Encourage photovoltaic enterprises to renew and upgrade high-end advanced equipment! Seven departments issued "to promote the implementation of equipment renewal program in the field of industrial

April 9, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance and other seven departments jointly issued "to promote the implementation of the implementation of equipment renewal in the industrial sector", "the program" puts forward, by 2027, the scale of investment in equipment in the industrial sector compared to 2023 increased by more than 25%, the penetration rate of digital R & D and design tools in industrial enterprises above designated size and the rate of CNC of key processes exceeded 90% respectively, 75%, the digital transformation of industrial enterprises in large industrial provinces and cities and key parks will be fully covered, the production capacity below the energy efficiency benchmark level in key industries will be basically withdrawn, the energy efficiency of major energy-using equipment will basically reach the energy-saving level, the level of intrinsic safety will be significantly improved, innovative products will be accelerated in popularization and application, and the proportion of advanced production capacity will continue to be increased.

The Program requires the updating and upgrading of high-end advanced equipment. For the aviation, photovoltaic, power battery, bio-fermentation and other production equipment in the overall medium-high level of the industry, encourage enterprises to update a number of high-tech, high-efficiency, high-reliability advanced equipment. Focus on promoting the aviation industry to carry out a comprehensive large aircraft, large-scale amphibious aircraft and aircraft engine assembly integration capabilities, supply chain support capabilities, etc.; photovoltaic industry to update the large hot field single crystal furnace, high line speed small axis distance multi-line cutting machine, all-in-one coating equipment, large size multi-master grid components such as string welder and other advanced equipment; power battery industry, the production of equipment to high-precision, high-speed, high reliability upgrades, focusing on the update of the Ultrasonic welding machine, laser welding machine, liquid injection machine, capacity-splitting cabinet and other equipment; bio-fermentation industry to implement the extraction and extraction process technology, update the evaporator, centrifuge, new drying system, continuous ion exchange equipment, etc..

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Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other seven departments on the issuance of the implementation of the program to promote the renewal of equipment in the industrial field of notice

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Joint Regulation [2024] No. 53

People's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, and the ministries and commissions of the State Council, as well as organizations directly under the Central Government:

The Implementation Program for Promoting Equipment Renewal in the Industrial Sector has been agreed by the State Council, and is hereby issued to you, please conscientiously implement it.

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT)

PRC National Development and Reform Commission

Ministry of Finance

People's Bank of China

general office of taxation

PRC State Administration of Market Supervision (SACM)

Financial Supervisory Authority

March 27, 2024

Implementation Program for Promoting Equipment Renewal in the Industrial Sector

Promoting large-scale equipment renewal in the industrial field is conducive to expanding effective investment, and is conducive to promoting the proportion of advanced production capacity to continue to improve, and is of great significance to accelerate the construction of a modernized industrial system. In order to implement the CPC Central Committee, the State Council decision-making and deployment, to promote the industrial sector equipment renewal and technological transformation, the following implementation program.

I. General requirements

To promote large-scale equipment renewal in the industrial field, it is necessary to take Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era as a guide, deeply implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, deploy in accordance with the Central Economic Work Conference and the fourth meeting of the Central Financial and Economic Commission, coordinate the expansion of domestic demand and deepen the structural reform of the supply-side, focus on the advancement of the new type of industrialization, take the renewal of large-scale equipment as a hand to carry out the project of upgrading the manufacturing industry's technological transformation and to digital transformation and green upgrading as the focus, to promote the high-end, intelligent and green development of the manufacturing industry, and to provide strong support for the development of new productive forces and the improvement of the quality and level of the national economic cycle.

--Adhere to market-oriented promotion. Adhere to the national unified market, give full play to the decisive role of the market in allocating resources, combine the differentiated needs of various types of equipment renewal in the industrial field, and rely on the market to provide diversified supplies and services. Better play the role of the government to create a policy environment conducive to the technological transformation and equipment renewal of enterprises.

--Adhere to the standardization of leadership. Strengthen the development and implementation of standards for technology, quality, energy consumption and emissions, and guide enterprises to eliminate outdated equipment, use advanced equipment, and improve production efficiency and technical level in accordance with the law. Considering the development of the industry and the actual market in an integrated manner, we will advance in a gradual and orderly manner.

