State Council: scientific and rational determination of the scale of new energy development, the utilization rate can be reduced to 90%

On May 29, the State Council on the issuance of "2024-2025 Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Action Program" notice. The Program pointed out that in 2025, the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption reached about 20%, energy-saving and carbon reduction transformation of key areas and industries to form about 50 million tons of standard coal, carbon dioxide emission reduction of about 130 million tons, and make the best efforts to complete the "14th Five-Year Plan" energy-saving and carbon reduction binding targets.

Aspects of the action to enhance non-fossil energy consumption

1. Increase the development of non-fossil energy sources. Accelerate the construction of large-scale wind power and photovoltaic bases focusing on deserts, Gobi and deserts. Develop offshore wind power in a rational and orderly manner, promote the large-scale development and utilization of marine energy, and promote the development and utilization of distributed new energy. It will build large hydropower bases in an orderly manner, actively develop nuclear power in a safe and orderly manner, develop biomass energy according to local conditions, and promote the development of hydrogen energy in an integrated manner. By the end of 2025, the proportion of national non-fossil energy power generation will reach about 39%.

2. Enhance the capacity of renewable energy consumption. Accelerate the construction of large-scale wind power and photovoltaic base transmission channels, and enhance the cross-provincial and cross-regional power transmission capacity. Accelerate the transformation of power distribution grids to enhance the carrying capacity of distributed new energy. Actively develop pumped storage and new energy storage. Vigorously develop new technologies and modes such as microgrids, virtual power plants and vehicle-grid interaction. By the end of 2025, the national installed capacity of pumped storage and new energy storage will exceed 62 million kilowatts and 40 million kilowatts respectively; the demand response capacity of each region should generally reach 3%-5% of the maximum electricity load, and the demand response capacity of the region with the annual maximum peak-to-valley difference of electricity load exceeding 40% should reach 5% or more of the maximum electricity load. 5% or more.

3. vigorously promote non-fossil energy consumption. Scientific and reasonable determination of the scale of new energy development, under the premise of ensuring the economy, the utilization rate of new energy in areas with better resource conditions can be reduced to 90%. "14th Five-Year Plan" the first three years of energy saving and carbon reduction targets lagging behind the progress of the region to implement the commitment to non-fossil energy consumption of new projects, "14th Five-Year Plan In the second two years of the "14th Five-Year Plan", the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption in new energy-consuming projects shall not be less than 20%, and localities are encouraged to raise the proportion in accordance with actual requirements. Strengthen the convergence of renewable energy green power certificate (hereinafter referred to as green certificate) trading and energy saving and carbon reduction policies, and realize full coverage of green certificate issuance by the end of 2024.

Full text follows:

State Council on the issuance of the 2024-2025Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Action Program

National Development [2024] No. 12

People's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, and the ministries and commissions of the State Council, as well as organizations directly under the Central Government:

The Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Action Program for 2024-2025 is hereby issued.

State Council (PRC)

May 23, 2024

(This article has been abridged)

Action Program for Energy Efficiency and Carbon Reduction 2024-2025

Energy conservation and carbon reduction is an important initiative to actively and steadily promote carbon peak carbon neutralization, comprehensively promote the construction of a beautiful China, and promote comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development. In order to intensify the promotion of energy conservation and carbon reduction, take pragmatic and practical measures, and maximize efforts to complete the "14th Five-Year Plan" binding targets for energy conservation and carbon reduction, this program has been formulated.

I. General requirements

Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, comprehensively implement Xi Jinping Thought on Economy and Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, adhere to the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining a stable development, completely, accurately and comprehensively carry out the New Development Concept, consistently adhere to the policy of prioritizing energy conservation, improve the control of the total amount and intensity of energy consumption, focus on controlling the consumption of fossil fuels, strengthen the management of carbon intensity In addition, we will implement energy-saving and carbon-reducing special actions in different fields and industries, do a better job in energy-saving and carbon-reducing at a higher level and with higher quality, and better utilize the economic, social and ecological benefits of energy-saving and carbon-reducing, so as to lay a solid foundation for the realization of the goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality.

In 2024, energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP will be reduced by about 2.5% and 3.9% respectively, energy consumption per unit of value-added of industries above designated size will be reduced by about 3.5%, and the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption will reach about 18.9%, and energy-saving and carbon-reducing reforms in key fields and industries will result in energy savings of about 50 million tons of standard coal and carbon dioxide emission reductions of about 130 million tons. emissions reduction of about 130 million tons of carbon dioxide.

