Maximum Reward of 20 Million Yuan! Anhui "support advanced photovoltaic and new energy storage industry cluster high-quality development of a number of policies" released

A few days ago, the Anhui Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology and other five departments jointly issued the province's first photovoltaic storage industry special support policy - "to support the high-quality development of advanced photovoltaic and new energy storage industry cluster a number of policies", the document pointed out that support for the development of advanced photovoltaic and new energy storage industry clusters, "a district, an industry as a plate The document states that the advanced photovoltaic and new energy storage industry clusters will be supported to develop "one district, one industry, one plate" as the overall work program for digital transformation, and the provincial level will give a maximum of 20 million yuan to the eligible models. The eligible provincial typical demonstration project, according to the project equipment, industrial software purchases, to give the maximum 10% support, the maximum award of 5 million yuan for a single project. The advanced photovoltaic and new energy storage enterprises that have won the national "Digital Pilot" enterprises, intelligent manufacturing demonstration factories, intelligent manufacturing excellent scenes, and then rewarded 5 million yuan, 3 million yuan and 2 million yuan respectively.

The original text follows:

Several Policies to Support the High-Quality Development of Advanced Photovoltaic and New Energy Storage Industry Clusters

In order to implement the "Guiding Opinions on Strengthening Innovation Leadership to Promote the High-quality Development of Advanced Photovoltaic and New-type Energy Storage Industry Clusters", encourage innovation, forging long-lasting complementary shortcomings, improving quality and expanding quantity, optimizing the ecology, accelerating the high-quality development of advanced photovoltaic and new-type energy storage industry clusters, and formulating the following policies:

I. Enhancing industrial innovation capacity

1. Support industry chain collaborative innovation. Around the enhancement of the core competitiveness of advanced photovoltaic and new energy storage industry, support leading enterprises to take the lead, joint upstream and downstream enterprises, colleges and universities, research institutes to carry out collaborative innovation in the industry chain, focusing on the support of the industrialization of key core technologies, the strong chain chain to supplement the chain extension chain, the major technological and equipment research and development. Annually select about 20 innovative R & D projects, the provincial R & D and equipment investment of up to 15% according to the project to be rewarded, the maximum of not more than 10 million yuan.

2. Supporting the construction of innovation platforms. For the last year, the newly recognized national technology innovation center, the national industrial innovation center, the national manufacturing innovation center, to give 3 million yuan one-time award; for the last year, the newly recognized national enterprise technology center, national industrial design center, the national energy research and development innovation platform, to give 1 million yuan one-time award. For the newly recognized provincial innovation platform in the previous year, the province will give support to scientific and technological projects in accordance with the regulations, and the platform of special significance will be supported in a "one-issue" manner according to the regulations. Municipalities are encouraged to provide incentives for newly recognized provincial innovation platforms within their jurisdictions.

3. Support enterprises, universities and research institutes to build new R&D experimental lines. The key areas of advanced photovoltaic and new energy storage industry has been built in the previous year and normal operation of the advanced product small pilot line, pilot line, according to the key R & D equipment actually purchased up to 20% to be a one-time incentive, the maximum of not more than 30 million yuan.

4. Support major innovation breakthroughs. For advanced photovoltaic and new energy storage enterprises in the province to develop and realize mass production of products, key indicators by the internationally renowned third-party testing and certification and national industry associations recognized by a new world record, to give the enterprise a one-time award of 2 million yuan, a single enterprise each year does not exceed 4 million yuan.

5. Support the establishment of R&D headquarters in Anhui. Advanced photovoltaic and new energy storage enterprises that have set up their R&D headquarters in Anhui will receive policy support related to the enhancement of their innovation capacity within three years from the date of their incorporation, and the incentive funds will be uplifted by a maximum of 20%.

