National Energy Administration Issues Circular on Promoting the Utilization of New Energy Storage for Grid Integration and Dispatch

April 12, the National Energy Board issued "on the promotion of new energy storage grid and scheduling the use of notice", the document requires an accurate grasp of the new energy storage function positioning, clear acceptance of the power system scheduling of new energy storage range. Access to the power system and signed a scheduling agreement of new energy storage, can be divided into scheduling call new energy storage and power station self-use of new energy storage two categories.New energy storage for dispatching refers to new energy storage with independent metering devices and operated in accordance with the market clearing results or the instructions of the power dispatching organization, including independent energy storage power stations, new energy distribution storage with conditions for independent operation, etc.; new energy storage for self-use in power stations refers to new energy storage operated in conjunction with power generating enterprises, users, etc. and controlled by the power generating enterprises, users, etc. according to their own needs, including new energy distribution storage not operated independently, new energy distribution storage for thermal power, joint FM storage, and user-side storage with the ability to receive dispatching instructions, etc. The new energy storage for power station's own use refers to the new energy storage that operates jointly with power generation enterprises and is controlled by power generation enterprises and users according to their own needs, including the new energy storage that is not operated independently, the thermal power joint frequency regulation energy storage, and the user-side energy storage that has the ability to accept dispatching instructions.

The document requires that the new type of energy storage scheduling mode be optimized. Power scheduling organizations should formulate new energy storage scheduling and operation procedures according to system demand, scientifically determine new energy storage scheduling and operation methods, and fairly call new energy storage regulating resources.Actively support the development of new energy + energy storage, aggregated energy storage, optical storage and charging integration and other joint call mode, prioritize the call of new types of energy storage pilot demonstration projects, give full play to the value of various types of energy storage.When calling new energy storage, for new energy storage participating in the electricity market, new energy storage operation shall be arranged in accordance with the results of market clearing, and for new energy storage not having the conditions to participate in the electricity market for the time being, it shall be called through the scheduling instruction. In the event of an accident (event) that jeopardizes the security of the power system and other necessary circumstances, all new energy storage within the scope of regulation shall be subject to unified direct call by the power dispatching agency, and the direct call period shall be implemented in accordance with the charging and discharging price mechanism for independent energy storage.

Full text follows:

Notice of the National Energy Administration on Promoting the Utilization of New Energy Storage for Grid Integration and Dispatch Purposes

National Energy Development Science and Technology [2024] No. 26

Energy bureaus of provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government), development and reform commissions, departments in charge of industry and information technology, and city management commissions of relevant provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, dispatched organizations, and relevant central enterprises:

In order to implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, accelerate the planning and construction of a new energy system, the implementation of the "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Development of New Energy Storage" (Development and Reform Energy Regulation 〔2021〕 No. 1051), "New Energy Storage Project Management Specification (Provisional)" (National Energy Development Science and Technology Regulation 〔2021〕 No. 47), "Notice on the Further Promotion of the Participation of New Energy Storage in the Electricity Market and Scheduling" (Development and Reform Office Operation 〔2022〕 No. 475). Reform Office Operation [2022] No. 475), standardize the management of new energy storage grid access, optimize the scheduling and operation mechanism, give full play to the role of new energy storage to support the construction of a new type of power system, is now on the relevant matters as follows.

I. General requirements

(a) accurately grasp the new energy storage function positioning. New energy storage refers to the pumped storage, to the output of electricity as the main form of energy storage technology, and provide services to the outside world, with a short construction period, flexible layout, fast response speed and other advantages, can be played in the operation of the power system peak shifting, frequency regulation, voltage regulation, standby, black start, inertia response and other functions, is to build a new type of power system is an important support technology. With the rapid growth of installed capacity, the role of new energy storage in promoting new energy development and consumption and safe and stable operation of the power system is gradually emerging. Combined with the new energy storage function positioning and marketization requirements, it should further regulate the new energy storage grid management, continue to improve the new energy storage scheduling mechanism, ensure the reasonable and efficient use of new energy storage, and strongly support the construction of new power systems.

(b) Clarify the scope of new energy storage that is subject to the dispatch of the power system. Access to the power system and signed scheduling agreement of the new energy storage, can be divided into scheduling call new energy storage and power station self-use of new energy storage two categories. Dispatching new energy storage refers to the new energy storage with independent metering devices and operated in accordance with the market clearing results or the instructions of the power scheduling organization, including independent energy storage power stations, new energy distribution energy storage with conditions for independent operation, etc.; the new energy storage for power station self-use refers to the new energy storage operated in conjunction with power generating enterprises, users, etc. and controlled by power generating enterprises, users, etc. according to their own needs, including new energy storage not operated independently. The new energy storage for power station's own use refers to the new energy storage that operates jointly with power generation enterprises and is controlled by power generation enterprises and users according to their own needs, including the new energy storage that is not operated independently, the thermal power joint frequency regulation energy storage, and the user-side energy storage that has the ability to accept dispatching instructions.

