Six Sectors to Conduct a Pilot Census of Wind and Photovoltaic Power Generation Resources

A few days ago, the National Development and Reform Commission, the National Energy Administration, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the China Meteorological Administration, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration issued a notice on the pilot work of wind power and photovoltaic power generation resources census, the notice pointed out that, in accordance with the principle of a good foundation for the census, the object of the coverage of a comprehensive, typical of the region, the selection of six provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government), such as Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Tibet and Qinghai, as a pilot area, to the county as a unit, to carry out wind power and photovoltaic power generation resources census pilot work.

The original text follows:

National Development and Reform Commission National Energy Administration Ministry of Natural Resources Ministry of Ecology and Environment China Meteorological Administration National Forestry and Grassland Administration

Notice of Pilot Census of Wind and Photovoltaic Power Generation Resources

National Energy Development New Energy [2024] No. 43

In order to accurately grasp the conditions of China's wind power and photovoltaic power generation resources, and to promote the high-quality development of new energy with greater efforts, it has been decided to take the lead in carrying out the pilot work of wind power and photovoltaic power generation resource census in some areas. The relevant matters are now notified as follows:

I. Pilot areas

In accordance with the principles of a good census foundation, comprehensive object coverage and regional typicality, six provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government), including Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Tibet and Qinghai, were selected as pilot areas to carry out pilot work on the census of wind and photovoltaic power generation resources, with the county as the unit.

II. Content of the pilot

Each pilot region according to their own resource endowment, according to local conditions to carry out onshore wind power, ground photovoltaic and roof distributed photovoltaic power generation resources census, with the conditions of the region can be expanded to the scope of light and heat and territorial sea offshore wind power, offshore photovoltaic, ocean energy and other new energy power generation resources census. Exclusive economic zone of offshore wind power, photovoltaic power generation resources survey by the State Council department in charge of natural resources in conjunction with the actual unified organization. Focus on four areas of work:

(i) Mapping the current situation of development. Comprehensive investigation of the pilot area has been built, the construction of wind power and photovoltaic power generation station location, the scope of the field, power generation capacity, the type of land and sea, photovoltaic panels planting, ecological sensitivity and other basic conditions.

(ii) Assessment of resource endowment. With the support of existing meteorological observation data and the wind and light measurement data of the built-in power stations, carry out fine numerical simulation of wind and solar energy resources with localized and independent technology, with spatial and temporal resolutions of not less than 1 km and 1 hour, respectively, to assess the endowment of wind and solar energy resources in the pilot areas; combine the level of technological development of wind and photovoltaic power generation to assess the power generation capacity of wind and photovoltaic power generation in the pilot areas and the fluctuation characteristics and distribution patterns of different time scales, such as years, days and days, to analyze the temporal and spatial distribution and complementary characteristics. Combined with the technological development level of wind power and photovoltaic power generation, assess the power generation capacity of wind power and photovoltaic power generation in each pilot area, as well as the fluctuation characteristics and distribution law of different time scales such as year, month, day, etc., and analyze the spatial and temporal distribution and complementary characteristics.

(c) Clear development conditions. Combined with the wind power and photovoltaic power generation construction conditions need to find out the distribution of wind and light resources in each pilot area of elevation, slope slope direction, lakes and glaciers, geological hazards, tides, currents, seabed geomorphology, typhoons and other environmental factors and natural terrain and geomorphological features, and to find out the red line of ecological protection, nature reserves, drinking water source protection zones, arable land and permanent basic farmland, level Ⅱ and above, protection of woodlands, national public welfare forests, Natural forest land, basic grassland and other environmentally sensitive areas and control requirements, as well as land space, ecological protection, water resources, sand control and wind power photovoltaic integration and other policy conditions. Adhere to the priority of arable land protection, ecological priority, protection of forest and grassland vegetation, focusing on the "Three Norths" and other deserts, Gobi and desert areas, avoiding arable land and permanent basic farmland, avoiding forest and grassland in the southern region as much as possible, and proposing the available areas for wind power and photovoltaic power generation under the premise of strictly abiding by the relevant control requirements.

