National Energy Administration National Forestry and Grassland Administration Issues Circular on Matters Relating to the Orderly Promotion of the Development and Construction of Photovoltaic Sand Control Projects

May 27, the National Energy Board Comprehensive Division of the National Forestry and Grassland Bureau Office on the release of the orderly promotion of photovoltaic sand control project development and construction of the relevant matters of the notice, under the premise of protecting the ecology, the photovoltaic development and traditional sand control, photovoltaic sand control project construction, for the advancement of ecological governance and the realization of the dual-carbon target is of great significance. To attach great importance to, in accordance with the ecological priority, green development, synergistic promotion of the overall idea, together to do a good job in the planning and layout, according to local conditions, scientific and orderly implementation of photovoltaic sand control projects, and effectively support the construction of a new energy system of clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient, and to fully promote the prevention and control of sand high-quality development.

Comprehensive Department of the National Energy Administration Office of the State Forestry and Grassland Administration Notice on Matters Concerning the Development and Construction of Photovoltaic Sand Control Projects in an Orderly Manner

National Energy Zongtong Xinneng [2024] No. 82

Inner Mongolia, Tibet, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, Xinjiang provinces (autonomous regions) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, the competent departments of energy, forestry and grassland, the State Grid, the Southern Power Grid, the Inner Mongolia Power Company, the relevant power generation enterprises:

In order to implement the decision-making and deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, to promote desertification control and wind power photovoltaic integration project construction, and to promote the integrated development of the photovoltaic industry and sand control, we hereby notify you of the following matters relating to the development and construction of photovoltaic sand control projects.

First, attach great importance to it and promote it with all our strength. Under the premise of protecting the ecology, combining photovoltaic development with traditional sand control, and carrying out photovoltaic sand control project construction is of great significance for promoting ecological governance and realizing the dual-carbon goal. To attach great importance to, in accordance with the ecological priority, green development, synergistic promotion of the overall idea of joint planning and layout, according to local conditions, scientific and orderly implementation of photovoltaic sand control projects, and effectively support the construction of a new energy system of clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient, and to fully promote the prevention and control of sand high-quality development.

Second, scientific planning and rational layout. Provincial energy and forestry and grassland authorities, in accordance with the requirements of relevant national planning and policy documents, organize the preparation of the region's photovoltaic sand control implementation plan, and the local territorial spatial planning for full convergence, clear photovoltaic sand control project construction of the spatial layout, sand control methods and ecological requirements. In principle, the PV sand control project site should meet the conditions for the construction of PV power stations, in accordance with the Notice of the Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the State Forestry and Grassland Bureau of the National Energy Administration of the Comprehensive Department of the State Energy Administration on the Support for the Development of the Photovoltaic Power Generation Industry to Regulate the Management of Land Use Notice on the Relevant Work of Grassland" (Office of Grassland [2023] No. 126) on land use for photovoltaic power generation, and prioritize the use of untreated sandy land. Synthesize the local meteorology, water resources, geology, topography, geomorphology and vegetation characteristics and other factors to reasonably determine the site scope and construction scale.

(c) Optimized design and ecological synergy. Photovoltaic sand control project design should give full consideration to the local wind and sand and photovoltaic power generation system of high quality operation needs, according to the site development conditions, optimize the overall arrangement of photovoltaic power station program, foundation form and cable laying, encourage the promotion of cuttings type steel frame pile foundation or threaded steel piling, as well as the large-span flexible photovoltaic bracket, reasonable setting of the photovoltaic array spacing and the height of the lower edge. At the same time, in accordance with the principle of "greening by water", within the PV power station site and its surrounding areas in need of treatment, set up preventive measures due to hazards, according to local conditions, engineering, biological measures combined with the scientific development of sand control and sand control programs or grassland restoration programs. In principle, the land of PV square array does not change the surface morphology, but for the area without vegetation cover and soil crust, it is necessary to carry out ecological impact and restoration program assessment if it is necessary to level the field. In areas where water resource conditions allow, priority should be given to the selection of cold-resistant, drought-resistant, saline-resistant shrubs and grass species, reasonable determination of the density of the initial planting of forest and grass vegetation, and moderate development of forest and sand industry, grass industry and recycling economy. Large-scale ground hardening should be avoided in the field area, and the rest of the ground should be kept in its original state as far as possible, except for the necessary operation and maintenance roads, foundations, supporting energy storage facilities, power pooling facilities, operation and maintenance control and living facilities.

Fourth, standardize construction and synchronize promotion. Photovoltaic sand control project construction in addition to meet the photovoltaic power generation project construction related technical standards, should also be adapted to sand control requirements, to meet the natural resources, forestry and grasslands, ecological environmental protection, water resources utilization and other areas of the relevant norms of the technical requirements of the use of the surface of the ground less disturbed by the construction process and engineering equipment. In addition to the hardened areas, the areas caused by terrain change, vegetation damage, soil vertical structure change and other environmental damage during the construction period should all be restored in a timely manner to prevent aggravation of wind and sand hazards. Photovoltaic sand control power plant construction should be in accordance with the overall power plant and sand control measures "synchronous design, synchronous construction, synchronous operation" principle of integrated organization, sand control or grassland restoration project start time should be no later than the photovoltaic power plant project start time, photovoltaic power plant project completion acceptance, the ecological restoration project should be completed before the construction of the project.

Fifth, strengthen operation and maintenance, optimize management. Photovoltaic sand control power station operation phase to develop effective sand control facilities management program, the establishment of regular inspection mechanism, consolidate and enhance the effect of sand control. To establish a waste recycling mechanism, for the use of the process of damage or reach the service life of the photovoltaic module should be recycled in a timely manner, efficient disposal and reuse, to prevent environmental pollution. Photovoltaic sand control project should do a good job of production and living water and other water resources recycling, to ensure the necessary ecological water, and continue to consolidate the results of sand control. Where the carrying capacity of water resources allows, PV sand control power plant projects are encouraged to combine with ecological economy, landscape tourism and other industries, and synchronize the relevant supporting industrial planning and implementation programs.

Sixth, coordinate and strengthen supervision. Provincial energy and forestry and grassland authorities will strengthen the supervision of the whole process of development and construction of PV sand control projects, and do a good job in the standardized management of the whole process of PV sand control, including "prior coordination, supervision and evaluation afterwards". Local forestry and grassland departments combine the characteristics of sandy land management in the region, establish the evaluation system of the effect of photovoltaic sand control, and guide the photovoltaic sand control enterprises to scientifically carry out sand prevention and sand control. Provincial energy and forestry and grassland authorities will photovoltaic sand control project construction and operation into the daily supervision of photovoltaic sand control projects in the construction and operation and maintenance of irregularities in the process of timely supervision and rectification, the first time the major problems reported to the National Energy Board, the State Forestry and Grassland Bureau.

National Energy Administration General Division National Forestry and Grassland Administration Office

May 17, 2024

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