Accelerating distributed PV construction! Anhui Hefei issued carbon peak focus tasks

Recently, the People's Government of Hefei City, Anhui Province, issued the "National Carbon Peak Pilot (Hefei Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone) Implementation Program", "Program" puts forward, open up new scenarios, the implementation of clean and efficient use of energy action. Adhere to the overall planning, relying on the advantages of photovoltaic new energy industry, and constantly promote the application of new scenes, and steadily build a diversified and complementary energy structure, to accelerate the creation of a clean and low-carbon, safe and efficient new energy system.

One of the key tasks is toAccelerating distributed PV constructionThe park's photovoltaic new energy industry has taken full advantage of the advantages of the park. Give full play to the advantages of the new photovoltaic energy industry in the park, integrate the concept of "photovoltaic +" into the whole process of the park's development and construction, carry out a comprehensive census of the park's photovoltaic scene in accordance with the principle of "prioritizing stock and optimizing incremental", and prioritize the pilot demonstration of "photovoltaic + energy storage + intelligent management" in areas such as industrial parks, industrial and commercial industries, Public buildings, data centers, infrastructure and other fields to carry out "PV + energy storage + intelligent management" and other pilot demonstrations. Support leading enterprises to integrate PV system design, installation and after-sales operation and maintenance services, and provide one-stop zero-carbon solutions. Taking zero-carbon factories and low-carbon industrial parks as models, exploring "PV+Industrial and Commercial", "PV+Industrial Park", "PV+Data Center", "PV+Building", "PV+Construction", "PV+Building", "PV+Construction", and so on. Explore new scenarios of diversified integrated development such as "PV+Industrial and Commercial", "PV+Industrial Park", "PV+Data Center", "PV+Building" and "Light Storage and Charging Integration". Promote the region's PV should be built as much as possible, appropriate to change as much as possible, and comprehensively enhance the proportion of renewable energy use.

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Hefei Municipal People's Government on the issuance of the National Carbon Peak Pilot (Hefei High-tech Industrial Development Zone) Implementation Plan Notice

Management Committee of Hefei High-Tech Zone:

The "National Carbon Peak Pilot (Hefei Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone) Implementation Plan" is issued to you.

July 16, 2024

National Carbon Peak Pilot (Hefei Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone) Implementation Plan

In order to deeply implement the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on carbon peak carbon neutral major strategic decisions, fully implement the National Development and Reform Commission "National Carbon Peak Pilot Construction Program" (Development and Reform of Environmental Resources [2023] 1409) requirements, strong and orderly promotion of carbon peak pilot park construction, combined with the work of the actual development of the implementation of this program.

I. Main objectives

Adhering to the tenet of "developing high technology and realizing industrialization", the park has made every effort to promote the construction of the world's leading science and technology park, deepened the synergistic governance of industrial digitalization and greening, insisted on the principle of "adjusting the stock, optimizing the incremental quantity and improving the quality. Adhering to the principle of "adjusting stock, optimizing increment, and improving quality", giving full play to the three innovation advantages of the park's system, policy, and science and technology, focusing on key areas and industries to adjust the structure and promote reforms, and deeply implementing the six action tasks of clean and efficient use of energy, quality development of industrial transformation, leaping and upgrading of typical industries, upgrading of the capacity of the urban space, empowerment of green science and technology innovation, and synergy of pollution reduction and carbon emission reduction, as well as the establishment of the mechanism of universal consensus and common governance. Accelerate the formation of high-tech-oriented industrial parks green high-quality development path, to create a national industrial transformation and quality development demonstration area, green science and technology innovation source, green management innovation test area.

By 2025, a modernized industrial system driven by innovation and giving priority to ecology will be basically established in the park, positive progress will be made in green scientific and technological innovation, the development path led by high and new technologies will be clear, and the development of new-quality productive forces will achieve obvious results. The proportion of green power usage in typical industries will be gradually increased, the synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction will be effectively enhanced, a set of relatively perfect green and low-carbon development management mechanism, technology path and policy initiatives will be formed, and a solid foundation will be laid for the realization of carbon peak.

By 2030, breakthrough progress will be made in the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development in the park, the level of energy cleanliness, industrial greening, spatial intensification, low-carbon life and governance modernization will be significantly improved, and the number of national high-tech enterprises, energy consumption and carbon emission intensity will remain at the leading level in the country. The new dual-carbon service industry system will play an effective role, the strategic emerging industries will develop steadily, the mu efficiency will continue to improve, a number of green and low-carbon cutting-edge or subversive technologies will be explored, and a number of key enterprises will be guided to take the lead in realizing carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. Summarize the pilot mode, experience and effectiveness, widely publicize the experience, and give full play to the radiation-driven effect of the pilot on the neighboring regions and even the whole country.