(iv) Assessing developable capacity. According to the unified technical standards, comprehensively identify the theoretical developable capacity and technical developable capacity of each pilot area. Among them, the theoretical developable capacity is the maximum size of installed capacity that can be developed after taking into account the endowment of scenic resources, natural topography and geomorphology, etc. The technical developable capacity is based on the "three areas" and the "three regions". Technically developable capacity is based on the theoretical developable capacity, taking into account the "three zones and three lines", arable land and permanent basic farmland, nature reserves, forest land, basic grasslands, wetlands, lakes and rivers, drinking water source protection zones (including water source protection zones), water conservancy, navigation, military, ports, and other land-use and sea use policies, and then the maximum size of the installed capacity; according to the development conditions and the differences in power generation capacity. ; graded assessment of technically developable capacity based on development conditions and differences in power generation capacity, etc.

III. Specific tasks

(i) Establishment of a working mechanism. A pilot working group has been set up at the national level, with the National Development and Reform Commission, the National Energy Administration, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the China Meteorological Administration and the State Forestry and Grassland Administration as its members, responsible for formulating the pilot work plan and the relevant technical standard guidelines, setting up a unified working platform, coordinating the resolution of major issues, and summarizing the effectiveness of the pilot. Each pilot area, taking into account the actual situation, has established a sound working mechanism, fully relying on the existing results of natural resources, forestry and grassland, meteorology, etc., making good use of the existing observational data base of new energy power generation enterprises, strengthening the integration and integration of the results, realizing cross-industry data sharing, and doing a good job of coordinating the policies, integrating the data and guaranteeing the funding in the census work.

(ii) Unification of technical standards. In order to ensure the technical standardization and consistency of the work, the pilot working group organizes the formulation of guidelines on census technical standards, clarifies the technical specifications for the assessment of the developable capacity of census objects, the technical route of numerical simulation of meteorological resources, the standardized construction of observatories and data management, the processing of data on wind and light resources, the mapping of census results, the preparation of census reports, etc., and, based on the pilot application and feedback, forms a list of standards to be formulated (revised) in a timely manner. Relevant technical standards will be formulated (revised) in a timely manner.

(c) Building a working platform. The pilot working group has organized the construction of a unified working platform that integrates basic data, technical standards, policy requirements and census workflows, supports the formation of census results such as the amount of exploitable resources and spatial layout of various types of census objects, and promotes the intelligent and highly efficient conduct of the census work through informatization. Relying on the working platform, each pilot region integrates regional wind and solar energy resources, the current state of development and utilization, land spatial planning and other relevant planning data to carry out the resource census, and puts forward proposals for modification and improvement in a timely manner.

(d) Construction of observation networks. Each pilot area should give priority to the use of meteorological station observation data and wind power station wind measurement and light measurement data, and in accordance with the principle of full coverage of the development area, full coverage of observation elements, according to the need to carry out the standardization of observatory construction, the formation of a pilot area covering the county administrative area, can guide the planning and layout of wind power and photovoltaic power generation of the regional resource observation network. In principle, each county on land in the pilot area should guarantee at least one 180m height wind resource observation point and one solar radiation observation point, and realize at least three consecutive years of effective observation; in principle, the coastal pilot area at sea to guarantee at least five 200m height wind resource observation point and five solar radiation observation point, and realize at least three consecutive years of effective observation; with the foundation of the development of ocean energy in the coastal pilot area, it is possible to carry out tidal energy observation according to the situation of each province. Observations of the basic elements of tidal and wave energy can be carried out in accordance with the situation in each province.

(v) Formation of pilot results. Relying on the work platform, each pilot area will take the county as a unit, carry out resource census work, and form onshore (offshore) wind power and terrestrial (offshore, rooftop) photovoltaic and other resource census reports, high-precision wind and light resource mapping, developable database, summary of work experience and other results, and promptly incorporate them into the "one map" implementation supervision of territorial spatial planning. Information system.

