The new version of the "Management Measures for the Development and Construction of Distributed Photovoltaic Power Generation" is here!

October 10, the National Energy Board Comprehensive Division on the public solicitation of "distributed photovoltaic power generation development and construction management measures (draft)" notice of the views.

The "Exposure Draft" has seven chapters, the distributed PV industry management, record management, construction management, grid access, operation management and other aspects of the clear instructions, which part of the key content collated see below:

[Classification of distributed photovoltaic power generation] Distributed photovoltaic power generation is categorized into four types, namely, household use by natural persons, household use by non-natural persons, general industrial and commercial, and large-scale industrial and commercial.

Distributed photovoltaic power generation on-line mode] Distributed photovoltaic power generation on-line mode includes full on-line, all self-generated self-consumption, self-generated self-consumption surplus power on-line three kinds.

The electricity feed-in of full feed-in and self-generation and self-consumption residual power feed-in modes shall be fairly traded in the market in accordance with the relevant requirements. Where self-generation and self-consumption are involved, the power user and the power generation project shall be located within the red line of the same land title, or the power user and the investor of the power generation project shall be the same legal entity.

Natural person household, non-natural person household distributed photovoltaic can choose full Internet access, all self-generated self-consumption or self-generated self-consumption residual power Internet access mode; general industrial and commercial distributed photovoltaic can choose all self-generated self-consumption or self-generated self-consumption residual power Internet access mode; large-scale industrial and commercial distributed photovoltaic must choose all self-generation and self-consumption mode, and the project investment main body should realize the power generation all self-generation and self-consumption through the configuration of anti-reversing current device.

Industry management, [local specific implementation] county-level energy authorities should work with relevant departments to actively promote the development and utilization of distributed photovoltaic within the jurisdiction. Distributed photovoltaic development should respect the will of the building owner, all localities shall not control the roof and other distributed photovoltaic development resources in the form of franchise operation, and shall not restrict the participation of all types of qualified investment subjects in distributed photovoltaic power generation development and construction on an equal footing. The use of agricultural residential construction, should obtain the consent of farmers, effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of farmers, shall not be contrary to the wishes of farmers, forced to lease the use of agricultural residential.

Provincial energy authorities in accordance with the National Energy Board on renewable energy projects file card requirements, relying on the national renewable energy power generation project information management platform, to organize and carry out distributed photovoltaic power generation project file card work. Distributed photovoltaic power generation projects should be completed within one month of the completion of grid connection, to complete the filing card filling work.

The provincial energy authorities shall organize energy authorities at all levels, power grid enterprises and other relevant units to carry out distributed PV power generation access grid carrying capacity and enhancement measures assessment in accordance with the relevant standards and norms on a quarterly basis, based on the scale of distributed PV, the level of power system load, the flexible adjustment capacity, power equipment capacity and other factors to establish the distribution grid can be opened up to quarterly release and early warning mechanism to guide the scientific and rational layout of distributed PV power generation. and early warning mechanism to guide the scientific and rational layout of distributed PV power generation.

For the record, with the construction conditions, submit grid application distributed PV power generation scale more than the open capacity, the provincial energy department shall organize the grid enterprises and relevant parties to analyze the reasons, by increasing the grid upgrading and reconstruction efforts, the configuration of the flexible adjustment capacity and other measures to effectively enhance the grid carrying capacity.

[Prohibited Actions] Grid enterprises shall be fair and non-discriminatory to the distributed photovoltaic power generation project investment subject to provide grid access services, shall not engage in the following behaviors: (a) without justifiable reasons to refuse the project investment subject to apply for access, or delayed access to the system; (b) refused to provide access to the main body of the project investment grid must be informed of the access location of the distribution network, the available capacity, the actual capacity of the use of the capacity, the outgoing line way, number of available intervals and other necessary information; (iii) for power generation facilities constructed in compliance with national requirements, in addition to the necessary technical requirements to ensure the safe operation of the grid and equipment, access to the applicable technical requirements higher than the national and industry technical standards and norms; (iv) charging unreasonable service fees in violation of the law; and (v) other violations of the fair and open access to the power grid.

[Access system design] The main body of the distributed PV power generation project investment should meet the safe operation of the power grid under the premise of the overall consideration of the construction conditions, grid access points and other factors, combined with the actual and reasonable choice of access system design program. Distributed PV power generation projects for households of natural persons shall be provided with access system related programs by grid enterprises free of charge, other types of distributed PV power generation projects shall carry out access system design work, and distributed PV for households of non-natural persons shall be encouraged to access the grid in a centralized convergence manner. Grid enterprises should be in accordance with relevant industry standards, according to the access system design requirements, timely and one-time to provide the access system design required to carry out the current status of the power grid, power grid planning, access conditions and other basic information. If it is indeed impossible to provide timely, the power grid enterprise shall inform the project investment subject in writing and explain the reasons. All parties shall standardize the provision and use of relevant information in accordance with national requirements on information security and confidentiality.