II. Priority tasks

(i) Open up new scenarios and implement actions for the clean and efficient utilization of energy. Adhere to the overall planning, relying on the advantages of the new photovoltaic energy industry, and constantly promote the application of new scenarios, steadily build a diversified and complementary energy structure, and accelerate the creation of a new energy system that is clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient.

1. Accelerate the construction of distributed photovoltaic. Give full play to the pioneering advantages of the new photovoltaic energy industry in the park, integrate the concept of "photovoltaic +" into the whole process of development and construction in the park, carry out a comprehensive census of the photovoltaic scene in the park in accordance with the principle of "prioritizing stock and optimizing incremental", and give priority to carrying out pilot demonstrations of "photovoltaic + energy storage + intelligent management" in areas such as industrial parks, industrial and commercial industries, Public buildings, data centers, infrastructure and other fields to carry out "PV + energy storage + intelligent management" and other pilot demonstrations. Support leading enterprises to integrate PV system design, installation and after-sales operation and maintenance services, and provide one-stop zero-carbon solutions. Taking zero-carbon factories and low-carbon industrial parks as models, exploring "PV+Industrial and Commercial", "PV+Industrial Park", "PV+Data Center", "PV+Building", "PV+Construction", "PV+Building", "PV+Construction", and so on. Explore new scenarios of diversified integrated development such as "PV+Industrial and Commercial", "PV+Industrial Park", "PV+Data Center", "PV+Building" and "Light Storage and Charging Integration". Promote the region's PV should be built as much as possible, appropriate to change as much as possible, and comprehensively enhance the proportion of renewable energy use.

2. Improve the level of electrification of end-use energy. We will continue to broaden the field of electric energy substitution, promote the construction of electrification industries and service ecosystems, focus on promoting the substitution of electricity for oil and gas, and increase the proportion of electric energy in end-use energy consumption. Promote the market model of "electric energy substitution + integrated energy services", actively promote the application of technologies such as district energy stations, air source heat pumps, carbon dioxide cooling and heating, and build a typical green and low-carbon electricity consumption scenario with electricity as the core. Promote industrial enterprises to implement full electrification upgrading and transformation in production, transportation and consumption, and carry out the construction of "all-electric factories" on a pilot basis. Supporting new urban complexes to carry out all-electric design from the source, and encouraging enterprises and institutions to build "all-electric kitchens" in their canteens.

3. Explore and promote geothermal energy demonstration research. Relying on the park's existing geothermal energy development experience, increase the regional geothermal resources survey and evaluation, in-depth study of the feasibility of large-scale utilization of geothermal resources in high-tech zones, and strive to crack the bottleneck of geothermal energy development and utilization. Carry out project planning for distributed heating (cooling) energy stations in areas with implementation conditions, and vigorously promote the application of ground-source and air-source heat pumps and other technologies in building heating and cooling.

4. Accelerate the construction of a new type of power system. Promote the integration of power source, network, storage and multi-energy complementary development, carry out the pilot project of "new energy + storage" microgrid and vehicle-grid interaction, build a demonstration area for the application of new-type energy storage in the Silicon Valley of Science and Technology University (STU), and expand the ways of in-situ storage and consumption. Give full play to the park's advantages in advanced information technology, such as artificial intelligence and big data, to promote the ecological development of the energy Internet. Strengthen the innovation and research and development of smart grid and smart energy storage, and expand the scale and industrialization of the application of energy storage power stations. Enhance the comprehensive regulation capability of the power system, improve the demand response mechanism, guide the pilot of power demand-side response management in industrial parks and construction buildings, and promote the application of virtual power plants on the ground.

5. Promote region-wide energy control. Optimize and improve the energy consumption and carbon emission control mechanism of the Hi-tech Zone, guide enterprises to take the initiative to purchase green certificates and use green power, and increase the proportion of renewable energy consumption in key energy-using units. Scientifically guide the management of energy consumption in key industries, industrial incubators, business complexes and other different business forms. Implement the requirements for energy-saving review work, strictly enforce mandatory energy consumption limit standards and mandatory energy efficiency standards, tap the potential for application of energy-efficient equipment and advanced energy-saving technologies, and establish and update on a rolling basis the list of energy-saving and carbon-reducing renovation and energy-using equipment updating projects. Implement the upgrading project of energy management and intelligent control of street lights in Hi-tech Zone, continuously expand the scope of centralized heat supply, and implement the substitution of decentralized gas boilers that are in a position to do so. Encourage enterprises to carry out the construction of projects for the deep gradient utilization of waste heat from industrial furnaces and kilns, the utilization of low-temperature waste heat, and the reuse of water and condensate.