In 2025, the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption reached about 20%, energy saving and carbon reduction transformation of key areas and industries to form about 50 million tons of standard coal, carbon dioxide emission reduction of about 130 million tons, and make the best efforts to complete the "14th Five-Year Plan" energy saving and carbon reduction of binding targets.

II. Priority tasks

(i) Actions to reduce and replace fossil energy consumption

1. Strictly and reasonably controlling coal consumption. It has strengthened the clean and efficient use of coal, promoted the low-carbon transformation and construction of coal power, and advanced the "three changes" of energy-saving and carbon-reducing transformation, flexibility transformation and heating transformation of coal power. Strictly implement the control of total coal consumption in key areas for air pollution prevention and control, focus on cutting non-electricity coal consumption, and continue to promote the closure and integration of coal-fired boilers, clean energy substitution of industrial kilns and bulk coal treatment. The new construction and expansion of coal projects in key areas of air pollution prevention and control will implement equal or reduced coal substitution in accordance with the law. Reasonably control the scale of the semi-coke (Lancashire) industry. By the end of 2025, bulk coal in the plains of key areas for air pollution prevention and control will be basically cleared, and coal-fired boilers of 35 steam tons/hour and below and all kinds of coal-fired facilities will be basically eliminated.

2. Optimize the structure of oil and gas consumption. Reasonably regulate oil consumption and promote advanced bio-liquid fuels and sustainable aviation fuels. Accelerate the large-scale development of unconventional oil and gas resources, such as shale oil (gas), coalbed methane and tight oil (gas). Guiding natural gas consumption in an orderly manner, prioritizing the protection of residential life and clean heating in northern areas. Except for the existing self-contained units of petrochemical enterprises, high-sulfur petroleum coke shall not be used as fuel.

(ii) Action to enhance non-fossil energy consumption

1. Increase the development of non-fossil energy sources. Accelerate the construction of large-scale wind power and photovoltaic bases focusing on deserts, Gobi and deserts. Develop offshore wind power in a rational and orderly manner, promote the large-scale development and utilization of marine energy, and promote the development and utilization of distributed new energy. It will build large hydropower bases in an orderly manner, actively develop nuclear power in a safe and orderly manner, develop biomass energy according to local conditions, and promote the development of hydrogen energy in an integrated manner. By the end of 2025, the proportion of national non-fossil energy power generation will reach about 39%.

2. Enhance the capacity of renewable energy consumption. Accelerate the construction of large-scale wind power and photovoltaic base transmission channels, and enhance the cross-provincial and cross-regional power transmission capacity. Accelerate the transformation of power distribution grids to enhance the carrying capacity of distributed new energy. Actively develop pumped storage and new energy storage. Vigorously develop new technologies and modes such as microgrids, virtual power plants and vehicle-grid interaction. By the end of 2025, the national installed capacity of pumped storage and new energy storage will exceed 62 million kilowatts and 40 million kilowatts respectively; the demand response capacity of each region should generally reach 3%-5% of the maximum electricity load, and the demand response capacity of the region with the annual maximum peak-to-valley difference of electricity load exceeding 40% should reach 5% or more of the maximum electricity load. 5% or more.

3. vigorously promote non-fossil energy consumption. Scientific and reasonable determination of the scale of new energy development, under the premise of ensuring the economy, the utilization rate of new energy in areas with better resource conditions can be reduced to 90%. "14th Five-Year Plan" the first three years of energy saving and carbon reduction targets lagging behind the progress of the region to implement the commitment to non-fossil energy consumption of new projects, "14th Five-Year Plan In the second two years of the "14th Five-Year Plan", the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption in new energy-consuming projects shall not be less than 20%, and localities are encouraged to raise the proportion in accordance with actual requirements. Strengthen the convergence of renewable energy green power certificate (hereinafter referred to as green certificate) trading and energy saving and carbon reduction policies, and realize full coverage of green certificate issuance by the end of 2024.

(iii) Action on energy saving and carbon reduction in the iron and steel industry

1. Strengthen the control of iron and steel production capacity. Strictly implement the replacement of iron and steel production capacity, strictly prohibit new iron and steel production capacity in the name of machining, casting, ferroalloys, etc., and strictly prevent the resurgence of "bar steel" production capacity. 2024 will continue to implement the regulation and control of crude steel production. The first three years of the "14th Five-Year Plan" energy saving and carbon reduction targets lagging behind the progress of completion of the region, "14th Five-Year Plan" after two years in principle shall not add new iron and steel production capacity. Newly constructed and expanded iron and steel smelting projects are required to reach the energy efficiency benchmarking level and environmental performance A level.