Second, the industry chain strong chain complementary chain extension

6. Supporting the recruitment of large and strong enterprises. Support leading enterprises and key supporting enterprises with strong financial strength, technological innovation and industry chain integration ability to invest in advanced photovoltaic and new energy storage projects in our province. Focusing on industrial high value-added and key weak links, the leading enterprises with annual business revenue in the top five of the country in each link of the industry, the investment projects invested in Anhui in the previous year that have actually landed more than 2 billion yuan in capital, as well as the projects invested in Anhui by the national-level specialized, special and new "small giants", single champions and listed enterprises in the key supporting links, will be included in the list of key projects of the province. Key projects list, land indicators at the provincial level; energy consumption indicators in accordance with the "optimization of energy budget management and accurate allocation of energy consumption factors to ensure the completion of the "14th Five-Year Plan" energy intensity reduction targets of a number of measures" provisions, by the provincial and municipal levels to coordinate the solution. The scale of investment is particularly large, industry-driven major projects, can be supported in accordance with the "one-issue" approach. New investment in construction projects by enterprises that have already settled in the city will enjoy the same policy support as newly introduced landed projects.

7. Supporting the attraction of key supporting link enterprises. For the new introduction of advanced photovoltaic and new energy storage field key supporting link enterprises, project fixed asset investment of more than 100 million yuan, and in the investment and construction period all completed and put into operation, according to the actual completion of the fixed asset investment of 2% to give a one-time incentive, up to 10 million yuan, the province, the city (county, district) finances each bear half. Among them, the national level specialties and new "small giants", single champions and listed enterprises of the project, incentive funds are borne entirely by the provincial level. The key supporting links of the new investment in the construction of the key complementary chain projects, can enjoy the same policy support with the new introduction of landed projects.

8. Support the development of advanced photovoltaic and new energy storage industries in northern Anhui. Municipalities recommended projects settled in northern Anhui, the former national and provincial poverty alleviation and development work in key counties (cities, districts, including some of the old revolutionary areas), the project proceeds of the implementation of the cooperation between the two governments share, specifically by the two sides to determine the consultation. North Anhui, the former national and provincial poverty alleviation and development work of key counties (cities, districts, including some of the old revolutionary areas) meet the conditions of the project, the incentive fund floating 20%.

III. Upgrading the industrial hierarchy

9. Supporting enterprises to become industry benchmarks. A one-time award of up to 500,000 yuan will be given to advanced photovoltaic and new energy storage enterprises that comply with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's "Standardized Conditions for the Photovoltaic Manufacturing Industry" and "Standardized Conditions for the Lithium-ion Battery Industry", as well as those that enter the list of smart photovoltaic pilot demonstration enterprises for the first time.

10. Support financial empowerment for industrial development. Support the provincial new energy and energy conservation and environmental protection industry theme fund to set up advanced photovoltaic and new energy storage sub-fund, with a total scale of not less than 2 billion yuan, prying city and county guide funds, social capital, etc., not less than 5 billion yuan, with a focus on support for the north of Anhui to build industrial support base. Support the establishment of industrial special funds in conditional cities, the provincial new energy and energy-saving environmental protection industry theme fund according to the actual support. Regularly select a number of advanced photovoltaic and new energy storage segments with medium- and long-term financing needs of start-up science and technology enterprises, into the financial support for science and technology enterprises "common growth plan" to cultivate the main library and to the relevant banks to push, to support the financing needs of enterprises.

IV. Expanding overseas markets

11. Supporting export enterprises to carry out carbon footprint verification. For enterprises with an export volume of more than 10 million US dollars in the previous year and whose export products have obtained carbon footprint verification certificates or reports, they will be rewarded with 100% for verification, certification and related service costs, with a maximum of 500,000 yuan per enterprise per year.

12. Supporting enterprises to carry out environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) practices. For enterprises that commissioned a third party to carry out environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) report preparation, rating and other business in the previous year and obtained certification, they will be rewarded with 100% of the relevant service fees, with no more than 200,000 yuan per enterprise per year.