(ii) Open up new tracks and implement industrial transformation and quality development actions. Promote the development of high-end, intelligent and green industries, transform and upgrade traditional manufacturing industries, cultivate and grow new industries, accelerate the layout of future industries, open up a new track of dual-carbon industries, and accelerate the formation of new quality productivity.

1. Promote the renewal and upgrading of traditional industries. Adjust the stock through the new quality productivity. Accelerate the deep integration of digital economy and traditional manufacturing industry in the park, actively promote the integrated innovation and application of big data, blockchain and other technologies in the fields of household appliances, automobiles, photovoltaic, equipment manufacturing, etc., and build provincial and municipal level digital workshop. Increase quality and efficiency upgrading and transformation support for key industrial chains, and promote energy-saving diagnosis and full coverage of energy management systems for key enterprises. Implement large-scale equipment renewal action in the region, focus on the top-ranking electricity-using enterprises, comprehensively map the operation and management of major energy-using equipment such as motors, transformers, fans, air compressors, heat exchangers and energy efficiency levels, optimize the process control of equipment operation, and accelerate the elimination and renewal of inefficient equipment. Promote synergy between traditional manufacturing and modern service industries, and vigorously develop R&D technical services to improve productivity "green" and "new".

2. Accelerate the development of emerging industries. Create emerging industry system and promote emerging industries in the park to "gather trees into forests". Vigorously develop the digital economy centered on artificial intelligence, the green economy centered on new photovoltaic energy, the health economy centered on precision medicine, and the service economy centered on high-tech services.

3. Constructing the future industrial development matrix. Promote industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation, generate new industries, new modes and new kinetic energy with disruptive and frontier technologies, actively create a national pilot zone for future industries, and accelerate the construction of the "2+3+X" system for cultivating future industries. "2" is to focus on quantum information, space technology and other future industries with a first-mover advantage, to take the lead in the formation of internationally competitive future industry clusters; "3" is to focus on the next generation of artificial intelligence, fusion energy, synthetic biology and other basic future industries We will accelerate technological research and industrialization towards the frontiers of science and technology in the world; "X" means to explore a number of future technological fields and directions in the light of new trends in frontier technologies, relying on high-level innovation platforms such as large scientific devices and national laboratories, and facing the major strategic needs of the country.

4. Create a dual-carbon industry cluster. We will draw a panoramic map of dual-carbon industries by focusing on the entire industry, including front-end energy substitution, mid-end energy conservation, emission reduction and carbon reduction, back-end carbon absorption and trading, and new industries derived from the integration of new-generation information technology. Gradually build a dual-carbon featured industrial system in Hi-Tech Zone, focusing on supporting the future energy industry represented by hydrogen and nuclear energy to gradually move towards industrial commercialization, and cultivating new growth points for the regional economy. Promote the construction of Hefei High-tech International Environmental Protection Science and Technology Park, focusing on attracting a number of leading enterprises with technology and brand advantages and "specialized, special and new" enterprises, and take the lead in building a 100-billion-grade dual-carbon industry cluster.

5. Build a green recycling industrial system. We will implement the project of "Chain through Gaoxin", insist on extending and supplementing the chain to strengthen it, and make every effort to build a special recycling and ecological industrial chain in Gaoxin District. Encourage enterprises to improve the resource output rate and recycling rate through the implementation of the deep gradient utilization of resources, waste-free manufacturing and other ways. Give full play to the advantages of the new generation of information technology industry, actively cultivate energy saving and environmental protection + Internet integration of new industries, for home appliances, automobiles, biomedicine and photovoltaic new energy and other key industries to realize the green manufacturing, industrial upgrading to provide integrated solutions for the whole process. Actively create a "waste-free park" and support key enterprises to build the city's first "waste-free factories".

6. Support leading enterprises to take the lead in reaching the peak. Encourage key enterprises to actively participate in the construction of national, provincial and municipal carbon peak demonstration projects, and formulate dual-carbon targets and implementation paths in conjunction with industry development trends and their own development plans. Strengthen the construction of energy and carbon management system of enterprises, and organize key units to formulate near-, medium- and long-term improvement plans for energy saving and carbon reduction in an orderly manner. Strengthen the leadership of low-carbon benchmarking enterprises, guide the adoption of advanced cutting-edge zero-carbon negative carbon process equipment and technology, create a number of "zero-carbon industrial parks" and "zero-carbon factories", and fully support key enterprises to take the lead in the industry in realizing carbon peak carbon neutral.

(c) Creating new benchmarks and implementing typical industry upgrading actions. Focusing on typical industries in the park, promoting high-end, intelligent, green and integrated development level, the front-end layout to actively adapt to and lead the new round of scientific and technological innovation revolution and industrial structure change.

