and reconstruction; promoting the extension of large power grids in an orderly manner, and continuously increasing the construction of rural power grids in poverty-stricken areas and old revolutionary zones; and coordinating the use of power supply modes such as "extension of large power grids + terminal microgrid" and off-grid microgrid to solve the problems of power supply in remote areas, and other initiatives. The company has also taken initiatives to solve the problems of power supply in remote areas.

V. Strengthening capacity building for disaster prevention and resilience

(i) Comprehensively sorting out and investigating potential disaster hazards

This includes, but is not limited to, comprehensively sorting out the situation of natural disasters in the region and strengthening the study of regular trends; formulating and revising the regional distribution maps of typhoons, freezing rain and ice-covered ice, gusty dances, geologic hazards, torrential rains and floods, and other disasters; and carrying out detailed inspections of distribution lines and comprehensive analyses of the operating conditions and health levels of distribution equipment in disaster-prone and disaster-prone areas as well as in key areas of microtopography and micro-meteorology, among other aspects of the work initiatives.

(ii) Enhancement of comprehensive disaster resilience

Including but not limited to differentiation to improve the local planning and design and disaster prevention standards, the implementation of the old power distribution equipment over the operating life and does not meet the requirements of the fortification transformation; combined with meteorological disaster early warning preventive deployment of the use of emergency power generation vehicles, relying on the national electric power emergency response base, to carry out the cross-business cooperation to deal with major emergencies; guidance for the configuration of important users of the self-provision of emergency power supply; to promote the requirements of non-compliance with the existing underground power distribution facilities to the ground or the implementation of flood prevention transformation and other work initiatives. Facilities to the ground to migrate or implement flood prevention and transformation and other work initiatives.

VI. Enhancing comprehensive carrying capacity

(i) Targeted reinforcement of distribution networks

Including but not limited to adapt to the distributed new energy and electric vehicle charging pile large-scale access and consumption needs, according to the relevant planning layout, construction scale and commissioning time sequence, in the corresponding area to increase the capacity or new distribution substation, the implementation of line reconstruction and upgrading and other aspects of the work initiatives.

(ii) Improvement of coordinated development mechanisms

This includes, but is not limited to, the establishment of a regular release and early warning mechanism for the openable capacity of distribution grids; work initiatives to conduct studies on the capacity of charging facilities that can be accessed by distribution grids; and initiatives to accelerate the promotion of the development of virtual power plants and smart microgrids.

VII. Promoting the innovative development of distributed smart grids

Including, but not limited to, exploring the construction of distributed smart grid; deepening the research and exploration on the planning and construction of distributed smart grid, operation and control, operation mode, market transaction, and division of rights and responsibilities with the power grid; and promoting the enhancement of the self-management, self-balancing, and self-regulation capabilities of distributed smart grid.

VIII. Safeguards

These include, but are not limited to, the establishment of a sound working mechanism, improvement of financial support, synergizing land security, strengthening the whole process of management, and cooperating with the evaluation of distribution network development indicators.

IX. Sub-year projects and investment plans

List of projects and investment plan by year 2024-2027.

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