China's largest offshore photovoltaic power plant begins construction

On the 19th, the Yellow Sea waterfront pier, accompanied by a loud "start" order, China's largest offshore photovoltaic project - CNNC Tianwan 2 million kilowatts of beach photovoltaic demonstration project in Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province, officially started construction.

Photovoltaic power generation and nuclear power, as highly safe and clean energy sources, are close to the end load and have strong complementarity. The CNNC Tianwan 2-million-kilowatt beach PV demonstration project utilizes the warm drainage area of the nuclear power plant to carry out "PV+nuclear power" multi-energy complementarity, which can effectively reduce the impact of the project on the marine ecosystem and provide more clean energy for the surrounding cities.

It is reported that the project is expected to be connected to the grid for the first time in September 2024 and in 2025 at full capacity. With an average annual grid access of 2.234 billion kWh during the 25-year operation period, the project is able to meet the annual production and living electricity demand of a population of about 230,000 in a medium-developed country, save about 680,000 tons of standard coal and reduce carbon dioxide emission by 1.77 million tons per year, which is a good demonstration for the intensive, economical, scientific and ecological use of the shallow mudflat resources to develop the clean energy industry.

After the project is fully completed, it will be coupled with the Tianwan Nuclear Power Base of CNNC to form a large-scale clean energy base with a total installed capacity of more than 10 million kilowatts, which is of great demonstrative significance for the transformation and upgrading of the regional energy structure, the construction of a clean energy demonstration base integrating nuclear power and photovoltaic power, and the development of a clean energy industry by utilizing mudflat resources in a scientific, high-efficiency and ecological way. It is a powerful initiative to contribute CNNC's power to realize the goal of "double carbon".

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