2. Deeply adjust the structure of iron and steel products. Vigorously develop high-performance special steel and other high-end steel products, and strictly control the export of low value-added basic raw materials. Implement the integrated layout of iron and steel, coking and sintering, and significantly reduce the number of independent coking, sintering and hot rolling enterprises and processes. Vigorously promote the recycling of scrap steel and support the development of electric furnace short process steelmaking. By the end of 2025, the proportion of electric furnace steel output to total crude steel output is striving to be raised to 15%, and the utilization of scrap steel has reached 300 million tons.

3. Accelerate energy-saving and carbon-reducing transformation of the iron and steel industry. Promote the comprehensive utilization of blast furnace top gas, coke oven gas waste heat and low-grade waste heat, and popularize the technology of convergence of processes such as iron and water in one tank to the end and hot loading and hot delivery of cast billets. Strengthen the demonstration and application of low-carbon smelting technologies such as hydrogen metallurgy. By the end of 2025, the proportion of production capacity above the energy-efficiency benchmark level in the iron and steel industry will reach 30%, the production capacity below the energy-efficiency benchmark level will complete technological transformation or be eliminated and withdrawn, and more than 80% of iron and steel production capacity across the country will complete the transformation of ultra-low emission; compared with 2023, the comprehensive energy consumption of tonnes of steel will be reduced by about 2%, and the rate of self-generated power from residual heat and pressure will be increased by more than 3 percentage points.2024 -2025, the energy saving and carbon reduction transformation of the iron and steel industry will result in energy saving of about 20 million tons of standard coal and carbon dioxide emission reduction of about 53 million tons.

(iv) Energy conservation and carbon reduction in the petrochemical and chemical industries

1. Strict petrochemical chemical industry policy requirements. Strengthen the rigid constraints on the planning and layout of the petrochemical industry. Strictly control the new production capacity of oil refining, calcium carbide, ammonium phosphate, yellow phosphorus and other industries, prohibit the construction of new polyvinyl chloride and vinyl chloride production capacity with mercury, and strictly control the scale of new delayed coking production. Newly built and expanded petrochemical and chemical projects are required to reach the energy efficiency benchmark level and A-level environmental performance, and production capacity for replacement must be shut down and dismantled in a timely manner in accordance with the requirements of the main production facilities. Comprehensively eliminating 2 million tons/year and below normalized pressure reduction devices. By the end of 2025, the national primary crude oil processing capacity will be controlled at less than 1 billion tons.

2. Accelerating energy-saving and carbon-reducing transformation in the petrochemical and chemical industries. Implement energy system optimization, strengthen the recovery and utilization of high-pressure and low-pressure steam, chi gas, and waste heat and pressure, and promote energy-saving equipment such as large-scale high-efficiency compressors and advanced gasification furnaces. By the end of 2025, the proportion of production capacity above the energy-efficiency benchmark level in the oil refining, ethylene, synthetic ammonia and calcium carbide industries will exceed 30%, and production capacity below the energy-efficiency benchmark level will be technologically upgraded or phased out and withdrawn. 2024-2025, energy-saving and carbon-reducing renovation of the petrochemical and chemical industries will result in an energy saving of about 40 million tons of standard coal, and a reduction of carbon dioxide emissions of about 110 million tons.

3. Promote petrochemical and chemical process re-engineering. Accelerate the promotion of new-generation ionic membrane electrolyzer and other advanced processes. Vigorously promote the substitution of renewable energy, encourage the R&D and application of renewable energy hydrogen production technology, support the construction of green hydrogen refining projects, and gradually reduce the amount of hydrogen produced from coal in the industry. Promote the conversion of steam drive to electricity drive in an orderly manner, and encourage large petrochemical and chemical parks to explore the use of nuclear energy for steam and heat supply.

(v) Action on energy conservation and carbon reduction in the non-ferrous metal industry

1. Optimize the layout of non-ferrous metal production capacity. Strictly implement the replacement of electrolytic aluminum production capacity, strict control of copper, alumina and other smelting new production capacity, a reasonable layout of silicon, lithium, magnesium and other industries new production capacity. Vigorously develop the recycled metal industry. By the end of 2025, the proportion of renewable metal supply will reach more than 24%, and the proportion of direct alloying of aluminum water will increase to more than 90%.

