Solar power installed capacity exceeded 600 million kilowatts, and the share of coal power installed capacity fell below 40% for the first time.

China Electricity Council 30 released the "2023-2024 annual national power supply and demand situation analysis and forecast report" (hereinafter referred to as "the report") shows that: as of the end of 2023, the national full-caliber installed capacity of 2.92 billion kilowatts of power generation, an increase of 13.9%. per capita installed capacity of power generation since the end of 2014 broke through the 1 kilowatts per person in 2023 for the first time after exceeding 2 kW/person. The installed capacity of coal power decreased to 39.9%, falling below 40% for the first time. The share of coal power installed capacity falls below 50% for the first time at the end of 2020.

  In 2023, the trend of green low-carbon transformation of the power industry continued to promote the development of new energy to achieve the "triple jump". First look at the installed capacity, the national grid-connected wind power and solar power installed capacity from the end of 2022, 760 million kilowatts, consecutively exceeded 800 million kilowatts, 900 million kilowatts, 1 billion kilowatts mark at the end of 2023 to reach 1.05 billion kilowatts, accounting for the proportion of the total installed capacity of 36%, an increase of 6.4 percentage points. Among them, the installed size of grid-connected solar power generation increased from 390 million kilowatts at the end of 2022 to 610 million kilowatts at the end of 2023.

  Then look at the investment, in 2023, the key investigation enterprise power supply completed investment year-on-year growth of 30.1%, of which the investment in non-fossil energy power generation year-on-year growth of 31.5%, accounting for the proportion of power supply investment amounted to 89.2%. solar power generation, wind power, nuclear power, thermal power, hydroelectric power investment year-on-year growth of 38.7%, 27.5% respectively, 20.8%, 15% and 13.7%.

  However, from the point of view of power generation, in 2023, coal power generation accounted for nearly 60% of the total power generation, coal power is still the main power source of China's current power supply, effectively making up for the decline in hydropower output in that year. 2023, the lack of storage in major reservoirs at the beginning of the year as well as the persistence of low precipitation in the first half of the year resulted in the first half of the year, hydropower generation from power plants of scale and above decreased by 22.91 TP3T year-on-year.

  The Report predicts that in 2024, the cumulative installed capacity of new energy power generation will exceed that of coal power generation for the first time, and the proportion of total installed capacity will rise to about 40%. With the large-scale new energy power generation installations continue to access the grid, some areas of new energy consumption pressure is highlighted. China Electricity Council suggests that the strengthening of wind power, solar and other new energy development planning, accelerate the promotion of cross-area and cross-provincial ultra-high voltage channel construction, continue to strengthen the system peak capacity building.

Source: People's Daily

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