National Energy Administration Releases Statistical Survey System for Renewable Energy Utilization

On November 14, the National Energy Board on the issuance of "renewable energy utilization statistics survey system" notice (National Energy Development New Energy [2023] No. 74), the notice is as follows:

Provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) Energy Bureau, relevant provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Development and Reform Commission, State Grid Corporation, China Southern Power Grid Corporation, Inner Mongolia Electric Power (Group) Limited Liability Company, relevant central power generation enterprises, the China Electricity Council, the China Renewable Energy Society, the China Circular Economy Association, the National Renewable Energy Information Management Center, the National Geothermal Energy Center, local independent power grid companies, geothermal energy development and utilization enterprises. Center, National Geothermal Energy Center, local independent power grid companies, geothermal energy development and utilization enterprises:

According to the relevant regulations and work needs, we have revised the statistical reporting system of renewable energy power generation utilization and formed the "Statistical Survey System of Renewable Energy Utilization" (hereinafter referred to as the "Statistical Survey System"), which has been approved by the National Bureau of Statistics (NSB) (NSB [2023] No. 114), and is hereby issued and implemented. All units are requested to organize and implement it seriously, and do the statistical data reporting work in a true, accurate and complete manner in strict accordance with the requirements of the Statistical Survey System.

The monthly report of the Statistical Survey System is submitted in electronic form to the Department of New and Renewable Energy of the National Energy Administration (NEA) according to the original channel, and the annual report is submitted in both paper and electronic form. The Statistical Survey System can be downloaded from the website of the National Energy Administration ( Please contact the Department of New and Renewable Energy of the NEA for any information and comments during the implementation process.

System of statistical surveys on renewable energy utilization

This reporting system is formulated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Statistics Law of the People's Republic of China. Article 7 of the Statistics Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates that the subjects of statistical surveys, such as State organs, enterprises, institutions and other organizations, as well as individual industrial and commercial households and individuals, must, in accordance with this Law and the relevant provisions of the State, provide the information required for statistical surveys in a truthful, accurate, complete and timely manner, and may not provide untrue or incomplete statistical information, or report late or refuse to report statistical information.

Article 9 of the Statistics Law of the People's Republic of China provides that statistical organizations and statisticians shall keep confidential the State secrets, commercial secrets and personal information they learn about in the course of their statistical work.

Article 25 of the Statistics Law of the People's Republic of China provides that information obtained in the course of statistical surveys that can identify or infer the identity of individual statistical survey respondents shall not be made available to the public, disclosed, or used for purposes other than statistics by any unit or individual.

I. General remarks

(i) Purpose of the survey

In order to comprehensively and timely understand the basic situation of national renewable energy production, consumption, supply and marketing, to strengthen the monitoring and supervision of renewable energy operation, to provide a basis for the energy management department and relevant government departments to formulate policies and planning, and to monitor the operation of the industry, we have formulated this survey system.

(ii) Survey respondents and statistical coverage

The survey system involves the local energy authorities, the State Grid Corporation, the Southern Power Grid Corporation, China Huaneng Group Corporation, China Huadian Group Corporation, China Datang Group Corporation, National Energy Investment Corporation, State Power Investment Corporation, China Three Gorges Corporation, China General Nuclear Power Corporation, China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Corporation, China Resources (Group) Company, China National Investment Corporation, China Wind Power Group Corporation and other renewable energy development and investment enterprises. Power Company, Guohua Energy Investment Company Limited, China Wind Power Group Limited and other renewable energy development and investment enterprises.

Depending on the content of the survey, the corresponding statistical scope is shown in the table of contents of the statement.

(iii) Content of the survey

The statistical content of this survey system is the basic data on renewable energy production and consumption at the national level.

(iv) Frequency and duration of surveys

All statements are periodic, and the reporting periods are categorized as monthly or annual, with the specific time requirements for each table shown in the table of contents.

(v) Survey methodology

The survey methodology of this system is a key survey, and each unit should organize and implement it carefully and submit it in a comprehensive and timely manner in accordance with the stipulated statistical scope, calculation method, statistical calibre, table of contents, units subject to the table and reporting procedures.

(vi) Organization and implementation

New and Renewable Energy Division of the National Energy Board in accordance with this system to organize the renewable energy industry related units to jointly establish the energy industry monitoring and statistical system, each unit according to the different tasks division of labor, respectively, to complete their respective data submission.

(vii) Submission requirements

The reporting period, reporting unit, filing date, and reporting channel of each statement are shown in the table of contents of the statement.

(viii) Quality control

This system provides quality management and control for all aspects of the statistical business process. The Department of New and Renewable Energy organizes the audit of data, mainly through the system audit and personal audit method of reasonableness checking. The first is the self-audit of enterprises when reporting, including the system's built-in automatic audit function to check the reasonableness of the data and the manual audit of the reporting personnel and their unit leaders, and the second is the verification and audit of the statements by the Department of New and Renewable Energies and the final confirmation to ensure that the data are complete and accurate.

