The National Energy Administration (NEA) released typical cases of energy green and low-carbon transformation!

On May 19, the typical cases of energy green and low-carbon transformation released and technical exchanges hosted by the National Energy Administration (NEA) and organized by the General Institute of Electric Power Planning and Design (GIEPD) were held in Beijing. Wan Jinsong, member of the party group and deputy director of the NEA, attended the meeting and delivered a speech, and Xiang Haiping, chief engineer of the NEA, released the typical cases and the "Compendium of Typical Cases of Green and Low-Carbon Transformation of Energy".

In order to comprehensively implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, promote the energy revolution, accelerate the planning and construction of a new type of energy system, explore and summarize and exchange and promote the successful experience and useful practices, the National Energy Administration has organized a collection of typical cases of energy green and low-carbon transformation, and selected 23 typical cases, which are compiled into the Compendium of Typical Cases of Green and Low-Carbon Transformation of Energy.

Wan Jinsong said that accelerating the green and low-carbon transformation of energy is the key to implementing the major decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee, realizing carbon peak carbon neutral, and also an important initiative to build a new energy system. In recent years, China's rapid development of clean energy, energy structure continues to optimize, new technologies, new models and new forms of vigorous development, emerged a number of green low-carbon transformation and development of excellent cases for the construction of a new type of energy system has made a useful exploration. Under the new era and new journey, energy transformation and change is a heavy task and a long way to go, all sectors of society should work together to strengthen the planning leadership, strengthen the policy mechanism to ensure that the role of demonstration, and work together to promote the high-quality development of China's energy.

Introduced to the sea level, typical case collection work received a total of more than 150 declared cases, the National Energy Board to set up an expert group, commissioned by the General Institute of Electric Power Planning and Design as a third-party organization to organize the defense and selection, and carry out the case verification, publicity, etc., the 23 typical cases cover the energy production and supply, processing and transformation, terminal consumption and other links, with strong innovative and demonstrative significance. This case release and technology exchange activities are aimed at building a platform for exchange and reference, better play a leading role in demonstration, and promote China's energy green and low-carbon transformation by leading the way.

The Compilation of Typical Cases of Green and Low-Carbon Energy Transition systematically shows the basic information, practices, technical characteristics and actual results of 23 typical cases in 4 categories, including new models of green energy supply, greening and carbon reduction of energy in cities and towns, carbon emission reduction of energy industry chain, and low-carbon transformation of energy-using enterprises (parks), etc., with the aim of providing useful experiences and practical references for the green and low-carbon transformation of energy in different fields.

The General Administration of Electric Power Planning and Design (GAPD) made a typical case interpretation at the conference. In the technical exchange session, eight selected typical cases shared their practical experience of green and low-carbon transformation.

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