IV. Progress of work

(i) Pilot preparation phase: from June 2024 to September 2024, to build a technical standard system and a census working platform; to establish a working mechanism, complete the collection of basic information and carry out the preliminary preparatory work for the observational network for wind and light resources.

(ii) Pilot implementation phase. from October 2024 to September 2025, take county-level administrative areas as units, make full use of the existing basic information and results, carry out onshore (offshore) wind power and terrestrial (offshore, rooftop) photovoltaic and other resource census work in the pilot areas, and complete the preliminary assessment of resource endowment, construction conditions, and the amount of developable resources.

(iii) Pilot summary phase. from October 2025 to December 2025, each pilot area will form the results of the resource census, summarize the experience of the pilot work, and submit them to the pilot working group.

V. Work requirements

(i) Strengthening work organization. The energy and meteorological authorities in the pilot regions should attach great importance to and work in close collaboration with each other to further refine the implementation plan for the resource census, establish a working mechanism for the census, and carry out the resource census. The General Institute of Hydropower and Water Resources Planning and Design and the Public Weather Service Center of the China Meteorological Administration should play the role of a joint working mechanism for energy and meteorological service guarantee, formulate guidelines for the census technical standard system, set up a census working platform, and cooperate with the relevant technical support work for the resource census; and the National Centre for Ocean Technology should play a professional role and do a good job of organizing, coordinating and integrating the results of the ocean energy resource census.

(ii) Integrating social resources. Pilot areas should fully mobilize the initiative of relevant departments and development enterprises, effectively utilize the observation resources of meteorological departments and the wind and light measurement and other basic data already available to development enterprises, fully rely on existing results in natural resources, forestry and grasslands, ecological environment and other areas, strengthen the integration, integration and application of the existing results of various industries, and speed up the promotion of the efficient implementation of pilot census work.

(c) Utilizing advanced technology. The data fusion work encourages the use of online filling, cloud sharing, automatic identification and other methods to carry out the work, and improves the efficiency and quality of census data processing through information technology. In the process of carrying out the pilot work, new technologies such as big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, geographic information, satellite remote sensing, LiDAR, numerical simulation, etc., are fully utilized to innovate the way of census of wind power and photovoltaic power generation resources, so as to scientifically and efficiently promote the pilot work.

(d) Ensuring data quality. It will adhere to the principle of data quality first and strengthen the control and inspection of data quality before, during and after the census. The data standards and specifications related to census work will be formulated in a scientific and unified manner, and the publicity and training work will be done properly. Strictly implement the relevant data requirements in the census plan and standards, carefully organize and scientifically standardize data processing, and ensure that the census data are true, accurate, complete and credible.

(e) Implementing funding for the census. Adhere to the principle of economy and efficiency, make full use of the existing conditions and existing funding channels, and play the role of the governments and enterprises in the pilot areas to implement funding for the resource census and ensure the smooth implementation of the census.

(vi) Summarize experience. Upon completion of the pilot census work, the pilot regions should summarize and evaluate the results of the pilot census work in a timely manner, and report the results to the pilot working group, so as to lay the foundation for carrying out a nationwide census of wind power and photovoltaic power generation resources.

Major matters or relevant issues encountered in the pilot work will be reported to the pilot working group in a timely manner. Other provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) with the conditions to have wind power and photovoltaic power generation resources census willingness, can refer to this notice to carry out the work.

National Development and Reform Commission National Energy Administration Ministry of Natural Resources

Ministry of Ecology and Environment China Meteorological Administration State Forestry and Grassland Administration

May 24, 2024

Policy Interpretation of the Notice on Pilot Census of Wind and Photovoltaic Power Resources

Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission, the National Energy Board, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the China Meteorological Administration, the State Forestry and Grassland Administration jointly issued the "notice on the pilot work of wind power and photovoltaic power generation resources census" (National Energy Development of the new energy 〔2024〕 No. 43), on the social and industry concerns, the National Energy Board of the relevant comrades in charge of accepting the reporter's interview to answer questions from reporters.