[Investment interface] Grid enterprises, distributed PV power generation project investment main body should be based on the property rights demarcation point to determine the access system engineering (including convergence station, boosting station, the same below) the investment interface division, according to the property rights relationship, respectively, to strengthen the public power grid, the user's internal power grid investment construction and renovation and upgrading, to ensure that the newly built distributed PV power generation project to achieve "can be observed, can be measured, can be adjusted, can be controlled" to enhance the distributed PV power generation access grid carrying capacity and regulation ability. To ensure that the newly built distributed PV power generation projects can realize "observable, measurable, adjustable and controllable", and to enhance the carrying capacity and regulation ability of distributed PV power generation accessing the power grid. Grid enterprises shall measure all power generation and feed-in power of distributed PV power generation projects, and provide and install metering meters free of charge.

Distributed photovoltaic power generation project investor using centralized convergence mode to achieve access to the grid, the grid enterprise is responsible for providing distributed photovoltaic power generation project and the public grid connection point, the relevant convergence facilities, grid connection facilities in principle by the power generation project investor to invest in the construction and operation and maintenance.

[Agreement Signing] The investor of the distributed photovoltaic power generation project with full Internet access and self-generation and self-consumption of surplus power for Internet access shall sign a power purchase and sale contract with the grid enterprise before grid connection and commissioning, and all kinds of distributed photovoltaic projects shall also sign a "Grid Connection and Scheduling Agreement" with the grid enterprise before grid connection and commissioning, with reference to the "New Energy Station Grid Connection and Scheduling Agreement Model Text" and the "Model Text of Power Purchase and Sale Contract", which may be simplified by consensus of the two parties. The content of the relevant clauses can be simplified after consensus between the two parties. According to the relevant regulations, distributed photovoltaic is exempted from power business license.

Distributed photovoltaic participation in the electricity market] Distributed photovoltaic power generation projects participate in the electricity market in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State. The state establishes and improves the institutional mechanism to support the sustainable development of new energy, and each region formulates corresponding supporting policies in light of the development of distributed PV power generation and the progress of the construction of the power market. Distributed photovoltaic power generation projects can participate in power market transactions independently or through microgrids, source network, load and storage integration, virtual power plant aggregation and other ways of fair participation in electric energy, auxiliary services and other types of power market transactions.

See below for full text:

Notice of the Comprehensive Department of the National Energy Administration on Publicly Soliciting Opinions on Administrative Measures for the Development and Construction of Distributed Photovoltaic Power Generation (Draft for Opinion)

According to the new situation and new tasks and new requirements faced by the distributed PV power generation industry, in order to further promote the healthy and sustainable development of distributed PV power generation, the Bureau has organized and drafted the "Management Measures for the Development and Construction of Distributed Photovoltaic Power Generation (Draft for Opinion)", and solicited opinions from relevant parties. It is now open to the public for comments from October 9, 2024 to November 8, 2024. Relevant organizations and people from all walks of life are welcome to put forward their valuable opinions and suggestions, and feedback them to the New Energy Division of the Bureau by e-mail or fax.

Thank you for your participation and support!

Contact: 010-81929501 (fax), [email protected]

Annex: Management Measures for the Development and Construction of Distributed Photovoltaic Power Generation (Exposure Draft)

Comprehensive Department of the National Energy Administration

October 9, 2024

attachment (email)

Management Measures for the Development and Construction of Distributed Photovoltaic Power Generation

(exposure draft)

Chapter I. General provisions

Article 1 [Purpose and Basis for Preparation] In order to promote the high-quality development of distributed photovoltaic power generation and help build a new type of power system, according to the "Renewable Energy Law of the People's Republic of China", "The General Office of the State Council Transmits the National Development and Reform Commission of the National Energy Administration on the Promotion of the Implementation of the Implementation Plan for the High-quality Development of New Energy Resources in the New Era", "Interim Measures for the Administration of Distributed Power Generation", "Measures for the Fair Opening of the Grid and Supervision" and other relevant regulations The Government of the People's Republic of China has formulated the present measures.

Article 2 [Definition of Distributed Photovoltaic Power Generation] Distributed photovoltaic power generation refers to photovoltaic power generation facilities that are developed on the load side, connected to the distribution grid, and in principle regulated in the balance of the distribution grid system.

