Maximum incentive of 500,000 yuan! Shanghai to support the lithium battery, photovoltaic field testing service capacity

On July 29, the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology and other six departments issued a notice on the issuance of "Several Measures on Promoting Industrial Services to Enable Industrial Upgrading".

The document points out that support for testing and inspection agencies to obtain accreditation of foreign accreditation bodies recognized qualifications, recognized as a maximum of 500,000 yuan reward, to obtain accreditation of international authoritative technical organizations, recognized as a maximum of 1 million yuan reward. Overseas branches set up in the inspection and testing enterprises to be supported. In the new energy vehicles, lithium batteries, photovoltaic products and other key export products in the field of successful implementation of a test, multi-country recognition of "one test, multiple certificates" pilot, to give no more than the contract amount of 30% financial support, the maximum of not more than 500,000 yuan. Leading the development and revision of international standards for testing and inspection, to give a maximum of 1 million yuan in support; substantive participation in the development and revision of international standards for testing and inspection, to give a maximum of 200,000 yuan in support.

The original document is below:

Circular on the Issuance of Several Measures on Promoting Industrial Services to Enable Industrial Upgrading

Shanghai Jingxin Sheng [2024] No. 527

People's governments of all districts, municipal commissions, offices and bureaus, and all relevant units:

With the consent of the municipal government, "Several Measures on Promoting Industrial Services to Enable Industrial Upgrading" is issued to you, please follow the implementation seriously.

Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Informatization

Shanghai Municipal Development and Reform Commission

Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce

Shanghai Finance Bureau

Shanghai Municipal Market Supervision Bureau

Shanghai Customs, People's Republic of China

July 25, 2024

Measures to Promote Industrial Services to Enable Industrial Upgrading

Industrial service industry is a productive service industry for industry, which is the key link to promote new industrialization and cultivate new quality productivity. In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, in accordance with the 12th Municipal Party Committee, the third and fourth plenary session of the deployment, to better play the role of industrial services on industrial upgrading of the enabling role, to promote the deep integration of advanced manufacturing and modern service industries, the construction of "(2 + 2) + (3 + 6) + (4 + 5)" modern industrial system, is proposed as follows The following measures are proposed:

1. Promote the development of service-oriented manufacturing. Focusing on integrated circuits, automobiles, aerospace, fashion consumption and other fields, support manufacturing enterprises around the strong chain to complement the chain, ecological construction, customized services, etc., the formation of a new model of integration of manufacturing services, according to the total investment of no more than 20% of the approved project to give financial support, up to 10 million yuan. To obtain the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology service-oriented manufacturing related title, give 500,000 yuan reward.

2. Supporting the leapfrog development of industrial Internet platforms. Select industrial Internet demonstration platforms, and support vertical service platforms of key industries such as electronic information, high-end equipment, new energy automobile, advanced materials, fashion consumer goods, biological manufacturing and so on to create digital systems and innovative models; support digital service platforms of industrial products and digital service platforms of industrial raw materials to create one-stop system solutions integrating material management, operation and maintenance, supply chain and other functions; support industrial Internet The platform utilizes new technologies such as big models, artificial intelligence, big data, AR/VR, etc. to carry out innovative scene construction. Financial support will be given in accordance with 20% not exceeding the total investment of the approved project, up to 10 million yuan.

3. Cultivate professional service providers of industrial Internet. Actively cultivate industrial software, system integration, industrial data and other industrial Internet professional service providers, included in the industrial Internet professional service providers recommended directory of units, assessed by level to give a maximum of 500,000 yuan reward. Promote the industrial Internet professional service providers to strengthen the application of digital diagnosis of regulatory manufacturing enterprises, each service 1 support amount of 25,000 yuan. The research and development of new technologies and products for industrial Internet network, logo, platform, data, etc. will be given financial support up to 20 million RMB according to 30% of the total investment of the approved project.

4. Enhance the effectiveness of data interoperability of industrial enterprises. Support the construction of public service platforms for R&D and design, testing and evaluation, adaptation and validation, open-source services, and common technology research and development in key areas of software, meta-universe, and the communications industry, and provide financial support in accordance with a maximum of 20 million yuan, not exceeding 30% of the total investment in the approved projects. Support the industrialization of 3D graphic image engine, digital modeling, digital design, digital human generation, spatial computation and other "meta-universe" tool innovation results, according to the total investment of the approved project does not exceed 30% to give financial support, up to 20 million yuan.