1. Promote intelligent innovation in the household appliance industry. In terms of developing and applying low-carbon refrigerants, promoting the use of high-energy-efficiency and low-emission technologies, accelerating the development and application of renewable energy sources, and substituting low-volatile raw and auxiliary materials, we have accelerated the upgrading of production lines, equipment renewal, and innovation of green products in the household appliance industry. Promote the implementation of gas-to-electricity conversion projects for industrial furnaces, and create demonstration and benchmarking enterprises in the appliance industry. Carrying out carbon footprint accounting for key products in the appliance industry, guiding the enhancement of ESG management capabilities, focusing on supporting the application of intelligent sensing, voice control and other technologies in appliance products, and improving the green competitiveness of appliance products.

2. Promote the photovoltaic industry to take the lead in upgrading. Promote the photovoltaic new energy industry to take the lead in the integration of light storage and charging, the electrification of end-use energy, the establishment of a recycling system for renewable resources, the promotion of technological innovation related to the recycling of used photovoltaic modules, and the promotion of synergistic efficiency of the photovoltaic new energy industry from the perspective of the whole life cycle in terms of pollution reduction and carbon reduction. Innovatively carry out "carbon, pollution and energy" footprint evaluation of the PV new energy industry, promote the construction of green supply chains by leading enterprises in the industry, guide the increase of the proportion of green power consumption, and guide the industry to enhance its international green competitiveness.

3. Promote the green enhancement of the tire industry. Support tire enterprises to cooperate with universities and institutes to explore and research the depth of odor management and clean production of key advanced technologies in the tire industry, focusing on the efficient collection and management of exhaust gas, the application of green materials, green product design, green technology, product terminal green services and the comprehensive utilization of resources, etc., and encourage the development of international sustainable development and carbon certification.

(d) Creating a new paradigm and implementing actions to upgrade urban space. It will carry out in-depth green actions in urban and rural construction, accelerate the construction of a green and low-carbon transportation system, focus on creating a new model for the integrated development of science, industry, cities and people, and realize an intensive and efficient urban space, a livable and moderate life, and a clear and beautiful ecological landscape.

1. Promote systemic change in the field of architecture. Deepen the concept of a future science and technology city, optimize the spatial layout of the city, and enhance the city's climate resilience. We will implement low-carbon urban micro-renewal actions, and insist on the simultaneous implementation of "retention, reform and demolition". Expand the application of building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) technology, expand the scope of implementation of assembled buildings, and promote the construction of a number of ultra-low-energy and zero-energy buildings. Support industrial parks, trade complexes and other large public buildings to use contract energy management model to carry out energy-saving renovation, vigorously promote high-efficiency HVAC, high-performance waterproof thermal insulation materials, light storage and direct flexible system, to create a number of provincial and municipal level green building demonstration projects. Combined with the urban old district renovation plan, the implementation of energy efficiency and green upgrading projects, the transformation of a number of old districts, and strive to build a number of zero-carbon community, zero-carbon district demonstration projects.

2. Promoting low-carbon transformation in the field of transportation. Optimize the urban slow-moving system, build an urban greenway network, and construct and renovate a number of urban green slow-moving roads and facilities with high standards and quality, focusing on strengthening the seamless connection between walking and cycling and metro and bus stations. Construct tidal lanes according to local conditions and strengthen road congestion management. Accelerating the electrification of light logistics vehicles (forklifts and ferry trucks) to replace them, continuing to promote the pollution control of heavy trucks, heavy-duty sanitation vehicles and non-road mobile machinery, encouraging enterprises involved in large-scale logistics to gradually implement new energy alternatives for heavy trucks, and gradually increasing the proportion of clean energy use. Comprehensively build a new energy vehicle charging facilities network, accelerate the layout of charging piles in industrial parks, parking lots, public transport stations, old districts, promote the application of flexible charging and other new intelligent charging technologies, and build a charging, storage and discharging "one network".

3. Strengthen the modern layout of industrial space. Give full play to the construction program of Hefei Hi-tech Zone Green Development Plan, and build a spatial development pattern of "one center, two axes, five districts, three clusters and one new district". Create an urban science and technology innovation center around Shuxi Lake, and focus on the layout of science and technology innovation functions based on the enhancement of the city's public service level. Cultivate the development axis of science and innovation on Wangxiang Road and the open cooperation axis on Fangxing Avenue, gather the elements of science and innovation development, and shape the image of science and innovation city. Create five functional parks based on the core area of the Science Center. Take the artificial intelligence industry as the leader, build three artificial intelligence ecological towns relying on the Jianghuai Canal Ecological Belt. Expand and develop the new Xiaomiao area of Hi-tech Zone, and gradually build a new model of spatial development with science and innovation first, green industry, urban ecology and beautiful habitat.

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