Jiangsu: regulate the fair opening behavior of the power grid to promote the implementation of national new energy and other industry policy projects

April 9, Jiangsu Energy Regulatory Office issued a notice on carrying out grid fair opening supervision work, the notice pointed out that the scope of this supervision is since September 2021, "grid fair opening supervision measures" issued and implemented, the grid enterprise for the province-wide new energy generation, energy storage and other power sources to provide access to the grid service situation to carry out supervision. The supervision includes whether the grid enterprises have refused the access applications made by power project owners without justifiable reasons or delayed the access to the system; whether they have refused to provide the power project owners with the necessary information on the access location, available capacity, actual capacity used, outgoing mode, number of available intervals and other information of the transmission and distribution network that must be known for accessing the power grid; and whether they have provided services to distributed power generation and other power generation facilities that comply with the national requirements for the construction of the grid. For distributed power generation and other power generation facilities constructed in accordance with national requirements, in addition to the necessary technical requirements to ensure the safe operation of power grids and equipment, whether to put forward the applicable technical requirements for accessing higher than the national and industry technical standards and norms; whether there are cases of irregularly charging unreasonable service fees.

The original text follows:

Jiangsu Energy Regulatory Office's Notice on the Supervision of Fair Opening of Power Grids

State Grid Corporation of Jiangsu Province, Jiangsu Branch (subsidiary) of each power generation group, Guoxin Group, GCL Group, each independent power producer and energy storage enterprise:

In order to deeply implement the Electricity Law, Renewable Energy Law, accelerate the construction of a new type of power system, according to the "CPC Central Committee and State Council on further deepening the reform of the electric power system of a number of opinions" (China Development [2015] No. 9), "Electricity Supervision Regulation" "Grid Fair Open Supervision Measures" (State Energy Development Supervision and Regulation 〔2021〕 No. 49) and other relevant provisions, as well as the "Energy Supervision Work in 2024 Key Points" (State Energy Development Regulatory [2024] No. 4) arrangements, decided to organize and carry out power grid fair opening supervision in the province, is now formulated the relevant matters are notified as follows.

I. Objectives of work

Adhere to the problem-oriented and goal-oriented, regulate the behavior of fair opening of the power grid, protect the legitimate rights and interests of all parties concerned and social public interests, timely identify outstanding problems in the fair opening of the power grid, supervise the improvement of the level of service of fair opening of the power grid, and promote the implementation of the national new energy, energy storage and other industry policy projects.

II. Regulatory basis

(i) Electricity Law of the People's Republic of China;

(ii) Renewable Energy Law of the People's Republic of China;

(iii) Regulations on Electricity Regulation (Decree No. 432 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China);

(iv) Provisions on Disclosure of Information by Electric Power Enterprises (Decree No. 14 of the State Electricity Regulatory Commission);

(v) Several Opinions of the State Council on Promoting the Healthy Development of the Photovoltaic Industry (Guo Fa [2013] No. 24);

(vi) Notice of the National Energy Administration on the Issuance of Interim Measures for the Administration of Distributed Photovoltaic Power Generation Programs (National Energy and New Energy [2013] No. 433);

(vii) Measures for the Regulation of Fair and Open Access to the Electricity Grid (Guonengda Regulatory Regulation [2021] No. 49);

(viii) Notice of the General Office of the State Council Transmitting the Implementation Plan of the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration on Promoting the High-quality Development of New Energy in the New Era (State Council Letter [2022] No. 39);

(ix) Thephotovoltaic power stationMeasures for the Management of Development and Construction (Guo Neng Fa New Energy Regulation [2022] No. 104);

(x) Other relevant policy documents.

III. Scope of regulation

The scope of this supervision is to carry out supervision on the provision of access to grid services by grid enterprises for new energy generation, energy storage and other power sources within the province since the issuance and implementation of the Measures for the Regulation of Fair Opening of the Grid in September 2021.