2. Strict access to new non-ferrous metal projects. New and expanded aluminum electrolysis projects shall reach the energy efficiency benchmark level and environmental performance A level, new and expanded alumina projects shall reach the energy efficiency of mandatory energy consumption limit standard advanced value. New polysilicon, lithium battery positive and negative projects must reach the industry's advanced level of energy efficiency.

3. Promote energy-saving and carbon-reducing transformation of the non-ferrous metal industry. Promote advanced technologies such as high-efficiency and stable aluminum electrolysis, copper matte continuous blowing, vertical reduction magnesium smelting, and silicon production in large-scale mineral heat furnaces, and accelerate energy-saving and carbon-reducing transformation of the non-ferrous metal industry. By the end of 2025, the proportion of production capacity above the energy-efficiency benchmark level in the electrolytic aluminum industry will reach 30%, and the proportion of renewable energy use will reach more than 25%; the proportion of production capacity above the energy-efficiency benchmark level in copper, lead and zinc smelting will reach 50%; and the production capacity below the energy-efficiency benchmark level of the non-ferrous metal industry will complete technological transformation or be eliminated and withdrawn.2024- In 2025, energy saving and carbon reduction transformation of non-ferrous metal industry will form energy saving of about 5 million tons of standard coal and carbon dioxide emission reduction of about 13 million tons.

(vi) Energy-saving and Carbon Reduction Actions in the Building Materials Industry

1. Strengthen the control of production capacity in the building materials industry. Strictly implement the replacement of cement and flat glass production capacity. Strengthen the building materials industry production monitoring and early warning, and promote the normalization of peak production of cement. Encourage the comprehensive utilization of tailings, waste rock, waste slag and industrial by-product gypsum. By the end of 2025, the national cement clinker production capacity will be controlled at around 1.8 billion tons.

2. Strict access to new building materials projects. New construction and expansion of cement, ceramics, flat glass projects must reach the energy efficiency benchmark level and environmental performance A level. Vigorously develop green building materials, promote the productization of basic raw materials, lightweight wall insulation materials and assembly of decorative materials. By the end of 2025, the proportion of production capacity above the energy-efficiency benchmark level in the cement and ceramics industries will reach 30%, the proportion of production capacity above the energy-efficiency benchmark level in the flat glass industry will reach 20%, and the production capacity below the energy-efficiency benchmark level in the building materials industry will have completed technological renovation or be eliminated and withdrawn.

3. Promote energy-saving and carbon-reducing transformation in the building materials industry. Optimize the energy-using structure of the building materials industry and promote the electrification of coal use. Accelerate the substitution of cement raw materials and enhance the level of resource utilization of industrial solid waste. Promote energy-saving processes and equipment such as float glass multi-line kiln, ceramic dry powder, low-resistance cyclone preheater and high-efficiency grate cooler. By the end of 2025, about 50% of cement clinker production capacity in key areas for air pollution prevention and control will have completed ultra-low emission renovation. 2024-2025, energy-saving and carbon-reducing renovation of the building materials industry will result in energy savings of about 10 million tons of standard coal and carbon dioxide emission reduction of about 26 million tons.

(vii) Action on energy efficiency and carbon reduction in buildings

1. Accelerating the transformation of construction methods. Strictly implement mandatory standards for building energy conservation and carbon reduction, strengthen green design and construction management, and develop and promote new building materials and advanced technologies. Vigorously develop assembly-type buildings, actively promote intelligent construction, and accelerate the construction of photovoltaic integration in buildings. It will promote clean heating in the northern region according to local conditions, and promote the large-scale development of waste heat heating. By the end of 2025, green building standards will be fully implemented in new buildings in cities and towns, the PV coverage rate of roofs of new public institution buildings and new factories will strive to reach 50%, the renewable energy substitution rate of buildings in cities and towns will reach 8%, and the area of new ultra-low-energy-consumption buildings and near-zero-energy-consumption buildings will increase by more than 20 million square meters compared with that of 2023.