Article 3 [distributed photovoltaic power generation investment subject] to encourage compliance with legal provisions of various types of power users, investment enterprises, specialized contract energy service companies, natural persons as the main body of the investment, in accordance with laws and regulations, the development, construction and operation of distributed photovoltaic power generation projects.

Article IV [Distributed photovoltaic power generation classification] distributed photovoltaic power generation is divided into natural person household use, non-natural person household use, general industrial and commercial and large-scale industrial and commercial four types.

Distributed photovoltaic for natural persons' households means distributed photovoltaic for natural persons' use of their own dwellings invested in and constructed with a voltage level of not more than 380 volts at the public connection point;

Non-natural person household distributed PV means distributed PV that is invested and constructed by a non-natural person using a residential dwelling, with a voltage level of no more than 10 kV at the public connection point and a total installed capacity of no more than 6 MW;

General industrial and commercial distributed photovoltaic refers to distributed photovoltaic that utilizes public institutions such as party and government organs, schools, hospitals, municipalities, cultural and sports facilities, as well as industrial and commercial plants and other buildings and their ancillary premises, with the voltage level of the public connection point at 10 kV (20 kV) and below, and with a total installed capacity of no more than six megawatts (MW);

Large-scale industrial and commercial distributed photovoltaic refers to distributed photovoltaic that utilizes the construction of buildings and their ancillary premises, connects to the power user's internal grid or carries out a dedicated power supply with the user (without direct access to the public grid), with a voltage level of 35 kilovolts (kV) at the point of public connection, and a total installed capacity of no more than 20 megawatts (MW), or with a voltage level of 110 kilovolts (66 kV) at the point of public connection, and a total installed capacity of no more than 50 MW.

The buildings and their ancillary premises in the above clauses shall be located within the red line of the same site title.

Article 5 [Distributed photovoltaic power generation feed-in mode] Distributed photovoltaic feed-in mode includes full feed-in, all self-generated self-consumption, self-generated self-consumption residual power feed-in three kinds.

The electricity feed-in of full feed-in and self-generation and self-consumption residual power feed-in modes shall be fairly traded in the market in accordance with the relevant requirements. Where self-generation and self-consumption are involved, the power user and the power generation project shall be located within the red line of the same land title, or the power user and the investor of the power generation project shall be the same legal entity.

Distributed PV for households of natural persons and households of non-natural persons can choose the mode of full feed-in, all self-generation and self-consumption, or self-generation and self-consumption of surplus electricity;

General industrial and commercial distributed PV can choose all self-generation and self-consumption or self-generation and self-consumption surplus power on-line mode;

Large industrial and commercial distributed photovoltaic must choose all self-generation and self-consumption mode, the project investor should realize all self-generation and self-consumption of power generation through the configuration of anti-reverse current device.

Article 6 [business environment and basic requirements of the main body of the investment] around the optimization of the business environment, regulate the market order, shall not be set in violation of fair competition in the market conditions. Various types of investment subject to give full consideration to the carrying capacity of the grid, the ability to consume and other factors, regulate the development and construction behavior, to ensure the healthy and orderly development of distributed photovoltaic.

Article 7 [Division of Responsibilities] The National Energy Administration is responsible for the industry management of the development, construction and operation of distributed photovoltaic power generation. Provincial energy authorities shall be responsible for the management of the development, construction and operation of distributed photovoltaic power generation in their own provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government) under the guidance of the National Energy Administration. Dispatched organizations of the National Energy Administration are responsible for the supervision of the implementation of national policies, fair connection to the grid, power consumption, market trading and settlement of distributed photovoltaic power generation in the areas under their jurisdiction. Grid enterprises shall be responsible for the implementation or recognition of the conditions for grid connection of distributed PV power generation, grid access and transformation and upgrading, optimization of scheduling capacity, acquisition of power, etc., and cooperate with the competent authorities in charge of energy at all levels to carry out the assessment of the carrying capacity of distributed PV power grids for accessing the power grid and the upgrading measures. The relevant parties shall do a good job in the supervision and management of the safety production of distributed PV power generation in accordance with national laws and regulations and departmental responsibilities.

Chapter II. Industry regulation

Article 8 [Management at the national level] The National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration shall prepare the national renewable energy development plan, take into account the development needs of distributed photovoltaic power generation, promote distributed photovoltaic power generation in the fields of construction, transportation, industry, etc., and realize the integration of multi-scenario development and application; and strengthen the monitoring of the whole process of distributed photovoltaic power generation development, construction and operation in cooperation with the relevant parties, regulate the order of development and construction and optimize the development of the environment. It will strengthen the monitoring of the whole process of the development, construction and operation of distributed photovoltaic power generation, regulate the order of development and construction, optimize the development environment, and improve the industry policies and standards in a timely manner according to the new development situation.

