National Energy Administration: three batches of large-scale wind power and photovoltaic bases to promote the construction of

Recently, the National Energy Board held a national renewable energy development and construction scheduling video conference. National Energy Board party group members, deputy director of Wan Jinsong attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

The meeting summarized the development of national renewable energy in the first quarter of 2024, listened to the implementation of the opinions and suggestions put forward in the January situation analysis meeting, the progress of the construction of national renewable energy major projects, the 2024 wind power and photovoltaic power generation commissioning plan, the development of wind power and photovoltaic power generation industry chain supply and demand, analyzed the situation and tasks facing the development of renewable energy, and examined the problems and related measures and suggestions. It also analyzed the situation and tasks facing the development of renewable energy, studied the existing problems and related measures and recommendations, and put forward the requirements for the next step.

The meeting pointed out that in the first quarter of this year, renewable energy development momentum is good, the installed capacity continues to expand, steady growth in power generation. 1~March, the national renewable energy installed capacity of 63.76 million kilowatts, accounting for the national new power generation installed capacity of 91.8%, an increase of 34.5%; the national renewable energy power generation of 690.3 billion kilowatt-hours, accounting for the national power generation of 30.91 TP3T, year-on-year growth of 16.11 TP3T. At the same time, some areas of wind power, photovoltaic power generation utilization rate declined, the source network coordination is not enough, large wind power photovoltaic base project construction imbalance, etc., need to pay great attention to speed up the study of coordination and resolution.

The meeting requested, first, to fully promote the construction of three batches of large-scale wind power photovoltaic base, continue to do a good job of monthly scheduling and weekly monitoring, and promote the base project as soon as possible, put into operation on schedule. Second, we must actively promote the high-quality development of new energy, give full play to the decisive role of the market allocation of resources, local governments should strengthen industry guidance, guide the orderly development of new energy projects; the development of enterprises to compete in an orderly manner, strictly in accordance with the law and regulations to develop the project; grid companies to increase construction investment, especially the upgrading of the distribution network. Third, to optimize the new energy development market and policy environment, further improve the institutional reform and market construction related policies and measures, and strive to mature a introduced one. Fourth, to further emancipate the mind, change the concept, improve the style of work, a deep understanding of the development of new energy to help achieve the dual-carbon goals, to ensure energy security is of great significance, to strengthen synergistic cooperation, fair bear the responsibility of energy transition, and jointly promote green low-carbon development.

National Development and Reform Commission, the National Energy Board relevant departments (bureaus), the provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps energy authorities, the National Energy Board 18 sent agencies, the relevant power grid enterprises, power generation enterprises, Hydropower Institute, Electricity Planning Institute, the National Development and Reform Commission Energy Research Institute, the China Renewable Energy Society Wind Energy Committee, China Photovoltaic Industry Association comrades to participate in the meeting.

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