Where is the "new" new energy system? The director of the National Energy Administration responded

June 20, in the State Council Information Office held a series of "promote high-quality development" theme of the news conference, the National Energy Board Secretary Zhang Jianhua answered reporters' questions, said that with the deepening of new industrialization, urbanization, China's energy demand in the next period of time is expected to remain rigid growth. The construction of a new energy system has made positive progress, mainly reflected in four aspects, first, the energy structure is more "green", the second is the supply resilience is more "strong", the third is the industrial system is more "new", and the fourth is the foundation of governance is more "new", and the fourth is the foundation of governance is more "new". Fourth, the foundation of governance is more "solid".

Question by a reporter: A new energy system has become the keyword of the network in the field of energy, then, where is the "new" new energy system specifically embodied? How is the current promotion situation?

Zhang Jianhua said that the new energy system is an inevitable choice to ensure national energy security. The report of the 20th Party Congress puts forward a major strategic decision to accelerate the planning and construction of a new energy system, and the Central Economic Work Conference has made a clear deployment of this for two consecutive years, which is the overall goal of energy development and strategic tasks in the new period. In the past two years, the National Energy Administration has deeply implemented the decision-making and deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, better coordinated high-quality development and high-level security, continuously deepened the understanding of the connotation and characteristics of the new energy system, and solidly promoted the implementation of various tasks and initiatives, and made positive progress in the construction of the new energy system, mainly in four aspects:

First, the energy structure has become greener. In recent years, China's non-fossil energy supply has accelerated, with the average annual increase in the first three years of the Fourteenth Five-Year Plan being 1.4 times that of the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan, pushing the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption up by an average of 0.7 per cent per year, and the installed capacity of non-fossil energy power generation historically exceeding that of thermal power.

Second, the supply resilience is "stronger". 4.83 billion tons of standard coal will be produced in 2023 from primary energy sources such as coal, oil and gas. At present, the country's installed power generation capacity exceeds 3 billion kilowatts. In recent years, crude oil production has stabilized at the level of 200 million tons, and natural gas production has increased by more than 10 billion cubic meters per year for seven consecutive years since 2017. Energy reserve regulation capacity continues to improve.

Third, the industrial system is more "new". New energy generation technology remains the world's leading technology, and photovoltaic batteries and other "new things" have become the "new business cards" of China's foreign trade exports. The first high-temperature gas-cooled reactor commercial demonstration project has been put into operation. New modes and new business models continue to emerge, with smart microgrids promoting the integrated development of "source, grid, load and storage", and virtual power plants guiding power users to participate in demand response in an efficient and proactive manner.

Fourth, the foundation of governance has become more "solid". The draft Energy Law has entered the deliberation process of the National People's Congress, the multi-level unified power market system has been steadily constructed, the regulatory system for natural monopolies in the energy sector has become more robust, and policy mechanisms, such as green power certificates and the weighting of responsibility for the consumption and use of renewable energy resources, have been implemented in depth.

Talking about the next step, Zhang Jianhua said that it will deeply promote the construction of new energy system, take energy safety and security as the primary task, accelerate the construction of diversified energy supply system, promote the reshaping of energy supply and demand pattern, promote the formation of the consumption side of the transformation of the synergy, and accelerate the development of energy new quality productivity.

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