Article 9 [Provincial Planning and Development Scale] The competent provincial energy departments shall do a good job in linking the new energy development of the province (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government) with the national energy, electric power and renewable energy development planning, and coordinate and balance the development needs of centralized PV power plants and distributed PV power generation, and guide the competent energy departments at all levels to take into account the situation of electric power supply and demand, the conditions of consumption of the system, and the load-bearing capacity of grid access to put forward the construction scale of distributed PV power generation in the region and adjust it dynamically according to the actual situation. It will guide energy authorities at all levels to take into account the situation of power supply and demand, system consumption conditions, grid access carrying capacity, etc., to propose the scale of construction of distributed PV power generation in the region and adjust it dynamically in accordance with the actual situation, guide the rational layout, and guide the grid enterprises to do a good job of supporting the transformation and upgrading and investment plan.

Article 10 [local specific implementation] county-level energy authorities shall, in conjunction with relevant departments, actively promote the development and utilization of distributed photovoltaic within the jurisdiction. Distributed photovoltaic development should respect the will of the building owner, all localities shall not control the rooftop and other distributed photovoltaic development resources in the form of franchise operation, and shall not restrict the participation of all types of qualified investment subjects in distributed photovoltaic power generation development and construction on an equal footing. The use of agricultural residential construction, should obtain the consent of farmers, effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of farmers, shall not be contrary to the wishes of farmers, forced to lease the use of agricultural residential.

Chapter III. Records management

Article XI [record management] distributed photovoltaic power generation projects for the record management. Provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government) shall clarify the distributed photovoltaic record organ and its authority, etc., and publicize it to the society.

Filing authorities should follow the principle of convenience and efficiency, improve efficiency and provide quality services. Filing authorities should be combined with the actual situation, develop and public distributed photovoltaic power generation project filing service guide, set out the project filing information required content, processing procedures, etc., to improve transparency, for the main body of the investment to provide guidance and services.

The filing authority and its staff shall file the project in accordance with the law, shall not increase the filing document requirements without authorization, and shall not exceed the processing time limit. Except as expressly provided by laws and regulations, enterprises shall not be required to register in a certain place, shall not set up obstacles for enterprises to operate or relocate across regions, and shall not set up or disguise barriers to access in the form of filing, certification, or requirements for the establishment of branch offices.

Article XII [for the record subject] distributed photovoltaic power generation projects should be in accordance with the "who invests, who files" principle of determining the record subject.

Distributed photovoltaic power generation projects for households of natural persons can be filed by the centralized agent of the grid enterprise, or by the natural persons themselves;

Non-natural person household, general industrial and commercial, large-scale industrial and commercial distributed photovoltaic power generation projects by the main body of the investment for the record;

Non-natural person investment in the development and construction of distributed photovoltaic power generation project shall not be filed in the name of a natural person, before the issuance of these measures have been filed by a natural person, may not be filed subject to change, but the investment subject should take the initiative to the filing authority and the power grid enterprises to inform the relevant information, clearly bear the subject of the operation and maintenance of the project and the corresponding legal responsibility.

General industrial and commercial distributed photovoltaic power generation project investment body to use non-owned premises to build distributed photovoltaic power generation, should still be distributed photovoltaic power generation project investment body for the record, the Internet access mode can be used in all self-generated self-consumption or self-generated self-consumption residual power Internet access.

Article 13 [Filing Information] The filing information of distributed photovoltaic power generation projects shall include the project name, investment subject, construction location, project type, construction scale, and feed-in mode. The capacity of the distributed photovoltaic power generation project shall be the capacity of the AC side (i.e. the sum of the rated output power of the inverter). The investment subject is responsible for the authenticity, legality and completeness of the information submitted for filing. For those who provide false information, the relevant procedures will not be handled, and the local energy authorities may impose penalties in accordance with the relevant provisions.

Article 14 [Combined filing] For distributed photovoltaic for household use by non-natural persons, combined filing and separate access to the grid are allowed. The combined filing shall meet the following conditions: the same investment subject, the same filing authority, and the construction site, scale and content of the individual projects are clear. The rest of the situation shall not be distributed photovoltaic power generation projects combined filing.

Distributed photovoltaic power generation projects within the red line of the same land property right, constructed through phased construction, separate development by different investment entities and other forms of construction, shall not add new connection points with the public power grid.