2. Promote the transformation of building stock. Implementing policies related to large-scale equipment renewal, combining urban renewal actions and the renovation of old neighborhoods, promoting the renewal and upgrading of heat pump units, radiators, chiller units, exterior windows (curtain walls), exterior wall (roof) insulation, lighting equipment, elevators, and old heating pipeline networks, accelerating building energy-saving renovation. Accelerate the transformation of heat supply metering and charging by heat, and each region should clarify the quantitative targets and transformation timeframe in light of the actual situation. Implement actions to promote energy-saving doors and windows. By the end of 2025, the area of completed energy-saving renovation of existing buildings will increase by more than 200 million square meters compared with 2023, the heat loss of urban heating pipe networks will be reduced by about 2 percentage points compared with 2020, and the energy-saving rate of renovated residential buildings and public buildings will be increased by 30% and 20% respectively.

3. Strengthening building operation management. Carry out energy-saving supervision and inspection of public buildings and residential buildings in batches. The establishment of public building operation adjustment system, strict indoor temperature control in public buildings. Explore and popularize intelligent group control technology for power equipment in large public buildings, and reasonably allocate power loads.

(viii) Action on energy conservation and carbon reduction in transportation

1. Promoting the construction of low-carbon transportation infrastructure. Upgrading the level of electrification of energy use in stations, railroads and airports, promoting the new energy use of non-road mobile machinery, and accelerating the matching transformation of domestic transport vessels and port shore power facilities. Encourage the construction of photovoltaic power generation facilities at transportation hubs and stations and along road networks. Strengthen the construction of charging infrastructure. Develop urban rail transit and rapid transit systems according to local conditions, and accelerate the continuous formation of bus-only lanes into a network. Improve the urban slow-moving system.

2. Promote the low-carbon transformation of transportation equipment. Accelerating the elimination of old motor vehicles and raising the access standards for energy consumption limits for operational vehicles. Gradually abolish restrictions on the purchase of new energy vehicles in various places. Implement supportive policies to facilitate the passage of new energy vehicles. Promote the electrification of vehicles in the public sector, orderly promote new energy medium- and heavy-duty trucks, and develop zero-emission freight fleets. Promote the scrapping and renewal of old transport vessels, and promote the pilot electrification project for coastal inland waterway vessels. By the end of 2025, the intensity of carbon dioxide emissions in the transportation sector will be reduced by 51 TP3T compared with 2020.

3. Optimize the transport structure. Promote the construction of port collection and evacuation railroads, logistics parks and railroad lines for large-scale industrial and mining enterprises, and promote the "public-to-rail" and "public-to-water" transfer of bulk cargoes and containers for medium- and long-distance transportation. Accelerate the development of multimodal transportation and promote clean transportation in key industries. Implement the strategy of giving priority to the development of urban public transportation. Accelerate the green, low-carbon, intensive and efficient development of urban freight distribution. By the end of 2025, the freight volume of railroads and waterways will increase by 10% and 12% respectively compared with 2020, and the comprehensive energy consumption of railroads per unit of converted turnover will be reduced by 4.5% compared with 2020.

(ix) Energy saving and carbon reduction actions in public organizations

1. Strengthening the management of energy conservation and carbon reduction in public organizations. It has strictly implemented the evaluation and assessment of energy-saving targets and responsibilities for public organizations, and explored the energy consumption quota budget system. The authorities at all levels shall annually report the results of the evaluation and assessment of energy-saving targets and responsibilities of public organizations to the people's governments at the same level. By the end of 2025, the energy consumption per unit of floor area, carbon emissions per unit of floor area, and comprehensive energy consumption per capita of public organizations will be reduced by 5%, 7%, and 6%, respectively, compared with 2020.

2. Implementing energy-saving and carbon-reducing reforms in public organizations. Implementing energy-saving and carbon-reducing renovation and energy-using equipment renewal list management in public organizations. Promote coal reduction and substitution, and accelerate the elimination of old diesel public vehicles. By the end of 2025, the proportion of coal consumption in public organizations will be reduced to below 13%, and the proportion of key energy-using equipment with advanced levels of energy efficiency, such as new boilers, power transformers and distributors, elevators, heating and refrigeration, in central and state organs will reach 80%.