13. Encourage enterprises to "go out".

V. Carrying out demonstration applications

14. Support the demonstration and application of advanced photovoltaic and new energy storage. Focusing on photovoltaic building integration, agricultural light composite utilization, intelligent microgrid, virtual power plant, low-carbon park, shared energy storage, etc., to create a number of innovative application scenarios with leading technology, good application prospects, high replicability and industry-driven, and select a number of provincial-level excellent innovative application scenarios every year to give a one-time award of up to RMB 500,000 yuan for a single one-time award, and prioritize the recommendation to the state. For units selected for national-level demonstration application projects or excellent cases, a one-time award of up to 500,000 yuan will be given.

15. Support the promotion and application of thin-film solar energy technology. For non-government investment in thin-film solar power projects that were built and operated normally in the previous year, with a scale of not less than 250 kilowatts, the investment and construction party will be given support of up to 0.4 yuan per watt, with a maximum of 1 million yuan per project.

16. Promoting the participation of new types of energy storage power stations in power market transactions. In accordance with national requirements, research has been conducted on the establishment of a capacity tariff mechanism to gradually promote the participation of new types of energy storage power stations in the power market. Independent energy storage power stations do not differentiate between the status of power generating and consuming market entities when participating in power market transactions. During the period of carrying out the power auxiliary service market, independent new energy storage projects can voluntarily choose transaction varieties to participate in the transaction, and obtain the corresponding incentive fees according to the actual transaction and call situation. Among them, when participating in the power auxiliary service market deep peak calling, under the same conditions, the priority of energy storage power plant is higher than that of coal-fired thermal power units. Encourage photovoltaic and wind power projects to sign lease agreements with independent energy storage power stations for more than 10 years in accordance with the implementation of the full life cycle commitment to the distribution of storage requirements. Strengthen the independent new energy storage capacity leasing market monitoring and guidance.

17. Optimize the calling and settlement method of new energy storage projects. Before the establishment of independent new energy storage market mechanism, independent new energy storage projects in accordance with the grid scheduling instructions for charging and discharging, discharging power feed-in tariffs for the province's coal-fired power generation benchmark price, charging power according to the province's coal-fired power generation benchmark price of 60% for settlement. During the peak summer (winter) period (January, July-August, December), the independent new energy storage project (excluding new energy distribution and reconstruction and new energy leasing capacity of the independent energy storage power station) is arranged to call for charging and discharging in accordance with the grid scheduling instructions, without settlement of charging costs, the discharge of the power on-line price is the benchmark price of coal-fired power generation in our province, and during the period of time the grid arranges for the new type of energy storage to be charged and discharged the number of times of call for charging and discharging of the full capacity, which is in principle not less than 120 times or the length of discharge is not less than 60%. During the period, the power grid will arrange the number of full-capacity charging and discharging calls of the new energy storage in principle not less than 120 times or discharging time not less than 240 hours. Independent new energy storage projects such as the occurrence of their own reasons can not call or call the situation of insufficient, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the implementation of the corresponding assessment, the specific call requirements and funding programs developed separately by the relevant provincial departments.

18. Supporting new energy storage projects to play a peak role. According to the needs of our province's power grid supply and demand balance, independent new energy storage projects (excluding new energy distribution and reconstruction and new energy leasing capacity of independent energy storage power stations) that have signed a grid scheduling agreement with the power scheduling organization will enjoy a maximum of 0.2 yuan/kWh support based on the amount of their online discharges in the period of peak summer (winter) (January, July-August and December).

VI. Promoting local development

19. Strengthen the provincial assessment incentives. Combined with the five-year expected goals of each city, the establishment of a competitive horse-racing mechanism, according to the city of the previous year's comprehensive assessment of the performance of the development of advanced photovoltaic and new types of energy storage industry, the grades to give incentives, incentive funds used to improve the industry's innovation capacity and level, the industry chain to strengthen the chain to complement the chain extension chain, to carry out the demonstration of the application and market promotion and so on.

The Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, in conjunction with the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, the Provincial Department of Finance, the Provincial Department of Natural Resources, the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, the Provincial Department of Commerce, the Provincial Bureau of Energy and other departments, to formulate specific implementation rules, and to organize and implement them as soon as possible.

