Measures for the Supervision of Fully Guaranteed Purchase of Renewable Energy Electricity will soon come into force

On March 18, the National Development and Reform Commission announced the Measures for the Supervision of Fully Guaranteed Acquisition of Renewable Energy Power (hereinafter referred to as the Measures). The Measures apply to wind power, solar power, biomass power, ocean energy, geothermal power and other non-water renewable energy generation, and will come into force on April 1st.

  The relevant person in charge of the National Energy Board introduced, with the new power system construction continues to promote and power market reform in-depth, China's renewable energy development of the macro-environment, the industry situation and the acquisition of renewable energy power has undergone profound changes, September 1, 2007 came into force of the "full acquisition of renewable energy power grid enterprises to regulate the approach" part of the provisions are difficult to meet the current energy industry regulation Some provisions of the Measures for the Regulation of Full Acquisition of Renewable Energy Power by Grid Enterprises, which came into effect on September 1, 2007, are difficult to meet the current energy industry regulation. In addition to revising the name, the Measures further clarify the scope of guaranteed acquisition and refine the division of responsibilities of the relevant members of the power market.

  The Measures make it clear that the feed-in tariffs of renewable energy power generation projects include the guaranteed acquisition tariffs and the market traded tariffs. Guaranteed acquisition of power refers to the power market related members should assume the obligation to acquire power in accordance with the national renewable energy consumption guarantee mechanism, the proportion of the target and other relevant provisions. Market-traded power refers to the power whose price is formed through market-oriented methods, and the relevant members of the power market, such as power-selling enterprises and power users, shall jointly assume the responsibility of acquisition.

  According to the Measures, renewable energy power generation projects that meet at least the following conditions simultaneously for feed-in tariffs can be included in the scope of full guaranteed buyout, i.e., they are in line with the planning of renewable energy development and utilization (except for biogas power generation), the projects have obtained administrative licenses or have been submitted for recordation in accordance with the law, and they comply with the grid-connected technical standards.

  The Measures make it clear that power grid enterprises, power dispatching institutions, power trading institutions should, in accordance with relevant national policy requirements, organize renewable energy power generation enterprises, power sales enterprises and power users and other relevant members of the electricity market, in accordance with the relevant division of labor to complete the full guaranteed acquisition of renewable energy power.

  Among them, power grid enterprises should organize relevant members of the power market to ensure that the guaranteed acquisition of renewable energy power generation project power consumption; power trading institutions should organize relevant members of the power market to promote the participation of renewable energy power generation projects in the market transactions; power scheduling agencies should implement the requirements of the guaranteed power acquisition policy for renewable energy power generation projects, and to ensure that the market has reached the implementation of the contract for trading power.

  The Measures require that power grid enterprises shall, in accordance with relevant planning and regulatory requirements, coordinate the construction or transformation of supporting grid facilities for renewable energy power generation projects. Grid enterprises and renewable energy power generation enterprises should strengthen coordination, according to the project construction of a reasonable period of time to arrange the construction schedule, and strive to achieve simultaneous commissioning.

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