Article XV [filing changes] distributed photovoltaic power generation project investment subject shall be in accordance with the filing information for construction, shall not change the important matters of the project filing information. After the project is filed, the project construction site changes, distributed photovoltaic power generation project investment subject should be re-filed; project legal person, project construction scale and content of major changes, or give up the project construction, distributed photovoltaic power generation project investment subject shall promptly inform the filing authority and modify the relevant information or withdraw the filing.

In addition to large-scale industrial and commercial distributed photovoltaic, the main body of the project investment can be based on the power user load, their own business conditions, etc., in accordance with the provisions of Article V to change the mode of access to the Internet once, and at the same time for the record to change and inform the record-keeping authority, the power grid enterprises to assist in making the adjustment to the grid, the main body of the project investment and the power grid enterprises should be re-entered into the grid connection agreement and the contract on the purchase and sale of electricity.

The local energy authorities may, according to the normal construction cycle of different types of distributed photovoltaic power generation, organize verification as necessary and timely abolish projects that do not have construction conditions.

Article 16 [file card] provincial energy authorities in accordance with the National Energy Board on renewable energy projects file card work requirements, relying on the national renewable energy power generation project information management platform, the organization of distributed photovoltaic power generation project file card work. Distributed photovoltaic power generation projects should be completed within one month of the completion of grid connection, to complete the filing card filling work.

Natural person household distributed PV power generation project in principle by the grid enterprise is responsible for filling in and submitting relevant information;

Non-natural person household, general industrial and commercial, large-scale industrial and commercial distributed photovoltaic power generation projects should be filled in by the main body of the project investment, the grid enterprise to submit relevant information.

The establishment number of each distributed PV power generation project is automatically generated by the system as a unique identification code for the whole life cycle of the project.

Chapter IV. Construction management

Article XVII [preliminary preparation] distributed photovoltaic power generation project investment main body should do a good job of site selection, and timely submission to the grid grid opinion letter, grid application, to obtain the grid enterprise grid opinion before starting construction. The construction site must be legally compliant, complete formalities and clear property rights.

Article 18 [agreement signed] distributed photovoltaic power generation project investment body to use non-owned premises to build distributed photovoltaic power generation, should be signed with the owner of the construction site to use or lease agreement, depending on the mode of operation and is located in the construction of the premises of the power user signed a contract energy management services agreement. For non-natural person household distributed photovoltaic, distributed photovoltaic power generation project investment main body and natural person signed contract and agreement should be responsibility, right, benefit reciprocity, shall not transfer unreasonable responsibilities and obligations, shall not use deception, inducement and other ways to infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of natural persons. The National Energy Administration has organized the development of a standard contract text for distributed photovoltaic for household use by non-natural persons to regulate development and construction practices.

Article 19 [Technical Requirements] Distributed photovoltaic power generation projects shall comply with territorial spatial planning, and reasonably arrange the orientation, inclination and height of photovoltaic modules. Where buildings and their ancillary premises are utilized for construction, they shall meet the requirements of structural safety, fire protection, waterproofing, windproofing, ice and snow protection, lightning protection, and other relevant requirements of the buildings, and reserve space for operation and maintenance. Encourage distributed photovoltaic power generation project investors to adopt the construction mode of building photovoltaic integration.

Article 20 [Handling of Procedures] Distributed photovoltaic power generation projects using new buildings and their ancillary sites, it is appropriate to take into account the needs of installation in the planning and design of buildings, construction and other phases of the construction, and apply for planning permits and other formalities; the use of existing buildings and their ancillary sites, according to the principle of simplicity and high efficiency, and in line with the requirements of the construction of the conditions of exemption from the land use of pre-screening and planning, site selection, planning permission, energy-saving evaluation The use of existing buildings and their ancillary premises can be exempted from land use pre-trial and planning site selection, planning authorization, energy-saving assessment and other procedures in accordance with the principle of simplicity and efficiency and in compliance with construction requirements.

Article 21 [Design and Construction] The main body engaged in the design, construction, installation and commissioning of distributed photovoltaic power generation projects shall meet the corresponding qualification requirements. The construction of distributed photovoltaic power generation projects shall strictly implement the relevant management regulations and standards and norms for equipment, construction works, safety production, etc., to ensure the quality and safety of project construction.