(ix) Timing and channels of publication of key statistical indicators

This statistical survey system serves the management needs of the renewable energy industry. Statistics on power generation, production, processing, inventory and sales are not summarized or released to the public.

(x) Content, mode, timeframe, channel, responsible unit and responsible person for sharing statistical information

Monthly Energy Data" is prepared every month and shared to all divisions, institutions directly under the National Energy Administration (NEA) and dispatched organizations through the NEA intranet. The responsible unit is the Department of New and Renewable Energy of the National Energy Administration, and the responsible person is the head of the Department of New and Renewable Energy of the National Energy Administration.

(xi) Utilization of unit inventories

Statistical survey respondents use the sectoral directory of basic units.

II. Table of contents of the statements

III. Questionnaire format

(i) Grid-connected operation of wind power

Person in charge of the organization: person in charge of statistics: person filling in the form: telephone number: date of reporting:

Note: 1. Statistical scope: all wind farms in the region.

2. Reporting units: by the State Grid Corporation, the Southern Power Grid Corporation, the Inner Mongolia Power Company and local independent power grid companies.

3. This table is common to monthly and annual reports.

4. Submission time: monthly report by the 10th of the following month, and annual report by the 10th of March of the following year.

(ii) Grid-connected operation of photovoltaic power generation

Person in charge of the organization: person in charge of statistics: person filling in the form: telephone number: date of reporting:

Note: 1. Scope of statistics: all photovoltaic power generation projects in the region.

2. Reporting units: by the State Grid Corporation, the Southern Power Grid Corporation, the Inner Mongolia Power Company and local independent power grid companies.

3. This table is common to monthly and annual reports.

4. Submission time: monthly report by the 10th of the following month, and annual report by the 10th of March of the following year.

(iii) Grid-connected operation of photovoltaic power generation

Person in charge of the organization: person in charge of statistics: person filling in the form: telephone number: date of reporting:

Note: 1. Statistical scope: all photovoltaic power generation projects in the region.

2. Reporting units: by the State Grid Corporation, the Southern Power Grid Corporation, the Inner Mongolia Power Company and local independent power grid companies.

3. This table is common to monthly and annual reports.

4. Submission time: monthly report by the 10th of the following month, and annual report by the 10th of March of the following year.

(iv) Grid-connected operation of biomass power generation

Person in charge of the organization: person in charge of statistics: person filling in the form: telephone number: date of reporting:

Note: 1. Statistical scope: all biomass power generation projects in the region.

2. Reporting units: by the State Grid Corporation, the Southern Power Grid Corporation, the Inner Mongolia Power Company and local independent power grid companies.

3. This table is common to monthly and annual reports.

4. Submission time: monthly report by the 10th of the following month, and annual report by the 10th of March of the following year.

(v) Utilization of biomass molding fuels

Person in charge of the organization: person in charge of statistics: person filling in the form: telephone number: date of reporting:

Note: 1. Statistical scope: all biomass molding fuel production and application projects in the region.

2. Reporting units: biomass molding fuel utilization enterprises across the country.

3. This table is an annual report.

4. Submission time: before March 10 of the following year.

(vi) Wind power equipment

(vii) Biomass power generation equipment

Note: 1. Scope of statistics: all biomass power generation projects commissioned by this enterprise in the same year.

2. Reporting unit: China Electricity Council.

3. Fill in the requirements:

(1) Organization code should only be filled in to the Biomass Power Generation Corporation.

(2) Equipment models are filled in strictly according to the equipment nameplate.

4. This table is an annual report.

5. Submission time: before March 10 of the following year.

(viii) Development and utilization of geothermal energy

Note: 1. Statistical scope: all geothermal energy development and utilization projects in the region.

2. Reporting units: local energy authorities and thermal energy development and utilization enterprises throughout the country.

3. This table is an annual report.

4. Time of submission: by March 10 of the following year.

IV. Interpretation of key indicators

1. Average equipment capacity: the capacity of a generating unit averaged over calendar time during the reporting period.

Average Equipment Capacity = ΣGenerating Unit Capacity x the number of hours during the reporting period that the unit constituted the plant's generating equipment / the number of calendar hours during the reporting period.

2. Power generation: refers to the amount of electrical energy produced by a power plant (generating unit) during the reporting period, which is the amount of active electrical energy produced by the generating unit through the processing and conversion of primary energy sources, i.e., the product of the active power (kilowatts) that the generator actually sends out and the time that the generator is actually in operation. Dispatch-caliber power generation refers to the sum of power generation by generating units within the scope of grid dispatch during the reporting period; full-caliber power generation refers to the sum of power generation by all generating units in the country during the reporting period.