--Adhering to the integration of software and hardware updating. Take the initiative to adapt to and lead the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change, actively promote a new generation of information technology to empower new industrialization, and focus on the iterative upgrading and innovative application of software systems while promoting the updating of hardware equipment.

By 2027, the scale of investment in equipment in the industrial sector will increase by more than 25% compared with 2023, the penetration rate of digital R&D and design tools and the rate of numerical control of key processes in industrial enterprises above the scale will exceed 90% and 75% respectively, the digitalization and transformation of industrial enterprises above the scale in large industrial provinces and cities and key parks will be fully covered, and the production capacity of key industries with energy efficiency below the baseline level will basically be withdrawn, The energy efficiency of major energy-using equipment has basically reached the energy-saving level, the level of intrinsic safety has been significantly improved, innovative products have been accelerated in popularization and application, and the proportion of advanced production capacity has been continuously improved.

II. Priority tasks

(i) Implementation of the Advanced Equipment Renewal Initiative

1. Accelerate the replacement of backward and inefficient equipment. For industrial machine tools, agricultural machinery, construction machinery, electric bicycles and other production equipment in the overall low level of the industry, to accelerate the elimination of backward and inefficient equipment, old equipment over the service life. Focus on promoting industrial machinery industry to update the service more than 10 years of machine tools, etc.; agricultural machinery industry to update the flexible shear, molding, welding, manufacturing production technology and equipment, etc.; construction machinery industry to update the hydraulic press, bending machine, process obsolete production lines and online testing equipment, etc.; instrumentation industry to update the numerical control machining equipment, testing equipment, etc.; textile industry to update the rotor spinning machine and other short-process textile equipment, spinner, automatic winding machine and other cotton spinning equipment. Textile industry to update the rotor spinning machine and other short process textile equipment, spinning machine, automatic winding machine and other cotton spinning equipment; electric bicycle industry to update the automatic welding robot, automated spraying and drying equipment, electric or pneumatic assembly equipment, insulation voltage tester, cyclic charging and discharging testers and so on.

2. Updating and upgrading high-end advanced equipment. For the aviation, photovoltaic, power battery, bio-fermentation and other production equipment in the overall medium-high level of the industry, encourage enterprises to update a number of high-tech, high-efficiency, high-reliability advanced equipment. Focus on promoting the aviation industry to carry out a comprehensive large aircraft, large-scale amphibious aircraft and aircraft engine assembly integration capabilities, supply chain support capabilities, etc.; photovoltaic industry to update the large hot field single crystal furnace, high line speed small axis distance multi-line cutting machine, all-in-one coating equipment, large size multi-master grid components such as string welder and other advanced equipment; power battery industry, the production of equipment to high-precision, high-speed, high reliability upgrades, focusing on the update of the Ultrasonic welding machine, laser welding machine, liquid injection machine, capacity-splitting cabinet and other equipment; bio-fermentation industry to implement the extraction and extraction process technology, update the evaporator, centrifuge, new drying system, continuous ion exchange equipment, etc..

3. Update and upgrade testing and inspection equipment. In key industries such as petrochemicals and chemicals, pharmaceuticals, ships and electronics, a number of advanced equipments have been updated to enhance engineering and industrialization capabilities around design validation, testing and validation, process validation and other testing and inspection links. Focus on promoting the design verification link to update the model manufacturing equipment, experimental analysis instruments and other advanced equipment; test verification link to update the mechanical testing, optical testing, environmental testing and other testing instruments; process verification link to update the environmental suitability test, reliability test, process verification test, safety test and other test equipment, as well as special sample making, material processing, electronic assembly, machining and other sample preparation and pilot production equipment; inspection and testing link to update the electronic measurement and testing equipment; test and inspection link to update the electronic measurement and testing and industrialization capabilities. equipment; inspection and testing links to update electronic measurement, non-destructive testing, intelligent testing and other instruments and equipment.