I. What is the background and significance of conducting a resource census?

A: Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, emphasized when presiding over the twelfth collective study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee that greater efforts should be made to promote the high-quality development of China's new energy sources, provide safe and reliable energy security for Chinese-style modernization, and make greater contributions to building a clean and beautiful world. Carry out wind power and photovoltaic power generation resources census, find out the bottom of the wind and light resources, is China's wind power, photovoltaic power generation, mainly new energy industry planning and major projects layout of the basic support, is to promote wind power and photovoltaic power generation to achieve a large-scale, high proportion, market-oriented, high-quality development of the basic conditions. In order to guarantee China's energy security and help realize carbon peak and carbon neutrality, it is urgent to carry out a wind power and photovoltaic power generation resource census.

Since the "14th Five-Year Plan", China's wind power and photovoltaic power generation installed capacity has increased by more than 100 million kilowatts per year on average, realizing the rapid growth of leapfrog type. As of the end of December 2023, China's wind power and photovoltaic power generation installed capacity reached 440 million kilowatts and 610 million kilowatts, accounting for the total installed capacity of the national power supply 36%, but compared with the requirements of the "dual-carbon" goal, the development of the task is still very arduous, and must be coordinated with the wind, land, power grids and other related elements of the security, it is urgent to carry out a resource census to find out China's wind power and photovoltaic power generation. Urgently need to carry out a resource census to find out China's wind power and photovoltaic power generation and other new energy resources.

At present, with the third national land survey, national land spatial planning, the delineation of the red line for ecological protection, the basic base of forestry and grassland and other elements having been basically determined, the relevant land policies and other management regulations having been relatively clear, and the application of the latest and most advanced technologies, such as remote sensing, meteorology and big data, there are also working foundations and conditions for carrying out a resource census.

Second, why in Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Tibet, Qinghai and other six provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) first pilot?

A: It is important and necessary to carry out a nationwide census of wind power and photovoltaic power generation resources, but since the national census still lacks mature experience, it is considered that a pilot census should be carried out in some areas first, and then be extended to the whole country after accumulating experience.

Considering China's vast territory, diverse climate and terrain, comprehensive resource census varieties, according to the object of comprehensive coverage, with regional typicality, a good foundation for the census and other principles, to determine the Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Tibet, Qinghai and other six provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) as a pilot region. 6 pilot regions have a certain amount of resource census work based on resource varieties that can be covered by the onshore wind power, The six pilot areas have a certain foundation of resource census work, and in terms of resource varieties, they can cover onshore wind power, onshore photovoltaic power generation, rooftop distributed, offshore wind power, offshore photovoltaic power generation, photothermal power generation, ocean energy, etc.; in terms of regional topography, they cover North China, Northwest China, Southwest China, South China, etc., and their terrain characteristics cover plains, plateaus, mountains, etc.; in terms of resource development, they cover Shagoe Wilderness base-type large-scale development, near-sea and deep-sea development, water-wind-sunlight complementary development and decentralized distribution development.

III. What are the main elements of the pilot census?

A: This census is positioned as a full-caliber wind power and photovoltaic power generation resources survey in the pilot area, and the census targets include all wind power and photovoltaic power generation resources in the pilot area, including onshore and offshore. Considering the great potential of rooftop distributed PV, which is also an important area for the development of PV power generation, this time it will also be included in the scope of the census. In addition, in areas with the conditions, it is proposed to carry out a survey of solar photovoltaic power generation and ocean energy resources together. The main content of the census:

First, the development of the status quo. Comprehensive sorting has been built, in the development of wind power and photovoltaic project status quo, mainly including the location of the station, the scope of the field, power generation capacity, land (sea) type, planting under the board and ecological sensitivity of the basic situation, as well as the development of wind and light composite land situation, and so on.