Chapter V. Grid access

Article 22 [Basic Requirements] Grid enterprises should develop differentiated access to the grid for different types of distributed photovoltaic power generation projects, reasonably optimize or simplify the workflow, timely release of information on the open capacity, technical standards and specifications, new energy utilization, etc., to provide "one-stop" services, and to implement the access service responsibility, to enhance the level of access services. Enhance the level of access services. Grid enterprises shall publicize and update the typical design scheme of distributed photovoltaic power generation access system in a timely manner.

Article 23 [Access to grid carrying capacity and enhancement measures assessment] The provincial energy authorities shall organize quarterly energy authorities at all levels, grid enterprises and other relevant units in accordance with the relevant standards and norms to carry out distributed photovoltaic power generation access to grid carrying capacity and enhancement measures assessment, based on the size of distributed photovoltaic power system load level, flexible regulation capacity, power equipment capacity and other factors to establish the distribution grid can be open capacity Quarterly release and early warning mechanism to guide the scientific and rational layout of distributed PV power generation.

For the record, with the construction conditions, submit grid application distributed PV power generation scale more than the open capacity, the provincial energy department shall organize the grid enterprises and relevant parties to analyze the reasons, by increasing the grid upgrading and reconstruction efforts, the configuration of the flexible adjustment capacity and other measures to effectively enhance the grid carrying capacity.

Article 24 [Prohibited Acts] Grid enterprises shall provide grid access services to distributed photovoltaic power generation project investment subjects in a fair and non-discriminatory manner, and shall not engage in the following behaviors: (a) refusing, without justifiable reasons, to access applications made by the main body of the project investment, or delayed access to the system; (b) refusing to provide the main body of the project investment access to the grid must be known to the access position of the distribution network, the available capacity, the actual capacity of the use of the power, outlet mode, number of available intervals and other necessary information; (iii) for power generation facilities constructed in compliance with national requirements, in addition to the necessary technical requirements to ensure the safe operation of the grid and equipment, access to the applicable technical requirements higher than the national and industry technical standards and norms; (iv) irregularly charging unreasonable service fees; and (v) other violations of fair and open access to the power grid.

Article 25 [grid application] to the power grid enterprises to apply for access to the grid of distributed photovoltaic power generation projects should meet the relevant planning and distributed photovoltaic scale management in the region, in accordance with the relevant requirements to the power grid enterprises to submit a letter of intent to the grid, proof of the qualification of the main body of the project investment, the power generation address ownership of the certificate and other relevant materials.

Distributed photovoltaic power generation projects for natural person households provide project filing information; other types of distributed photovoltaic power generation projects in addition to providing project filing information, should also provide grid-connected related technical parameters, including photovoltaic modules and inverters of the test test report, as well as the progress of the project pre-project work and other information.

Article 26 [Grid application acceptance and response] After receiving the distributed photovoltaic power generation project and the letter of intent, the grid enterprise shall give a written reply within 2 working days. Distributed photovoltaic power generation project and the content of the letter of intent to meet the relevant requirements of completeness and standardization, the grid enterprise shall issue a notice of acceptance; does not meet the relevant requirements, the grid enterprise shall issue a written certificate of inadmissibility, and inform the reasons; the need to supplement the relevant materials, the grid enterprise shall be a one-time written notice. If no reply is made after the deadline, the grid enterprise shall be deemed to have accepted the project from the date of receipt of the letter of intent to connect to the grid.

Grid enterprises to issue grid opinions should be distributed photovoltaic access grid carrying capacity and enhancement measures to assess the results as the basis, when the open capacity is insufficient, the grid enterprise should inform the project investment subject and in accordance with the order of the application for access to the grid to do a good job of registering the conditions in a timely manner for the relevant procedures.

Article 27 [access system design] distributed photovoltaic power generation project investors should meet the safe operation of the grid under the premise of integrated consideration of the construction conditions, grid access points and other factors, combined with the actual and reasonable choice of access system design program.

Distributed photovoltaic power generation projects for households of natural persons shall be provided with access system related programs by grid enterprises free of charge, and other types of distributed photovoltaic power generation projects shall carry out access system design work, and distributed photovoltaic power generation projects for households of non-natural persons shall be encouraged to access the grid in a centralized convergence manner. Grid enterprises should be in accordance with relevant industry standards, according to the access system design requirements, timely and one-time to provide the access system design required to carry out the current status of the power grid, power grid planning, access conditions and other basic information. If it is indeed impossible to provide timely, the power grid enterprise shall inform the project investment subject in writing and explain the reasons. All parties shall standardize the provision and use of relevant information in accordance with national requirements on information security and confidentiality.