(ii) Implementation of digital transformation initiatives

4. Promote the application of intelligent manufacturing equipment. Focusing on the transformation of production operations, warehousing and logistics, quality control and other aspects, we will promote the updating of CNC machine tools and basic manufacturing equipment, additive manufacturing equipment, industrial robots, industrial control equipment, intelligent logistics equipment, sensing and testing equipment and other general intelligent manufacturing equipment. Focus on promoting the equipment manufacturing industry to update the intelligent complete production line and flexible production units for specific scenes; electronic information manufacturing industry to promote the integration and application of special intelligent manufacturing equipment and automated assembly lines for electronic products; raw materials manufacturing industry to speed up the deployment and application of new intelligent equipment such as unmanned transport vehicles, and to promote the intelligent transformation and upgrading of catalytic cracking, smelting and other major processes and equipment; consumer goods manufacturing industry to promote new modes of flexible production, personalized customization and other intelligent equipment. The consumer goods manufacturing industry to promote flexible production-oriented, personalized customization and other new modes of intelligent equipment.

5. Accelerate the construction of smart factories. Accelerate the deep integration of new-generation information technology with the whole process and elements of manufacturing, and promote breakthroughs in manufacturing technology, process innovation, lean management and business process reengineering. Promote the in-depth application of artificial intelligence, fifth-generation mobile communications (5G), edge computing and other new technologies in the manufacturing process, and form a number of typical scenarios, such as virtual testing and debugging, digital design of processes, and intelligent online testing. Promote the networking of equipment and digital links in the production chain, realize the coherence of production data, flexible manufacturing and intelligent management, and create a digital workshop. Carry out intelligent upgrading around the whole manufacturing process such as production, management and service, optimize the organizational structure and business processes, and build intelligent factories. Give full play to the role of the industrial Internet identification and resolution system, guide leading enterprises to drive upstream and downstream enterprises to synchronize transformation, and create a smart supply chain.

6. Strengthen the construction of digital infrastructure. It has accelerated the large-scale deployment of industrial Internet, Internet of Things, 5G, gigabit optical network and other new network infrastructures, and encouraged the transformation of the internal and external networks of industrial enterprises. It has built a system for converging industrial basic computing resources and application capabilities, accelerated the deployment of industrial edge data centers, constructed edge computing facilities for specific scenarios, and promoted the synergistic development of "cloud-side-end" computing power. Increase the supply of high-performance computing power, and build computing power centers in computing power hub nodes. Encourage large group enterprises and industrial parks to establish their own industrial Internet platforms.

(iii) Implementation of green equipment promotion actions

7. Accelerating the greening of production equipment. Promote the promotion and application of energy-saving and environmentally friendly green equipment in key energy-using industries and key segments. Iron and steel industry to speed up the existing blast furnace, converter, electric furnace and other whole process to carry out ultra-low emission transformation, and strive for environmental performance A; building materials industry to the existing cement, glass, building sanitary ceramics, glass fibers and other areas of pollution reduction and carbon reduction, energy saving and reduction of energy consumption as the focus of the transformation and upgrading of raw material preparation, kiln control, grinding and crushing of relevant equipment and technology; non-ferrous metal industry to speed up the high-efficiency and stable aluminum electrolysis, green and environmentally friendly copper smelting, Recycled metal smelting and other green, efficient and environmentally friendly equipment renewal and transformation; home appliances and other key light industry to speed up the second level and above the update of energy-efficient equipment.

8. Promote the upgrading of energy efficiency of key energy-using equipment. In accordance with the "Advanced Level of Energy Efficiency, Energy Saving Level and Access Level of Key Energy-Using Products and Equipment (2024 Edition)", focusing on upgrading the level of energy efficiency, we have been promoting the upgrading of key energy-using equipment such as boilers, electric motors, transformers, refrigeration and heating air compressors, heat exchangers, pumps and other key energy-using equipment in various fields such as industry, as well as the popularization of the application of energy-efficient equipment with energy efficiency of Grade 2 or above.

