Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: National Photovoltaic Manufacturing Industry Operation in January-April

From January to April 2024, China's photovoltaic industry in general maintains a high level of operation. According to the PV industry standardized announcement enterprise information and industry associations to measure, the national crystalline silicon PV module exports amounted to 83.8GW, year-on-year growth of 20%, PV product exports totaled 12.7 billion U.S. dollars.

Polysilicon link, January-April national production reached 700,000 tons.

In the silicon wafer segment, the national output reached 320GW from January to April, and the export volume reached 26.3GW.

In the battery segment, the national crystalline silicon battery output from January to April was 240GW.

Module link, January-April national crystalline silicon module production of 196GW, up 52.9%.

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