Article 28 [Access System Acceptance and Response] After the completion of the access system design work, the distributed photovoltaic power generation project investor shall submit the access system design program report to the grid enterprise. After receiving the access system design program report, the grid enterprise shall give a written reply within 2 working days. Access system design program report content integrity and standardization in line with the relevant requirements, the grid enterprise shall issue a notice of acceptance; does not meet the relevant requirements, the grid enterprise issued a written certificate of inadmissibility, and inform the reasons; need to supplement the relevant materials, the grid enterprise shall be informed in writing at once. If no reply is made after the deadline, the access system design program report shall be deemed to have been accepted since the date of receipt by the grid enterprise.

After accepting the report on the access system design plan, the grid enterprise shall, according to national and industry technical standards and norms, promptly organize a study on the access system design plan together with the project investor and issue a written reply to the project investor.

If the voltage level of the connected system is 110 kV (66 kV), the grid enterprise shall issue a written reply within 20 working days;

Where the voltage level of the connected system is 35 kV or below, the grid enterprise shall issue a reply within 10 working days.

Article 29 [investment interface] grid enterprises, distributed photovoltaic power generation project investment should be based on the property rights division point to determine the access system engineering (including convergence station, boosting station, the same hereinafter) of the investment interface division, according to the property rights relationship, respectively, to strengthen the public grid, the user of the internal grid investment construction and transformation and upgrade, to ensure that the newly built distributed photovoltaic power generation project to achieve "can be seen, Measurable, adjustable, controllable", to enhance the distributed PV power generation access grid carrying capacity and regulation ability. Grid enterprises shall measure all power generation and feed-in power of distributed PV power generation projects, and provide and install metering meters free of charge.

Distributed photovoltaic power generation project investor using centralized convergence mode to achieve access to the grid, the grid enterprise is responsible for providing distributed photovoltaic power generation project and the public grid connection point, the relevant convergence facilities, grid connection facilities in principle by the power generation project investor to invest in the construction and operation and maintenance.

Article 30 [Agreement Signing] full Internet access, self-generation and self-consumption of surplus power on the Internet distributed photovoltaic power generation project investment should be in the grid before the commissioning of the power purchase and sale of electricity contract with the grid enterprise, all types of distributed photovoltaic projects should also be in the grid before the commissioning of the grid with the grid enterprise to sign the "Grid Scheduling Agreement", the contract with reference to the "new energy station grid scheduling agreement model text" "model text of the contract of the purchase and sale of electricity", the two sides after the consensus The content of the relevant clauses can be simplified after consensus between the two parties. According to the relevant regulations, distributed photovoltaic is exempted from power business license.

Article 31 [grid commissioning] distributed photovoltaic power generation projects should be scientifically and reasonably determine the capacity ratio, AC side capacity shall not be greater than the filed capacity. Grid-related equipment must comply with national and industry-related technical standards and specifications for grid-related requirements, through the state-recognized testing and certification bodies testing and certification, after testing and certification, the grid enterprise shall not require repeated testing non-essential. Distributed photovoltaic power generation project is completed, the grid enterprise should be in accordance with the relevant standards to carry out the grid characteristics test, after passing the test to be connected to the grid and put into operation.

Chapter VI. Operational management

Article 32 [safety production] distributed photovoltaic power generation project investment subject is the main body of the project's safety production responsibility, must implement the national and industry safety production management regulations, according to law to strengthen the project construction and operation of the whole process of safety production management. Distributed photovoltaic power generation safety production supervision responsibilities of the relevant parties should establish a coordinated mechanism, in accordance with the rules and regulations in accordance with the division of labor to strengthen supervision.

Article 33 [scheduling and operation] Grid enterprises shall strengthen the active distribution network (active distribution network) planning, design, operation method research, clear "observable, measurable, adjustable, controllable" technical requirements, the establishment of corresponding scheduling and operation mechanism, rational arrangement and active optimization of the grid operation mode.

For the stock of non-natural person household, general industrial and commercial, large-scale industrial and commercial distributed photovoltaic power generation projects with conditions, grid enterprises, distributed photovoltaic power generation project investment main body should be based on the property rights demarcation point, increase the investment and construction transformation efforts, enhance the informationization, digitization, intelligent level, in order to realize the "can be viewed, can be measured, can be adjusted, can be controlled To realize "observable, measurable, adjustable and controllable", to guarantee the efficient and reliable utilization of distributed photovoltaic power generation and the safe and stable operation of the power system.