Second, assessing resource endowment. Based on the existing meteorological observation data and the wind and light measurement data of the power stations already built, we will carry out fine numerical simulation of wind and solar energy resources with localized and independent technology; and combine with the wind and solar power generation technology, we will scientifically assess the conditions of wind and solar energy resources in various regions, their spatial and temporal distribution, and their complementary characteristics.

Thirdly, the development conditions will be clarified. Make full use of natural resources, forestry and grassland, ecological environment and other related results, comprehensively investigate the ecological red line, nature reserves, basic farmland and basic grassland and other environmentally sensitive areas and control requirements, as well as land space, ecological and environmental protection and other policy conditions, according to the local conditions to assess the conditions of engineering and construction, and to clarify the area of wind power and photovoltaic power generation can be utilized.

Fourth, assessing the developable quantity. Based on the development status quo, the results of resource endowment assessment and the available areas, and in accordance with unified standards, a unified work platform and a unified workflow, the theoretical developable amount and technical developable amount of regional wind power and photovoltaic power generation will be assessed in a graded manner.

IV. How will the pilot census be conducted?

A: The main measures to ensure the smooth implementation of the pilot work are the establishment of a working mechanism, the harmonization of technical standards, the building of a working platform and the construction of a working network.

First, the central and local authorities have established separate working mechanisms to make full use of the existing results. A pilot working group has been set up at the national level, responsible for coordinating the formulation of work programmes, technical standard guidelines and the construction of work platforms, coordinating the resolution of major issues and summarizing the effectiveness of the pilot. Each pilot region, in the light of its actual situation, has set up a sound working mechanism, utilizing the existing observational data base, and doing a good job in policy coordination, data integration and financial security.

Secondly, the State has organized the formulation of uniform technical standards. At the national level, unified technical standards are formed during the pilot preparation stage, and standardized assessment methods, construction standards, data processing and so on are designed to ensure the technical standardization and consistency of the census work. At the same time, it is necessary to form a list of standards based on pilot applications and feedback, and to formulate (revise) relevant technical standards in a timely manner.

Thirdly, the State is organizing the construction of a working platform. At the national level, taking into account the basic data, technical standards, policy requirements and census workflow, a unified work platform was built using intelligent and information technology to support the formation of census results such as the developable quantity and spatial distribution of various types of census objects. Pilot regions will carry out their work on the basis of the working platform and make timely proposals for revision and improvement.

Fourth, each province has organized the construction of observation networks. Each pilot area gives priority to the use of meteorological station observation data, meet the relevant requirements of the wind power station wind measurement and light measurement data, and in accordance with the principle of full coverage of the development area, full coverage of observation elements, according to the need to carry out the standardization of observation station construction, the formation of a regional resource observation network covering each pilot area. Relying on the working platform, each pilot region will take the county as a unit, and form onshore (offshore) wind power and terrestrial (offshore, rooftop) photovoltaic and other resource census reports, high-precision wind and light resource mapping, database of developable capacity, summary of work experience and other census results.

V. What are the arrangements for follow-up?

A: The census involves many varieties of resources, a wide range of elements and complex technical routes, and in the course of the pilot work, it will be carefully organized and implemented, do a good job of tracking the whole process, strengthen research and work guidance, and coordinate the resolution of major issues in a timely manner, so as to ensure that the pilot work is completed with high quality.

Through carrying out the pilot census, exploring the inter-ministerial linkage and central-local synergy working mechanism, coordinating and resolving major issues, promoting cross-industry data sharing and integration of results, improving the standard system for the census of new energy power generation resources, actively exploring diversified funding modes, guaranteeing that the tasks of the pilot census will be completed with high quality, and forming a replicable, generalizable and implementable census experience, so as to lay a solid foundation for the subsequent nationwide census of wind power and photovoltaic power generation resources. This will lay a solid foundation for the subsequent comprehensive nationwide census of wind power and photovoltaic power generation resources.

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