3. On-grid power: the amount of power produced and purchased by the power plant during the reporting period for transmission (sale) to the grid, i.e., the sum of the power read by the meters at the various metering gates of the power plant's grid-connected points as determined by the plant and network agreement.

4. Average utilization hours: an indicator reflecting the degree of equipment utilization of power generating equipment according to nameplate capacity.

Average utilization hours of power generation equipment = power generation / average capacity of power generation equipment

(Note: Power generation in this formula does not include commissioning power)

5. Power generation and production of plant electricity: the amount of electricity consumed in the production of electrical energy in power plants.

(Note: Indicators 1-5, wind power, photovoltaic power, biomass power are applicable)

6. Abandoned wind power: refers to the power that can be sent by wind farms but cannot be sent due to factors such as the transmission channel of the power grid or the need for safe operation. It does not include the amount of electricity that the wind farm fails to issue due to the failure of the wind turbine's own equipment.

The specific calculation method is in accordance with the relevant provisions of the former ERC's Measures for Calculating Abandoned Wind Power from Wind Farms (for Trial Implementation).

7. Wind power wind abandonment rate: refers to the ratio of the amount of electricity that can be generated but not issued by the wind farm (wind abandonment electricity) to the total amount of electricity that should be generated due to the influence of factors such as grid transmission channels or safe operation needs.

Wind power abandonment rate = wind power abandonment / (actual wind power generation + wind power abandonment)

8. Abandoned photovoltaic power from centralized power stations and photovoltaic power stations: refers to the amount of power that can be sent from centralized photovoltaic power stations but cannot be sent out due to the influence of factors such as the transmission channel of the power grid or the need for safe operation. It does not include the amount of electricity that cannot be issued due to the failure of the PV power station's own equipment.

9. Centralized power station and photovoltaic power station abandoned light rate: refers to the ratio of the amount of electricity that can be sent but not sent out from the centralized photovoltaic power station (the amount of abandoned light from the centralized power station) to the total amount of electricity that should be sent out due to the influence of factors such as the transmission channel of the power grid or the need for safe operation.

Centralized power station discard rate = centralized power station discarded photovoltaic power / (actual PV power generation + discarded photovoltaic power)

10. Commissioning date: refers to the production capacity of the construction project according to the provisions of the plan in the year all completed, accepted or reached the completion of the acceptance criteria (the introduction of the project and should be in accordance with the provisions of the contract after the test production assessment to meet the acceptance criteria, confirmed by both parties to sign the official handover of production or delivery of the time of use. Wind power, solar power: fill in the time according to the grid.

11. Average heat storage hours = ∑Photovoltaic power station capacity × the number of hours of heat storage at this station / ∑Total regional photovoltaic power generation capacity.

12. Agricultural and forestry biomass direct combustion power generation projects: refers to crop residues, agricultural processing residues, forestry "three leftovers" as raw materials, direct combustion or gasification power generation projects.

13. Waste incineration power generation project: refers to the city's domestic waste as the main raw material, in a special waste incinerator directly after combustion power generation project.

14. Biogas power generation project: refers to the use of crop residues, animal manure, urban and rural garbage, industrial organic wastewater, sludge and other organic materials in anaerobic conditions after microbial fermentation to generate biogas combustion power generation projects.

15. Other projects: refers to bagasse power generation and other self-generated self-consumption, not enjoying the national renewable energy tariff subsidies for biomass power generation projects.

16. Biomass molding fuel: refers to agricultural and forestry biomass (crop residues and agricultural processing residues, "forestry three leftovers", etc.) as raw materials, through specialized equipment in a specific process under the conditions of physical compression processing of particles, rods, blocks, and other fixed shape of the fuel.

17. Biomass molding fuel production: defined by the scope of the administrative area, refers to the amount of biomass molding fuel produced in the reporting period within the administrative area.

18. Biomass molding fuel production discounted standard coal: defined by the scope of the administrative region, refers to the administrative scope of the amount of biomass molding fuel produced during the reporting period in accordance with the calorific value of the amount of standard coal.

19. Biomass molding fuel utilization: defined by the scope of the administrative area, refers to the amount of biomass molding fuel utilized in the reporting period within the administrative area.

20. Biomass molding fuel production discounted standard coal: defined by the scope of the administrative region, refers to the amount of biomass molding fuel utilized within the administrative scope of the reporting period in accordance with the calorific value of the amount of standard coal.

21. Type of project construction: refers to the construction method of biomass power generation projects, including new projects, expansion projects, transformation projects (transformation of coal-fired, oil-fired, gas-fired and other fossil energy power generation projects into biomass power generation projects)

22. Boiler type: refers to the type of boiler selected for the biomass power generation project. The boiler type of the direct-fired biomass power generation project in agriculture and forestry mainly includes grate furnace, circulating fluidized bed boiler, etc., and there are corresponding special boiler types for waste incineration power generation project and biogas power generation project.

