New Energy Storage Dispatch Operation Rules of the Southern Power Grid (Trial) issued

Recently, the power dispatch control center of the southern grid company released "the southern grid new energy storage scheduling rules (for trial implementation)", in the document interpretation of the southern grid scheduling center said: the southern grid has initially built a "one multi-use, time-sharing reuse" of the new energy storage market-oriented call system. It is expected that the implementation of "new energy storage scheduling rules" will further enhance the utilization of new energy storage.

When the new energy storage does not have the conditions to participate in the market, the scheduling organization is required to scientifically and reasonably arrange for the new energy storage power station to "charge more and discharge more" on a daily basis according to the load characteristics of "multiple peaks and valleys" and the new energy output, and the daily charging and discharging volume should reach the equivalent full capacity of the power station. The daily charging and discharging amount should reach the equivalent full capacity of the power station.

Moreover, the Rules of the Southern Power Grid illustrate and supplement the various development modes of new energy storage. Allow independent shared energy storage power station and new energy power generation enterprises to reasonably lease capacity, while still as an independent market entity identity to participate in the South China Grid region of all kinds of power market varieties; allow new energy distribution of energy storage according to whether or not to meet the conditions of direct control of the scheduling, free to choose to participate in the power market varieties independently or jointly.

The original text of the policy and its interpretation are set out below:

Combined with the grid demand "more charging and more discharge" reasonable realization of leasing capacity standardization, scale formation of a new type of energy storage intelligent call system

--Policy Interpretation of the Circular of the National Energy Administration on Promoting the Utilization of New Energy Storage for Grid Integration and Dispatch

Power Dispatch Control Center of Southern Power Grid Corporation

"New energy storage" 2024 was written into the Government Work Report for the first time. The new energy storage industry is an important support for building a new type of power system and promoting the development of strategic emerging industries, which will provide stronger new kinetic energy for the development of new quality productivity.

The National Energy Administration on the promotion of new energy storage grid and scheduling the use of notice (hereinafter referred to as "Notice") put forward the general requirements, accurately grasp the new energy storage function positioning, clear acceptance of grid scheduling of the new energy storage range; at the same time require to strengthen the new energy storage and scheduling of the grid and the management of the operation of the new energy storage, and to clarify the new energy storage and scheduling of the grid and strengthen the coordination of new energy storage scheduling guarantee.

The Notice details the specific requirements and guidelines for grid connection and dispatch operation management of new energy storage, further standardizes the management requirements for grid connection of new energy storage and optimizes the dispatch operation management of new energy storage, which is of great significance in promoting the efficient use of new energy storage.

I. Fully study the content of the Notice to determine the important positioning of new energy storage in the construction process of new power systems

The Notice clarifies the functional position of new energy storage, and makes it clear that new energy storage is an important supporting technology for building new power systems. With the rapid growth of installed capacity, the role of new energy storage in ensuring the safe and stable operation of the power system and promoting the development and consumption of new energy sources will be significantly enhanced.

The construction of a new energy system is an important path to lead the development of new productivity and promote high-quality social progress. Since 2021, when the country put forward the goal of "double carbon", the new energy of the Southern Power Grid has steadily accelerated its development, and up to now the new energy installed capacity of the whole grid has reached 145 million kilowatts, accounting for the total installed capacity of the whole grid of 32%, and the new energy, mainly wind power and photovoltaic power, has become the main source of energy for the social and economic development of the southern region.

However, wind power, photovoltaic-based new energy by the natural resources, "depending on the day to eat" attribute is obvious, with a strong "randomness", "volatility", "During the cold wave in December 2023, a large area of new energy in Guizhou Province experienced wind power shutdown due to frozen blades, and PV powerlessness due to snowfall. During the cold wave in 2023, a large area of new energy in Guizhou Province experienced wind power shutdown due to blade freezing, and PV no output due to snowfall coverage. In just less than two days, the support capacity of new energy dropped by 8 million kilowatts (kW), which is about 301 TP3T of the province's load, and the South China Grid, through the scaled-up energy storage call, realized the overall peak capacity of the new type of storage to reach 2 million kW, and played a key supporting role in the system to keep the power supply.

To give full play to the important regulating role of new energy storage in the new power system is the main measure to cope with the contradiction of insufficient system regulating capacity under the proportion of new and high energy sources. In order to cope with the challenges brought about by the high proportion of new energy penetration, on the one hand, we should give full play to the role of traditional power supply "ballast", on the other hand, we should fully understand the important positioning of new energy storage "regulator". With the gradual reduction of the proportion of coal power and hydropower installed power, the regulation of the power system is highlighting the contradiction, and the new energy storage construction cycle is short, flexible layout, fast response speed, can quickly alleviate the wind and light new energy production and load demand in the time, space, and the intensity of the mismatch between the problem. 2024 Spring Festival, the five provinces and regions of the South to actively and reasonably call on the new energy storage, help consume new energy of 36 million kilowatt-hours. During the Spring Festival in 2024, five southern provinces and regions actively and reasonably called on new energy storage, helping to consume 3600 million kilowatt hours of new energy. In the future, new energy storage will become an important regulating resource of the new power system.