5. Enhance the industrial application of artificial intelligence technology. Promote the application of AI big models, knowledge graphs, machine learning and other technologies in industrial fields, and strengthen the in-depth application of industry big models in vertical fields. Encourage industrial service enterprises to participate in the construction of high-quality corpora. Support will be given in accordance with relevant regulations to the main body of the city that rents computing power included in the city's coordinated scheduling for the research and development of big models.

6. Accelerate the innovative development of supply chain management services. Support in integrated circuits, automobiles and other key industrial sectors to build a digital supply chain, the realization of the whole chain transformation of the digital supply chain project, in accordance with the approved project total investment of no more than 30% to give financial support, up to 20 million yuan. Support enterprises to build supply chain management system integrating product data, suppliers, warehousing and logistics and other key elements for the manufacturing industry, and give financial support up to 5 million RMB in accordance with 30% of the total investment of the approved project. Support enterprises to build credible supply chain platforms in the fields of power station equipment, automobiles, chemical reagents, pharmaceuticals, dairy products, etc., and give financial support according to the total investment of the approved project not exceeding 30%, up to 5 million yuan.

7. Strengthen the advantages of carbon management service organizations. Support industrial enterprises and parks to establish energy management centers by comprehensively applying digital technology, and reward those who achieve energy-saving and carbon-reducing effects in accordance with 20% of the project investment, up to a maximum of 10 million yuan. Cultivate a number of carbon accounting, carbon certification and other green and low-carbon professional service organizations in line with international rules, and encourage professional service organizations to provide cleaner production audit services for industrial enterprises, and give a one-time award of 50,000 yuan if they achieve a comprehensive benefit of at least 25 equivalent tons. Supporting energy-saving service organizations to implement contract energy management for industrial enterprises by adopting technologies such as the Internet, cloud computing, AI intelligent control, etc., and giving them incentives in accordance with the standard of RMB 1,500/ton of standard coal, up to RMB 10 million.

8. Promote the transformation of industrial logistics to reduce costs and improve efficiency. Promote industrial logistics enterprises to implement technological transformation, deployment of unmanned vehicles, humanoid robots and other intelligent logistics equipment, in accordance with the total investment of no more than 10% of the approved project to give financial support, up to 10 million yuan; in accordance with the interest on loans for investment in fixed assets 50% to give interest subsidies, up to 20 million yuan; in accordance with the financial leasing contract of no more than 5% of the investment in equipment Give financial leasing cost subsidies, up to 20 million yuan. Support industrial logistics enterprises to build logistics information platform or digital transformation, according to the approved project total investment of not more than 30% to give financial support, up to 5 million yuan. Accelerate the development of low-altitude logistics, support the opening of new industrial logistics routes, and give one-time support of up to 500,000 yuan for each route with 10,000 flights.

9. Promote industrial design services to empower the manufacturing industry. Encourage enterprises to enhance the design service capacity in the fields of new energy vehicles, intelligent terminals, fashionable consumer goods, etc., and promote the development and application of new digital technologies and tools in the field of design, and give financial support in accordance with the total investment of the approved project of not more than 50%, up to a maximum of 3 million yuan; and give loan interest subsidies in accordance with the total interest on the credit of the project of not more than 50%.

10. Enhance the testing and inspection services. Support testing and inspection agencies to obtain accreditation of foreign accreditation bodies recognized qualifications, recognized as a maximum of 500,000 yuan reward, to obtain accreditation of international authoritative technical organizations, recognized as a maximum of 1 million yuan reward. Overseas branches set up in the inspection and testing enterprises to be supported. In the new energy vehicles, lithium batteries, photovoltaic products and other key export products in the field of successful implementation of a test, multi-country recognition of "one test, multiple certificates" pilot, to give no more than the contract amount of 30% financial support, the maximum of not more than 500,000 yuan. Leading the development and revision of international standards for testing and inspection, to give a maximum of 1 million yuan in support; substantive participation in the development and revision of international standards for testing and inspection, to give a maximum of 200,000 yuan in support.

11. Upgrading the capacity of industrial professional services. For those who lead the revision of national standards, industry standards or local standards for key future industries such as humanoid robots and new energy storage, support of up to 300,000 yuan will be given. Encourage professional service organizations to serve industrial enterprises to expand overseas markets, and support qualified professional service organizations to set up offices abroad, participate in overseas exhibitions, as well as organize activities related to promoting enterprises to "go out".

12. Optimize the environment for integrated development at home and abroad. Enterprises in comprehensive bonded zones are allowed to carry out bonded repair operations for self-produced products sold domestically by the group, and to return to the country after repair, without being subject to the limitations of repair catalogs.

This document shall take effect from the date of publication until December 31, 2027. If the State and the City have specific regulations on specific policies and measures, or if there is a clear time limit for their implementation, the regulations shall apply accordingly.

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