Article 34 [Special Scenarios] Non-natural person household, general industrial and commercial, large-scale industrial and commercial distributed photovoltaic power generation can be independently or through the micro-grid, source network load storage integration, virtual power plant aggregation and other forms of participation in the scheduling, grid enterprises for scheduling should be fair, just and open, to ensure the safe and stable operation of the power grid. Grid enterprises in the scheduling operation, carry out carrying capacity analysis should give full consideration to holidays and other power system load lower special time, in order to meet the power system and the premise of safe operation of the equipment, allowing access to distributed PV power generation distribution grid to the transmission grid counter transmission of electricity.

Article 35 [Operation and Maintenance Management] After the commissioning of distributed photovoltaic power generation projects, the main body of the distributed photovoltaic power generation project investment may itself or entrust a third party such as specialized operation and maintenance companies as the responsible unit for operation and maintenance management. Distributed photovoltaic power generation project investment main body, the relevant equipment manufacturing suppliers, operation and maintenance management responsible unit shall strictly implement the scheduling and operation, network security and data security and other relevant management regulations, strengthen the management of grid-related equipment, with the grid enterprise to do a good job of grid scheduling and operation management, shall not be unauthorized shutdown or adjustment of grid-related parameters.

Article 36 [Distributed photovoltaic participation in the electricity market] Distributed photovoltaic power generation projects to participate in the electricity market in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State. The state establishes and improves the institutional mechanism to support the sustainable development of new energy sources, and each region formulates corresponding supporting policies in conjunction with the development of distributed photovoltaic power generation and the progress of the construction of the electricity market. Distributed photovoltaic power generation projects can participate in power market transactions independently or through microgrids, source network, load and storage integration, virtual power plant aggregation and other ways of fair participation in electric energy, auxiliary services and other types of power market transactions.

Where a distributed PV power generation project carries out dedicated power supply with users, the power generation and power consumption parties shall bear governmental funds and surcharges, system standby fees, policy cross-subsidies, etc., and bear corresponding responsibilities and obligations fairly in accordance with relevant regulations.

Distributed photovoltaic power generation for household use by natural persons is exempted from governmental funds and surcharges, and system standby capacity fees. For distributed PV power generation self-generated and self-consumed electricity exempted from renewable energy tariff surcharges and other governmental funds and surcharges levied on electricity.

The distributed photovoltaic power generation project of the archived card is issued a green certificate according to all the power generation, of which the on-grid power is issued a tradable green certificate, and the main body of the project investment can independently participate in the green certificate transaction according to the relevant management regulations of the green certificate after holding the green certificate.

Article 37 [Information Management] The National Energy Administration relies on the national renewable energy power generation project information management platform and the national new energy power consumption monitoring and early warning platform to carry out distributed photovoltaic power generation project information monitoring. The local energy authorities shall supervise the distributed PV power generation project investment main body, power grid enterprises in accordance with the relevant requirements, in a timely manner in the national renewable energy power generation project information management platform and the national new energy power consumption monitoring and early warning platform to report the relevant information, fill in, update the project file card content.

Article 38 [Consumption Monitoring] The competent provincial energy department shall organize and guide the grid enterprises to take the county-level administrative area as a unit, and announce the distributed PV power generation grid and consumption situation on a quarterly basis, and do a good job of predicting and analyzing the situation, and guide the rational investment and orderly construction. For distributed photovoltaic power generation project investment main body and other relevant aspects of the problems reflected, the local energy department in charge shall coordinate, supervise and correct in a timely manner in conjunction with the grid enterprise and other relevant units.

Article 39 [Retrofitting and Upgrading] Distributed photovoltaic power generation projects are encouraged to carry out retrofitting and upgrading work, and to apply advanced, high-efficiency and safe technologies and equipment. The dismantling, equipment recovery and reuse of distributed photovoltaic power generation projects shall comply with the requirements of national laws and regulations and policies relating to resource recycling and utilization, ecological environment, safe production, etc., and shall not result in environmental pollution and damage or safety accidents, and distributed power generation projects are encouraged to invest in the main body of the project in order to create convenient conditions for the recovery and reuse of equipment.

Article 40 [local development of management measures] provincial energy authorities may, in accordance with these measures, in conjunction with the National Energy Administration sent agencies to develop the actual implementation of the rules adapted to the province (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government).

Chapter VII. Bylaws

Article 41 [Off-grid distributed photovoltaic] Local energy authorities may, in light of the actual situation, refer to these measures to carry out off-grid distributed photovoltaic record management and other work.

Article 42 [Interpretation Organization] These measures shall be interpreted by the National Energy Administration.

Article 43 [Validity] These Measures shall come into force on the date of publication and shall be valid for five years. Interim Measures for the Management of Distributed Photovoltaic Power Generation Programs (Guo Neng Xin Neng 〔2013〕 No. 433) shall be repealed at the same time.

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