II. Effective implementation of the requirements of the Circular and identification of core objectives to promote the grid connection and call of new types of energy storage

Although new energy storage has been widely constructed and applied around the world, it still belongs to the emerging subject, due to its continuous technological innovation, gradual expansion of the scale, as well as having the special attributes of "power generation" and "power" double identity, it still fails to form a mature standardized call management system like the traditional power source or user. or the user as the formation of a mature standardized call management system. The Notice puts forward detailed guidance and technical requirements on the grid access management and energy storage scheduling of new energy storage, giving the principles of "equality and mutual benefit, consensus and ensuring the safe operation of the power system" and the requirement of "fair call", which will help to form a standardized and comprehensive management system for new energy storage. Helps to form a new type of energy storage standardization of the whole process management system, which is also a key link in the improvement of China's new energy storage policy.

Plan energy storage resources according to local conditions, and give full play to the advantages of different new types of energy storage to meet diversified regulation needs. The Southern Power Grid will coordinate the planning and layout of regulation resources across the entire grid, and according to the technical characteristics of different resources, it will economically and efficiently bring into play the system's ability to regulate the system at multiple time scales. From the peak, frequency regulation, peak, black start and other multi-functional dimensions, clear "seconds - minutes - hours" multi-time perspective, according to local conditions to carry out the planning and construction of new types of energy storage, effective response to the construction of a new power system in the process of peak load supply, large-scale new energy consumption, local network obstruction and other contradictions.

Standardize the technical requirements for grid connection and dispatch operation management of the new type of energy storage to ensure the safe grid connection and efficient call of the new type of energy storage. Southern Power Grid will continue to improve the new energy storage grid connection and scheduling and operation related technical standards, system specifications, and continuously improve the new energy storage power station grid-related technical indicators and safe operation level, optimize the new energy storage scheduling and operation mechanism, and ensure that the new energy storage can be connected to the grid as much as possible, and is safe and available, and is efficiently utilized.

C. Realize daily "more charging and more releasing" in combination with actual demand, and make every effort to enhance the utilization rate of new energy storage in the South Grid area.

In order to implement the requirements of the Notice on the promotion of new energy storage scheduling and operation, standardize and strengthen the scientific call mechanism of the new energy storage power plant of the Southern Power Grid, and improve the rational utilization of the new energy storage power plant in the Southern region, the Power Dispatch Control Center of the Southern Power Grid Company, based on the relevant policy requirements and regulations, and in conjunction with the actual situation of the Southern Grid, has issued the "Southern Grid New Energy Storage Scheduling and Operation Rules (Trial)" (hereinafter referred to as the "New Energy Storage Scheduling Rules"), as a practice measure of the National Energy Administration's "Notice". (hereinafter referred to as "New Energy Storage Dispatching Rules", see the Annex for details), as a practice measure of the National Energy Administration's Circular on the Southern Grid, to actively guide the new energy storage to give full play to its regulating role.

The construction of market-oriented, combined with the grid load and new energy output, to realize the new type of energy storage daily "more charging and more discharging". The New Energy Storage Scheduling Rules encourage new energy storage to prioritize the formation of charging and discharging curves through the spot and auxiliary service markets. When new energy storage does not have the conditions to participate in the market, the scheduling agency is required to scientifically and reasonably arrange for the daily "more charging and discharging" of the new energy storage power station according to the load characteristics of "multiple peaks and multiple valleys" and new energy output conditions. "The daily charging and discharging amount should reach the equivalent full capacity of the power station. It is expected that the implementation of the New Energy Storage Scheduling Rules will further enhance the utilization rate of new energy storage.

In order to enrich the commercial operation mode of new energy storage and promote the formation of benign development mode and path, the "New Energy Storage Dispatching Rules", on the basis of the requirements of the "Notice" of the National Energy Administration, explains and supplements the various development modes of new energy storage. It allows independent shared energy storage power stations to reasonably lease capacity with new energy power generation enterprises, while still participating in all kinds of power market varieties in the South China Grid region as an independent market entity; it allows new energy distribution storage to freely choose to participate in the power market varieties independently or jointly according to whether or not it meets the conditions of direct control of scheduling.

Actively promoting the development of new energy storage, the Southern Power Grid has initially built a new energy storage market-based call system of "one multi-purpose, time-sharing and reuse". 2023, new energy storage in the Southern region has participated in the spot market and the peaking auxiliary services market; in early 2024, the independent shared energy storage participates in the regional frequency regulation market. The market rules of the Southern Power Grid make it clear that the new type of energy storage power station can independently choose to participate in the spot and auxiliary service market in different time periods within a single day, while the scheduling organization guarantees the connection between markets and the implementation of the clearing results through intelligent technical means.

In the next step, the South China Power Grid will continue to explore the potential of new energy storage market, combined with the new energy storage multi-scenario and market-oriented operation needs, and actively carry out the new energy storage and other power sources, including new energy, including the synergistic optimization of scheduling technology, large-scale storage system cluster intelligent scheduling of key technologies, to formulate the new energy storage grid and scheduling and operation of the relevant provisions, specifications, and to promote the efficient use of the new energy storage, standardized, large-scale Form a new type of energy storage intelligent calling system, and effectively enhance the new type of power system's ability to consume and regulate.

Annex: Southern Power Grid New Energy Storage Dispatch Operation Rules (Trial)

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