II. Strengthening new energy storage grid integration and dispatch operation management

(c) Standardize the management of grid access for new types of energy storage. Grid enterprises and power scheduling agencies shall formulate new energy storage grid rules and guidelines for grid connection services, etc., to clarify the grid connection process, relevant standards and requirements for grid-related tests. Power scheduling agencies in accordance with the principle of equality and mutual benefit, consensus and ensure the safe operation of the power system, the organization of new energy storage and grid acceptance and sign the grid scheduling agreement, the new energy storage should be connected to the grid within a specified period of time to complete all the network-related tests.

(d) Optimizing new energy storage scheduling methods. Power scheduling agencies should develop new energy storage scheduling and operation procedures based on system demand, scientifically determine new energy storage scheduling and operation methods, and fairly call new energy storage regulation resources. Actively support the development of new energy + energy storage, aggregated energy storage, light storage and charging integration and other joint calling mode, prioritize the calling of new energy storage pilot demonstration projects, give full play to the value of various types of energy storage. When calling new energy storage, for the participation of new energy storage in the power market, according to the results of the market clearing to arrange for the operation of new energy storage, for the time being does not have the conditions to participate in the power market of new energy storage, through the scheduling instructions to call. In the event of an accident (event) that jeopardizes the security of the power system and other necessary circumstances, all new energy storage within the scope of regulation shall be subject to unified direct call by the power dispatching agency, and the direct call period shall be implemented in accordance with the charging and discharging price mechanism for independent energy storage.

(e) Strengthening the operation and management of new types of energy storage. When revising the rules of the power market or the Implementing Rules for the Management of Electricity Auxiliary Services and the Implementing Rules for the Management of Grid-Connected Operation of Electricity, the local authorities shall clarify and refine the implementation rules for the assessment of various types of new energy storage. New types of energy storage should be required by the power scheduling organization to submit timely operational information, the power scheduling organization regularly pushes new types of energy storage to the national new types of energy storage big data platform to call the new types of energy storage.

III. Clarifying technical requirements for grid integration and dispatch of new types of energy storage

(f) Standardize the technical requirements for grid access of new energy storage. New energy storage access system should meet the requirements of safe and stable operation of the power system, complete the corresponding performance test and network test, new energy storage equipment should meet the national and industry technical standards and management specifications, to ensure safe and stable operation. New energy storage project units need to develop detailed operation and maintenance procedures, field operation procedures, accident plans and emergency management measures, shutdown and maintenance plans, etc., and regularly report to the power scheduling agency.

(vii) Clarify the technical requirements for the dispatch and operation of new types of energy storage. New energy storage shall be equipped with a power control system or a coordinated control system. All new energy storage within the scope of regulation should have the ability to automatically regulate active and reactive power in accordance with the scheduling instructions, access to the AGC, AVC and other systems of the affiliated power scheduling organizations, accept and implement the scheduling instructions, and have information security protection measures. New energy bases with new energy storage scheduling principles in accordance with the "New Energy Base Power Delivery Configuration of New Energy Storage Planning Technical Guidelines" (NB/T 11194-2023).

(viii) Encouraging the technological transformation of the stock of new energy storage. Encourage the stock of new energy storage to carry out technological transformation, with the ability to accept scheduling instructions. After meeting the appropriate technical conditions, the power scheduling organization shall promptly carry out the new energy storage grid and scheduling work.

(ix) Promoting new-type energy storage intelligent regulation technology innovation. Combined with the new energy storage multi-scenario and market-oriented operation needs, actively carry out the new energy storage and other power supply co-optimization scheduling technology, large-scale energy storage system cluster intelligent scheduling key technology, based on the new energy storage power grid active support technology, electric vehicles and other distributed energy storage virtual power plant aggregation interactive control technology R & D research and development work, and strive to promote the application of new technologies.

IV. Strengthening the guarantee of grid integration and dispatch coordination for new types of energy storage

(j) Strengthening the management of new energy storage projects. Provincial energy authorities shall, in conjunction with relevant units, strengthen the construction of new energy storage project management system, and strengthen the management of new energy storage planning, filing, construction, operation and calling in the region.

(k) Do a good job of new energy storage grid services. Grid enterprises and power dispatch institutions should provide grid access services to new energy storage in a fair and non-discriminatory manner, provide technical guidance, optimize the grid access process, and ensure the safe and efficient integration of new energy storage into the grid.

(xii) Promote the call of new types of energy storage by market-oriented means. Each region shall give full consideration to the characteristics of new types of energy storage, accelerate the improvement of new types of energy storage to participate in the electric energy market and auxiliary service market, enrich the trading varieties, consider the supporting policies, power supply and demand, and promote the new types of energy storage through flexible and effective market-based means, "one multi-functional, time-sharing and reuse", and further enrich the market-based business model of new types of energy storage. Market-based business model of new energy storage is further enriched.

(xiii) Strengthening the supervision and management of grid-connected scheduling of new energy storage. National Energy Board sent agencies, provincial energy authorities in accordance with their respective responsibilities to strengthen the supervision and management of the new type of energy storage grid and scheduling operation, establish and improve the new type of energy storage grid and scheduling operation management coordination mechanism, coordination and handling of related disputes. Major problems found in the work will be reported to the National Energy Administration in a timely manner.

This notice shall be effective for a period of five years from the date of its issuance.

National Energy Administration (NEA)

April 2, 2024

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