IV. Regulatory content

(i) The fair and non-discriminatory provision of access services by power grid enterprises. Whether the power grid enterprise refuses the access application made by the owner of the power project without justifiable reasons, or delays the access to the system; whether it refuses to provide the owner of the power project with access to the transmission and distribution network that must be known to access the grid, such as the location of the access, the available capacity, the actual capacity in use, the way of outlet, the number of available intervals, etc.; whether it is in line with the national requirements for the construction of distributed power generation facilities, in addition to the necessary technical requirements to ensure the safe operation of the power grid and equipment; whether it charges unreasonable service fees. In addition to the necessary technical requirements to ensure the safe operation of the power grid and equipment, the applicable technical requirements for accessing the power grid that are higher than the national and industry technical standards and norms are proposed; whether there are cases of charging unreasonable service fees in violation of the law.

(ii) Grid enterprises to establish power projects to access the grid work system. Grid enterprises whether to establish power projects to access the grid system, distributed new energy power generation projects to simplify the workflow is clear to provide access to the work of the department, the workflow, work time, as well as responsible for the power project supporting the construction of the work of the department, the workflow; whether the time limit for acceptance, audit, signing of the agreement to connect to the grid, and so on.

(c) Information disclosure by power grid enterprises. Whether power grid enterprises publicize the power supply access system, provide convenience for power supply project owners to query relevant information, and publish relevant information to power supply project owners on a monthly basis through web portals and other means.

(d) Information reporting by power grid enterprises. Grid enterprises to establish the power project access to the grid-related work system, whether within one month after the completion of the preparation of the report to the National Energy Board and its agencies; whether the requirements to the National Energy Board and its agencies to report the fair and open situation, including various types of power access, grid interconnection, information disclosure and so on.

V. Organization of work

(a) Initiate deployment and self-examination (April). Develop a work program, issue a notice of regulatory work, and specify the requirements for special regulatory work. Grid companies to carry out a comprehensive self-examination, for self-examination found that the problem can be self-corrected, immediate rectification, and April 30 will be self-examination and rectification report sent to the Jiangsu Energy Regulatory Office, the report includes, but is not limited to, the basic situation of self-checking, self-checking found that the problem, to take corrective measures and rectification of the effectiveness of the next step in the work initiatives.

(ii) On-site supervision (May). According to the daily supervision, combined with 12398 complaints, reports and letters and other clues, the organization of on-site supervision working group to carry out on-site inspections. By checking the data system, access to documents and information, visits and interviews, investigation and evidence collection, etc., spot check the self-inspection and rectification of the situation, and carry out key on-site inspections in the areas where the problems are reflected prominently.

(c) rectification summary (June). Summarize and sort out the problems found in the supervision, as appropriate, to take notification, regulatory interviews, administrative penalties and other ways to urge the implementation of rectification. For the discovery of other clues, according to the procedures transferred to the relevant departments. According to the self-examination and on-site supervision, timely summary of the work, the formation of a summary report, the relevant work recommendations and other reports to the National Energy Board.

VI. Work requirements

(a) Raise awareness and strengthen organizational leadership. Grid enterprises should attach great importance to this regulatory work, the implementation of personnel responsibilities, organizations to carry out self-examination, and actively cooperate with the work of on-site inspection, a clear leader in charge, specific departments responsible for the work and the contact person (see annex), and April 10 before the report to the Jiangsu Energy Regulatory Office.

(ii) Seriously carry out self-examination and actively cooperate with the supervision. Grid enterprises to seriously organize self-inspection, for self-inspection of the problems identified, to develop a detailed rectification plan, and clear specific rectification measures and timeframes. Actively cooperate with the Jiangsu Energy Regulatory Office to carry out on-site inspections, provide true and complete materials in a timely manner, without intentional delay, and shall not hinder or refuse the performance of duties by the regulators.

(C) adhere to the overall arrangement, strictly abide by the integrity and self-discipline. Jiangsu Energy Regulatory Office on-site inspection work should be arranged in an integrated manner, follow the provisions of the notice, adhere to the problem as the lead, the problems found in the inspection should be summarized in a timely manner, and put forward corrective comments. Strictly implement the central "eight provisions" requirements, conscientiously fulfill their duties, seek truth from facts, serious law enforcement, integrity.

Contact:Yang Rongzhu025-83115281

Mail 箱:[email protected]

Annex: Contact information sheet

Jiangsu Supervision Office of the National Energy Administration

April 3, 2024

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