(J) Energy-saving and Carbon Reduction Actions for Energy-using Products and Equipment

1. Accelerating the upgrading of energy-using products, equipment and facilities. Dynamically update the advanced level of energy efficiency, energy-saving level and access level of key energy-using products and equipment, promote the renewal and upgrading of key energy-using equipment, and accelerate the energy-saving and carbon-reducing transformation of data centers. Compared with 2021, in 2025, the average operating thermal efficiency of industrial boilers and power station boilers will be increased by more than 5 percentage points and more than 0.5 percentage points, respectively; the proportion of energy-efficient motors and energy-efficient transformers in operation will be increased by more than 5 percentage points and more than 10 percentage points, respectively; and the proportion of energy-efficient products in industrial and commercial refrigeration equipment, household refrigeration equipment, and general-purpose lighting equipment will reach 40%, 60%, 50%.

2. Strengthen the recycling of used products and equipment. Accelerate the construction of the recycling system for waste materials, and strengthen the supply and demand docking for the recycling and disposal of waste products and equipment. Carry out enterprise recycling target responsibility system action. Strengthen the recycling of industrial equipment, information and communications, wind power photovoltaic, power batteries and so on. Establish a basic database on important resource consumption, recycling, treatment and disposal, and consumption of renewable raw materials.

III. Regulatory mechanisms

(a) Strengthening the responsibility for energy conservation and carbon reduction targets and evaluation and assessment. Implementing policies such as excluding raw material energy use and non-fossil energy sources from the regulation of total energy consumption and intensity, and refining and decomposing energy-saving and carbon-reducing goals and tasks in various regions, key areas and key industries. Strictly implement the evaluation and assessment of energy-saving targets and responsibilities, and coordinate the assessment of the amount of energy-saving renovation and non-fossil energy consumption. It has strengthened the analysis of the energy conservation and carbon reduction situation, implemented the reminder and early warning of energy consumption intensity reduction, and strengthened the assessment of the progress of carbon emission intensity reduction. The main responsibility for energy conservation and carbon reduction has been realized. Strengthening the assessment of energy-saving and carbon reduction targets in the business performance assessment of the heads of central enterprises.

(ii) Strict energy-saving review and approval of environmental assessment of fixed asset investment projects. Strengthening the energy-saving review at the source, effectively playing the role of energy consumption, emission, technology and other standards, and resolutely curbing the blind launching of high-energy-consumption, high-emission and low-level projects. Establishing a dynamic adjustment mechanism for the authority of energy-saving review of major projects, studying the mechanism for collecting the authority of energy-saving review of individual key industries and mega-projects, and strengthening the supervision of energy-saving review after the event. The relevant requirements for carbon emission evaluation will be incorporated into the energy-saving review of fixed asset investment projects, and a comprehensive evaluation will be carried out on the energy use and carbon emissions of the projects. Strictly implement the environmental impact assessment system for construction projects, and carry out environmental impact assessment of greenhouse gas emissions from construction projects in key industries. The construction of major energy projects will carry out planning environmental impact assessments in accordance with the law.

(c) Strengthening the management of energy conservation and carbon reduction in key energy-using units. It has established energy-saving management files for key energy-using units, strengthened the review of energy utilization reports, and improved the construction and operation of online monitoring systems for energy consumption. It will carry out energy-efficiency diagnosis in key areas, and establish a sound reserve list of energy-saving and carbon-reducing renovation and energy-using equipment renewal projects. Decomposing the weight of responsibility for renewable energy power consumption to key energy-using units. Implementing budgetary management of fossil energy consumption in key energy-using units, and offsetting the portion exceeding the budget by purchasing green power and green certificates.

(d) Increasing energy-saving supervision. Accelerate the soundness of the energy-saving supervision system at the provincial, municipal and county levels, and make integrated use of comprehensive administrative law enforcement, market supervision and law enforcement, special equipment supervision, credit management and other means to strengthen the supervision and inspection of the implementation of energy-saving laws, regulations, policies and standards. By the end of 2024, each region will have completed energy-saving supervision of key energy-using units of more than 60%; by the end of 2025, full coverage of energy-saving supervision of key energy-using units will be realized.

(e) Strengthening statistical accounting of energy consumption and carbon emissions. It has established an energy consumption and carbon emission statistical reporting system that is compatible with the management of energy conservation and carbon reduction targets, and improved the accuracy and timeliness of data. Strengthen the statistical accounting basis for fossil energy, non-fossil energy and raw material energy use. It is actively carrying out monitoring and analysis of energy consumption and carbon emissions based on data from the electricity and carbon markets.