9. Accelerating the application of solid waste treatment and water conservation equipment. Focusing on major industrial solid waste-generating industries, it has updated and reformed processes that generate a high volume of industrial solid waste, upgraded equipment and facilities for the comprehensive utilization of industrial solid waste and renewable resources, and raised the level of the economical and intensive utilization of industrial resources. For the petrochemical and chemical industries, iron and steel, building materials, textiles, papermaking, leather, food and other industries that have introduced national standards for water intake (use) quotas, to promote industrial water conservation and wastewater recycling, to renovate the industrial cooling cycle system and wastewater treatment and reuse systems, and to update a number of cooling towers and other equipment.

(iv) Implementation of actions to improve the level of intrinsic safety

10. Promote the safety transformation of old petrochemical and chemical installations. Promote the application of continuous, micro-reaction, super-gravity reaction and other process technologies, reactor optimization and control, machine and pump predictive maintenance and other digital technologies, and update old coal gasifier, reactor (kettle), distillation tower, machine and pump, heat exchanger, storage tanks and other equipment. Properly resolve the old device process risk, high failure rate of dynamic equipment, static equipment leakage and other safety risks, to enhance the industry's intrinsic safety level.

11. Enhance the level of intrinsic safety in the civilian explosives industry. In order to promote industrial explosives, industrial electronic detonator production line technology upgrading and transformation as the focus, in order to unmanned hazardous jobs as the goal, the implementation of "mechanization for man, automation, manpower reduction" and "robots instead of people" project, and increase the promotion and application of safety technology and equipment. The project will increase the popularization and application of safety technology and equipment. Emphasis has been placed on the upgrading of fixed production lines for industrial explosives, on-site mixed explosives production points and on-site mixed explosives vehicles, and detonator filling and assembly production lines.

12. Promote the application of advanced and applicable safety equipment. We will increase the promotion and application of safety equipment in key areas, and promote the upgrading and equipping of safety and emergency monitoring and early warning, fire-fighting systems and equipment, intelligent equipment for safety and emergency response, and individual protective equipment at the level of society as a whole. Focusing on key scenarios such as industrial production and safety accidents, earthquakes and geological disasters, flooding disasters, urban flooding disasters, urban special scenarios of fires, forest and grassland fires, emergency life-saving, and community and family safety emergencies, the promotion and application of advanced and reliable safety equipment is under way.

III. Safeguards

(i) Increase financial and tax support. Increase financial support for equipment renewal and technological transformation in the industrial sector, and include eligible key projects in the central budget investment and other financial support. Increase the energy-saving, water conservation, environmental protection, safety and production of special equipment tax incentives to support the digitalization of intelligent transformation into the scope of preferential.

(ii) Strengthening standards leadership. A number of energy-saving and carbon-reducing, environmental protection, safety, recycling and other relevant standards have been formulated and revised around key industries and fields, industrial energy-saving and green standardization actions have been implemented, the Catalogue of Advanced Safety and Emergency Equipment (Promotion) has been formulated, and the Recommended Catalogue of Energy-Saving and Carbon-Reducing Technologies and Equipment in the Field of National Industry and Informatization has been promoted, guiding enterprises to implement equipment updating and technological transformation in line with the advanced standards.

(iii) Strengthening financial support. It has set up special refinancing for scientific and technological innovation and technological transformation, and guided financial institutions to strengthen their support for equipment renewal and technological transformation. It will give full play to the role of the National Industry Integration Cooperation Platform, prepare a guiding plan for the technological transformation and upgrading of industrial enterprises, strengthen the docking between banks and enterprises, recommend to financial institutions key technological transformation projects with financing needs, and increase the investment of medium- and long-term loans in the manufacturing industry.

(d) Strengthening factor protection. Localities are encouraged to strengthen the guarantee of factor resources for enterprise technology transformation projects, to include technology transformation projects involving land and energy in the scope of priority protection, and to promote the commitment filing system and simplify the preliminary approval procedures for technology transformation projects that do not add new land and are based on the updating of equipment.

The competent department of industry and information technology in each region is responsible for the organization and implementation of the work of equipment renewal in the industrial field in the region, to improve the working mechanism, do a good job of policy interpretation, strengthen the synergy, strengthen the central and local linkage, the establishment of a key project library, and promote the implementation of the tasks in detail.

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