23. Organizational code: fill in the unit code in the Statistical Registration Certificate issued by the local Bureau of Statistics; fill in the Organizational Structure Code of the People's Republic of China issued by the Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision in strict accordance with the code.

24. Medium and deep geothermal energy: This refers to geothermal energy that is contained in groundwater and is exploited and utilized through natural channels or artificially drilled wells. The temperature is generally above 25 degrees Celsius, and the depth of burial is between 200 and 4,000 meters.

25. Shallow geothermal energy: it refers to the thermal energy contained in the rock and soil bodies, groundwater and surface water at a certain depth below the earth's surface (generally less than 200 meters), which is generated by the joint action of energy conduction within the earth and solar radiation, and is generally at a temperature of less than 25 degrees Celsius.

26. Soil-source heat pumps: Underground heat exchangers are formed through buried pipes, using soil as a low-temperature heat source, and the low-grade shallow geothermal energy contained in the soil is utilized through the heat pump device to supply heating and cooling for buildings.

27. Groundwater-source heat pumps: Groundwater is extracted and used as a low-temperature heat source, from which heat or cold is extracted using a heat pump device for building heating or cooling, and then the groundwater is recharged back into the ground.

28. Surface water source heat pump: rivers, lakes, lakes, seawater as a source of heat and cold, the use of heat pump devices from which to extract heat or cold for building heating or cooling.

29. Reclaimed water (sewage) source heat pump: the sewage treatment plant treated reclaimed water or raw sewage as a low-temperature heat source, the use of heat pump devices from which to extract heat or cold for building heating or cooling.

30. Medium- and high-temperature geothermal power generation: the process of generating electricity using medium-temperature geothermal fluids with temperatures between 90 and 150°C or high-temperature geothermal fluids with temperatures higher than 150°C.

31. Low- and medium-temperature geothermal power generation: the process of generating electricity using low-temperature geothermal fluids with temperatures between 25 and 90 degrees Celsius.

32. Dry-heat rock power generation: the use of buried depth between 3000-10000m, the temperature is higher than 200 ℃, there is no internal fluid or only a small amount of underground fluid has a greater economic value of the thermal storage of the rock body for power generation process.

33. Medium and deep geothermal energy heating: the process of using geothermal fluids with a temperature higher than 25°C and a depth of between 200 and 4,000 m for heating.

34. Shallow geothermal energy heating/cooling: the process of heating/cooling through heat pumps utilizing the thermal energy in the rock and soil bodies, groundwater and surface water within a shallow range of 200 m below the earth's surface.

35. Geothermal energy power generation, medium-depth geothermal energy heating, and shallow geothermal energy heating/cooling data are provided by local energy authorities in accordance with the geothermal information management platform (for relevant requirements, see the Notice on Accelerating the Informationization Management of Projects for the Development and Utilization of Geothermal Energy (Guoaneng Zongtongxineng [2022] No. 83)).

36. Calculation method of the amount of standard coal replaced by geothermal energy for heating/cooling: Q=P×h, where: P is the heating/cooling load of the building, and the heating load refers to the specification for geothermal investigation of geothermal resources (GB/T 11615-2010) with a value of 50W/m2; and the cooling load refers to the Practical Heating and Air-conditioning Design Manual with a value of 150W/m2. h is the annual heating/cooling time, and the recommendation for a single heating project is 4 months; and the sum of the heating and cooling time of a heating/cooling project is 6 months. The sum of heating and cooling time of the heating/cooling project is suggested to be 6 months. The amount of standard coal replaced by heating and cooling for heating/cooling projects is calculated separately. The above methods are for reference, and can be optimized and adjusted according to the actual situation in each place. (Example: a place in the north, with a 4-month heating season, 10,000 square meters of heat supply Q = 10,000 × 50 × 4 × 30 × 24 × 3600 = 5,184,000 MJ; 1 kilogram of standard coal has a heat capacity of 29.307 MJ, which translates into 177 tons of standard coal per 10,000 square meters of heat supply per heating season.)


(i) List of specific statistical information provided to national statistical offices

Monthly/annual statistics: renewable energy power generation, year-on-year, and renewable energy utilization, nationally, by region, and by species (wind power, photovoltaic power, photovoltaic power, photovoltaic power, biomass power, geothermal power).

(ii) List of statistical information provided to the Statistical Information Sharing Database (SISDAT)

Monthly statistics: national electricity generation from renewable energy sources such as wind power and photovoltaic and year-on-year.

Comprehensive Department of the National Energy Administration

Issued November 2, 2023

Source: National Energy Administration

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