NCA calls for green and low-carbon technologies for public organizations in 2024

On May 22, the Office of the State Administration issued a notice on the call for 2024 green and low-carbon technologies for public institutions. The document pointed out that this call for green low-carbon technologies that have been practically applied in public institutions should be technologically advanced, mature and applicable, stable in performance, effective, with clear property rights, and have strong innovativeness, popularization and good economic, social and environmental benefits. The results of the collection mainly reflect the name of energy-saving, water-saving and carbon-reducing technologies, technical parameters, technical principles and innovations, technical advantages, typical application cases, etc., without involving specific product brands and models.

Among them, the main types include new and clean energy application technologies, including but not limited to microgrid system technologies, optical storage and charging integration technologies, photovoltaic power generation and building integration technologies, solar energy, biomass energy and other energy application technologies, and new energy vehicle charging (switching) technologies.

For the original text, see below:

Office of the State Administration on the Call for Green and Low Carbon Technologies for Public Institutions in 2024

National Management Office [2024] No. 9

Provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Organ Affairs Administration, Guangdong Provincial Energy Bureau, the central state organs of the departments of the General Office (Office):

No. 195), "State Administration of Organ Affairs, National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Ecology and Environment on the issuance of in-depth development of public institutions green low-carbon leading action to promote the implementation of the program of carbon peak" (State Administration of Energy Conservation 〔2021〕 No. 440) on the promotion of the application of green and low-carbon technology and products of the relevant work deployment, is now to the various regions and departments of the call for green and low-carbon technology in public institutions.

I. Scope and type of collection

The collection of green and low-carbon technologies that have been practically applied in public institutions should be technologically advanced, mature and applicable, stable in performance, effective, with clear property rights, and have strong innovation, popularization and good economic, social and environmental benefits. The results of the collection mainly reflect the name of energy-saving, water-saving and carbon-reducing technologies, technical parameters, technical principles and innovations, technical advantages, typical application cases, etc., not involving specific product brands and models. It mainly includes the following types:

(i) End-use energy equipment transformation technologies. This includes, but is not limited to, electrification technologies for end-use energy systems such as steam systems, green lighting technologies, energy-saving technologies for elevators, all-electric kitchen technologies, and smart cafeteria technologies.

(ii) Green and efficient cooling and heating technologies. Including, but not limited to, new high-efficiency cold and heat source system technology (heat pump technology, high-power high-efficiency frequency conversion technology, oil-free suspension compressor technology, indirect evaporative cooling technology, etc.), high-efficiency intelligent group control technology at the end of the new environmentally friendly refrigerant application technology, high-efficiency cold and heat source energy-saving control technology in the machine room, residual heat recycling and utilization of technology, low-carbon intelligent heat transfer technology, and so on.

(iii) New and clean energy application technologies. Including, but not limited to, microgrid system technology, optical storage and charging integration technology, photovoltaic power generation and building integration technology, solar energy, biomass energy and other energy application technology, new energy vehicle charging (switching) technology.

(iv) Green and low-carbon technologies for the building envelope. This includes, but is not limited to, thermal insulation technologies for external walls, doors, windows and roofs.

(v) Green data center technology. Including, but not limited to, high-density integration technology, liquid-cooled server technology, heat pipe backplane cooling technology, natural cold source application and fresh air heat recovery technology, intelligent micro-module data center technology.

(vi) Intelligent power supply and energy control technologies. Including, but not limited to, power system load matching and power saving technology, power quality optimization technology, power transmission and distribution power saving technology, intelligent energy management and control system.

(vii) Water conservation technology. Including, but not limited to, wastewater recycling technology, recycled water, rainwater, brackish water and other non-conventional water utilization technology, efficient water-saving transformation technology, pipe network leakage monitoring and repair technology.

II. Conditions of collection

(a) The technology holding unit shall be an enterprise or institution with independent legal personality, with normal operation and development in the past three years, not involved in bankruptcy, reorganization, suspension and other major matters, and with no major record of breach of trust and other illegal acts. If more than one unit holds the technology together, it shall be declared uniformly by the leading unit.

(ii) The declaration information is true and effective, and the technology should have independent intellectual property rights, and there is no dispute over the ownership of intellectual property rights.

(c) declared that the technology in public institutions has better prospects for popularization and application, the corresponding products have been mass-produced, have been practically applied in public institutions, and the application of the case of normal operation for more than half a year, no safety, environmental protection and other aspects of the problem, there are cases of the project technology application unit issued by the application of the effect of the materials.

(d) The technical quality of the declared technologies, as well as the safety, energy-saving, water-saving, carbon-reducing and environmental protection performances comply with the relevant national standards and requirements.

(v) The 2022 Green Low Carbon Technologies for Public Organizations issued by the State Administration may be re-declared.

III. Filing requirements

(a) Each reporting unit to fill out the "public institutions green low-carbon technology declaration" (Annex 1). The declaration should be true and accurate, easy to understand, detailed and concise, and may be accompanied by illustrations and tables.

(ii) Each reporting organization provides the following supporting documents:

1. A copy of the business license (copy) of the enterprise and stamped with the official seal.

2. Copies of certificates of technical intellectual property rights and patents with official seal.

3. Proof of technology application cases, briefly describing the reasons for choosing the technology, the effect of energy saving, water saving and carbon reduction, whether the results meet the expectations, and the evaluation of the technology, etc. Proof of the application effect needs to be stamped by the public organization using the technology.

4. Selected supporting materials: copies of technology award certificates; technology market competitiveness, market price, payback period, service life and other additional explanatory materials; certificates of energy-saving and environmental protection performance and quality and safety certificates issued by government agencies or third parties; copies of test reports issued by testing organizations; declared technologies included in the energy-saving, water-saving and low-carbon technology promotion catalogs issued by national and provincial departments; qualified third-party agencies issued energy-saving effect test reports or evaluation (assessment) reports of the application case projects. Technology promotion catalog materials; qualified third-party agency issued by the application of the project's energy-saving effect of the test report or evaluation (assessment) report.

The technical declaration should be bound with supporting documents and stamped.

IV. Workflow

(i) Declaration. In accordance with the principle of voluntary declaration, meet the requirements of the technology holding unit to the region's public institutions energy conservation management department to submit a bound volume of technical declaration and supporting materials in paper form and electronic version.

(ii) Recommendation. Please regions and departments of public institutions energy saving management department to organize technology holding units and enterprises to actively declare, choose the best technology recommended for submission to the State Administration of Energy Conservation Department, in principle, no more than three items per category. Please summarize the region, the department recommended technology declaration materials, fill out the "public institutions green low-carbon technology recommendation summary table" (Annex 2) and stamped with the official seal, before August 31, paper materials and electronic version sent to the National Energy Conservation Center (address for the Beijing Xicheng District, Yuetan South Street, No. 59, Xinhua Building).

(c) Evaluation. The Energy Conservation Division of the State Administration organizes expert review meetings to centrally review the technologies recommended by each region.

(d) Public notice and release. The Energy Conservation Division of the State Administration will publicize the selected technologies in the Energy Conservation and Resource Network of Public Institutions, and the public announcement will be made for five working days. After the public notice is uncontested, the Green and Low-Carbon Technology Collection for Public Institutions 2024 will be released, which is valid for three years.

Annex: 1. Declaration on Green and Low Carbon Technologies for Public Organizations

2. Summary Table of Recommended Green and Low Carbon Technologies for Public Organizations

Office of the National Authority

May 6, 2024

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