ONS: Energy production in January-February 2024

In January-February, the production of raw coal by industries above designated size (hereinafter referred to as regulated industries) declined, while the production of crude oil, natural gas and electricity grew steadily.

I. Crude coal, crude oil and natural gas production and related information

Raw coal production declined, imports grew faster. 1-2 months, the regulation industry raw coal production 710 million tons, down 4.2%, in December of the previous year for an increase of 1.9%; average daily production of 11.75 million tons. Imported coal 74.52 million tons, an increase of 22.9%, continue to maintain faster growth.

Crude oil production steady growth, import growth rate accelerated. 1-2 months, the regulation of industrial crude oil production of 35.11 million tons, an increase of 2.9%, the growth rate than in December last year slowed down by 1.7 percentage points; average daily production of 585,000 tons. Imported crude oil 88.31 million tons, an increase of 5.1%, the growth rate than in December last year accelerated by 4.5 percentage points.

Crude oil processing growth rate has accelerated. 1-2 months, the regulation of industrial crude oil processing 118.76 million tons, an increase of 3.0%, the growth rate than in December last year accelerated by 1.9 percentage points; average daily processing 1.979 million tons.

Natural gas production growth rate accelerated, imports to maintain faster growth. 1-2 months, the regulation of industrial natural gas production of 41.7 billion cubic meters, an increase of 5.9%, the growth rate than in December last year accelerated by 3.0 percentage points; the average daily output of 6.9 billion cubic meters. Imported natural gas 22.1 million tons, an increase of 23.6%, the growth rate than the previous year in December slowed down 0.1 percentage points.

II. Electricity production

Electricity production remained stable. 1-2 months, regulated industrial power generation 148.7 billion kWh, an increase of 8.3%, the growth rate than the previous year in December accelerated by 0.3 percentage points; average daily power generation 24.78 billion kWh.

Sub-species, 1-2 months, industrial thermal power growth accelerated, hydropower, wind power, solar power growth slowed down, nuclear power from decline to rise. Among them, the industrial thermal power growth of 9.7%, the growth rate than in December last year accelerated by 0.4 percentage points; industrial hydropower growth of 0.8%, the growth rate slowed down by 1.7 percentage points; industrial nuclear power growth of 3.5%, in December last year for the decline of 4.2%; industrial wind power growth of 5.8%, the growth rate slowed down by 1.6 Percentage points; industrial solar power growth of 15.4%, the growth rate slowed down by 1.8 percentage points.


1. Interpretation of indicators

Average daily product output: It is calculated by dividing the total output of industrial enterprises above designated size published in the month by the number of calendar days in the month.

2. Statistical coverage

The statistical caliber of the production data in the report are all above-scale industries, and its statistical scope is industrial enterprises with annual main business income of 20 million yuan and above.

As the scope of industrial enterprises above designated size changes every year, in order to ensure that the data of the current year is comparable with the previous year, the number of the same period used to calculate the year-on-year growth rate of product output and other indicators is consistent with the scope of enterprise statistics of the current period, and the caliber differences in the data published in the previous year.

3. Data sources

Import data is from the General Administration of Customs, of which January-February 2024 data is flash data.

4. Natural gas unit conversion relationship: 1 ton is approximately equal to 1,380 cubic meters.

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