This policy will be implemented from the date of issuance and will be valid until December 31, 2028, and will be revised in due course according to the adjustment of national policies, performance evaluation, and the situation of industrial development.

Annex: List of Stock Policies to Support the Construction of Advanced Photovoltaic and New Energy Storage Industry Clusters

1. Enhance the basic capacity of innovation. Around the field of advanced photovoltaic and new energy storage, annually select 1-3 key core technology research projects, take the open competition, directional commissioning, unveiling of marshals, etc., to support enterprise-led joint colleges and institutes to carry out cooperation between industry, academia and research research projects. Enterprise-led projects, in principle, according to the province, the city (county, district) were not more than 20%, the proportion of enterprises not less than 60% co-financing, the maximum award for a single project of 10 million yuan or so, particularly significant projects, "a matter of discussion" to determine the amount of support and the way. For the previous year, the newly recognized national key laboratories, to give a maximum of 10 million yuan one-time incentive.

2. Support enterprises to take the lead in formulating international and national (industry) standards in the fields of advanced photovoltaic and new energy storage. For enterprises leading the development of international and national (industry) standards, each standard will be given a one-time maximum award of 1 million yuan and 500,000 yuan respectively.

3. Supporting the cultivation of advanced photovoltaic and new energy storage "specialized, special and new" enterprises. Enterprises that were awarded the titles of "small giants" and "individual champions" at the national level in the previous year will be given one-time awards of 1 million yuan and 2 million yuan, respectively.

4. Support for enterprise digital transformation and upgrading. Support advanced photovoltaic and new energy storage industry clusters to develop "a district and an industry as a board" of the overall work program of digital transformation, the provincial level to meet the conditions of the model to give a maximum of 20 million yuan in incentives. The eligible provincial typical demonstration project, according to the project equipment, industrial software purchases, to give the maximum 10% support, the maximum award of 5 million yuan for a single project. The advanced photovoltaic and new energy storage enterprises that have won the national "Digital Pilot" enterprises, intelligent manufacturing demonstration factories, intelligent manufacturing excellent scenes, and then rewarded 5 million yuan, 3 million yuan and 2 million yuan respectively.

5. Supporting enterprises to implement green transformation. For the evaluation of national green factories, green supply chain management enterprises, environmental protection equipment manufacturing industry standard conditions enterprises, key energy-using industry energy efficiency "leader" enterprises, key water use enterprises water efficiency "leader", comprehensive utilization of resources "leader" enterprises, industrial wastewater recycling pilot enterprises, respectively, up to a one-time award of 1 million yuan. "Leader" enterprises, industrial wastewater recycling pilot enterprises, respectively, the maximum one-time award of 1 million yuan.

6. Support enterprises to go public for financing. Provincial finance for the listing of counseling filing enterprises a one-time award of 1.6 million yuan, the declaration of listing (including the listing of the North Stock Exchange) enterprises a one-time award of 1.6 million yuan, after the success of the listing of the complementary to 4 million yuan.

7. Supporting the construction of industrial Internet platforms. According to the effectiveness of construction, eligible industry-type, regional-type, specialized platforms and "industry brains" will be rewarded with a maximum of 10 million yuan, and enterprise-level platforms will be rewarded with a one-time award of 1 million yuan.

8. Support enterprises to attract high-end talents. Newly registered academician workstations are given 1 million yuan of funding, and newly established national postdoctoral research stations and provincial postdoctoral research stations (postdoctoral innovation and practice bases) are given 300,000 yuan and 150,000 yuan of one-time funding for the establishment of the station respectively.

9. Support enterprises to build export brands. To carry out the "Anhui export brand" selection, the recognized brand enterprises of international product certification fees, overseas trademark registration fees, overseas patent application fees to give the maximum 70% support.

10. Implementation of the manufacturing industry loan interest rate subsidies. For advanced photovoltaic and new energy storage manufacturing projects incurred in the loan, to the National Development Bank preferential lending rate for the manufacturing sector as the basis for the subsidized interest rate of 40%.

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