Two ministries: encourage the promotion of "photovoltaic + sewage treatment plant" model

Recently, the Office of the National Development and Reform Commission, the Office of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued a notice on the selection of green and low-carbon benchmarking plant for sewage treatment. The notice pointed out that the "selection of a number of new reconstruction and expansion of a number of" approach, by the end of 2025, the completion of 100 efficient recycling of energy and resources in the sewage treatment of green and low-carbon benchmark plant, the formation of replicable and scalable experience, and to promote synergies in the sewage industry to reduce pollution and reduce carbon emissions.

Annex 1 "XX sewage treatment plant to participate in the evaluation of green low-carbon benchmarking plant application report" put forward, combined with local realities, to encourage the implementation of the service scope of the implementation of the "plant-network-river (lake)" integration of specialized operation and maintenance, the establishment of sewage treatment service fees and sewage service fees.

Annex 2, "XX Wastewater Treatment Plant New/Rehabilitation/Expansion Program", proposes to strengthen the energy recovery of sewage source heat pumps and photovoltaic power generation. Promote sewage source heat pump technology, heating and cooling in and around the plant, steadily promote the "photovoltaic +" model in areas with abundant light resources, timely layout of smart microgrids, new energy storage facilities, and promote active participation in green card trading.

The original text follows:

General Office of the National Development and Reform Commission General Office of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development

On the development of a green and low-carbon benchmarking plant for wastewater treatment

Notification of the selection process

Development and Reform Office of the Environment and Capital [2024] No. 531

Provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Development and Reform Commission, Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department (Construction Bureau, Construction Committee, Water Bureau), Hainan Provincial Water Affairs Department:

In order to implement the "on the promotion of sewage treatment pollution reduction and carbon synergies in the implementation of the views" (Development and Reform of Environmental Resources [2023] No. 1714), it is proposed to select the construction of a number of sewage treatment green low-carbon benchmark plant, play a leading role in demonstration, promote the industry's green and low-carbon transformation, and contribute to the construction of a beautiful China. The relevant work is notified as follows.

I. Work ideas

Adopt the approach of "selecting a batch, the new reconstruction and expansion of a batch", by the end of 2025, the completion of 100 energy and resource efficient recycling of sewage treatment of green low-carbon benchmark plant, the formation of replicable and scalable experience, and promote the sewage industry to reduce pollution and carbon synergies.

Selection of a batch. Among the sewage treatment plants that have been built and are operating well, a number of representative benchmark plants will be selected through a comprehensive evaluation centered on such indicators as water quality, energy conservation, carbon reduction, resource utilization, environmental friendliness and system coordination.

Newly reconstructed and expanded. In line with the relevant indicators and experience of the selected benchmark plant, and in conjunction with the central budget investment, large-scale equipment renewal and other work, encourage support for the construction of new sewage treatment plants, reconstruction and expansion of a number of sewage treatment plants and synchronization of the improvement of the supporting pipeline network, to enhance the effectiveness of domestic sewage collection and treatment, reduce energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions, and promote the comprehensive recycling of energy and resources.

Dynamic management. The selected green low-carbon benchmarking plant to carry out a review of the new reconstruction and expansion of sewage treatment benchmarking plant project on schedule to organize acceptance. Can continue to play a leading role in demonstration, summarize and promote the experience and practice; does not meet the requirements of the benchmark, timely adjustment and withdrawal. According to the operation of the green low-carbon benchmarking plant, improve the relevant standards, and promote the sewage industry green low-carbon level of continuous improvement.

II. Organizational procedures

(i) Benchmarking plant selection

1. Preparation program. Local organizations and relevant departments according to the actual operation of the sewage treatment plant to participate in the evaluation, the preparation of the "XX sewage treatment plant to participate in the evaluation of green low-carbon benchmark plant application report" (Annex 1), and nearby 2 years of sewage treatment plant operation of basic data and supporting materials. Declare to participate in the selection of sewage treatment plants, the requirements of the daily treatment capacity of 20,000 cubic meters or more, in recent years, the influent BOD concentration of 100 mg / l or more or the increase in the last three years is not less than 10 mg / l, effluent water quality compliance rate, the rate of harmless disposal of sludge have reached 100%.

2. Organizations recommended. Provincial development and Reform Commission with the housing and urban-rural construction authorities, to seriously fulfill the audit procedures and recommend the best, and will recommend the material submitted to the National Development and Reform Commission. East and central provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) recommend no more than 10, other provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) recommend no more than 6. The deadline for declaration is July 11, 2024. Recommendation materials shall include recommendation documents, summary table (Annex 3), application report and supporting materials of each sewage treatment plant to be evaluated (in duplicate, with an electronic version of the CD-ROM).

3. Evaluation and confirmation. The National Development and Reform Commission, together with the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, will select the participating sewage treatment plants and publicize the confirmation. According to the results of the evaluation and publicity, release the list of green and low-carbon benchmarking plants for sewage treatment, and release the relevant indicators and main practices and initiatives of the benchmarking plants.

(ii) Benchmarking new and expanded

Localities can organize relevant departments, against the published green low-carbon benchmark plant construction and operation indicators, drawing on relevant experience and practice, according to the need to plan a new high-standard sewage treatment plant, or with the basic conditions of alteration and expansion of sewage treatment plants to implement the transformation. New reconstruction and expansion projects should be prepared "XX sewage treatment plant new/reform/expansion program" (Annex 2), by the provincial development and reform commission with the housing and urban-rural construction authorities to review and recommend the best, and will be recommended to the National Development and Reform Commission. The recommended new/alteration/expansion projects should ensure completion by the end of 2025. Provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) will recommend no more than 10, and the declaration time will be notified later.

The National Development and Reform Commission will declare the green low-carbon benchmark plant new reconstruction and expansion projects around the organization of the review, eligible, through the pollution control special central budget investment and ultra-long-term special state bonds to give support. The city (county) where the green low-carbon benchmarking plant has been assessed to report the new reconstruction and expansion projects, to be appropriately tilted in the assessment.

III. Work requirements

Local development and reform commissions and housing and urban-rural construction authorities at all levels should play a good role in coordinating and forming work synergies to ensure that the selection and construction of green and low-carbon benchmark factories are effective. The provincial development and reform commissions and housing and urban-rural construction authorities should strictly check the recommended materials to ensure the authenticity and completeness of the submitted materials. National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development will strengthen the dynamic management of green low-carbon benchmarking plant, timely organization to carry out review and evaluation, summarize and publicize the promotion of the benchmarking plant construction and management experience and practice, through the green low-carbon benchmarking plant selection and construction work, to promote the sewage industry, green and low-carbon level of continuous improvement.

Contact Person and Contact Information:

National Development and Reform Commission (Department of Environment and Resources) Liu Ruijin 010-68505846

Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (Department of Urban Construction) Wang Tengxu 010-58934352

General Office of the National Development and Reform Commission

General Office of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development

June 11, 2024

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