IV. Support guarantees

(i) Improving systems and standards. It will promote the revision of the Energy Conservation Law, improve in due course the methods for reviewing energy conservation in fixed-asset investment projects, the methods for managing energy conservation in key energy-consuming units, and the methods for energy conservation supervision, strengthen incentives and constraints, and implement the whole-chain management of energy consumption. Improving the regulatory system of the national carbon market. Combined with the promotion of large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade-in, accelerate the formulation and revision of mandatory energy-saving standards and expand the scope of standard coverage by benchmarking against domestic and international advanced levels. Set energy-saving standard level 1, 2 and 3 (or 5) indicators in accordance with the energy efficiency of the relevant industries and products and equipment at the top 5%, top 20% and top 80% levels.

(ii) Improving pricing policies. Implement capacity tariffs for coal power, deepen the market-oriented reform of feed-in tariffs for new energy sources, and study and improve the price mechanism for energy storage. Strictly prohibit the implementation of preferential tariffs for energy-consuming industries. Strengthen the price policy and industrial policy, environmental policy synergy, comprehensive consideration of energy consumption, environmental performance levels, improve the energy-consuming industry ladder tariff system. Deepen the reform of heat-supply metering and charging, and implement the two-part heat price system in an orderly manner.

(c) Strengthening financial support. Give full play to the magnifying effect of government investment, actively support energy-saving and carbon-reducing renovation and the renewal of energy-using equipment, and promote the expansion of effective investment. Encourage regions to support energy-saving and carbon reduction renovation, energy-using equipment renewal, and energy and carbon emission statistics and accounting capacity enhancement through existing funding channels. Implement fiscal and taxation policies favorable to energy conservation and carbon reduction. Give full play to the role of green finance and guide financial institutions to provide financial support for energy-saving and carbon-reducing projects in accordance with the principle of marketization and the rule of law.

(d) Strengthening scientific and technological leadership. Give full play to the role of major national scientific and technological special projects, and focus on a number of key common technologies for energy conservation and carbon reduction. Solidly promote the construction of green low-carbon advanced technology demonstration projects. It will revise and release the green technology promotion catalog, and advocate the best energy-saving technologies and practices. It will actively cultivate energy-efficiency "leaders" in key energy-using products and equipment, enterprises in key industries and public organizations.

(v) Improving market-oriented mechanisms. Actively promote energy-saving consultation, diagnosis, design, financing, transformation, hosting and other "one-stop" integrated service models. Promote the paid use and trading of energy consumption rights, and support regions with the conditions to carry out inter-provincial trading of energy consumption rights. It will steadily expand the coverage of the national carbon emissions trading market, and gradually implement a combination of free and paid carbon emission quota allocation. Carbon emission quota management will be implemented for key emission units included in the national carbon emission rights trading market. It will build a voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction trading market in an orderly manner and consolidate the data quality supervision mechanism. It will accelerate the construction of the green certificate trading market, do a good job of connecting with the carbon market, and expand the scale of green power consumption.

(vi) Implementing universal action. In conjunction with the National Ecology Day, National Energy Conservation Awareness Week, National Low Carbon Day and other activities, we will intensify publicity on energy conservation and carbon reduction, advocate a simple, moderate, green and low-carbon lifestyle, and enhance the awareness and ability of the entire population to conserve energy and reduce carbon emissions. Give full play to the role of the media, improve the public participation system, increase the exposure of energy-wasting behaviors, and create a new trend of energy conservation and carbon reduction for everyone, in everything, all the time.

All regions and departments should, under the centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee, anchor the objectives and tasks, intensify their efforts, pay close attention to the implementation of the work, adhere to the first to establish and then to break, and steadily grasp the pace of the work, and continue to promote the improvement of energy efficiency and reduction of emissions, and strive to protect the high-quality development of the demand for energy, and make the utmost efforts to complete the "14th Five-Year Plan" to conserve energy and reduce carbon emissions. Binding targets. The National Development and Reform Commission should strengthen coordination, do a good job of work scheduling, and strengthen the evaluation and assessment of responsibility for energy conservation targets. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment shall strengthen the management of carbon emission intensity reduction targets in the 14th Five-Year Plan. All relevant departments shall, in accordance with the division of responsibilities, refine their initiatives, press down on their responsibilities, and promote the implementation of the tasks in detail. Local people's governments at all levels are responsible for energy saving and carbon reduction work in their administrative regions, and the main responsible comrades are the first responsible person to refine the implementation of the program and strengthen the deployment and promotion. Significant matters should be reported in a timely manner and in accordance with procedures.

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